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Fight 4 Us: Legacy

Page 14

by Grenda, Brian

  “I’ll talk with him when I get back,” says Rich.

  Rich takes a step towards the auditorium exit.

  Colonel Meyers steps in front of Rich.

  TJ sees that Colonel Meyers is blocking Rich’s path out of the auditorium and walks over to Rich.

  “You’ll do it now,” says Colonel Meyers as he looks into Rich’s eyes.

  Rich glares at Colonel Meyers and says, “I didn’t ask you.”

  Rich pushes Colonel Meyers’ shoulder out of the way and steps towards the auditorium exit.

  Colonel Meyers pushes Rich backwards.

  TJ raises his handgun and Odin growls at Colonel Meyers.

  Both of Colonel Meyers’ men point their handguns at Rich and TJ.

  “Let’s be civil everyone! Everyone holster your weapons!” orders Lieutenant General Swartz.

  TJ keeps his handgun pointed at Colonel Meyers.

  Colonel Meyers looks at TJ and asks, “How’s your sister?”

  TJ stares at Colonel Meyers but doesn’t answer.

  “Holster your gun son,” says Rich to TJ.

  Colonel Meyers signals his men to holster their weapons.

  “You owe us Captain Bailey. We need two helicopters, and we only have one right now,” says Lieutenant General Swartz.

  “I will talk with Ramano,” says Rich.

  “Good, thank you,” replies Lieutenant General Swartz.

  Colonel Meyers and his two men are still blocking the auditorium exit.

  “Are you going to move? I can’t talk to Ramano unless I leave this room,” says Rich as he looks at Colonel Meyers.

  Colonel Meyers and his two men move slightly out of the way, just enough for Rich, TJ, and Odin to exit the auditorium.

  “See you soon buddy,” says Colonel Meyers to TJ as TJ walks by him.

  “Nice dog, shame if someone shot it,” says the soldier that is standing next to Colonel Meyers.

  TJ quickly turns around and walks right up to the face of the soldier that threatened Odin.

  “Stay the fuck away from me and my dog! Unless you want to end up castrated!” shouts TJ in the soldier’s face.

  The soldier smirks and replies, “Big words, don’t say something you’ll regret.”

  Rich grabs TJ and pulls TJ away from the soldier.

  “That’s right, better have your daddy pull you away! I’d kick your ass!” shouts the soldier.

  “Enough Schulze!” shouts Lieutenant General Swartz.

  Schulze glares at TJ as TJ walks down the hallway.

  TJ, Rich, and Odin exit the medical building and see Ramano talking to another MacDill soldier.

  “Ramano!” shouts Rich.

  Ramano runs over to Rich and TJ.

  “What’s up?” asks Ramano.

  “You got your helo keys?” asks Rich.

  “Yeah, always,” answers Ramano.

  “Good, you are coming with us,” says Rich.

  Rich, Ramano, TJ, and Odin get into Rich’s sedan. Rich drives through the exit of MacDill Air Force Base.



  “Keep your mouth shut this time. I don’t want to have another problem with Javier,” says Hector to James as Hector parks his car at the back entrance of the Factory.

  James replies, “I will, but that wasn’t me. That was Felix.”

  “I know, that’s why I didn’t bring him this time,” says Hector to James.

  Hector and James exit Hector’s car.

  Hector knocks on the backdoor of the Factory, while James provides a lookout.

  The backdoor of the Factory opens and a large Colombian man let’s Hector and James inside the Factory.

  “What’s up Hector?” asks the large Colombian man.

  “Nothing much, just trying to stay alive. How are you Pablo?” asks Hector.

  “I’m good. Javier is keeping us busy,” replies Pablo.

  “Where is Javier?” asks Hector.

  “I think in with Papa. He had a rough morning,” answers Pablo.

  Ileana walks over to Hector and James.

  “Welcome Hector. Two visits in less than a week, I’m shocked,” says Ileana.

