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TIA'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 1)

Page 128

by Dalia Wright

  When the main course was just about finished, the Duke removed his hand from her thighs and focused his attention on his son instead.

  “I heard you lost heavily at the gambling tables the other night. I hope you’re not expecting me to pay off the debts,” he grunted disapprovingly.

  “Of course not, father. I don’t expect anything from you,” Devon replied scathingly.

  “You’re a disgrace to the family with your gambling, drinking and womanizing ways.”

  Devon laughed with derision. “You’re one to talk, lecturing my behaviour while you have your hands up the skirt of a girl young enough to be your daughter?”

  The twins giggled and turned identical mocking eyes on their soon-to-be stepmother. Violet’s face flooded with shame and she twitched in her seat. What she wouldn’t give to escape the dining room this very moment!

  The Duke pounded a fist angrily on the table and growled, “When are you going to grow up and be a man? I have half a mind to leave the title and my wealth to your cousin instead of you.” But the threat didn’t have the desired effect because Devon matched his angry stare with a cool one of his own.

  “I wish you would because then I could live my life as I goddamn please!” And with that, he rose abruptly from the dining table and left the room. Violet wandered what would happen next, but to her surprise the twins and the Duke resumed eating as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

  Given the conflicting emotions and the tension around the dinner table, Violet was thankful when it finally came to an end. As the last spoon was cleared away, she excused herself by making up a headache and retired for the night, thankful the horrendous day was finally at an end. But less than an hour later she was shaken awake from a troubled sleep by the sound of a key turning in the lock of her bedroom. The heavy doors swung open soundlessly and Violet instantly recognized the old man smell she had come to associate with the Duke. Her heart sank in despair: was she never to have any privacy even in her bedroom? Determined to not make a peep she kept her eyes shut tightly, feigning sleep. She heard him approach her bed, and felt the light from the lit candle he was holding flicker over her face. Violet struggled to keep her breathing even and light, but after a few moments, the Duke left her room, sighing heavily in disappointment. She had been spared this one night but his visit clearly indicated he had no intention of waiting for their wedding night to claim his husbandly rights.


  Once she was certain the Duke had left her rooms, Violet tried to fall back asleep, but sleep eluded her. She tossed about in bed restlessly wondering how she would ever reconcile herself to the intimate part of her marriage. The more she thought about it, the harder it became to breathe. I need air, she thought to herself, fresh air. Jumping out of bed, she wrapped a robe around her slender body and left her suite. She could easily have sat on the balcony, but she needed open space; the Duke’s unwelcome presence had left her feeling stifled and trapped in her set of rooms. She went down the back staircase the servants used, where a winding path led away from the servants’ hall and to the magnificent gardens surrounding the home. But Violet never made it out to the garden; before she could slip out the door, the sound of smothered voices stopped her in her tracks. She listened closely and realized the noises she was hearing were muffled cries of pleasure. The lady in her told her to walk away but the hungry, aching woman in her followed the sounds and stopped dead in her tracks when the servants’ dining hall came into view. The dining hall was a plain room with a long table set up in the middle, lined with rows of chairs. This was where the servants gathered to eat their meals during the day.

  As her eyes adjusted to the sight before her, she bit the inside of her cheek hard to keep herself from crying out in surprise. One of the maids was bent over one end of the dining table, her naked breasts pressed against the surface while a man took her from behind. A second maid, also naked, sat on the table fondling herself. Violet knew she should leave but she couldn’t get her legs to move. She stood rooted on the spot, fascinated by the sight before her. Suddenly the man pulled out of the maid sprawled on the table and turned his attention to the one touching her own breasts, and in that moment Violet realized it was Devon! The Duke’s son!

  He grabbed the girl and began to suck on her nipples while the other maid scampered down from table and got on her knees to take him inside her mouth! All three were moaning and crying out in pleasure. It was the most shocking thing Violet had ever witnessed, but instead of feeling shame or outrage, a strange sensation was spreading through her body. She felt hot, unsteady and disturbed. Her hands moved of their own accord to her breasts, which were covered only by the thin layer of her robe and nightgown, and she found herself mimicking the maid’s actions. To her great shock she felt a dart of pleasure shoot through her. She gasped, shocked at the sensation, and her own boldness. Terrified they would discover her, Violet fled up the stairs and hurried into her bedroom, her head filled with the images of the three naked bodies entwined together.

  She slept listlessly and woke up the next morning groggy and tired. She sent word to the Duke she was unwell and would be staying in her room for most the day. The maid came back to her with the report the Duke had left for London earlier in the morning on some business and would only return in a few days. Violet sank into her pillows in relief; at the very least she would have some reprieve from his company and would be free to do as she wished with her time.


  The next two days passed by uneventfully. Violet spent most of her time in her suite or sitting on her balcony reading, resting or dreaming of the precious moments when she had held Eliza in her arms. She wondered what Eliza looked like now; she would soon be a year old and was no doubt a beautiful child.

