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Scorchin' (The Hot Boys Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Olivia Rush

  And judging by how quickly Callie got me out of my underwear, neither did she. She pulled the boxer-briefs down with a sharp tug, my long, thick, fully hard cock leaping out. Once it was exposed, she wrapped her slim fingers around and began stroking it, paying special attention to the curves of my head.

  “Fuck,” I moaned, the feeling of her hand on my prick beyond compare.

  “Holy shit, do I want this,” she said, still stroking me.

  “Mmm, what do you want me to do with it?”

  Callie flashed me a playful grin. Sure, I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear her say it.

  “I want you to shove this in me good and deep,” she said. “I want you to fuck me so hard I can barely walk.”

  I was happy to do just that.

  My cock still in her grasp, I lowered my hips over her open thighs. Soon, my head touched her hot, wet lips, the slick sensation sending a thrill up my cock. Callie’s blue eyes latched onto mine, and she placed my head right at her opening, guiding me inside of her. With a slow thrust, I began to penetrate her.

  “Ohhh shit,” she moaned, throwing her head back as I split her in half, inch by inch.

  Callie’s body tensed under me as I filled her up. I’d been with enough girls to know that my cock, as big as it was, needed a little getting used to. But she was so turned on that I entered her with liquid ease. Soon, I was buried to the hilt, my cock fully enveloped by her wanting cunt.

  “Y-you’re so big,” she said, turning those incredible blues back onto me.

  I took a long moment to appreciate just how good her velvety pussy felt wrapped around my cock. Once I was good and ready, I pulled my hips back and drove into her again. Callie took in a sharp gasp as I entered her once again, and her hands moved down my smooth, solid back and onto my ass, pressing down and letting me know she wanted more.

  I gave her more, hard and deep. Callie spread her legs open wide, draping one over the back of the couch as I propped my body over hers, my biceps and triceps bulging out as they supported my weight. At this new angle I was able to enter her in a way that made her gorgeous face go tight with pleasure, her moans and shrieks letting me know that I was giving her just what she craved.

  My pace quickened by the second, and soon I was driving into her over and over again with the full strength of my hips. Callie’s luscious breasts bounced up and down with each full penetration, her pearl-white skin taking on a sheen of sweat. Her breath quickened, and the sight of her in the throes of passion below me brought my cock closer and closer to orgasm.

  I put my hand underneath her head and held her close.

  “I want you to come for me,” I said, my tone both encouraging and demanding. “I want to feel your pussy cum on my cock.”

  “Fuck,” she moaned back in response. “I’m so goddamn close.”

  And so was I. Keeping my coming at bay was usually no sweat, but Callie was so fucking hot that each moment was an exercise in total restraint.

  Callie was soon unable to hold back any longer. She let out a high-pitched shriek as I was in the middle of another barrage of thrusts. Her pussy became even wetter and tighter, and it was clear that she was coming for me, just like I’d asked.

  Her hands stayed on my ass, pushing me into her. And that was all it took for my own orgasm. I let out a throaty, animal grunt, my cock exploding inside of her. I felt my prick shoot out rope after rope of hot cum, filling her up. The sensation of pleasure spread all through my body, the feeling like nothing else.

  Once our orgasms had passed, I collapsed on top of Callie, my body going slack. We lay like this for a long while, catching our breaths as we continued to caress one another’s bodies.

  At that moment, I knew that nothing was going to be the same between us. What this meant, exactly, I had no idea.



  I woke up that next morning feeling like a new woman. At first it was a total shock to see that I wasn’t in my own bed, but once I laid my eyes on Stone’s naked, sculpted body, his massive pecs rising and falling with each breath, memories of last night flowed back into my thoughts and put a big, stupid smile on my face.

  I rolled over onto my side, watching Stone sleep. The man was like a damn work of art, and part of me was convinced that he was one of those Greek god statues from the Met, taken flesh and here in bed with me.

  But as I watched him sleep, I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d majorly screwed up. I mean, Stone was one of my sources for my article, and screwing sources was a major no-no. Beyond that, he was some guy I’d only known for a little while. I’d been screwed over by guys enough in this town to know that keeping your guard up is the best way to keep your heart intact, and here I was, letting it down for the first good-looking man I’d gotten close to in a long time.

  That, of course, didn’t make me any less attracted to him. My eyes drifted along the length of his body, taking in his sculpted form. When my eyes reached down below, I could see through the thin, white sheet covering his legs that he although he was sleeping, part of him was wide awake.

  He looked so tempting lying there that I couldn’t help but move over next to him and place my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating slowly, the sound so rhythmic and steady that it almost lulled me off to sleep again.

  “Morning,” came a sleepy voice from above me.

  I turned my head to see that Stone was now awake, his emerald eyes fresh and alert.

  “Morning,” I said, giving my tone an extra hint of sensuality, hopefully letting him know just what was on my mind.

  “That was an…interesting night last night,” he said.

  “Hmm,” I said. “‘Interesting’ might be one word I’d use.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked. “And what would be another?”

