Dominic: The Prince

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Dominic: The Prince Page 18

by Mj Fields

  I don’t answer the phone. I refuse to be angry. I’ve been angry enough, and I sure as hell am not gonna bring her down. We feed off of each other’s emotions. When she is playful and laughing, so am I. When I am in the mood to fuck, so is she. When I want to make love, we make love. We also feed off of one another’s bodies, in every way imaginable. I can’t get enough of her pussy in my mouth. Nothing tastes better, not even my wine.

  On Monday morning, things are a little more back to business. I am on the phone most of the morning, while she and Valentina are busy trying to appear busy. At noon, we all get into the car and head to New Jersey. Court starts at two.

  We arrive at one thirty in the afternoon, and Jase, Cyrus, Zandor, Xavier, and Abe are there.

  I look around for Aunt Josephina, but she is not here, yet. I watch as Sabato walks in and wave him over.

  “How you doing?”

  “Fine.” His eyes shift around the room several times before looking at me. “How are you?”

  “Never better.”

  “Hello.” Valentina smiles.

  “Hello,” he responds.

  Zandor is the first to come over, “How you doing, Sabato?”

  “Never better,” he says, fisting his right hand.

  Zandor looks at me. “You ready for this?”

  “I’m ready for whatever comes my way, and you?”

  The others come over too, we all shake hands. We watch as the courthouse door opens and Salvatore Moosini walks in with Giuseppe Stalini, Filipe Libretto, Mario Abaci, and Marcus Dioli.

  “The board is here, interesting.”

  “Not really all that interesting, we invited them. You would have known that had you answered your phone,” Jase says, and then walks up and greets them.

  “You gonna play with the good old boys, you play nice.” Cyrus pats my back as he walks by.

  “Go,” Laney whispers. “No one knows them the way you do.” She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and, nods toward them. “Go.”


  “Which side have you picked Moosini?” I ask immediately.

  “Whichever side turns out to be innocent, of course.”

  “Of course.” I smile.

  Jase nudges me discreetly. “We’re all here for the same reason, then. Let’s go in and have a seat. Court starts in ten minutes.”

  We all sit down, Valentina sits between Jase and me. Laney sits next to me and holds my hand.

  “You look handsome. Confident, strong--”

  “Are you trying to get me hard in court?”

  Her jaw drops. “Of course not.”

  “That’s a shame, that would make this a lot more fun.”

  “I did see a storage closet, when we walked in.”

  “You are trying to get me hard.” I take her hand and edge it closer and closer to the crotch of my pants.

  Her eyes grow wide. Just before I touch her hand against me, she pulls away and laughs out loud, then quickly covers her mouth.

  “Well, hello again, Delaney,” Aunt Josephina says, as she sits next to her.

  “Hello, Mrs. Steel.” She blushes.

  “It’s Joe, dear.” She pats her leg and sits down. “So you and my nephew are?”

  Laney looks up at me. “Together,” I answer.

  “That’s wonderful. So, could you do me a favor, and teach him how to answer his calls?”

  “I can try,” Laney says, looking down at her hands.

  “Aunt Joe, you look beautiful.”

  “And you look handsome, just like your father. We are having dinner with the board following court, you will all come.”

  “I think we can make it.”

  “It wasn’t an option.”

  I am a little bit shocked by her abruptness, and Laney looks at me, trying to gauge what my response will be. I give her a wink.

  Benito is brought in from the left side of the courtroom, all decked out in an orange jumpsuit, and I hear my cousins snicker.

  “Xavier, Zandor, that’s enough,” Joe scolds them.

  “All rise,” the bailiff calls, as the judge enters.


  We sit in the conference room of Steel, while the caterers bring in dinner.

  Joe is still not here and I am concerned. When she walks in with Moosini, I am more than bothered by the playful manner, which they are portraying.

  This isn’t a fucking joke. Moosini is an ass and a crook. He was brought in when Benito and I were still in college. Anthony DeLuca groomed him, and then when Benito took over, Moosini became his right hand.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Joe says, from the head of the table. “Today proves beyond a doubt that Benito was laundering money. Putting,” she pauses, “DeLuca in a position to fall. This would have cost more than a thousand employees to lose their jobs, including all of you. There is obviously an investigation that is ongoing and, typical of a criminal, Benito is trying to place the blame on all of you in hopes of covering his tracks. We, at Steel USA and DeLuca Italy, apologize for the inconvenience and hardship it causes you all. Your coming today shows that you support us and have DeLuca’s best interest at heart. I would love to ask that you all support Dominic, and at the next board meeting vote that he replaces Benito, as chairman of the board. His sister has handed over her twelve percent, making Dominic the majority shareholder in Italy with twenty-four percent shares of DeLuca. He deserves the respect, I am confident, you will all give him.”

  “A name doesn’t warrant respect, and until Benito is convicted, he is presumed innocent,” Giuseppe Stalini pipes up.

  “I’m sorry, Momma Joe, who the fuck is that asshole?” Xavier asks.

  “Xavier, that’s enough, please,” Joe scolds him.

