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Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4)

Page 15

by L. P. Dover

  Tia strolls in, and I shut the door behind us. When she turns to me, I hold up the book. “This is some good reading.”

  Her eyes dart to the door, and she holds a finger over her lips. “That it is. I thought you might like it.” With her finger still over her lips, she holds up a hand, and I close my eyes. It’s very faint, but I can hear footsteps down the hall moving further away. A few seconds later, she blows out a sigh. “Okay, we’re good now.”

  Keeping my voice low, I hold up the note she wrote. “What the hell is this? You expect me to believe you’re not my enemy?”

  “I’m not. I’m trying to help you as much as I can.”

  Last night at dinner comes to mind, but I don’t mention it. I want to hear what she has to say. “How have you helped me?” I ask, clenching my teeth with anger.

  Her eyes sadden, and I can feel her despair, but she snaps right back at me. “You know very well I helped you last night. If I don’t take away Killian’s rage, he’d have murdered everyone in Baker’s Ridge by now. I’d hate to see what he’d do to you. That’s why he ordered me to use my magic to lessen the urges.”

  Shivers run up and down my spine. I don’t want to know how Killian would be without her helping him. “So, he’s losing his mind to the rage?”

  She nods. “Killian thinks you are his only hope.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not, Tia. You know this. He will never be my mate. You can’t force the magic on someone, especially after what you both did to get me here.”

  “I know,” she whispers. Crossing her arms over her chest, she walks over to the window and peers out. “I tried telling him it was wrong, but he wouldn’t listen.”

  “Then why help him? He couldn’t have done it without you.”

  She sighs. “That’s what I hate most.”

  The whole thing is infuriating. “Can’t you think for yourself?” I hiss.

  Her shoulders sag, and she turns to me, her expression full of turmoil. “I can, and I do. I know taking you was wrong. It killed me to do it, but I literally had no choice. Whatever Killian wants, I have to give him.” She huffs and looks back out the window. “My family’s been linked to the Vilkas line for centuries. And when I say linked, I mean we’re physically linked. It’s a curse. That’s why I refuse to have children. I don’t want to take the risk of having a daughter and her being a prisoner for the rest of her life.”

  I can’t even imagine what that would be like. “So … if Killian asked you to put a sleeping spell on me right now, you’d have to do it?”

  She blows out a sigh. “Yes. I won’t be able to stop. Things used to not be this way. Honestly, it wasn’t bad being a part of the Blue River pack. Killian’s always been nice and respectful to me. I’ve been given everything I could ever want. I mean, the only thing I hated about his family were the fights, and even those were consensual.”

  “Can the link be broken?”

  Silence fills the room. I walk over to her, and she looks at me. “The only way it can be broken is if I die.” She swallows hard. “Or if Killian dies. But that’s not going to happen, not while I’m alive.”

  “How is that?” The look of regret on her face overwhelms me with dread.

  “Do I have to spell it out for you, Faith? He told me that if he were to be attacked, I’m to use my magic to hinder them. Why do you think he took you down so easily that night in your cabin?” Mouth gaping, I stare at her in shock. I felt so weak after, like all my training meant nothing if I couldn’t defend myself. What if I am stronger than Killian? I’ll never know as long as Tia uses her magic to keep him safe. “With that being said,” Tia continues, “We both know what the outcome of these fights will be. Killian will win.”

  Bile rises up the back of my throat. If Tate fights against him, he’ll lose. “Oh, God.”

  Her attention jerks to the door, and she gasps. “I have some ideas, but we can’t discuss them now. Pretend all is well.”

  A couple of seconds later, a hard knock pounds on the door, and it opens. Orin stands on the other side and smiles. “Well, well, look who we have here. It’s good to see you again, princess.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” I grumble.

  Chuckling, he moves out of the doorway. “The van will be arriving in a few minutes. I was told you wanted to be at the gate when your friends arrive.”

  Excitement soars through my veins, but then Tia’s warning brings me right back to reality. “We’ll figure something out, Faith. I won’t let Killian win,” Tate murmurs in my head.