  “I’m here to pick up my new weapon that Javier was making for me,” says Hector.

  Ileana replies, “Let me see if it’s ready. Take a look around and let me know if you see anything you like.”

  Ileana walks away from James and Hector.

  Hector looks at James and sees that James is staring at Ileana as she walks away again.

  “Dude, enough with that. You’ll end up getting killed for staring at her,” says Hector to James.

  “She is fine though,” says Pablo to James.

  Hector and James walk around the Factory floor.

  James walks over to the sword maker that he talked with before.

  “Hey, mister curiosity, what’s up?” asks the sword maker to James.

  James replies, “It’s James actually. I’m just admiring your work. I’m hoping to get a sword of my own.”

  “James, like that guy from the book about the giant peach?” asks the sword maker.

  “I guess. I never read that book,” replies James.

  Hector sees Javier’s people loading up crates of supplies, weapons, and explosives.

  Javier’s people are loading the crates onto a large truck.

  Hector sees a man with a radio standing next to the large truck.

  “We are loading the last crates onto the truck now,” says the man into his radio.

  “Great, I’ll be right down to check things out,” replies a man over the radio.

  Javier enters the Factory floor and sees Hector.

  “Hey Hector, glad you made it. We were just about to leave,” says Javier as he walks over to Hector.

  “Where are you going?” asks Hector.

  “Top secret, you know I can’t tell you,” answers Javier.

  “I figured. Hope you are staying in the U.S. at least,” says Hector.

  “I hope so too, but we are going to a couple different places this trip. You want to come with? You’ll find out where we are going,” says Javier.

  James walks over to Hector.

  “Hello James, how are you my friend?” asks Javier.

  “I’m good. How are you?” asks James.

  “Good, life is good,” replies Javier.

  Javier looks at Hector and asks, “What can I do for you Hector?”

  Hector replies, “I was just coming back for my new weapon.”

  “Right, right. I think my expert weapon maker just finished it this morning,” says Javier.

  Javier walks over to a man and talks with him.

  The man walks over to a table and grabs a metal weapon.

  The man hands Javier the metal weapon.

  Javier walks over to Hector with the shiny new badass metal weapon.

  “What’s that?” asks James.

  “It’s a macuahuitl, well it’s a modified version of one,” answers Javier.

  Javier hands the metal macuahuitl to Hector and Hector gets a big smile on his face.

  “Just like Christmas morning my friend!” shouts Javier.

  Hector grabs the custom-made handle of the metal macuahuitl and checks the weight of the weapon.

  “It’s so light,” says Hector.

  “It’s very light but very strong,” replies Javier.

  Hector checks out the smooth flat paddle edge design, the custom rubber grip handle, and the sharp blades coming out of the long flat metal center piece.

  “It looks like a paddle. Like one of those German paddles,” says James.

  “Yeah, it does, but way more badass and with like ten blades coming out of each side,” replies Hector.

  “It’s a great weapon. It’s a club design, with a lot of custom modifications,” says Javier.

  Javier goes over the weapon with Hector, and Hector is thrilled.

  “It’s awesome. I love it. Thank you, Javier,” says Hector.

  “Well, you come to the best and forget the rest,” replies Javier.

  James likes Hector’s new weapon as well.

  “What do you think James?” asks Javier.

  “I love it,” replies James.

  Javier looks at James’ weapons and sees his handgun, his bo staff, and his AK-47.

  “You are pretty well stocked on weapons yourself,” says Javier to James.

  “Boss! I hate to interrupt you, but we need you to check this truck now! The boats are leaving soon!” shouts a man across the Factory to Javier.

  Javier excuses himself from Hector and James.

  “Tungsten carbide blades, damn. This thing is indestructible,” says Hector as he looks at the blades on his new weapon.

  Javier walks back over to James and Hector and says, “I need to cut this visit short, we are leaving now.”

  “I understand, thank you Javier,” says Hector.

  “Last chance, you can still come with us,” says Javier to Hector.