  She took her meals in her room, since the idea of sitting for a formal meal across from the twins’ angry faces was enough to ruin anyone’s appetite. On the third day of the Duke’s absence she woke up at the crack of dawn and decided to go for a ride around the grounds. Her body sorely needed the exercise after being cooped up for so long. Everything around the estate was still and peaceful and the sun was just now beginning to peek up above the horizon. Violet took in a deep breath, enchanted by her surroundings. She made her way to the stable and instead of disturbing the stable boy from his sleep, she went to saddle her own horse. Expecting the place to be empty, she was shocked to find a half naked Devon hard at work piling up hay.

  “Devon?” His name came out before she could stop herself.

  He looked up and grinned when he saw her. He didn’t seem surprised to see her.

  “Good morning.”

  She was surprised at how civil he sounded and decided to do the same. Keeping her voice even and friendly she asked, “What are you doing here so early in the morning?”

  “I could ask you the same.”

  “I’m going for a ride.”

  “Hmmm.” He grunted and continued on with his work.

  Bare chested and with his rippling muscles slick with sweat, he was a formidable sight, and Violet felt an echo of the sensations she had felt the night she saw him with the two maids. An image of Devon’s tall, muscular body thrusting in and out of the maid popped into her head and Violet shuddered with desire. Devon’s mere presence bothered her in a way she couldn’t explain, and she took a step back suddenly consumed with a need to put a great deal of distance between them.

  Devon heard the rustle of her dress and looked up.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  “Ye…yes…” she stammered, “I need to saddle my horse.”

  He put the rake aside and walked towards her while mopping his brow with his shirt.

  “I could saddle the horse for you.”

  “No thank you, I can do it myself.” She fought to keep her voice even and calm and stare him straight in the eyes with confidence. I am going to be his stepmother, she chanted to herself; this is my stepson. Stepmother. Stepson. But the words did nothing to quel
l the disturbing feelings.

  “Tell me something, Vy. It’s okay if I call you Vy? I can’t imagine calling a beautiful creature like yourself something so vile as ‘Stepmother’.”

  Without waiting for her to respond, Devon continued, “So, Vy, how does someone like you agree to marry a vile son of a bitch like my father? You should have a dozen sweethearts tucked away fighting to sweep you off your feet. What’s the story? Does he have something on you?”

  Violet was struggling to process that he was complimenting her while asking her questions she couldn’t readily answer.

  “Why would you think he has something on me?”

  “Because that’s the only way my father knows of getting what he wants.” His eyes scanned her body from head to toe, desire openly displayed in his gaze. “And you are someone he wants.”

  Choosing not to respond, and deciding it would be best to cut this increasingly uncomfortable conversation short, Violet said briskly, “I better get to my horse now.”

  But Devon grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her from turning around, and pulled her close to him. His eyes bored into hers intently and he brought his lips close to her ear.

  “Did you enjoy the show the other night?”

  The whispered words made her flush. So he had seen her that night! But she was damned if she would admit it!

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said stiffly.

  Devon threw back his head and laughed. “Oh I think you do, Vy… Did we shock you so very much?”

  He threw her a knowing smile and before she could react, he pulled her roughly into his arms and kissed her hard on the lips. A shocking, tingling, bruising kiss that left Violet reeling. Just as abruptly, he pulled away and released his grip on her.

  Without a word, Violet whirled around and fled the stables. She spent the next two days locked up in her room trying to make sense of what had happened. She was terrified to leave her rooms for fear of running into Devon. She wasn’t worried about the Duke finding out; what scared her was the depth of her own emotions. She had come to terms with the idea of a loveless marriage to an old man, but Devon was shattering that resolve and making her yearn for things she knew she couldn’t have. His kiss, his touch, his young, handsome face only served to highlight how repulsed she felt by the Duke. But he was the key to getting Eliza back, and at the end of the day that was the only thing which mattered. She felt disloyal for having such inappropriate thoughts, and about her stepson no less! But, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t get them out of her head. Once the vows are spoken, I’ll never think about him again, she promised herself. I’ll be a good, loyal wife to the Duke ‘til death do us part.


  The next morning, when her maid brought in her breakfast tray, she also brought news that the Duke had returned the night before and they would be attending a ball later that evening. It was the annual ball thrown by Lady Ophelia Ridley in her country home, and was the event of the year. It was an extremely exclusive event and not everyone received an invitation; Violet herself had never received one. She was dreading the ball for many reasons. It would be the first public event she would be attending at the Duke’s side as his fiancée, and she would be coming face to face with people who had, for the most part, shunned her or spread gossip about her over the last two years. No doubt more gossip would be spread about her during and after the ball, but there was no help for it. As the Duchesse of Cheshire she would be required to attend many events at his side and gossip was something she would have to get used to. At least until another scandal broke out. And if there was one thing London society could count on, it was a fresh scandal.

