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TIA'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 1)

Page 24

by Dalia Wright

  She got out of her bed, threw on a night robe (she slept in the nude – it was more comfortable that way) and headed for the back yard. The sounds got louder as she wandered over to the strange machine. She wondered if her neighbours were at all disturbed by the transpiring. But no one seemed to be coming over. This perplexed her. She came under the bright light and then noticed that slowly a creature seemed to be descending – no, hovering – in a downward trajectory towards the soil. When the green man landed and approached her, he opened his mouth to speak and fluent English came out, if not with a very “alien” accent.

  “I am Khan. We need you on board for some experimenting. Will you join us?”

  Stella was strangely aroused by this. It was, after all, an adventure and one her life needed. But she was cautious as well, and a little frightened. She did not want to be abused or taken against her will. Her experiences on this ship would likely take some warming up to. She quickly ascended by nodding her head and then Khan beckoned for her to come closer. He wrapped his arms around her and then the strange tractor beam that had caused him to descend a moment ago was now lifting them up into the hold of the spaceship. The only sound on the ground was that of her dog, Sunny, barking. “Don’t worry honey!” she called out to her. “Mama will be back soon! There IS food and water in your bowls!” Sunny barked in affirmation.

  Little did she know that she was embarking on the biggest adventure of her life, one that promised intrigue, sex, adventure, and thrills beyond her wildest dreams. Goodbye boring life!

  On board the ship, she took a second to survey the area and make a mental note of all the strange odds and ends and technological wonders that surrounded her and that adorned the main hold. Khan led her through a series of corridors to the pilot room. From there, she noticed, through a large window, that the ground descended from under them and the ship launched high into the air at a breathtaking speed. In a matter of seconds, in fact, she could see her entire town below. There was the church where she went every Sunday. There was the community centre where she attended her single women’s support groups. There was the green park where she walked Sunny three times a day. And up, up skyward was nothing but stars and galaxies and the moon and planets. Her heart skipped a beat as she literally was whisked away into a new, unknown life. She looked over at Khan who seemed to sense her excitement and he looked back. He wasn’t unattractive for an alien, with big brown eyes, green smooth skin, and a lanky body. He was short, about 5’3, and wore only a loin cloth. Secretly to herself Stella could not help but giggle at the thought of what might exactly be underneath it.

  Khan took Stella back through the long corridor and gave her a tour of the engine room. It worked in a strange way with some sort of large pink crystal powering the entire ship. Alien technology. Sheesh!

  “What sort of experiments were you planning on doing to me?” asked Stella. She did not want to give herself up too easily and was slightly afraid.

  “We need a female subject such as yourself to do research in human fertility.” Human fertility! Will they be sticking strange things inside of me?

  “And you think I would be a good candidate?” Stella managed to utter.

  “Your specifications match our ideal female carrier, yes. But first, you have to meet our master of our ship, the grand architect Isaac. He will give you a tour of the procedure room and get you started on the experiments. Then he’ll explain what further adventures await.” At the sound of “adventures” Stella perked up a bit. But she still didn’t want to forfeit her body that easily. Really, who would?

  Khan led Stella to Isaac’s chamber: a very large study with tall, tall walls and an open glass ceiling portraying a magnificent view of the celestial heavens. Isaac was sitting in a magnificent, ornately-decorated chair, in front of a large metal table with all sorts of contraptions and doo-dads scattered about on it.

  “This is the woman? Please bring her to me so that I may more closely inspect her. I wish to see these curves and sense her pheromones up close.” Stella felt a tingle in her womanly parts.

  There was no getting around it. Isaac was handsome. His features were chiselled, he was muscular, and his commanding tone and obvious intellect left a sturdy impression in her womanly heart. She approached him slowly, the moonlight at once accentuating her own skin as well as that of the supreme leader. He touched her hand and brought her up to his height. Their hands remained entwined just long enough to send a shiver up her spine. “My lady, it is my deepest and truest pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. If there is any accommodation that is within my power to grant you while aboard our vessel you need only ask and it will be yours.”

  “I am frantic, my lord.” (She felt this was the appropriate title). “And I have come a long, long, way. What kind of experiments were you planning to do to me? I have never been abducted before and even on Earth I am afraid of medical procedures. I have so many questions.”

  “Your questions will all be answered as our journey becomes clear. There is much on this ship that works wondrously and it will be my duty, pleasure, and honour to make you all the more familiar with it. For now let me show you to your sleeping quarters. Our observations of your people have led me to be able to reproduce a typical sleeping room that you should be comfortable in.”

  A strange thought popped into her head: Won’t you join me? Stella wanted to ask it. There was almost a magnetic attraction between them and she found him at once masculine and overtly sexual. But she kept her thought to herself. She hoped that Isaac would be there when they performed the experiments. To say that she was afraid would be an understatement. But somehow it all balanced with her excitement and her desire to break free from her normal life.

