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Dethroning the King

Page 11

by Jennifer Loren

  “I didn’t!”

  “No, but I will.” The tears run rapidly down her face as she begins to understand my power over her. See, I own you,” I breathe against her ear, getting excited all over again as I feel her tremble. It’s good to be king.

  Chapter 11


  I shouldn’t be running to him, but I can’t help my love for him. I tried to stay away, let Preston live his life in the safety distance provides. With Austin’s help, I created a secure link to message him. I would wait for weeks before he would finally respond and give me hope that he does still love me. He tried to pretend he didn’t a few times and asked for me to leave him alone, but the moment I would agree and say goodbye, he would send me an update on all the horrible things going on back home—his way of trying to convince me to come back to him. He has been dating other people, but no one that has made him forget about me. After so much time of being apart, I would have thought I would have gotten over him. Typically, it doesn’t take much more than a few drinks to forget a boyfriend, new or old; however, Preston is different. He makes me laugh, makes my heart beat like it’s more than simply alive. He sends the rhythms of my soul into a boiling, passionate love, roaring to the surface in the perfect storm that could only be calmed by … his touch. I have missed him so much that I ache with a rumbling heartbreak. Dace said to give it time, obviously assuming that Preston was like all the others. I can’t blame him for assuming. He never really got a chance to know him.

  Now that Dace and Austin are safe and able to take care of themselves, I need to make sure my other love stays the same way. My devotion to him has led to an instinct that something is wrong. One of his last messages talked about a man that keeps asking him out. Preston keeps turning him down, but the man doesn’t seem to want to give up. I want to ask him why he turned him down, why this person always seemed to be wherever Preston seems to be if they never have shared any information about each other. The most Preston has given him is his first name, and Preston, for some reason, doesn’t seem to know this man’s name at all. He only refers to him as his “groupie”. Preston assures me the man is harmless, but no matter what I try, I can’t shake the feeling that he isn’t harmless at all. I even tried to satisfy my fears by warning Preston to stay low, stay away from this man, and not to go anywhere alone. It doesn’t help. My nightmares have only become more intense. I wandered around the big estate trying to think of an argument to convince Dace we needed to go back now. My brother swore he would tie me down to keep me from leaving. Our biggest fight to date:

  “Antony! You need to let him go. Let this obsession go. It’s only going to get you killed. There is no way Michael would ever go after Preston and risk drawing unwanted attention to himself.”

  “Are you sure, Dace? Are you sure Michael is even touchable at this point? His control and power are growing every day, and all we do is sit here and wait and wait. For what?! What is it we are waiting for? You’re healed now. Hell, you have been traveling with your crew doing other work for other people. Why are you waiting, Dace? Don’t you care? Don’t you care at all what he did to our mother? To us? To Austin? Don’t you care about anything other than traveling around the world and being some vigilante group for hire?”

  “Vigilante group? Don’t be overly dramatic. I told you that there is a plan in the works and that we have to be patient to allow it to work smoothly. We act too soon and everything we have done so far is all for nothing.”

  “Done? What have we done exactly? Other than work on our tans? Is that it? We are going to dazzle him to death with our incredible golden flesh, Dace? Because I don’t think that will work. Michael gets that spray tan done to even his tan out. He has no tan lines, Dace, and everyone knows no tan line beats tan lines, no matter how natural ours might be.”

  “What the fuck, Antony?! Stop being ridiculous.”

  “I am being no more ridiculous than you have been. Teaching us step one then two like we are in grade school. You’re stalling because you’re scared.”

  Dace forces his stance and shakes his head with his hands on his hips. “Antony, why can’t you just trust me?”

  “Why can’t you trust me?”

  “I do.”

  “Oh yeah? Then why did you leave Austin and I behind on this mission?”

  “I took the people that knew this job well already. There was no sense in jeopardizing more peoples’ lives than necessary. Besides, it was a good thing I left you guys behind. If I hadn’t, I’d be some psycho’s sex slave right now.”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “You didn’t take us because you didn’t trust us, or rather me. Did you even consider taking her with you or was your excuse that she needed to stay behind and watch over me—your feeble, gay brother, who obviously can’t take care of himself?”

  “This has nothing to do with you being gay! This has everything to do with you acting on impulse instead of thinking things through. I am trying to protect you from yourself.”

  “Dace, I am not a child. Stop treating me like one. I am more than capable of handling myself, and you know it. I know I make mistakes, but so do you, and you learn from yours. Now you gotta let me learn from mine.”

  “Not if they get you killed. Okay, yes, I am being overly protective of you, and you have proven you are more than capable of handling missions, so I will make sure you get put on some of the next jobs. But until I feel that everything back home is set and safe for us to return, you’ll stay away from there and avoid any unnecessary harm,” he says, walking away as if I should accept his decision without question.

