Her Big Bad Mistake

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Her Big Bad Mistake Page 2

by Hazel Gower

  Damon wasn’t going to miss her joy for the world. “Lead the way. I’d like to meet these princesses, too.”

  He grinned as Becky rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, I just bet you’re busting to meet Cinderella. I can tell you’re a real Disney Princess fan.”

  Becky walked off, not even waiting for him, and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face as he followed. He felt happy and light for the first time in years.


  After Becky and Damon had found her princesses, they met up with Jacob and Caleb. She was surprised when no one said anything about her arriving with Damon.

  Damon changed as soon as he was with his friends. He stayed far away from her and his brooding manner came back into full swing. Jacob took over entertaining her, not that she needed it.

  As they reached closer to dinnertime they stared walking toward somewhere they could get food when Becky saw a little boy standing in the middle of the walkway crying. Looking around for his parents, she slowly walked up to him. “Hello, buddy. Do you need help to find your parents?”

  The little boy sobbed and nodded. “Yes. I can’t find my mommy.”

  Becky turned to Jacob, Caleb, and Damon. “Could one of you please go find a Disney employee? I’ll stay here with him.” Caleb and Jacob both walked off. “How long have you been here? A long time or not very long?”

  “A longest times. I was holding Mommy’s hand and someone bumped me.”

  Becky frowned as she noticed no one else stopped to help the child. “I’m sure your mum is really worried about you. My name is Becky. I’ll stay with you until we find your mummy.”

  “Fank you. I’m Gavin. No one would helps me.”

  Moving to the curb, she sat, not caring that her clothes would get dirty. “I’m helping, you know. How old are you? I’m twenty -four.”

  Gavin sat next to her. “I’m four.”

  “Wow, you’re a big boy.”

  Gavin’s eyes brightened. “That’s what my mommy says.”

  “I bet she does.” Becky smiled at the boy, happy he was calming.

  Damon sighed and sat next to her. “You’re really good with him. He’s stopped crying,” Damon whispered in her ear.

  Becky shrugged. “He is scared. I’m just surprised no one else helped him.” Her gaze got caught in Damon’s and Becky closed her eyes and turned her head away before her body burned too hot at his proximity. She turned to Gavin and talked some more to him, ignoring the man she could feel staring a hole into her.

  “I found this guy. He said there is a meeting area for lost children.” Jacob’s voice had her snapping her gaze up to him. A man stood dressed in Disney employee clothes and holding a phone to his ear as he looked at Gavin smiled, and nodded at her.

  Becky stood and brushed herself off, then held her hand out to Gavin. “Did you hear that, Gavin? There is a place we can go that will help you.”

  Gavin held her out reached hand and got up. “Let’s go. I want my mommy.”

  “Miss, I can take the child if you’d like to continue on and enjoy the last couple of hours of the park,” the employee Jacob had brought said.

  “No, she cants go.” Gavin squeezed her hand.

  “I’ll follow you. I’d rather know Gavin got home to his mother.”

  The man nodded. “That’s fine. Come this way.”

  “If you guys want to keep going on you can. I’m fine by myself. I can catch up with you later?” Becky smiled and her heart filled with love when Jacob, Caleb, and Damon waved her off.

  “No way, we’re coming with you.” Jacob held her other hand and she caught Damon’s gaze to see him incline his head and follow.


  Damon sat with a beer in hand as he listened to Jacob talk about Becky.

  “I can’t believe she spent the rest of her night with the little boy. The mother was so grateful and Becky even calmed her down. I’ll admit I was ready to run when the woman came in and rushed to Gavin in tears. Becky took it all in stride. She calmed the woman and even the boy who got worked up again. Becky’s special. I’m going to see where this could go, me and her. She’s a keeper.”

  Damon’s grip on the bottle tightened as he listened to Jacob until he thought he’d smash the bottle. He put the bottle on the table and got up. He couldn’t have Becky. Jacob was interested in her, had been from the start. Fuck, what had he been thinking? “I’m going to get laid. All this talk is boring me.”