  You always see movies and read books about good triumphing over evil, but it doesn’t work like that. Not in my world.

  Chapter 26


  It’s time to meet Killian’s men at the abandoned shack. Over the past couple of hours, we watched shifters walk to the abandoned shack and get picked up in vans. Now it’s our turn. Micah and Colin have their bags with them so they can stay with Faith at Killian’s house. I would rather them be with her.

  “You gonna be okay without us?” Colin asks teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.

  I sling the bag of money over my shoulders. “Yeah, if I don’t get killed.”

  Micah stares at me with concern. “What are we going to do about the whole Tia situation? We all know you’re going to be the one fighting against Killian in the end. She’ll have no choice but to use her magic on you.”

  There’s only one way it won’t work on me, and that’s to seal the bond with Faith. Unfortunately, our circumstance prevents that from happening. The final fight will be the night of the full moon.

  In the distance, I can see a black van approach. “Here we go.”

  The van stops at us, and two shifters get out. The driver says the other guy’s name, which happens to be Roman, and I recognize him from Faith’s memories. He was the third wolf that came into her cabin that night with Killian and Orin. He opens up the van door and flourishes a hand inside.

  “All right, boys, load up. The boss is waiting for you.” Micah and Colin get in first, but Roman steps in front of me, blocking my entry. “You got the money?”

  He smiles, and I shove my bag of money into his chest, almost knocking him off his feet. “Here you go.”

  A low growl erupts from his chest. “Get in.”

  I hop in the back, and he slams the van door closed. A few seconds later, we’re on our way. I look at both Colin and Micah. “Whatever happens, keep Faith safe.” They both nod, and I can feel the tension mounting. I’m more than ready to do what I have to do. If that means killing every man I step into the ring with, I’ll do it without hesitation.

  The road north is desolate with nothing but land and mountains in the distance. It takes about ten minutes of flying down the road to get to Killian’s property. We come to a stop at the gate, and it slowly opens. I can feel Faith’s presence nearby.

  “I’m just inside the gate waiting for you,” Faith says.

  It feels like it’s been a fucking eternity since I’ve seen her. “She’s there,” I say to the others.

  We’re driven inside the gate, and I can hear it close behind us. Roman and the other guy get out, and the side van door opens. That’s when I see her standing in between Vilkas and his witch. Her eyes lock on mine, and her smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Colin and Micah get out first, and she runs to them, throwing her arms around their shoulders.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” She looks at me over Micah’s shoulder, and when I get out of the van, she slowly comes to me. Everyone watches us, and I know we have to be careful. Her eyes mist over with tears, and she hugs me. “It’s so good to see you.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and breathe her in. “Yes, it is.”

  “I love you.” Her words echo in my mind.

  “I love you too.”

  She lets me go and stands back with Colin and Micah. Killian places a hand on both of their shoulders as if they’re good friends. Faith gives them a warning glare to play it cool, which the
y do.

  Killian looks over at his witch. “Tia, why don’t you show our guests to their rooms?” He smiles at both Colin and Micah. “You’ll be right across the hall from Faith.”

  Tia nods at him. “Will do.”

  He removes his hands from their shoulders, and they all follow Tia toward the house. Faith sneaks a glance back at me. “Stay safe, Tate. I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon.”

  Killian focuses on his two men and waves them off. “Go. I’ll take Grayson.”

  His men leave, and Killian nods for me to walk with him. “Glad you could make it.”

  “I would do anything for Faith,” I reply.

  Killian glances over at me and narrows his gaze. “So would I.” My insides boil with rage. He took what didn’t belong to him as if he had the right. He leads us in the direction of the large building at the edge of his property. Through Faith’s mind, I’ve already seen what it’s like inside. We walk through the woodshop and down into the basement, where twenty-three other contenders warm up in their areas. I was the last to arrive.

  Killian points at the men stationed around the room. “I have my men standing guard to make sure everyone keeps the peace. This is the first round of fighters. The other twenty-four will fight tonight.”

