Book Read Free

Best Laid Plans

Page 19

by Farlow, LK

  Alden and Nate are chatting about God knows what by the back door, while Jenny is—wait a minute. “Alden, where’s Jenny?”

  “She stepped outside to make a phone call.” He walks over to me and pulls me into him, nestling my head in the crook of his chin. “You okay?”

  I sigh. “Yeah. I am.” His earlier declaration whispers to me. “You really meant it when you said you loved me?”

  “With every fiber of my being.”

  I pull back and look up at him. “You’re not worried about…complications?”

  “Natalie, I. Love. You. I love our daughter. I want us to be so tangled up together that I don’t know where you end and I begin. I want all of the complications. I want you. I want this. For now, and forever.”

  I push up on to my tip-toes and kiss him, not caring one bit that my brother is still in the room. Or at least I don’t care until he groans and mutters, “I’m glad y’all are happy, but I don’t need to see this shit.”

  I pull away and smirk at him before leaning in and kissing Alden one last time. “I guess I’m going to get all of the side dishes reheated.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get the grill going again.”

  Alden heads out back and Nate follows—men and their grilling.



  We’ve just finished our late lunch turned early dinner when Tatum wiggles down from her chair and crawls up in Melanie’s lap. “Nana,” Tatum whines. “I come sleep at your house? I miss you. And Popsie too.”

  “Oh, sweet girl, I would love that. But, it’s ultimately up to your mama…and Daddy.” My heart clenches in the best way when he tacks me onto the end of her sentence.

  Tatum swivels her head around to face Natalie and me. “Pweeeeaaaasssse?” she begs, poking her lower lip out like a sad little puppy. “I’ll be extra good!”

  Natalie and I exchange a look. “Sure, Tater Tot. I think that would be great.”

  In my head, I’m thinking Yes! Maybe I’ll get a sleepover too?

  Tatum bounces around, shimmying her shoulders in her version of a happy dance.

  “Oh, but wait!” Melanie exclaims, halting my girl’s dance. “I promised to set up the church breakfast tomorrow.”

  Thankfully, Nate’s got my back. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll swing by and grab her in the morning, and we’ll go to breakfast.”

  “And da park?” Tatum asks, turning her pleading eyes on her uncle.

  His shoulders shake with silent laughter. “Yeah, kid. And the park.”

  “Yes!” Then she decides to push her luck—either that or she’s playing toddler Cupid. “Can Miss Jenny come too?”

  Jenny’s gaze shoots up to Tatum and then to Nate before she blushes and looks back down. “No can do, little one. I already have plans tomorrow.”

  Tatum pouts, but Nate quickly cheers her up. “Don’t be sad. We’ll get hot dogs too, okay?”

  “I guess,” Tatum grumbles, not completely satisfied. “Maybe cupkates too?” The kid drives a hard bargain.

  “Sure, cupcakes too.” Nate catches my eye and winks. Thank God for the funcle!

  Natalie speaks up. “I have a change of clothes in her bag, I’ll send it with you.”

  Everyone takes that as a hint to leave, and no lie, I’m totally okay with that. I’m more than ready to spend a little one-on-one time with Nat—preferably naked.

  * * *

  After everyone leaves, and the kitchen is clean, Natalie and I collapse onto the couch together in heap of tangled limbs. “Are we gonna talk about…everything?” she asks, rubbing her nose against mine.

  “We can talk about anything you want to, Small Fry.”

  “Today was just…a lot. I’m glad Dad clued us in. It makes understanding his actions so much easier.”

  I drop a kiss to her temple. “I can’t even imagine.”

  Changing gears, Natalie pushes on my shoulder until I’m flat on my back and she’s straddling me. “I know I keep asking, but…you really love me?”

  I grin at her reluctance to believe me. I guess I can see where she’s coming from though. “Yeah, I really love you. Wanna know what else I love?”

  “What?” she whispers.

  “Waking up next to you.”

