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Dethroning the King

Page 18

by Jennifer Loren

  My father grabs my coat and forces me back to him. “You listen to me. You are the best of both your mother and me. I know it. I see me in you.” I nod with a sarcastic roll of my eyes. “You are my son!” My father looks into my eyes, vibrating with intensity. “You are my son.”

  “Yes, I am,” I say with my hands out as he clamps down on my coat and stares into my eyes as if he is searching for something.

  “You will honor your heritage, your birthright, and claim your position at the head of this family if it is necessary. My name cannot die.”

  “Are you planning on dying soon or something?”

  “Not planning, expecting. Like you, I know when something is coming. I don’t know from which direction it is coming, but it’s coming for me. All I can do is wait for it. A word of advice: if it is Ettore left standing with you, then you fight like all hell to claim that sovereignty from him because he won’t let you run free without getting blood on your hands. You just make sure it’s his blood,” he says with an odd sadness about him. All I can do is nod in agreement to something I don’t even understand. This family was always considered the tightest, most solid family there ever was. That’s what kept us strong, but now, all of a sudden, all hell is breaking loose.

  That conversation should have told me everything I needed to know. I pause, thinking on the whole conversation, the whole entire conversation does tell me everything I need to know. “Fuck!” I rush back downstairs to my computer and rapidly begin searching.

  Austin runs in after me. “Dace? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just need to find someone.” The deeper I search, the clearer the answer.

  “Who are you searching for and why? Dace? Talk to me!”

  I turn my chair towards her and take hold of her hands. “There is someone that my father told me about.” I pause, considering my wording for him. “There is someone he said I need to find if something happened to him. I think for us to survive against my brothers, I have to find him. I need for you not to tell anyone about this.” She looks at me with concern. “Don’t tell anyone who I am looking for or that I am even looking. I want you to stay here. Tell them that I had to go back to my old crew to help them with something or whatever makes sense to you at the time. Do you understand?” She nods, looking fearful. “Don’t worry, Trouble. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise. I will be back here for you in no time. You stay on alert and trust no one that you don’t know well.” I look down and back up at her. “Trust your instincts.” She nods, and I take the information I need off the computer and then clean the whole system. I pack a few things and say goodbye to Austin, praying I am doing the right thing for the both of us.

  I am lucky that I have learned to move through a city without anyone ever noticing me. Peter called me “Ghost”, and others called me “Gypsy”, the forever wandering, invisible man. I’m not sure why it comes so naturally to me. I was hoping getting to know my real father might shed some light on why I am the way I am, but it didn’t. Now, I am searching for this man, Hayden Stryker, meeting up at a broken down phone booth, waiting for something to happen like a fool. The message said here, wait here for a call. What call?! The damn phone receiver isn’t even attached to the box. About five seconds before I decide to leave, I hear a ringing. I look at the body of the phone and find a key in the change receiver. What the hell? I try using it on the lock for the box and open it to find a cell phone. It rings again, and I answer it, but hesitate to say a word.

  “I thought you were dead. Why should I believe you are who you say you are?” the voice asks.

  “I don’t even know who the hell you are, all I know is that my father told me to find you before he died. That you had all the answers I have been looking for.”

  “No, I don’t believe you.”

  “Listen here, motherfucker. I swear, I am sick of this shit! I am living in the dark and so is my girl. My brother is an evil piece of shit, and if I don’t get something to help me do him in soon, I might as well be dead. So either help me or don’t but stop fucking with me!” I scream. There is nothing on the other end. “Fuck!” I toss the phone into the street and start walking. When I hear a car coming, I brace myself until it stops next to me.

  The window rolls down, and I hear a familiar voice. “Well you are still the most impatient one. Get in and stop pouting. I’m not your girl, Dace. I don’t care about your dark, sexy, brooding side.” I lean down and look inside, nearly falling over in shock.

  Damn! My father did tell me:

  “No!” I scream as I watch my father take on bullet after bullet before finally falling to the ground. Once the car is gone, I race to his side and pick up his head. “I only wanted to please you, do good so you would want me home, but you never called me home. No matter how good of grades I got, no matter how well I did in sports, none of it mattered. You never wanted me. At least tell me who my father is, you owe me that much.”

  He stares at me and reaches out to place his bloody hand on my face. “I did already.” He gasps, gripping my hand until he dies.

  “Are you going to get in or stare at me because I should warn you, this is not my best look. I prefer a more toned down garment.”

  “Hayden Stryker?” I ask.

  “Actually, it’s Johnathan Dace Logan, or simply John as most call me, at least you and your brother used to.”

  He motions for me to get in, and with a deep sigh, I slide in. “So what’s with Hayden Stryker? Who’s he?”

  “Stryker is my front. I’ve used it for years to keep hidden or at least since my meeting with Dominic Colletto.”