  “No thank you Javier. I am needed around here,” replies Hector.

  “How about you James?” asks Javier.

  “Sure, I’m down,” answers James.

  Hector looks at James with a shocked expression.

  “You sure James?” asks Hector.

  “Yup, I need to get away.” answers James.

  “Ah ha, great James. Go get a spot on the truck,” says Javier.

  James looks at Hector and says, “Thank you Hector. Thank you for everything. I’ll see you when I get back. Tell William thank you.”

  Javier says goodbye to Hector and walks towards the large transport truck that is parked at the back of the Factory.

  “You be careful. These guys don’t mess around. They shoot first and ask questions later,” says Hector to James.

  “I’m ready for this. I need to get away from Tampa Bay. Losing my family and community messed me up. This could be my new purpose,” says James.

  “You better go, Javier doesn’t like to wait,” says Hector.

  “I’ll see you later,” says James.

  James and Hector exchange a handshake, and James runs to the transport truck.

  “I hope so, I hope I’ll see you later,” says Hector to himself as he watches James get into the back of the transport truck.

  Hector walks towards the exit of the Factory and says goodbye to Pablo and a couple other Factory workers.

  Javier’s truck starts up and drives away from the rear entrance of the Factory.

  “Any idea where they are going?” asks Hector to Pablo.

  Pablo answers, “Hopefully they are going to make a difference.”

  “I hate to ask Ryan, but do you have any more supplies that could be donated to The Grove?” asks Kat to me as I talk with her and Deb under Bobby G’s oak tree.

  “You ran through all that stuff I gave you already?”

  “Not all of it, but we are getting low,” answers Kat.

  Phil, Shaun, and Lauren walk over to me as I’m talking with Deb and Kat.

  “What’s going on Ry?” asks Shaun.

  “They are asking for more stuff.”

  “Fuck that!” shouts Phil.

  “Why?” asks Lauren.

  “We are starting to get low on supplies and my boss asked me to ask you about getting more supplies,” answers Kat.

  I look at Deb and ask, “What do you think about this?”

  Deb doesn’t know what to say.

  “What would you do if a person you gave tons of supplies to showed up asking for more?” I ask Deb.

  Deb replies, “Well that depends on how much I had to give and how much they were asking for.”

  I look at Kat and ask, “What are you asking for?”

  Phil interrupts and says, “It doesn’t matter what they want. We have our own problems and our own people to take care of. We aren’t running a charity. Tell your boss to find her own supplies. We gave you enough.”

  “I agree with Phil. I like you two, but we have given you a lot already. We are done giving handouts.”

  Kat looks at me and says, “I totally understand. I just had to tell her that I would try. I’m on your side with this. Dr. Morris is not on my good side and hasn’t been for a very long time.”

  “Then why help her?” asks Lauren to Kat.

  “I’m trying to help the people of The Grove, but it’s getting harder and harder to do that,” answers Kat.

  Deb says, “It really is, especially since we got that rush of new people lately.”

  “Do what you have to do, but we can’t help you,” says Phil.

  “What about Brad? From Channelside? Do you think he could help us?” asks Kat to me.

  “You can try, I’ll get you in touch with him. I know he’s been out on his boat and checking out some spots lately,” says Phil.

  I look at Kat and say, “I’ll be in touch with you after we get in touch with Brad.”

  “Thank you, Ryan. I hate asking for supplies, but my boss put me in this situation. I won’t ask you guys for any more supplies again,” says Kat.

  “Are you always going to be taking orders from Dr. Morris?”

  Kat replies, “I hope not.”

  “Don’t hope. Do. You don’t have to take her shit, if you don’t want to,” says Shaun.

  “That’s true. The man has a good point,” says Deb.

  Kat smiles and replies, “Yes he does.”

  Kat and Deb say goodbye to Lauren, Phil, Shaun, and me.

  I wave goodbye to Kat and Deb as Kat drives away from Bobby G’s oak tree.