  She draws her head back and sits up so that she’s looking down at me. “But…what? We’ve never—”

  I tunnel my fingers into her long locks and draw her face to mine, where I speak my next words against her lush lips. “Then let’s change that. Stay?”

  “Yes.” She nods, and I roll my hips, showing her just how much her answer pleases me. The motion also turns her yes into a long, low, “God, yes.” I fucking love how responsive she is, but I can’t help but wonder if she’s always this way or if it’s just with me.

  I try my best to banish the unwelcome thought and to simply be in the moment with her, but like a weed—it has taken root and I have to know.

  “Hey, Nat, I have a question. You may not like it.”

  She moves back to sitting and looking down at me. “What’s up?”

  “I, uh. I guess what I wanted to ask is, uh. How—how many other guys—”

  Her hysterical laughter cuts me off. “Alden Warner, are you trying to ask me my number?”

  I turn my gaze away from her, embarrassed. “Yes,” I grumble.

  She’s not having any of that though, and palms my cheek, turning it back. “Oh, Alden. It’s always been you. Sure, I’ve dated around, and I even tried to have a one-night stand once, but I chickened out. None of those men were you.”

  My heart swells with pride as the caveman inside of me stakes his claim—my dick swells, too, at the thought of being the only man to ever have been inside of her.

  “Wh-what about you?” She nibbles on her lip, and I reach up and free it.

  Damn. Should have seen that coming. “Since Mia, just you.” We both cringe at the mention of the she-witch, but then the entirety of my confession hits, and she beams the most magnificent smile I’ve ever seen.

  Natalie lunges at me, attacking me with her lips. I eagerly reciprocate, palming the round, firm globes of her ass, squeezing and guiding her movements as she rocks against my hard length.

  “Fuck, Nat, you’re so hot. I need you.”

  “Have me,” she pants out.

  “In my bed. I want you in my bed.”

  Wordlessly, she moves off of me and stands. Her eyes never leave mine as she strips off her shirt, followed quickly by her bra. She pivots and heads for the stairs, shedding the rest of her clothes along the way.

  I jump up and follow behind her. Her head start leads me to find her naked at the foot of my bed, looking like a fucking goddess meant only for me.

  I rake my gaze over, visually devouring her. She looks good enough to eat. I’m about to tell her just that when her sudden boldness vanished, self-doubt and insecurity taking its place.

  She averts her gaze and wraps her arms around her middle. I step closer and slide my hand down her jaw before tilting her head back so that our eyes are locked. “What’s wrong? Don’t hide from me.”

  “It’s…I just. All of our other times together have been in the dark, and my body…” She trails off, and I think I get where she’s going with this.

  I pull her hands away and drop to my knees. Feather soft, I trail my fingertips over the fine white lines that mar her belly. “Are these what you’re worried about?”

  She nods as a small sniffle escapes her.

  I press my lips to her stomach, kissing a path from hip to hip. “You’re so beautiful, Natalie. And your stretch marks in no way detract from that. If anything, they add to it. They’re visible proof that together, we created life, and there’s nothing sexier than that to me.”

  She smirks down at me, her confidence returning. She gestures for me to stand, and I do.

  “Thank you, Alden. So much,” she murmurs, trailing the tip of index finger across her right clavicle and then down the valley between her breasts.

  I j
ust about swallow my tongue. “Just speaking the truth.”

  She presses her lips to my neck and speaks against my skin. “You have on too many clothes.” She steps impossibly closer to me and slides her hands beneath the material of my shirt, sliding it up. I help and pull it over my head. We toss it to the floor together.


  She shakes her head. “No. Still too many.” Her hand drops to my pants, reaching down to palm my erection before unbuttoning them and dragging them down. She repeats the motion with my boxers, leaving us both gloriously naked. She appraises me like a tiger does its prey right before the kill

  But I’m ready, and when she pounces, I catch her, and she wraps her legs around me. I can feel how hot and ready she is for me, but still, I want to make her feel good.

  I secure her to me with an arm around her waist as I lower us both to the bed. I position us so that I’m on my back, and she’s straddling me. “Come up here,” I direct her, tugging on her hips.