  Both Caleb and Jacob stood. “We’ll come with you and keep you out of trouble.” Damon knew Caleb meant well, but Damon didn’t want a fucking babysitter right now.

  “No, stay. I’ll be on my best behavior. I’ll find the first woman willing to fuck. No fights.” He didn’t wait for them, Damon just walked out of the lounge area and to the front to wait for a taxi to take him straight to a night club.

  He knew what to say and what to do. He’d been doing this for years. He loved playing hockey but the fame had sucked any part of Damon that once cared what people thought of him. He didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about him. He was known for his ravenous appetite for sex. If women were willing to throw themselves at him he would take it.

  He walked into a bar and ordered a Scotch. Within minutes a busty blonde came over and basically climbed over him. “I know who you are. I knew as soon as you walked in who you were, Damon Chet.”

  The woman’s fake breasts spilled out of her tight clothes. Her smile was coy and her eyes flashed with desire. For the first time in his life his cock didn’t respond. All Damon could think of was Becky’s sweet smiles and her all-natural body. His dick grew and he stood up, not caring the woman almost fell off him. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”


  The woman took his hand and followed him up to his room. He was going to fuck Becky out of his system even if he had to fuck every woman that came onto him. Damon was too jaded to settle down with a good woman like Becky anyway. He’d leave her for Jacob.

  Becky wasn’t for him. Damon needed to keep the fuck away from her. She was the type of woman who’d want to work, a house with a white picket fence, a dog and children. Damon wasn’t father material. He hadn’t had a good example to go by. Damon didn’t want another kid brought into the world with an asshole for a father because that was what he was. Damon knew this as he threw his clothes off, reached over to the drawer, and grabbed some condoms. The blonde stripped seductively in front of him but he wasn’t interested. To keep his dick up he had to keep picturing Becky. Thinking of Becky, he grabbed the blonde and helped her strip.

  He used the blonde in front of him and knew if he was going to stay away from Becky, he would be using a lot more women.

  Chapter Two

  Becky shouldn’t have said yes that first day at Disney World. That day with Jacob, Caleb, and Damon had turned into two days, then three, then a week. She’d told them when she was leaving Orlando and that her next destination was Miami for five days. They went with her, seeing the famous beaches and other sights. Once there Becky listened to music all about Miami and sang the songs as she went to all the places in the lyrics—she was a dork like that. Jacob and Caleb had happily joined her, laughing at her bad singing and attitude over not caring about looking silly. They’d had a ball, going on tours and swimming, except Damon, he looked miserable.

  Becky was enjoying herself with Jacob and Caleb. They were becoming the brothers she never had. Damon, though, he was the dark horse in the group. He didn’t seem happy and sat brooding all the time. Becky felt his gaze on her all the time, as though criticizing her. She didn’t care, Damon was an arrogant arse. She’d noticed he didn’t spend his evenings with her and his friends, and when he did women hung off him in droves like he was the big celebrity he claimed to be. Damon always left with one or more women, and for some reason every time he did she felt sick to her core. Becky wanted to be the woman he was with—she hated the other women. It felt strange, because Becky had never felt that for anyone before.
  Becky rolled her eyes heavenward as she told herself that Damon wasn’t anything to her, and that she didn’t care if every time the dirty blonde fringe fell over his eyes she wanted to brush it over so she could see his dark green eyes. Or that when he took his shirt off she didn’t want to rub her hands up and down his tight, toned abs, and trace every one of his tats with her tongue. Becky groaned as her body heated at just the thought of doing all that. Crap. She needed to get some courage and sleep with him. Surely he’d be willing, since he seemed to sleep with anything in a skirt. Although she had noticed he liked skinny blondes, she wasn’t blonde and she wasn’t skinny. Becky sighed. She couldn’t go on like this if Damon wasn’t willing. She needed to find someone else to help get him out of her system.