  “Passionate,” I said. “Very, very satisfying, maybe.”

  “‘Very, very satisfying’ is more than one word,” he said. “Aren’t you a writer? Shouldn’t you be able to come up with, I don’t know, some more creative ways to describe last night?”

  “But of course,” I said, sitting up and giving my voice a theatrical tone. “It was sensual and titillating, a delectable feast for the senses, a boundless exploration of passion and the union between joined flesh, a—”

  Stone laughed.

  “OK, OK,” he said. “You’ve made your point, you smartassed little wordsmith.”

  “But, ah,” I said, placing my hand on his chest and walking my fingers down, down, past his sternum, over his chiseled abs, along the lines of his Adonis belt, “it doesn’t just have to be a one-night thing.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh?” he asked. “Does that mean you have something in mind for…breakfast?”

  “I think I could whip up a little something, if you think you’ve got an appetite.”

  “Always hungry for more,” he said.

  Stone pulled me close and into a hard kiss, his taste just as heavenly as it was last night. His tongue quickly slipped past my lips, his hand moving along the curves of my hips.

  But before we could get anywhere good, a ringing phone sounded out from across the room. Stone held his lips on mine for a few moments longer, but as the phone continued to ring, he was forced to pull away.

  “Sorry,” he said, turning away from me and planting his feet on the floor. “That ring means it’s work.”

  “But…isn’t it your day off?”

  “I’m always on call,” he said. “If it’s an emergency, I need to respond.”

  In the back of my head, I figured this was the case, but our little kiss had gotten me so wet I could barely stand it. Part of me wanted to smack the phone out of his hands and demand he bend me over right then and there.

  “Chief?” he said. “What’s up?”

  Stone paced the length of the room slowly as he talked, naked as the day he was born. Though his tense expression suggested something was wrong, I couldn’t take my eyes off his body. I was totally hypnotized by t
he way his perfect ass tensed and flexed as he walked, the way his heavy, long cock swayed between his bulging thighs.

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” he said, his pace quickening as he hurried over to his dresser and began pulling out clothes. “Another one?”

  I listened carefully for any hint at what they might’ve been talking about.

  “OK,” he said. “I’ll be down there as soon as I can.”

  With that, he hung up.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, sitting up and pulling the sheet over my breasts.

  “Another fire at another finance company,” he said. “Gotta shower and get dressed and get into the station.”

  “Oh,” I said, disappointed, but understanding.

  “I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick,” he said. “Go ahead and grab something in the kitchen and wait for me—I’ll be out in a few minutes and I’ll walk you back.”


  Stone headed into the bathroom and shut the door. All I could think about was what his gorgeous bod would look like all wet and covered in suds. Once I’d accepted that I wasn’t going to be having any morning fun, I hopped out of bed and headed into the living room, snatching my clothes up off the floor as I found them. When I finished getting dressed, I put some coffee on, grabbed an apple from the fridge, and took a seat at the kitchen bar.

  I’d been sitting there munching on my apple and playing with my phone for a few minutes when I heard the “click” of the front door unlock. I looked up, as though I’d been in the middle of something that I shouldn’t. But who the hell would be just walking into Stone’s apartment?

  The question was answered when the door opened slowly and Jason, his son, stepped in, the parent who’d been looking after him popping his head in to give a wave before taking off.

  His eyes locked onto mine instantly, neither one of us sure what to make of the other.

  “Um, hi, Jason,” I said, my mouth full of apple. “Remember me?”

  He regarded me curiously for a few moments.

  “Oh yeah!” he said finally. “You’re the pretty lady from the park!”

  I tilted my head to the side in mild surprise.

  “Pretty lady, huh?” I asked. “I’ll take it. What’re you up to, dude?”

  “I had a sleepover,” he said, tossing his bag on the ground and slipping out of his coat.

  “Fun?” I asked.

  “It was cool. We ate pizza and played videogames. What are you doing here?”


  Before I even had a chance to think of a lame excuse, the bedroom door opened and out came Stone. He was dressed in his usual work gear of a pair of jeans, a tucked-in dark blue T-shirt with the station logo on the upper-right breast, and some heavy, black work boots.

  “Hey, dude!” shouted Stone, noticing his son was in the room.

  “Dad!” shouted Jason, running up to Stone and throwing his arms around his legs. “What do you want to do today? Do you think we can see Ant-Man?”

  Then a pained expression flashed on Stone’s face, and I realized right away that in the bustle of getting ready for work, he’d forgotten about Jason.

  “Listen, bud,” he said. “The chief just called me into work—we had another fire last night. So I’m gonna have to call Janie in to come look after you.”

  A look of total, crushing disappointment formed on Jason’s face.

  “Oh,” he said, his tone suggesting he was used to this sort of thing.

  Stone pulled out his phone.

  “I’ve already had to call her over on short notice twice this month, and I hate to have to do it again, “he said, shaking his head. “Gonna be double pay, too—at least.”

