Her Big Bad Mistake

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Her Big Bad Mistake Page 3

by Hazel Gower


  They all got a flight together for Vegas. Becky was bouncing in her seat, she was so excited. She was staying at Caesars Palace. The guys were staying at The Palazzo. Becky was glad they weren’t staying at the same hotel, she needed space. She also hoped that with the space she started to give herself from the guys, the easier it would be to separate when she had to leave. As much as they annoyed her lately with their overprotecting her and blocking any action she hoped to get, Becky had grown to love them. They each had appealing qualities—even Damon, who frustrated her with unfulfilled desire.

  Damon hadn’t come near her again, and he also hadn’t been with other women, not that Becky saw. He spent the rest of New Orleans and Dallas brooding. He and Jacob ignored each other and Becky was starting to get angry. This was her holiday and they were ruining her fun. Tonight she was going to talk to them. She didn’t have much left on her holiday and she wasn’t going to spend it being uncomfortable. She was going to leave and not see them again if something didn’t change.

  Becky called the boys to meet her for dinner. As she sat waiting she winked at a table filled with young hot men. Becky was eager to satisfy her needs. Willy, her vibrator, hadn’t satisfied her since Damon got her worked up in New Orleans. Jacob and Caleb blocked any action she tried to get, but this week before she went home she was getting laid.

  One of the guys stood and strolled over to her. He was cute with dark short hair and not too tall, with an okay body from what she could see of it in his fitted suit. “You’re not eating alone, are you? That’s a shame for a pretty lady like you.”

  “Would you sit with me if I was?” Becky grinned as he puffed up his chest and nodded.

  “Sure, we can’t have a pretty lady like you eating alone. My name is Jeff Browning.” He sat in the seat across from her and held his hand out.

  “Hi, Jeff, I’m—”

  “Not interested. Fuck off.” Becky’s gaze shot up as Damon stood behind her, glaring at Jeff. She glanced around and frowned when she couldn’t see Caleb and Jacob anywhere.

  Jeff got up and stared at Damon like a little boy who’d just found his favorite toy. “Oh my God, man. You’re Damon Chet.”

  Becky sighed. This had happened a couple of times, but usually when Caleb and Jacob were with them. “Where are Caleb and Jacob?” she asked.

  “No way. Are Caleb Blackbe and Jacob Stevens with you?” Jeff looked around the restaurant.

  Becky’s heartbeat picked up as she felt Damon’s fingers trail over her exposed shoulder and hooked a lock of her hair around his finger. “They will be here a little later. If you let us eat we’ll sign whatever the fuck you want. Just leave my girlfriend alone.” Becky stiffened in her chair and she took a deep breath and held it in.

  “Sure, man, but she came onto me, though.”

  Becky let her breath out and snorted a laugh.

  “We had a little fight before she came here. I’m sure she was trying to get a rise out of me.” Damon pulled the chair out beside her and sat. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to have dinner. I’ll sign your things when I’m done.”

  Jeff nodded and practically ran back to his friends. Becky turned to glare at Damon—she’d had it. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I told you guys to meet me here tonight because you’re driving me nuts. Since New Orleans you’re always brooding, and something is up with you and Jacob. And why the hell did you tell him I was your girlfriend? You are blocking any chances I have of getting laid. It’s okay for you to fuck anything with a vagina, but me, I’m getting cock-blocked at every turn. Willy isn’t cutting it anymore and I’m not getting off. I need more.” Becky knew she was rambling but she couldn’t stop. “I have slept with one man—well, more like one boy in my whole life. This holiday was going to be an adventure. I was going to finally have sex with someone else, maybe a couple of someone elses.” She pointed over to the table of guys who were probably trying to listen. “I was going to see if Jeff wanted to meet up later, but you just stuffed that up for me. And where the hell are the other cock-blockers?”