  “What fucking nerve of those people? Especially Dr. Morris. We gave them a truck full of supplies. That thing was loaded,” says Phil.

  “I wonder why they are so low on supplies. How many more people did they get in there?”

  “Do you think Jacob could have gone there?” asks Lauren.

  “I doubt it, that’s not his style,” answers Shaun.

  “He could have, but I doubt it as well. Let’s check out a couple other places first and then if nothing turns up, we can check The Grove.”

  “What do you want to do today?” asks Lauren.

  “I think we have the medical training class today. I want everyone in the medical house later today. Let’s meet in three hours.”

  Shaun and Phil walk over to Matt’s house.

  Lauren looks at me and asks, “You still want to check on Jerri-Lynn?”

  “Yeah, let’s go stop over there really quick.”

  Lauren and I walk towards the South entrance, we say hello to the guards, and the guards open the South entrance gate.

  As the South entrance gate opens, I see two zombies walking towards Jerri-Lynn’s street.

  “More zombies have been going down that street lately,” says the Warrior guard.

  “Thank you, we’ll check it out.”

  I remove my katana from my red scabbard on my back, and Lauren loads an arrow into her bow.

  “Let’s see where they go, don’t shoot yet.”



  Two precise sniper shots take out the two zombies.

  I look at Lauren.

  Lauren says, “It wasn’t me.”

  “It wasn’t me either. Let’s get back inside.”

  Lauren and I walk back towards Citrus Oaks, and the guards open the South entrance gate.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask the guards.

  “It’s a group of snipers,” answers a guard on the lookout platform.

  “Can you see them?” asks Lauren.

  “Yeah, we can see them from here,” replies the guard.

  I walk up the lookout platform steps and over to the guard.

  The guard hands me his binoculars, and I look through them.

  I look down the street and around the homes next to Jerri-Lynn’s house.

  “There he is. He’s looking right at me. He’s giving me the middle finger.”

  I put the binoculars down and ask the guard, �
�Who the hell is that kid? Have you seen him before?”

  The guard replies, “Yeah. He’s one of three snipers in that house.”

  “Where is Brody?”

  The guard answers, “He’s at his house.”

  “Thank you. What’s your name?”

  The guard answers, “Lamar.”

  I run down the lookout platform steps and say, “Thank you, Lamar. Keep an eye on them and let me know if they cause any problems.”

  “I will sir,” replies Lamar.

  I walk over to Brody’s house, which is next to Chris’ old house.

  Lauren follows me.

  I knock on Brody’s front door.


  Kevin answers the door.

  “Where is Brody?”

  Kevin answers, “He’s upstairs.”

  “Please go get him.”

  Kevin shouts, “Brody, get your ass down here! Ryan and Lauren are here!”

  A loud thud is heard upstairs.

  I look at the top of the stairway.

  Brody comes running down the stairs.

  “Yes sir, is there a problem?” asks Brody.

  “Well, kind of. Did you know that we have snipers living across the street?”

  “No, well yes. I saw them last night, but before that I didn’t know they were there,” answers Brody.

  “We need to stay vigilant and aware of everything around here. Snipers across the street could be dangerous.”

  “They seemed helpful sir. Nothing to be worried about,” says Brody.

  “They helped us last night,” says a girl from the top of the stairs inside Brody’s house.

  I look up at the top of Brody’s stairs and see Kiersten standing there.

  “Well, hello Kiersten.”

  “Hey Ryan,” replies Kiersten.

  “What happened last night?”

  Kiersten walks down the stairs and answers, “A group tried to attack us last night, but those snipers took them out.”

  “Did you talk with them?”

  “Not really. We haven’t met them yet, but I think Sam wants to meet with them soon,” answers Kiersten.

  I look at Kiersten and say, “Tell your mom when you see her that I would like to talk with her and Sam.”

  “I will,” replies Kiersten.

  “Your mom knows you are here right?”

  Kiersten smiles and answers, “Yes.”


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