  I love my brother, but I have a feeling he has become too comfortable and isn’t the least bit interested in going after Michael any time soon. His life is fine now. Michael thinks he and Austin are dead, and he won’t ever bother to look for him or will anyone else. Dace finally got what he always wanted—to be non-existent and unimportant to anyone that may want to kill him and his new love. Unfortunately, I can’t feel nearly as comfortable. Hiding out and being on constant watch for someone to shoot me in the back of the head is not my idea of living. Once I pack my bag, I wait for the right moment and take off. Preston needs me, and I need him.

  I planned my trip just like Dace and I had discussed a few too many times. I flew into an airport that Michael would never expect me to. It wasn’t easy getting here, but the roundabout finally put me somewhere in the middle of Iowa. I am not real sure where Iowa is, but thankfully, they have cars with GPS that gets me to the city I can’t forget. I drive through the city with my guard up, of course. No matter how much I love the city, it hasn’t always loved me. I spend my first hour back locating Preston and making sure he is where he should be. Once satisfied, I spend the next few hours staking out a place to stash my stuff and make a temporary home, but I don’t, for one second, believe that it will be anything but temporary. After a quick check of my email, I realize Dace and Austin are not far behind me. I knew he wouldn’t let me go by myself and so did Austin. She has to be celebrating right along with me, making Dace finally understand we can’t hide forever. Eventually we have to emerge and dethrone this king for good.

  By the time I am set, Preston closes up his day at work. His usual Friday night should be meeting up for drinks with friends, but just in case he changes his plans, I ride the shadows and follow him throughout the night. This is the first time I have been a stalker in the night, and it’s also the first time I have felt the need to risk everything for someone. Preston never notices me, but I have no doubt, by his constant eye scans of the room, that he senses my presence. I do my best to not interfere with his life; however, a few admirers of his cause a growl from the depths of my soul. I take pleasure in their dismissal briefly before another approaches hoping for a different result than the previous. I have little restraint left when Preston finally calls it a night and walks out, taking a long walk down the street and through a nearly deserted parking garage to his car.

  Nearly there, he stops and sighs. “I k
now you’re there.” I stay silent and hidden. “Why are you following me? I told you I don’t know where he is.” He sighs again with anger. “Leave me alone! I don’t know where he is!”

  A sudden flash illuminates the dim garage, and three men jump out of a nearby car while another walks out from behind him. Within an instant, every muscle in my body tenses, and I ready myself for a war. “You see, Preston, we think you do know where he is, but that doesn’t matter now.”

  “Why?” he asks standing still as the three begin to pace around him.

  “Because the boss says all he wants now is to do to you what we would like to do to him, only … we are going to stop short of killing you and only make you wish you were dead. Hell, maybe give you reason to kill yourself. Just don’t do it until your boyfriend comes back to avenge your unfortunate accident. He might not be as motivated if you’re dead.” The man laughs as Preston begins running. The tallest of the three catches Preston and throws him to the ground. There is no time to wait for Dace or Austin. I act, racing towards them to free Preston first. My attempt is helpful but only manages to alert more attackers. Back to back with the love of my life, I stand alone with one gun between us and the now dozen men that are fully armed and ready. It is clear now. They were waiting for me, and I made a mistake being too impulsive.

  “Michael wants me dead, so shoot me and let him go. No sense in wasting your time and bullets. You got me.”

  “Antony … why did you come here? They want more than your head.” Preston swears at me while tugging at my jacket. “You should have stayed away.”

  “You got me. Kill me and let him go. Shoot me, bastards! What’s wrong with you?” I scream as Preston lets his head fall and shake with a grimacing call of my name.

  The obvious leader and seemingly the most hungry to do damage, steps out in front. “Oh, see you don’t understand, Antony. Michael doesn’t just want to kill you. He wants to make you his cause. Someone attacks his gay brother in the most horrible way possible and makes him mute, and reminds people what a dedicated, loving brother he is. Michael the compassionate one taking care of a completely immobile, broken, barely living mute that is only alive because he gives him a spike in sympathy and votes. Not to mention the enjoyment of watching you suffer day in and day out, remembering … remembering your mother’s death, your brother’s death, your lover’s death, and your torture. With your brother being able to enjoy teasing you with whether he will feed you or not. Will he give you the tube or wait until you cry with hunger? Maybe we can play pin the tail on the gay paraplegic, guys!” They laugh like only barbarians would. “We are going to do to you what not even your own nightmares would dare do.” The man walks forward, sending chills down my spine. My eyes scan our surroundings, looking for a way out, but I am not sure how to get out with one of us still alive, much less both. I need a distraction. I need … aha! Spotting a vehicle charging station, I take a breath and quickly aim and shoot until the electrical box explodes and sends fire shooting out of its gut. Taking Preston by the hand, I lead him toward the stairwell and race through and down to the street where we have little chance of getting away unscathed, but our odds are slightly better than before. I pause to find our best way out of this, but with men chasing us from behind and what looks like another car full coming at us from the other side, my mind is drawing a blank. As the sound of gunfire echoes behind us, I begin to wonder if it wouldn’t be better to step out in front of the car and pick my own death

  “There is no way we can outrun them, Antony,” Preston breathes, exhaustion already lacing his words as he seems to read my mind.