  “You must be making a killing off of this,” I grumble, not impressed in the least.

  He bursts out laughing. “Yeah, a little. That is if I make it to through to the end. I’ll be fighting in the group tonight.” I have no doubt he’ll make it through. “But you’ll be happy to know that Faith will get some of the proceeds when this is over.”

  “He didn’t tell me that,” Faith informs me. “I don’t want blood money.”

  Killian waves a hand throughout the room. “Take a look around, Grayson. Half of these men will be dead in a few hours. Hopefully, you won’t be one of them.”

  “I won’t,” I say in all seriousness.

  He looks at me and smiles. “I like you, Grayson. You’re different from the others here.”

  I glare at him. “How so?”

  His grin broadens. “You have heart. You don’t see Faith as a prize to be won.”

  I face him head on. “That’s because she’s not.”

  The tension in the room rises, and he steps toward me. “No, she’s not. She’s mine.”

  My wolf threatens to break free, but then Faith’s voice calms me down. My claws dig into my palms, drawing blood. “Tate, don’t.”

  Clenching my teeth, I back up, which is something I’ve never done. Killian chuckles and pats my shoulder as he walks past. “Good luck, Grayson. Sorry to cut this short, but I have guests to attend to.”

  As soon as he’s gone, I retract my claws and watch the gashes heal within seconds. I hate the thought of him being alone around Faith.

  “Hey, listen up,” a voice shouts from the center of the room. I look over, and it’s Roman. He waves for everyone to move closer. “The fights will start shortly, but I wanted to go over a couple of things with you first. One, when you get in the ring, anything goes. You will not be allowed to leave the cage until one of you submits, or you’re dead. Two, you will not know who you’re fighting until it’s your turn. Until then, you sit and wait. The royal is here, and you’ll be able to see her shortly.”

  The energy in the room spikes, and it fuels their desire. If I had my way, I’d kill them all.

  Chapter 27


  Tate’s anger was palpable. I heard what Killian said to him. It’s the first time he’s claimed me like that. I don’t like it, and it pisses me off, but I have to pretend I never heard it.

  “Everything okay?” Micah asks.

  Tia is across the hall showing Colin to his room. “I’ll tell you later,” I say, leaning in close to him.

  Colin and Tia come into my room, and she smiles at Micah. “You sure you’re okay with your room?”

  He nods. “I am. Thanks.” She gave him the room next to me while Colin has the one across the hall.

  Tia clears her throat and gives me a warning glare with her eyes darting toward the door. Someone’s coming. A couple of seconds later, Killian appears in the doorway. “I’m so sorry it took so long.” He holds out a hand to Colin. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Colin glares at him but ends up shaking his hand. Micah does the same. Killian stands back and smiles as he looks at them. “It’s not every day you’re in the presence of three royals.”

  Colin stands close to me. “The pleasantries are nice and all, but I think it’s time we get down to business. What exactly are your plans for my sister? I’m not going to sit by and watch her get mated off to just anybody.”

  Killian’s eyes widen, clearly impressed. “No, I would hope not. I wouldn’t expect anything less from her brother and protector.”

  Micah steps forward. “And what if you win, Vilkas? Does that mean Faith will be a prisoner here in Canada? Thousands of miles away from her friends and family.”

  The room falls silent, and I hold my breath. I wasn’t expecting him to say all of that. Killian sighs, and his eyes meet mine. “You won’t be a prisoner here, Faith. If I were to be your mate, I’d go anywhere you wanted. We could travel around the world and live in Wyoming if that’s what your heart desires.”

  “The bastard sure is laying it on thick,” Tate growls in my head.

  Killian clears his throat and focuses back on Colin and Micah. “I don’t want there to be hostility between us. That’s why I’m trying to make amends. Maybe after the fights this afternoon, we can all have dinner together before the other round tonight? Some ladies in my pack really want to meet you.”

  And there it is … another agenda. If one of the women in his pack were to become a mate to a royal, it’d strengthen his clan. Neither Colin nor Micah answers, so I do it for them. “They would be happy to meet them,” I say.