  She quirks a brow. “Up where?”

  “Up here,” I say, lifting and pulling her to my face. The movement causes her to pitch forward, which works out just fine for me. With her on her knees and her hands braced on the headboard, I set to work making her feel good, using my tongue and fingers to draw every ounce of pleasure I can from her. All too soon, she’s a trembling mess, rocking against my chin and chanting my name.

  Right as she’s about to explode, I reposition us so that she’s on her back, and in one swift movement, I enter her right as her climax finds her. She clenches around my dick, and—no lie—I see stars. As her orgasm ebbs, I set our pace, loving her in long, slow strokes until she’s on the brink again.

  Only this time, when she crashes over, I’m right there with her.

  After we get cleaned up, I leave Natalie in bed and head downstairs to whip us up a little snack to restore the energy we burned. I return with a platter of meats and cheeses and fresh fruit along with two bottles of water.

  All too soon, eating turns to playing, and we’re both ready for round two. This time, it’s slow and sensual—we don’t fuck, we make love—murmuring sweet nothings until we’re both sated and spent.

  We continue in this holding pattern of rest and sex and touching until we’re both far too exhausted to continue. Tonight has been so damn perfect that I’m not sure which will be better, falling asleep with Natalie draped over my chest, or waking up with her—only morning will tell.

  * * *

  I wake with the sun, basking in the delicious weight of Natalie’s body wrapped around mine. I’m still not sure which is better—falling asleep with her or waking up. If pressed, I’d say it’s a tie and that both are an honor.

  Slivers of light filter in through the blinds and the way they hit her skin creates an almost angelic glow. I could lay here and stare at her forever, but the desire to make her breakfast outweighs my need to catalog her every feature.

  As quietly as possible, I disentangle our limbs and slip out of the bed. I slip on a pair of gray sweats and give her one last glance before trotting down the stairs. Hopefully this time she sleeps long enough for me to actually serve her in bed.

  I start a pot of coffee and quickly get to work whipping up some from-scratch cinnamon rolls from a chunk of dough I prepared earlier in the week. She loved them something fierce growing up—I hope that hasn’t changed.

  While they bake, I start the icing. When my timer sounds, I pull the fluffy rolls from the oven and ice them instantly. I know some people like to let them cool, but I live for the way the heat sort melts the icing, making it into more of a glaze. I lick a little off of my thumb, and instantly I’m imagining licking it from Natalie’s body—preferably her tits…or her thighs.

  With deliciously dirty thoughts swimming around in my mind, I quickly plate us up two each and pour two mugs of coffee before heading back up the stairs with a tent in my shorts and a spring in my step.

  In my room, I place the tray at the foot of the bed and walk over to her side of the bed—her side, damn, I like the sound of that—where I kneel and simply admire her for a minute. The covers are pushed down around her waist, revealing her breast and stomach to me. I study the stretch marks she was so worried about, and before I know it, I’m imagining how she’d look with her belly rounded out again. The thought is shockingly sexy, which totally catches me off guard.

  I trail the pads of my fingers over the dip in her waist—up and down, up and down—until her eyes flutter open. “Alden,” she murmurs, her voice husky with sleep.

  She stretches and sits up, propping herself against the headboard. “Something smells good.”

  I don’t even try and fight my grin. “I made us breakfast.” I move and retrieve the tray. “Cinnamon rolls and coffee.”

  Her eyes light up. “One of my favs!”

  “I know.” I pass her a plate and the mug with her coffee in it before rejoining her in the bed.

  I watch eagerly as she takes her first bite. The moan she lets out is enough to get me hard as concrete. “Oh my God. This is divine. Why is this so good?”

  “Homemade,” I offer simply.

  She nods and moans again with her next bite. “I could get used to this.”

  My stomach clenches. “I’d gladly do it daily if it kept that blissed-out look on your face.”

  She sucks the icing from her middle finger. “There’s a lot of ways you can achieve that look, Alden Warner.”