  Before I can decide, the car slams on its breaks and spins in the other direction, flinging open the passenger side door.

  “Get in!” a voice yells.

  I don’t have much time to consider my options, so I take the one given. Pushing Preston into the car, I follow in after him. The car spins away so fast I barely have time to shut the car door. Speeding down the highway, I turn to the man driving. “Who … What …?” I try to ask, unsure of where to begin.

  “You should have bought a cheap car from some nobody and drove in, not rent one. He was tracking your license.”

  “Oh …” I would say more, but I can’t help but study the face of the man that saved us and, at least for now, seems to be helping us.

  He turns to look at me. “Hello, Antony. It’s good to see you again. You might remember me as John.”

  The sudden images and memories rushing through my head are overwhelming. “It’s good to see you too, John, but how did you know I was here?”

  “That’s easy. Your brother called. We have been working together on a few things these past few months. We had hoped you would be patient a little longer.” I look back at Preston. “Your fears were unfounded. We were keeping watch over Preston for you. Dace made sure of it. You should trust him more.”

  “Oh, don’t say that because that means I have to tell him he was right.” I sigh, sinking into my seat with amazing guilt. Fucking Dace and always having to be right.

  Chapter 12


  Arriving back to the States was not easy for Austin and me, but with a lot of help from Austin’s new friend, Fonseca, we manage to get across the border with some smugglers. I am beginning to think she and Antony worked this plan out ahead of time. If anyone asks why I don’t trust them again, I am going to laugh. Once back in the country, we get a car and find our way into our beloved state before Antony finally reaches out via our private emails and warns us to not go inside the city. I am glad to know our old friend has found him and he and Preston are safe. Now it’s time to figure out how to begin. How to take on this monster who calls himself my brother. There is a process to this, a systematic way of taking each part of his life and destroying it to the point of no return. Michael has a political status; that means he can’t be taken out in one shot. If we kill him, we become wanted criminals, and no one will ever listen to why. Austin and I, and possibly Antony too, would have to live in obscurity forever if we really screw up. The key to this is to reveal the monster to the public and then make his death a justified blessing to everyone.

  After driving most of the day, Austin and I find an out of the way motel to stay in for the night until we can meet up with Antony the next day. I welcome the chance to stop this pursuit for a while and contemplate what we are about to jump into. I pace for hours, considering how my plan is going to work or how it could go wrong, all the while overlooking Austin’s sleeping body with concern. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t dare put her into any unnecessary danger. I know she wants to see her brother, and I know how anxious she is to regain her life, but I want to keep her from getting involved in any of this. I want to keep her safe, keep her smile safe, and keep her only for me to love. As selfish as that is, I don’t care. I guess I better get some sleep while I can.

  Austin wakes with a smile and a bright love that I can’t resist. “Good morning,” she says, reaching out for me.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” I say, receiving a kiss and a tender touch that makes me gush with love.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Damn, I should know better than to hide anything from her. “I’m just worried is all. There is a lot happening right now.”

  “Like what? You said Antony and Preston are safe and well-hidden for the time being. We will meet up with them and get started working. So what’s to worry about right now? Nothing has happened yet.”

  “There is something else I haven’t told you. I contacted an old friend before Antony ever got here. I let him know about Antony’s early arrival, and he intervened on the attack of Antony and Preston by some of Michael’s goons, twelve of them.” Austin sits up, beginning to understand my concerns. Antony said they had plans to kill Preston and make Antony, Michael’s tortured marionette for the rest of his life, or until he could no longer be useful I’m sure. Luckily, they were able to get away with our old friend’s help.”

hat’s good, right?” she asks, searching my eyes for understanding.

  “Yeah, but something Antony said bothered me. He said there was gunfire behind them but they never felt the shots aimed at them. He distinctly remembers hearing shots and the subsequent silencing of the steps following them. Someone was taking them out. There’s no way, even with John’s help, that they could have gotten away that easily. Antony searched the papers and there was nothing. There were no bodies found, no reports of missing people, no reports of hearing gunshots. He assumed John had people there backing him up.” She looks at me like I’m crazy. “I know for a fact that John doesn’t have anyone helping him right now, especially not as many people as it would take to do that much cleanup.”

  “I don’t know that I completely understand what you’re trying to tell me right now?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure I understand either, a feeling I guess. Tell me, did you guys follow us to the job against Nidia? Is that how you knew we were set up?”

  “No, we didn’t know until after not hearing from you for several days. We formed a plan and managed to find a plane at the last minute that just so happened to be heading the direction we needed. Why?”

  “Because I nearly escaped Nidia with the help of someone shooting at her and her guards when she first tried to shoot me up with that drug. I assumed it was you. In fact, I did escape, but I had to go back because they killed Tye and they threatened to kill Le. I went back, but Nidia suddenly became very busy with business and didn’t have time to deal with the crew or me. We basically sat there until you and Antony showed up. It was like I had angels watching over me until real help could arrive.” She smiles briefly and then seems to remembering something. “What?”


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