  Becky had agreed to stay with the guys until she left Vegas to start her job. Well, she had a while before she started her job in Chicago, but she needed to find a place to live and she wanted to get settled.

  They were off to New Orleans now. Becky had always wanted to go there. She loved the idea of staying in the French Quarter, going on ghost tours, the restaurants, and the amazing jazz music. The men booked their flights but they all couldn’t get on the same flight as she’d booked her months ago. Becky had told them she was staying in the French Quarter at the Sheraton. They had her mobile number and could contact her when they were ready to join her.

  Becky was glad she had time to herself. She’d booked five nights in New Orleans, then she was moving on to Dallas before spending a full five nights in amazing Las Vegas.

  After showering, she got dressed and went down to the main desk and asked where the best jazz club was. Tonight she was going to dance. The jazz club was only a couple of streets down from her hotel. As soon as Becky walked in the atmosphere surrounded her and the music flowed through her bones.


  Damon closed his eyes and rested his head back against the hotel room wall. He was in fucking hell. No matter how many women he had sex with, he couldn’t stop his raging hard-on for Becky. When he thought he had it sedated Damon would see Becky in a bloody bikini, showing her large breasts and wide curvy body, or she’d be dressed to go out for dinner and he became rock hard. Fuck, he got a hard-on anytime he saw her—she could probably wear a paper bag and Damon wouldn’t care.

  He wished she was a money-grabbing whore or a just another woman eager to sleep with Daman Chet the hockey star, but Becky had no idea who he or his friends were, and she didn’t seem keen to find out. They had dropped hints, and last night Jacob had told her what they did was pretty big in America.

  Becky had smiled and shrugged. “I’ll have to come and watch you at some stage.”

  His agent called him, yelling about being photographed with three women hanging off him at a night club he Jacob, Caleb, and Becky had gone to. The photos had been of him fucking them in a corner while Becky laughed and danced with his friends. Jealousy was eating at him and driving him to become bolder in his needs to get her out of his system and focus on someone else. The owner of the club had loved the publicity. Damon told his agent that the owner was the one who probably leaked the photos.

  Damon opened his eyes and looked up as Jacob knocked, opened the door, and came in. “What did he say about the photos?”

  Damon shrugged. “I have to rein it all in. The NHL is trying to have a family image. They want to get the next generation hooked.”

  Jacob ran his fingers through his brown hair. “I’m sorry. This was supposed to be a guys’ trip to keep you out of trouble. Look, we’ll do our own thing from now on. I can see you have a problem with Becky. I can see her when we finish our trip.” He grinned. “You’ll never believe where she is going to live.”

  “I don’t fucking care.” He did, but Damon knew it wouldn’t be good if he knew where Becky would be living. Shit, he had it bad. He glared at Jacob. Damon didn’t want him being with her alone. Damon at least knew now that with him and Caleb, Jacob couldn’t really do anything—well, not with a sweet girl like Becky. And he was right, she was sweet. She was nice to everyone. They’d been places where she’d given up her seat to the elderly, and she was patient when children became loud or ran around while they’d toured paces. He sighed. She was a saint and nothing fazed her. “No, we will stay with Becky until she leaves us in Vegas. Just promise me you won’t pick up any more strays?”

  Jacob’s face lit up and Damon felt like a bastard for lusting after a woman his friend was so keen on. “No more strays. Look, Damon, can you be nicer to Becky? I know you don’t like her and she’s not the type of woman you hang out with, but I’m sure if you stop being an ass to her you may even enjoy yourself. Becky is great, she’s easy to talk to and it’s nice to meet someone who isn’t interested in our money or fame.”

  Yeah, it was nice to have someone who knew nothing about them. “Sure, Jacob, I’m sorry for being a douche.”

  “Nah, you had a right to be. It was supposed to be a guys’ vacation. We only have another week and a half with Becky.”

  Shit. Damon didn’t know if he could last a couple of days without doing his very best to seduce and fuck her. Every time he closed his eyes an image of her rose, and Damon was scared because he didn’t know if, once he had sex with her, he’d give her up.