  Damon leaned forward and Becky’s eyes widened at the intense look he gave her. It spoke of possession, lust, and anger. “No more, Becky. Jacob and Caleb are on the phone with their agents. They have been asked to do some social events and promo stuff while we’re here in Vegas. And before you ask, I was asked but I told them to fuck off. I’m on vacation. Secondly, Jacob and I are fine. We may not be after I do what I want to with you, but right now I don’t care what he thinks. Thirdly, I called you my girlfriend because that is what you are, or will be. Lastly, I’m glad you haven’t gotten any. I’m a selfish bastard like that—I want you all to myself. I‘ve done everything I can think of to get you off my mind and nothing works. So I’m giving in and…” Damon picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “If you’ll have me, I want you to be mine.”

  Her breathing picked up and she took deep gulps of air in as she gazed into his dark green eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Damon smiled and Becky knew then that she was a goner. She could fall in love with Damon way too easily.


  Damon wanted so badly to take Becky up to her room and fuck her, but he wanted her to know she was special, different. He wanted her to get to know him, the real him. “You don’t know how much I want to leave here right now and go up to your room and make love to you. But I want you to get to know me. I want you and me together.”

  “Really, now you want to do all this?”

  He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes behind her ear. “I haven’t been with anyone since New Orleans. I want you. I want us to spend time together while Jacob and Caleb do promo shit and work.”

  Becky closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “Okay. Let’s give it a try. We have a couple of days before I leave.”

  He wanted to ask her where she was going to be living, but first he wanted to see if they could make this work. “Let’s have dinner. The guys said they were sorry they wouldn’t make it on time. They’ll be here in about twenty, but only to come in and talk. The rest of the night they are doing promo things but they have tomorrow free. So tonight I get to have you all to myself once they leave.”

  “Okay. I’m starving. Do you need to see the menu?”

  “No. I’ve eaten here before.”

  She caught the eye of their waitress and waved her over. “Hi. We’re ready to order. The other two people in our party will only be joining us for dessert.” The waitress nodded and pulled out a pad and pencil. Becky ordered then he did, and when the waitress left Becky turned to him. “I’d like to know if this life doesn’t make you happy. Why don’t you stop, change professions?”

  Damon was shocked that she’d ask him that. “Why do you think I’m not happy?”

  “All you’ve done since I have met you is brood. At first I just thought you were angry at something, but the more time I spent the more I noticed it’s not so much that you’re angry, it’s that you brood. You don’t seem happy with your lot in life.”

  “Why are you still with me if you think I’m depressing?” He was shocked Becky thought this of him and wondered why she’d agree to be with him.

  “I never said depressing. And I don’t know what it is about you, Damon, but I’m drawn to you. You may be brooding but it works for you—well, sometimes.” She reached across and brushed his hair over to one side. “What I’m talking about is that sad look you get in your eyes when you think no one is looking, or how I noticed when men and woman throw themselves at the famous Damon Chet, the big ice hockey star, you look sad.”

  Ha! Here he thought he hid everything so well, yet a woman he’d known less than a month knew him. “I love hockey. It’s everything that goes with it to get me to where I am that I don’t like. I’ve had enough of promoting and lying. I’m sick of being lied to. Do you know the one thing I love the most about you?”

  Becky bit her bottom lip and shook her head. The action
had his gaze focusing on her mouth. He reached up and lightly traced her lips. Her teeth stopped and her tongue came out to lick her lips. He grinned when her breath hitched and her tongue touched his finger.

  He leaned in closer. “I love that you don’t care who I am. I bet you still haven’t looked me up. I love the feeling I get from just hearing about you. Do you know you never have anything negative to say about anyone? You’re always positive. Always seeing the bright side of everything. You’re sweet, and you put trust in people, believing they are good. All those things left me a long time ago.”

  “Oh, Damon, that’s not true. You haven’t lost those things. I choose to believe in the good in people because if I didn’t I’d be scared all the time. Some people just need you to believe in them. I know there is always something good in a bad situation—it may not show itself straight away but eventually it does. Sometimes it is as simple as learning from a mistake.”