  Khan showed her to her sleeping quarters, passing through long hallways with odd portraits of green aliens wearing a variety of strange garments. As she walked she paid special attention to these oddities, making a mental note to remember them if she was ever to return home. Perhaps she would write a memoir about these experiences. The quarters were much to her liking. Her bedroom was about four times the size of hers at home, and the bed was much larger as well. It appeared to be stuffed with feathers and as she bounced her rear end up onto its edge, she felt the instant need to lie down and become enveloped.

  “Would you be requiring any sleeping companions, Earthling?” asked Khan.

  It was all Stella could do to keep her wits about her so she decided that it would be best to sleep alone – at least this first night. She was used to it. She had been sleeping alone for years. But if the chemistry between herself and Isaac held up, maybe things might change in this regard.

  “No, I sleep better alone,” replied Stella.

  Her sleep was agitated at first. She couldn’t believe what had happened. For some strange reason she had the impulse to call home and tell everyone she knew what was happening. Then another strange thought caught her. Could this be a dream? She pinched herself to see if she could wake up. But the room she was in was as tangible as a piece of wood. And the longing in her loins was as real as ever. While still scared, she was beginning to warm up to this strange race of beings. So far they were polite, smart, and seemed to know how to take charge. Maybe that’s what she had been wanting her whole life. While searching for the perfect man, maybe she should have been searching for the perfect species?

  Morning came and she got out of bed. Stella let out a big stretch and a yawn and walked around her bedroom. The walls were metallic and there was little in the way of decoration. The only entrance was the door that Khan had led her through the night before. When Stella thought about it, she really had no idea what time (or date) it was. And she had to urinate. Badly. She decided to peek out of the door and look down the hallway. It was empty. She wandered a bit and passed a room full of about six or eight of the strange aliens going about various experiments and tinkering with pinkish crystals and other contraptions.

  “Do you need to relieve yourself?” The voice came from behind h
er. It was Khan.

  “For how long have I been asleep?” asked Stella.

  “You have been unconscious for 16 of your Earth-hours. We are already on course to Sector-XVI, what you Earthlings would refer to as our “home planet”. It is on the very outer edge of our Milky Way Galaxy. Our technology allows us to travel at, what you would call, close to “light speed”.”

  “And then what will happen?” asked Stella again, trying not to pee herself from fear and trepidation.

  “We will take you to our home planet and begin our research. It will take some time to prepare the appropriate research, whereby you will undergo the treatment and assimilate – as much as possible – with our natives.”

  “WHERE’S THE BATHROOM!?” Stella almost screamed.

  “Right this way, my lady,” replied Khan, and he led her to a small room with a toilet in it. THANK GOD. Stella emptied her bladder and moved her bowels and looked around for toilet paper. One would think that on an alien ship they’d have some weird special technology for cleansing oneself but low and behold, a roll of basic white, two-ply rested on the ground beside her. Much relieved she exited the room and searched for Khan.

  He was in the garden room, speaking softly to Isaac in an unintelligible alien tongue. The pair looked strange together. Isaac was about a foot and a half taller than Khan and had a deeper tone to his green skin.

  “There she is,” Isaac said, gesturing towards the large window and the horizon of the great grey planet that lay ahead of them. Ishmul. “She has been our home planet for many billions of years. There will be a celebratory feast in the main hall down there to welcome your arrival. I guarantee you will not have tasted such succulent food in your many years as an Earthling. And after we dine, we will begin the mating ritual.”

  This last sentence caught Stella aback. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for the mating ritual. Was Isaac exerting some weird kind of dominance on her? It seemed as though he had already claimed her against her will. She knew that she could put up a fight if need be, but in the end, he would probably have her way with her.

  “The experiments, which will be conducted before the ritual, should only take about an hour. We have sensed that you are menstruating, meaning that now is the perfect time for the fertility test. We will commence once our mothership has landed on Ishmul. Until then, is there anything I can get you?”

  “I do have a few questions. When am I going to return to Earth? Will everything be the same once I get back, or will I be, like, a hundred years older than all my friends and family.”

  “The temporal disturbance our ship creates allows for a ‘freezing’ in time, if you will. Everything will be exactly as it was when you left, once the time comes for you to return.

  A few hours after the ship landed, Stella walked off the ship’s off-ramp and set foot on Ishmulian soil. It was soft and grassy. Strange creatures darted about all around her. Some looked like gigantic caterpillars, while others fluttered about like oddly-coloured butterflies. A large dragon-fly whooshed by her head. She looked around for Isaac, who was right behind her.

  Isaac led Stella towards a medium-sized medical facility about a five-minute walk from the landing pad. She was star struck and a bit nervous. Isaac put his hand on her elbow and this act very oddly seemed to pacify her somewhat. He brought her to a large examination room with several aliens examining test tubes and fiddling with odd experimental equipment.