  He got off the bed, grabbed his wallet, and strolled by Jacob. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Call if you need us.”

  Damon nodded and headed out of his room and down to the lobby. He, Jacob, and Caleb had booked the Presidential Suite. Strolling down the sidewalk, he went to the best jazz club he knew. He needed a beer and wanted to sit down and relax.

  He saw her as soon as he walked into the club. Becky was dancing to the jazz beats, not caring how she looked. He loved that about her, that she was carefree and didn’t worry what others thought.

  Men hovered around her and Damon growled the closer they got. Damon told himself to stay away from her, but when Becky turned to face a dark-headed man who’d approached her with a smile Damon stood up and went to her, pushing the guy out of the way.

  “No way. I’m sick of fighting this.” He leaned down and captured her lips to his own. For a moment Becky was stiff in his arms. Deepening the kiss, she relaxed against him and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. Damon needed to have her. They needed to get out of here. He wanted to sink into her heat so bad his whole body was shaking with need. Tearing his mouth from hers, he cupped her face. “Let’s get out of here. I need you so bad.”

  Damon watched the uncertainty flash in Becky eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips over hears, trailing his fingers down her neck. “I should say no, but there is something about you, Damon Chet, that I find hard to resist.” She took his hands in her own and turned. “Let’s go.”

  His body tingled in anticipation. Becky tugged on his hand and he followed her out of the club. Damon watched her ass as she weaved them in and out of people on the busy sidewalk.

  They walked into their hotel and, as they waited for an elevator, Damon gathered Becky to him, his patience close to its end. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. You’re way too good for me. A princess, and I am the pauper.”

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on her tiptoes. “I have no idea why you think I’m too good for you. I’m just me, nothing special. And didn’t you say you do rather well with your job, and you’re far from a pauper?”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, lingering to whisper, “You are special. I’ve never met a woman like you. You don’t care about my money, do you?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her smile was bright and shone from her face.

  “No. It’s your money. Why would I care about it?”

  He ravaged her mouth, showing her that he wanted her more than anything. He craved her. The elevator dinged and he reluctantly pulled away. “Wow, I know what it is about you that I like now. You’re addictive no won—”

Becky, is everything okay? We were just going to come to your room, Becky.” Jacob’s voice from the elevator had him coming back to reality as Becky’s arm’s dropped and she stepped away from him. Grinding his teeth, Damon groaned and fought to calm his raging need and rising temper.

  “Hi, Jacob. Damon and I were just going up to m—”

  “Our room to see if you were there.” Damon didn’t want Jacob to know about him and Becky just yet—well, not that anything had really happened. He scrubbed his hand over his face. Damon knew Jacob was interested in Becky and he was being a dick stepping in on a woman a friend was interested in.

  Becky’s back stiffened and her whole demeanor changed. She shot a glare at him then turned to Jacob. “Um, yeah, we were just going to find you and Caleb. Now I think of it, though, I’m feeling off tonight. I might just spend the night in the big bath I have with a good book.” She got into the elevator Caleb and Jacob had just left and pressed the buttons.

  Damon stood with his friends staring at the elevator doors.

  “What the hell, Damon? What the fuck did you say to her?” Jacob was pissed as he snarled at him. “I’ve never seen her act like that. Becky is the happiest and easiest going person I’ve ever met. What did you do to her?” Jacob pushed his chest and Damon knew Jacob was raring for a fight.

  Damon stiffened at Jacob’s words. He’d been told that before. He changed people. His father had told him over and over that before he was born his mother had been a happy and carefree type of woman. His brother was the one who made people smile in his family. All Damon ever did was disappoint and bring people down. Shaking his head as memories he’d buried long ago resurfaced, he grunted, “I didn’t say a fucking thing, Jacob.” He pushed his friends aside and stormed off. Damon wasn’t in the mood to argue with Jacob and he didn’t want to fight his friend. He’d just let Becky go and thought of things that he’d rather left forgotten.


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