  “See, positive.” He winked at her. “Do you know you’re the first woman in a long time who hasn’t thrown herself at me?”

  Becky snorted, and shit if he didn’t think that was cute. “I think you forget New Orleans.”

  “I came on to you, remember? You were dancing and I took you away.”

  Becky’s musical laughter had him sitting back in his seat feeling a lot more confident. He hadn’t known he’d been worried about how this would go until he relaxed.

  They talked while they waited for their dinner—about the weather, the flight to Vegas, and the differences in the hotels they’d chosen and who’d chosen the better one. Damon’s hand rubbed her thigh and his other brushed any bare skin accessible to him. By the time they were halfway through their meals Jacob and Caleb came and sat down at the table and she groaned because she knew she’d missed her chance of dragging Damon up to her room.

  “Sorry. We got held up longer than we thought, but we got all the promo done so we could have fun together tonight.” Jacob frowned. “I’m sorry, but we have to work tomorrow. I think that’s why they let us rush the promo we had to do tonight. Did we miss anything? Did you have to wait long? Has Damon been on his best behavior? What have you been talking about?” Jacob shot question after question at Becky and Damon glared at his friend. He was sick of no one thinking he could act appropriately. He shouldn’t be too surprised, though. Jacob and Caleb did take him on this trip to keep him out of trouble.

  Becky held her hand up to stop Jacob from continuing. “Everything is fine. Damon has been the perfect gentleman.” She smiled at him and his chest tightened as that one look alone calmed him and eased his upset.

  “Ha, now we know you’re lying, Damon a perfect gentlemen.” Caleb winked at her and she giggled.

  He looked at the table and right at that moment he felt happy. Under the table he reached for Becky’s hand and held it tight. So much for their night alone.

  Chapter Three

  Last night had been great. She told Caleb and Jacob that she didn’t mind that they worked today, as she was looking forward to doing some exploring and activities on her own. Jacob had bugged her and didn’t seem convinced at first, but by the end of this afternoon she was sure he was. Damon hadn’t been around today as she went exploring—he’d texted her, though, telling her he was getting everything ready for their date. He was taking her out tonight to dinner and a surprise. Becky was excited.

  She’d come back to the hotel in the late arvo and had a nap Becky didn’t know how long she’d be up tonight and she didn’t want to be too tired. She got out of a relaxing bath and sat by her suitcase, unsure of what to wear. Reaching for her phone, she messaged Damon. What type of clothes should I wear? Fancy or casual?

  Drying herself, she found her sexy underwear and smiled when her phone beeped. Comfy casual. Becky was curious now. What did Damon have in store?

  He picked her up at her room half an hour later. She now sat at a table at the Cheesecake Factory. “I haven’t eaten here before.”

  “You don’t know what you’re missing. The Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorite places to eat. Best burgers.”

  Becky really liked this side of Damon, the carefree happy one who took her to his favorite restaurant. “A cheesecake place has the best burgers? This is something I have to check out.” She ordered a chicken burger and laughed at all the things Damon ordered. “There is no way you can eat that much.”

  “I’m sure going to try. I’m sick of eating those small meals at the big fancy restaurants.”

  “How can you say they are small? Since I’ve arrived in America I swear I’ve gained a couple of pounds. The amount of food they put on the plates is huge.” Becky felt her cheeks heat as Damon blatantly stared at her.

  “I think you look amazing. You’re only tiny. The meals look big to you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she huffed. “Ha. You’re good for me. But I’ve seen the stick figures you’ve been going for before me.”

  Damon reached across and held her hands. “None of those women have anything on you, angel. Do you know I haven’t dated a woman and not had sex with her on the first date in over ten years? I haven’t spent as much time with a woman as I have with you and not slept with her.”

  Oh great, Becky thought as she tugged her hands out of his hold. He was playing with her. Damon wasn’t really interested in her.