  Chapter 18


  Dace left so suspiciously that I am unable to sit still while I wait for him to come back. I try to hide in our room most of the day, hoping not to let Dace’s father know he is gone. I would hate for him to worry. I am not sure how much longer I can keep this up, though. For now, I told John that his son is not feeling well, in hopes that I can keep it simple. However, for Dace to never come out of the room would only be believable if he was horny all day long, even then he would want to venture out into unchartered territory. Taking a deep breath, I try to sneak back out to get some food, for me and my invisible fiancé. The amount of food I have had to pretend to eat is ridiculous. I carefully step towards the kitchen, I wave towards John as usual and then try to find something to eat that doesn’t make me sick to look at.

  “Where’s Dace?” John asks.

  I start to pretend I have no idea what he is talking about, but how do I prove someone is here when he is clearly not? Sighing deep, I shake my head. “He went to Michael’s again to keep an eye on Sage. He’s really worried about her. He said if he has any reason to believe Michael is going to hurt her, he’s going to kidnap her.”

  “That’s not smart. If Michael finds out that Dace is still alive, then everything we have done here will be all for not,” John gripes.

  “I know, but it is more important to keep that little girl safe.” I stand tall, defiant, and almost wishing I was there to watch her myself.

  “I told you both I have people watching out for her. There is no reason to worry. When is he expected back? He certainly can’t stay out there forever.”

  “He didn’t say. I am sure until he feels she is going to be okay.”

  “Why does he even care? She’s not his daughter or anything? If Michael kills her, she’s probably better off.” I stare at him in amazement. “I just mean, it could be worse. He could sell her to a pedophile or something. I wouldn’t put it past him, considering how he treated Ettore when he was a kid,” he huffs, stomping off to make a call. Ettore?

  The shock of his words start to shake inside of me. I know Dace and Antony are his kids, but does he really care enough to go through all this for them? I take a step, a step that I have a terrible feeling I am going to regret. “John, do you happen to have any pictures of Dace and Antony when they were kids? I would love to see them both at a time when they were happy and
innocent.” I smile, hopefully appearing innocent myself.

  “No, I didn’t spend that much time with them. Any pictures we might have had would have been destroyed for their sakes. You know, can’t have too many personal items in my line of work.”

  “Of course, that makes sense. So, do you have any stories about them? You know, something sweet and beautiful about their childhood?” He shrugs me off. “You don’t have anything?”

  “What do you want from me, woman? I have been working all day, and now I am on the hunt for my dumbass kid so he doesn’t get himself killed. Like I don’t have anything better to do.”

  “Dace is far from a dumbass. He is highly intelligent and skilled. I assure you he knows what he’s doing,” I say fiercely, receiving a sideways glance I don’t appreciate. Walking away, I swear I hear him grumbling about me and my bitchy attitude issues. I am starting to see why Dace made it clear to me not to trust anyone. I am suddenly feeling the need to break out of here. I hope that it’s just my overactive imagination along with lack of sleep, but just in case, I plant a bug in our new extended family’s phone. I want to know who he is talking to when we aren’t around. When Dace gets back, I think we need to have a talk about whether we stay here or not.

  Today, Brandon, the supposed brother, is keeping watch over me. Yesterday, it was silent Uncle Jeremy. It gets more disturbing the more I think about it. What’s more disturbing is Brandon watching me workout. “Do you not have anything else to do today? Feel free to leave even. I will be sure to call you when Dace gets back.”

  “No, I want to make sure my brother’s girl is well-protected and watched over.”

  “I can protect myself.”

  “Good for you.” He smirks, stuffing his mouth with more celery sticks. He doesn’t even have peanut butter—nothing—just celery sticks. The most boring man I have ever met. Dace should teach him how to cook, or maybe Ettore. They are both amazing from what I know about Ettore. I turn to mock Brandon, still making his day all about me. “You know, you should go back to doing that yoga stuff. That was more enjoyable to watch. Your ass all bent over and your mouth shut.”

  I laugh it off, walking towards him. “Oh yeah? You like that, huh?”

  “What I would like more is you telling me where Dace is, where he really is? You know, we have gone through a lot to put you two up here, make all this nice for you, and to be here day and night watching you two. It’s not exactly fun for us, you know? I mean, unless you want to make it fun?” he asks, opening himself up to me as if he has something to offer. I shake my head, cursing under my breath. “Then talk woman. How the hell are we supposed to help if we don’t know what you are doing?”

  “Fine. He was hoping he could be back before anyone would really notice, but since you guys are insisting on staying here every damn day, waiting for him, I guess I have to tell you the truth.” He folds his arms and waits with tension building between us. “He got a message from his old crew that they need him for a job. He will be back as soon as he’s done. Dace has a hard time letting go of that life, and he never lets down friends. That’s just the kind of man he is.”

  He roars forward, grabbing me and looking down into my eyes. “You’re lying. I don’t know why, and I don’t care, but I do know you’re lying. So, do you want to try that explanation again?”

  I shake free of him and step backwards. “I don’t know where he went. He didn’t tell me.” As soon as Brandon seems satisfied with my answer, he nods as if he wants to strike me. I prepare for it, watching him closely. He knows of my ability, but he has never faced me, so he is clearly doubtful. He raises his hand but holds it tight to him and rushes out of the room. I assume he is in a rush to call his dad. I make sure to follow him discretely and try to listen in.