  The way she says my name—so teasingly—has me tossing my half-full plate down onto my nightstand. Like a mind reader, she does the same and simultaneously we lunge for one another.

  Our kiss is heated and sweet tasting, which begs to my earlier thought of how the icing would taste directly from her skin. Too curious to not find out, I reach over and swipe two fingers through a pool of it on her plate.

  She watches, wide-eyed, as I smear it all over her left breast. Her breath hitches when my mouth follows.

  “Oh,” she hisses as I bite down. She squirms beneath me as I soothe the sting. “Feels so good.” Her words are staccato with desire. I’m positioning myself between her legs when the sound of my phone ringing somewhere in the house stops me. “Ignore it,” she pleads, lifting her hips, begging me with her body to fill her.

  Then her phone rings.

  “Dammit, that’s Nate’s ringtone.”

  Resigned, I move off of her, and she flies out of the bed in search of her phone. She returns a few minutes later, with it pressed to her ear. “No, it’s okay. I get it.” A pause. “I promise, it’s fine. I’ll meet you at the apartment.”

  She ends the call and turns to me. “Nate got called into work.”

  “Call him back and tell him to come here.”

  “I would, but I have an online study group. We were supposed to meet on Thursday, but a few couldn’t log in then, so we pushed it.”

  “Well, why don’t I take Tatum today, and you can focus totally on that.”

  She ponders the offer for all of two seconds. “That would be amazing. Thank you, Alden.” She walks over to my side of the bed and crawls onto my lap, still magnificently naked. She kisses me long and hard but pulls away before we can get too heated.

  I groan at the loss of her heat, but she just smirks. “C’mon. We gotta get showered. And I need to let Nate know the change of plans.”

  We share a shower, and much to my disappointment, no shenanigans take place. Then again, Tatum comes first, so really, it’s okay.

  Once we’re both dry, I give Nat a pair of my sweats and a shirt to wear home. It’s a bit chillier than normal for this time of year, so I throw on a pair of jeans with long-sleeved T-shirt.

  We walk down the stairs together and kiss goodbye at the door. All in all, it’s incredibly domestic—and I really, really like it.



  I meet Nate at the diner a few blocks down from the park. He and Tatum are already inside, seated at the bar. I plop down onto the stool to the right of m
y girl. Her eyes widen at the sight of me. “Daddy! You comed for breakfast!”

  “I sure did, pretty girl. Uncle Nate has to go to work, but I wanted to make sure you still had your big day.”

  She pitches herself my way and hugs me tight. “You’re the best daddy ever.”

  My heart pinches. This kid. She is everything.

  Nate stands and hugs his niece before clapping me on the shoulder. With eyes locked on mine, he says, “I’m glad it was you.”

  His approval hits me all the way down to my marrow. My eyes glisten with emotion, and he doesn’t miss it. He chuckles and mouths the word pussy before heading out the door.

  “Whatcha gonna get?” I ask my daughter.

  “I want a big bowl of cheese grips!”

  “Cheese grits, huh? I think I want the same thing.” I place our order, and within minutes, two large bowls of steaming, cheesy goodness are placed before us. I doctor them both up with butter, salt, and pepper, and we happily devour them.

  I pay the tab and help Tatum down from her stool. “Let’s see. You wanted to go to the park today too, right?”

  She jumps up and down—which I understand is the universal toddler sign for yes! and occasionally for I have to potty!

  “Wanna walk there?”

  She nods rapidly, and hand in hand, we set off for the playground, which is luckily less than a block away. This isn’t the same one we went to last time, but Tatum looks excited all the same. At first, I keep right on her, moving from one piece of equipment to the other. Eventually, she tires of my stalking. “Daddy. I’m big. I’m”—she holds up four fingers—“three! I can pway alone.”

  “Are you sure? I’m having fun playing with you!”

  She looks over toward a group of similarly aged kids all playing together. “I’m sure.”

  I hesitate, but ultimately give in. After all, Natalie and I hung out on a bench the last time we came to the park. “All right, pretty girl. But stay where I can see you, okay?”


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