  Killian chuckles. “Excellent.” One of his men comes to the door and whispers something in his ear. Killian nods and smiles at us. “It’s almost time, so I’m going to head down. Tia will escort you.” Turning on his heel, he disappears down the hallway.

  Colin glares down at me. “What the hell, Faith? I don’t want to party it up here. I’m trying to figure out a way to get the fuck out.”

  “Good luck with that,” Tia explains. “I have no doubt you can escape. Getting out of Baker’s Ridge will be the problem.”

  Micah scoffs at her. “Why should we even trust you?”

  Tia brings a finger up to her lips and lowers her voice. “Faith’s not the only one who wants freedom. I have a plan, but we can’t discuss it right now.” One of Killian’s men walks down the hall past my room. Tia waves toward the door. “It’s time to go.”

  Colin and Micah flank me, and we follow Tia out of the room. It’s time like these that I wish I could speak to Colin and Micah in their minds as I can do with Tate. His mind is focused on the fight, and I don’t want to interfere with that. He needs to concentrate. Everyone is silent as we walk through the gardens and the field to the workshop. If you look at the building, you’d never suspect there was a whole underground world beneath it.

  When we get inside, you can’t hear anything going on until Tia open’s the heavy, steel door that leads down. My stomach clenches, and I take a deep breath. I dread the thought of having to watch Tate fight. Tia takes the first step down, and Colin follows in behind her, leaving Micah to my back.

  “I’m right behind you, Faith,” Micah says.

  Tia walks into the underground room first, and when Colin is seen, everything goes silent. When I turn the corner, my breath is taken away. There are so many shifters, their need hitting me like a ton of bricks. But out of all of them in the room, my eyes find the only one who matters. He’s in a corner, shirtless with only a pair of gym shorts on, stretching his well-toned muscles. Tate glances over at me and smiles.

  “Glad to hear you only have eyes for me.”

  Micah nudges me in the back, and I tear my gaze away
from him to follow Tia to the seats around the center ring where there are five chairs reserved. Everywhere I go, I feel eyes on me. What I hate more than anything is that many of those eyes will be closed forever once the afternoon’s up. We take our seats, and the row behind us is full of women eagerly waiting for my brother and Micah. I want them to find their mates, but not here with the Blue River pack females.

  Tia sits beside Colin, leaving only one empty seat to her right. Killian makes his rounds around the room and comes over to sit next to her. Eyes lit with excitement, he says, “Here we go.”

  It takes all I have not to search for Tate in the crowd. A wolf I recognize from the night Killian and Orin broke into my cabin, climbs up into the center ring, and taps the microphone. While listening in on Tate, I found out his name is Roman.

  “All right. It’s time to get the tournament started.” He points to the ring at his right. “Over here, I need Mitch Grayland and Parks Redkin.” The room turns electric as both fighters make their way to the cage. Roman calls out two more fighters for the center ring and two more for the left. Once they’re all inside, the cage doors are shut and locked. A part of me wants to close my eyes, to shut out the carnage I know is about to happen, but I can’t.

  Roman lifts the microphone and smiles. “Gentlemen, begin.”

  Growls echo in the underground lair, along with the sound of ripping flesh and snapping jaws. Blood permeates the air, and I hold my breath. It’s going to be a very long day.

  The first nine fights went by quickly, but it was hard to stomach them all. No one backed down or submitted, which means I watched as nine men gave up their lives because of pride. After each fight, the blood was rinsed off the mats to get ready for the next round. There are three more fights to watch, which will finish up in the afternoon. Tate will be in one of them. I still have twelve more to endure tonight.

  “In the center ring, I need Tate Grayson and Enrik Fenton.”

  Enrik enters the ring first, walking around arrogantly as if he’s already won. Tate’s not like that, and it’s one of the things I love about him. He steps up into the ring, and Roman locks the cage door. Enrik bounces around, and Tate stands there all calm, like the silent killer I know he is.


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