  “I don’t know, but I doubt she will give me a straight answer like this. I’m worried. For him to be gone this long, something is up.” Brandon goes silent, listening to whoever he is talking to, fisting his hand in his hair and swearing under his breath. “No, no, fine, but it’s not going to be easy. Things could get messy. Are you sure you don’t want to wait a little longer and see if he comes back? Okay. Yes, I will take care of it.” He hangs up, and I arm myself. “Oh, Austin! It’s time to leave.” He comes looking for me, and I face him directly. He looks me over and then laughs. “You are a very suspicious woman.”

  “I find that my suspicious mind keeps me alive,” I admit proudly.

  “Hmm, well we will see about that …” His first move is quick, but mine’s quicker. I block his effort from the right and then his left, managing to twist myself over a table after kicking him in the side of his head. “You fucking bitch, get back here!” Brandon follows me, trying to knock me down with objects he throws at me. He obviously wants me alive or he would have shot me by now. I am still not going to stop to find out why he wants me alive or for how long. I will give him credit; he has learned to keep his distance from me. “Will you just stop for a second and let me explain?”

  “I don’t think so, Brandon.”

  “Then I guess we are going to have to do this the hard way.” I look at him curiously until I feel the dart in my arm. “About time you got here.” The room begins to spin, and a feeling I haven’t felt since … I glance behind me to see John. “It’s the only thing that will take her down for sure. We figured out the right combination since the last time Michael wanted it done. The crazy bitch requires a special combination or she will just keep going.”

  “Devoted father, my ass,” I breathe, falling to the ground. They both laugh as they watch me fight to stay conscious enough to keep them from me.

  “Close your eyes and go to sleep, and when you wake, you will be in a much nicer place, maybe even clothed. We can’t tell what might happen during the ride. No matter what they say, I fight it, keeping my eyes on them and the things they are doing and moving. I slowly crawl to our room and crawl into bed. Laying my head down, I close my eyes, and the morons make some comments about me being almost to where they need me to be before they feel safe touching me. I bury myself deeper into my pillow, pressing buttons and sending out signals to everyone I can. John comes walking over to me. “If you are trying to contact someone, you might as well give that up. We blocked the signal in here. So, you can keep wearing yourself out, but it’s not going to do you any good. I don’t say a word. I just hold Dace’s amplifier to my phone and hope, at some point, it works.

  When I wake up, I am somewhere with a very heavy breather. I jump to attention, afraid an angry bear might be nearby and grab the first thing I see to fend off any attack. I look at the overindulgent asshole and cringe. “You!”

  “I prefer Ettore. You is not the most fearful sounding name. And I do like to provoke fear in people. It’s good for business.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Ettore.”

  “You should be. I do have the power to turn you back over to your grieving husband who, as I understand it, is in desperate need of someone to sexually torture. He does have is cravings. He never has been able to get over his addictions.” I close my mouth, and he’s right. He does know how to provoke fear in people. “I’ll take that as a sign that you are ready to listen and help me do something.”

  “What do you want from me? Not that I have any power to do anything,” I reply, letting my so-called weapon, a glass vase, fall to the floor.

  “True. You, yourself, don’t offer much, but Dace does, and since you hold the key to him, I will continue to hold you until he gives me what I want or rather locates what I want. I have worked very hard keeping track of you two and steering you into my web. All for a good cause I assure you—to get rid of Michael. He’s suffocating my business with his good-boy politics bullshit. I’m tired of being pushed aside because of his needs. Michael is the oldest, the smartest, the most charming. He should be the leader of this family, and the rest of us are just supposed to shut up and follow that idea—the belief that my father clung to for so long. Fool got himself killed because of that be
lief, not that I wouldn’t have killed him myself eventually, but I would have at least waited until I had the location of the key.”

  “How long have you known we were alive?”

  “Would you please focus on business?” I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “Fine, leave it to a woman to always want to dwell on the past.” He waves his hand in a swagger that only a woman would do, ironic, but it seems to be his way. I am surprised I never noticed it before. I am surprised Dace never noticed it before. Ettore clearly makes a point of being too demon like for anyone to look at directly. Ettore sits in his big man chair and sips his liquor while I take notice of the multiple armed guards around me. “It’s simple really. I know people, Austin. I make it a point to make friends with the right people, especially when it comes to keeping track of my brothers. My friend informed me the minute you made it out safely, but to my credit, I paid him to keep you safely hidden until the time was right.”

  “You’ve known the whole time. Then why all of this charade? Why not just turn us over to Michael?”

  “To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with you guys at first, but eventually you all came through. I thought you might stay hidden forever, but that was exhausting. I guess I have Antony to thank for that. It’s lucky I intercepted Dace’s emails to his supposed father.” Ettore laughs deeply, something I’ve never heard him do and something I never want to hear again. The chills rushing up and down my spine at this moment are making me nauseous. “Austin, tell me where Dace is.”

  “I thought you made it your business to know where your brothers are, Ettore?” I smart off, instantly regretting it the moment I look at his face.

  “Let me show you something.” He jumps up and grabs the back of my neck, forcing my head in the direction of the window so I can see Michael getting out of his car to walk into Ettore’s house. “You have until our dinner is over to tell me everything you know.”


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