  “No. I want you so badly. My God, I could take you back and fuck your brains out, but I want you to know you’re special. I can talk to you. I don’t have to take you to an expensive restaurant. I get to be myself with you.”

  Becky relaxed again. “I’m glad you feel that way with me. I want you to be happy. I want to be with you, not the man you think I want you to be.”

  Damon smiled and his eyes filled with happiness. Becky had never seen anything so sexy. He looked younger, and she knew then that she had already fallen for the man. Damon deserved to be loved.


  Becky was amazing. Several fans came up and asked for autographs—one woman had even pushed her breasts up and asked him to sign them. Becky had taken it all in stride, even happily taking the photos. They now sat arguing over him wanting to pay for their dinner. Becky was determined to add something to the meal. The old couple sitting next to them was paying when the older woman started to sob. The man was digging into his pockets and gathering change and counting on the table, and the lady was checking her bag. “Sir, Madam, do you have a credit card or a debit card I could try?” the waitress asked.

  The lady looked frantically at her husband. Becky touched Damon’s arm. “You can pay for my meal.” She got up and drew the money she’d been trying to give him and gave it the waitress. “That’s for their meal. That should cover it.”

  The lady hugged Becky and thanked her. Becky brushed it off as nothing and told them to have a great night. Becky held Damon’s hand and they left.

  That wasn’t the first time she’d done something like that. Becky was always helping other people. He remembered the other day when they grabbed some food in the supermarket. He, Jacob, and Caleb were waiting in line when Becky joined them with her own things. A woman with three kids was buying things at the front of the line. Her kids were clinging off her and she looked exhausted. When the total came the woman tried all her cards and they were all declined. All the items she was getting looked like essentials. The lady started to put items back, but Becky stopped her, smiling, and dropped her own basket next to his and paid for the woman’s groceries. The woman started crying and thanked Becky over and over. Becky just smiled, tickled one of the children, and said, “I hope I helped.”

  He loved that she was willing to help people, and that she didn’t expect praise for it. She was perfect. Damon knew he was lucky. He wasn’t going to let her get away. She would be his.

  Damon was taking Becky to an ice skating rink. He wanted to show her some of the things he loved. He pulled into the parking lot. Tonight was a disco theme.

  “Ice skating? I’ve never been. This should be fun.” Becky�
��s enthusiastic voice filled him with happiness. He’d tried to take other women skating but none had been interested. He liked that Becky was willing to try anything. She didn’t complain he hadn’t taken her to a show or a movie.

  They walked into the ice skating arena, he got the skates, and they both put them on. “Have you done any Rollerblades or skating?”

  Becky stood and they walked to the ice. “I did Rollerblades.” She looked behind him and her eyes widened. “I’ll give this a go, but to tell the truth I’m a little scared of falling on my butt and someone skating over my fingers, slicing them off.”

  “Oh, now you see a negative to something.”

  She smirked up at him. “I see negatives. I just don’t voice them. This place involves sharp skates and hard ice for me to fall on my arse.”

  Damon stepped onto the ice, chuckling. “You’ll learn quickly not to fall. I promise I won’t let anyone skate over your fingers.” He winked at her. “I’ll try my best not to let you fall on your cute butt. I can’t guarantee you won’t, though.”

  Very slowly she inched on the ice. He grinned at her and tried to get her away from holding onto the side.

  “If you help me I’ll leave the side. No laughing, though.”

  He chuckled as Becky’s eyes narrowed and her lips pursed in her stern expression. “I’ll help you, but I can’t promise not to laugh.” He held her hands as she carefully moved away. “Now it’s like Rollerblading, but move your feet out. It’s a glide.” He skated backwards, careful to avoid the other skaters.

  “How long have you been skating?” Becky asked as she started to get the hang of it.

  “My parents were figure skaters. They wanted me to get into that. I started at about four, five. When I was in middle school I realized figure skating wasn’t for me, but ice hockey was.”


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