  Then a thought occurred to me, one that might get Stone on my good side, maybe butter him up for some more material for the article. And, I suppose, would also be a nice as hell thing to do.

  “Hey, Stone,” I said. “If you want, I think I could look after the little guy for the day.”

  Stone looked at me with an eyebrow raised, a surprised expression on his face.

  “Are you serious?” he asked. “I mean, that would be a huge help. But I don’t want you to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.”

  “I wouldn’t be offering if I wasn’t comfortable,” I said.

  Then I turned to Jason.

  “What do you say, dude? Want to go see the Ant-Man movie? Maybe grab some hot dogs after?”

  “Yeah!” he said, pumping his fist into the air.

  “I guess he’s sold on the idea,” Stone said.

  “I just need to grab my computer from my place so I can do some work before we head out.”

  “Sure,” said Stone. “We can all walk to your apartment and then you two can head back here.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said.

  We all got ready to head out, and as we did I couldn’t help but notice how strange it was that I’d made the offer I did. I mean, I didn’t hate kids or anything, but they’d never really been my thing. And here I was, offering up one of my days off to hang out with one.

  The three of us headed out into the chilly autumn morning down to my apartment. One there, I grabbed my laptop, and then we stopped over at the station to drop off Stone.

  “You sure you’re cool with this?” he asked, giving me one last out.

  “Totally cool,” I said, trying to figure out what the hell I’d just gotten myself into.

  “Thanks again,” said Stone one last time before saying goodbye to Jason and ducking into the station.

  Then he was gone, and it was just Jason and me.

  “OK, kiddo,” I said, “how about we get you some breakfast, then head back to the apartment so I can do some work, then we can hit up the movie. Sound good?”

  Jason gave me a thumbs-up, indicating he was more than OK with the plan. The two of us went over to the nearest corner bodega.

  “Two egg and sausage on a bagel,” I said to the clerk. “Breakfast of champions.”

  We ate our sandwiches on the way back to Stone’s place, Jason spending the walk telling me about all the awesome moves he and his friend Aiden had pulled in their video game last night. Normally, kids annoyed me when they did the thing where they talked endlessly about whatever subject they were into. But for some reason, I was all ears with Jason. Something about the kid just warmed my damn heart—no two ways about it.

  Our bellies were full by the time we got back. I got to work, cup of coffee nearby, and Jason sat down at the table across from me, busy with his own school stuff. The two of us worked through the next hour, only stopping here and there to chat about one thing or another. It was funny—not too different from a day at the office. Less gossip, though.

  When we finished our work, the two of us picked out a movie time and started off for one of the theaters in Times Square.

  “The thing about Ant-Man that I really like,” said Jason as he held on to the pole in the subway, “is that he’s big most of the time, but when he needs to get really small, he can do that.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Yep,” I said. “He can get small when he needs to.”

  “But he knows when being small is a bad idea, and it’s his power to know when that is, so he doesn’t get stepped on or anything.”

  I don’t know why, but I burst out laughing in the train.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” I said. “You’re just a funny kid, is all.”

  We talked more as we rode, and soon after, the two of us stepped out of the station and into Times Square, the scene as busy as ever. We had the whole afternoon to have some fun, and I was ready to get started.



  The station was a hive of activity as I stepped in. Mike was the first guy I saw when I entered, and he didn’t waste any time in talking my ear off.

  “Stone!” he said. “You heard about the fire last night, right?”

  “That’s why I’m here,” I said,
starting toward the meeting room.

  Mike walked up to my side and kept pace with me.

  “This shit’s getting crazy,” he said. “And word on the street is that they’re starting to think for sure that it’s arson. What about you?”

  Normally I hated to speculate. But these fires, with how similar they all were, just seemed off.

  “I’m all for leaving this up to the NYPD, but it’s starting to seem a little shady to me,” I said. “Maybe one or two breaking out here and there, but these are all starting to look like there’s a plan behind them.”

  My thoughts went back to the sprinklers in the server room at the last blaze. It was just so damn strange that they hadn’t worked the way they were supposed to. I wasn’t an expert on such matters, but those were supposed to be state-of-the-art sprinkler systems, designed to protect very sensitive material like computer equipment.

  Mike and I arrived at the meeting room where all the other guys were already seated. Chief Stokes gave me a nod as I entered and took my seat. He stood at the wooden podium in the front center of the room, the station’s logo emblazoned on it.

  “Looks like we’re all here,” he said, his eyes scanning us, his hands clasped behind his back. “As you all know, we’re here to discuss the fires that have been breaking out across the city.”

  He turned on the projector and typed a few keys on his laptop. Seconds later, the image of a building in Midtown appeared on the screen, a jet of flame shooting out of the side. It was hard to tell exactly, but it looked to be on around the thirtieth floor.

  “Luckily the boys in Midtown were all over this, but considering we’ve already been hit, I want us to make sure that we’re all on watch for something like this.”

  “I bet it’s one of the guys in the company,” said Joel, speaking up. “Trying to hack the system and steal a bunch of money. Burn the place down and cover his tracks, you know?”


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