  In the early afternoon, a large box was delivered to her room. It was a gift from the Duke: a beautiful ball gown in turquoise, complete with a diamond necklace and earrings. The Duke had many faults but being stingy wasn’t one of them. It had more to do with wanting to show off his possessions than anything else, but it meant Violet had a closet full of beautiful gowns, dresses, robes and a chest full of matching jewellery. The silky dress felt luxurious and Violet revelled in the feel of the material against her soft skin. The diamond necklace was a beautiful piece and nestled snugly above her soft, creamy breasts amply displayed by the low cut neckline of the gown. Violet felt uncomfortable at the blatant display but knew there was no use in complaining about it.

  She came down a half hour before they were scheduled to leave and was surprised to see the Duke’s daughters and Devon waiting in the parlour drinking wine. They too were dressed for the ball. The girls looked like sparkly, beautiful butterflies, and Devon….he was so heart stoppingly handsome in his formal outfit she had to fight an urge to go near him. It was her first encounter with him after the kiss in the stable. She greeted everyone politely, making sure not to maintain any prolonged eye contact with Devon. Just being around him made her nervous and she could tell from the smirk on his face that he was thinking about their kiss. The twins barely acknowledged her greeting and carried on with their own conversation. She declined the offer of a drink from Devon and sat on the sofa farthest from him. Violet’s eyes roamed around the room, looking everywhere but in his direction. The tense atmosphere in the room was thankfully broken by the arrival of the Duke.

  He greeted everyone with a loud harrumph and greeted her with a wet kiss on the lips. Violet struggled not to flinch as his lips worked over hers. She felt embarrassed at the display in front of his children and couldn’t help but wonder briefly what was going through Devon’s head as he witnessed the kiss.

  When the Duke finally released her, he patted her on the butt and grabbed her by the arm to lead her out to their waiting carriage. Too embarrassed to attempt at any conversation with him, Violet remained silent throughout the ride to Lady Ophelia’s estate. And for once even the twins were silent, both absorbed in watching the passing scenery. The Duke kept a possessive hand over her thigh, giving her a squeeze every few minutes. Violet tried to remain composed and unmoved while being acutely conscious of Devon’s eyes on her bosom. The ride felt endless but they finally pulled on to the estate. The enormous country home, built to resemble a small palace, was glittering with lit lamps everywhere. Beautifully dressed people emerged from crested carriages and disappeared into the mansion.

  The Duke escorted her inside, Devon and the twins following behind. A hush fell over the group already gathered in the ballroom as the Duke and Violet’s name were announced. Refusing to look ashamed or be cowed by the judging eyes of London society, Violet held her head up high and allowed herself to be led into the heart of the ballroom, grateful for the Duke’s presence at her side. But the relief was short lived as he abandoned her within moments and disappeared into a study with his friends to discuss business matters, leaving Violet stranded on the ballroom floor. She stood awkwardly, unsure of where to go or what to do. Her eyes anxiously scanned the crowd trying to find a friendly or familiar face. The next minute she felt a tug on her arm and whirled around to find Devon standing before her.

  “Could I have this dance?”

  Relieved at having something to do she readily consented and for once didn’t even feel affected by his closeness. After the first dance they naturally eased into a second one. Both were on their best behaviour and conversation between them flowed easily and naturally. She even made Devon laugh a few times! Something she believed he was incapable of doing. Until that night she had only seen three emotions on his face: anger towards his father, a smirk for her, or complete disinterest. But as they danced and chatted she saw other emotions - interest, pleasure, and animation. When they stopped for a break after their fourth dance, they became aware of the mutterings of gossip swirling around them as people began to comment on the closeness between the disgraced noble and the Duke’s rakish son. Violet felt deeply ashamed of her behaviour so when Devon brought her a plate of food, she told him he should go mingle with his friends. He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “And abandon you to the mercy of
these wolves?”

  “People are talking and it’s not fair to you or your father.”

  “You think I give a damn what people say about my father or about me? People will always find things to talk about. I don’t care about scandals and neither should you.” His emphasis on the word ‘you’ left Violet wondering if he could possibly know the truth about her secret.

  “Now, shall we dance some more or would you feel better going for a stroll in the garden? It will give people more things to gossip about,” he added with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “A stroll sounds lovely,” Violet replied, feeling a sudden burst of defiance; if people were going to be talking, then she would happily give them something to discuss.

  Sending a brilliant smile his way, she took his proffered arm and they disappeared through the glass doors leading into the garden. They strolled down the pathways in silence and both found, to their surprise, that they were enjoying each other’s company. Violet couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something about being near Devon felt right. At length they began to speak; at first merely exchanging superficial pleasantries, but soon they were speaking comfortably about their childhoods, books they had read, places they had travelled. Devon, it transpired, had travelled extensively and had fascinating stories of his exploits. Violet was coming the slow realization she had greatly misjudged Devon in many ways, and was shocked at how free and open she felt around him. She even had an overwhelming urge to confide in him about Eliza, especially when he echoed his sentiments from earlier that week about her engagement to his father.

  “There has to be more to the story - why are you doing this? You do realize he’s a despicable man?”

  Violet smiled in response and shrugged her slim shoulders, refusing to rise to the bait. But he wasn’t one to let up and pressed on.


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