  “Have a seat,” one of the aliens suggested and waved her towards a large examination chair with metal stirrups. It looked not unlike the type of chair one would find in a gynecologist’s office. Her heart raced but she sat down. They gave her a mild sedative orally and then spread her legs a bit farther. Still wearing her bed robes, she realized that Isaac at this point had a complete view of her full vulva and ass-hole. She felt both at his mercy and slightly tingly, knowing that Isaac was probably getting a thrill from his vantage point. Isaac gulped and went slightly pale. The whole procedure took about fifteen minutes and then she dismounted and closed off her robes. Isaac took a green jumper from a hook and handed it to her, motioning for her to get changed.

  “Is there a… uh… change room?” asked Stella.

  “You will take off your robe and redress right here.”

  Stella, who seemed to trust Isaac (at least sexually) did as she was told. The jumper fit snugly over her curvaceous body and gave her a strange sense of increased mobility, as if they were maternity clothes and gym attire at once.

  Stella, who was feeling very hungry at this point, almost jumped for joy at Isaac’s next suggestion: “Let us feast!”

  Stella and Isaac walked towards the dining hall, which seemed to be at the far end of the village. This gave them plenty of time to get to know one another further. Isaac explained that the first and most important part of her stay had been completed. With the fertility test out of the way, they were able to enter phase two of her abduction (the mating ritual, it seemed, would come at a later point). He explained that their mothership was fit with a very high-tech time-traveling chip that could take them to almost any place on the space-time continuum. They were going to study what life would be like in Victorian England and Stella, an Earthling, was going to be their primary tour guide. That she knew next to nothing about this time period (aside from what she had read in her romance books and the little she had learned in her college history courses) seemed irrelevant to Isaac. Isaac also explained that from now on she would be sharing a bed with him. It was customary that earthlings who were abducted would be claimed as physical sex trophies of the main captain. Stella felt that she could not protest this point. After all, what could she do? She was at least glad that Isaac was attractive.

  The banquet was glamourous. Every type of exotic alien food was there. Some of it tasted like chicken. Some of it tasted like exotic fruit. A good deal of it made her feel funny inside, as if it had been fermented in some strange alien way. Overall, Stella was feeling cheery. In fact, she reflected, this was the first time in years that she did not feel self conscious about her body. To them, she seemed like a beautiful princess – one that should be cherished and worshipped. She felt like she was their queen.

  That night in bed she and Isaac did not have outright sex. They slept horizontally next to each other, with nothing but their legs touching. They were both naked, and she could sense his heat. But no one made a move. Perhaps he felt that sleep was the most important priority at this point. If what Isaac said earlier could be believed, they would be going on an exciting journey together presently.

  The following day Stella washed up in a nearby stream, noticing very exotic fish and crustaceans littering the stream bed. What relaxation it was to let her body float in the cool, refreshing water! She must have been in there for over an half-an-hour for when she got out she felt at peace. She wasn’t quite yet ready to return to Isaac and breakfast so she wandered around the beautiful gardens a bit. She walked slowly, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural environment. Peering far off into the distance, she observed a herd of what seemed to be mammoth-type creatures traveling in a pack and grazing on the tall grass. Stella wished she could run over to them and frolic among them and feel their thundering footsteps reverberate throughout the ground. Instead, she made her way steadily towards the banquet hall and took her place next to Isaac.

  As the two of them ate their breakfast, Isaac’s hand wandered up her left leg, massaging it at the knee, and then worked its way up to her lap. It took its place there and massaged between her legs. Stella flushed but she couldn’t help spread her legs a bit further so that he might have better access. No one at the large banquet table noticed. Knowing that it was their own little secret made the experience that much more erotic.

  After the meal, Isaac rose and gave a quick speech to the rest of the dining hall. He explained to them that the time travel preparations were ready and that Isaac, Stella, and Khan would embark that afternoon. This proclamation met with a chorus of cheers
. It seemed that having a real live Earthling to take the species’ leadership on an adventure into a past Earth was unabashedly exciting.

  By the end of the breakfast Stella was moist between the legs and very happy in the heart. She was going to be able to see a time period that no one else living on Earth could experience. And with two such handsome protectors to go with her! What woman wouldn’t swoon at this opportunity?

  They left the hall and walked back to the mothership. Strapping themselves in to the sturdy metal chairs of the main navigation room, Khan, Stella, and Isaac, facing the large open window in front of them, braced themselves for warp-speed travel. Khan hit some switches and pressed a few buttons and then in a matter of moments they were shooting into the air and whizzing by all the stars and galaxies around them. They seemed to be entering into some sort of temporal “worm hole”. Stella felt her body being pressed back against the seat of her chair, and when the feeling stopped, the ship had landed in an open field on planet Earth. The three of them exited the ship and stood looking about them in a 360-degree view. It seemed like Earth alright.

  The three of them walked for a while until they started to hear the sounds of musket-fire and shouts in the distance. It appeared as though they were coming upon some type of battle.

  “I’ll check it out,” said Khan. “We can use observations about their fighting systems to learn more about warfare in this time period. I’ll leave you two to explore the nearby area together.”


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