  “Giuseppe Stalini is my name. I’ve been on the board for twenty years.”

  “Douche,” Zandor coughs into his hand.

  “Regardless, he is the son of my brother, who worked every aspect building the foundation DeLuca sits on. He deserves respect in that characteristic alone.” Joe’s tone is curt. “I also want to announce, that after two years of owning sixteen percent of DeLuca, I am ready to step away. I am signing my shares of DeLuca Italy over to my nephew. That will make him the owner of forty percent of DeLuca Italy.”

  “But not a member of the board,” Giuseppe Stalini sneers.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Zandor stands up.

  “Alessandor, that’s enough,” Joe snaps.

  “It’s written in our bylaws. You are voted into the board, unless you are the majority shareholder,” Giuseppe Stalini answers smugly.

  Joe excuses herself, calling Zandor out in the hall. I don’t want him to be in trouble with his mother, so I also excuse myself.

  I walk out into the hall and they both look at me. “Bro, how the fuck does he have teeth still?”

  “Zandor,” Joe snaps at him.

  “Momma Joe, I’m about to fuck shit up in there, and you’re not letting me have fun with it.”

  “If anyone gets to bring them physical harm, I would like it to be me. I’ve dealt with their disrespect my entire life.”

  “There will be no physical violence. I ask that you, Dominic, don’t act like a stubborn ass.”

  My jaw drops and Zandor laughs. “Momma Joe has selective Tourette’s, lately.”

  “Hush.” She pokes him and looks back at me, then she smiles and rubs my cheek. “You look like him, you know. Exactly the same.” She clears her throat and swallows. “Is this what you really want?”

  “I don’t want them to have it. And yes, I want to tear it all down, so it is authentic. Not a glass atrocity standing in the center of the city.”

  “I know why it means so much to you. But is it worth millions of dollars?”

  “Yes. It’s worth more than that.”

  “Then tear that bitch down,” Zandor says, as he pats my back before returning to the conference room.

  When the door closes, Aunt Joe looks up at me, “This is important to you?�

  “Very much so.”

  “My boys know now, and we are all in agreement, that you should tear it down. We tried contacting you, yesterday and the day before, and the day before that, Dominic. We have years of lost time to make up for. I would love for you and your sister to move here, but I understand loving Italy and being close to the memories you cherish. I am a selfish woman and handing these shares to you comes with strings. Christmas and summer, you come visit. Our family is growing, and we want you to be a part of it, you are part of it.”

  “I would like that.”

  “So this girl, is she your Alessia?”

  “She is.”

  “Good. So, when you have children they will be my family, too. I want to know them, spoil them, teach them how to cook,” she laughs. “Make up for the many years, I didn’t have you and Valentina.”

  “Yes, I would love that.”

  When we walk in, Jase and his brothers are whispering and call Aunt Joe over.

  Jase stands at the front of the table. “The situation with Benito calls for some changes in Italy. Benito was chairman of the board and CEO, giving one person too much power. There are nine board members here, which is more than enough to vote in a new Chairman of the Board. I motion that Josephina Steel be named chairwoman of DeLuca Italy.”

  “Second.” Cyrus nods.

  “Good, let’s vote.”

  “This is insane!” Giuseppe Stalin shouts.

  “All in favor?”

  The four brothers’ hands go up and Giuseppe Stalin laughs, “You need five.”

  “You do know how guilty this makes you appear, don’t you? I think investigators need to be a little more thorough.” I look them each in the eyes.

  Of course, it can’t be that easy. It did warm my heart that they are actually walking the walk and their ideals of family being first isn’t just idyllic, it is how they are.

  Moosini’s hand raises and I am shocked, and so are the other four board members.

  “Motion carried.” Jase smiles.

  “Thank you, Salvatore.” Aunt Joe stands. “I accept.”

  “Your parents are rolling in their graves,” Giuseppe snarled

  “As chairwoman, I would love to know your vision for DeLuca.” Aunt Joe smiles.

  I do the presentation for them, and watching them squirm is a great feeling. I am going to love this next part.

  The look when I tell them the glass tower is coming down is comical.

  “The board will vote to rename DeLuca, Segretti.” Giuseppe Stalini spat.

  Jase stood and made the motion, “I call a vote for DeLuca to be renamed, Segretti Incorporated.”

  One by one, the hands raise and everything comes together at the end. The five board members named by DeLuca, are told as a group, that each of them will be replaced, if found guilty. It causes a great friction between them, and by the end of the four hour meeting I am named CEO by my father’s sister, the new chairman of Segretti Incorporated.

  They leave bitter and angry, with all of us, and each other.

  I am on the phone with Rossi within minutes, and he is drawing up all documentation needed to make this all legal. The Steel Inc. lawyer is also working on it.

  The Italian police are contacted, asking that they amp up the investigation on the board of directors. Ensuring that when they step off the plane, they will be busy; too busy trying to cover their asses. Allowing them less time for the possibility of them paying off politicians and public officials. Officials whose help I will need to expedite the demolition of DeLuca’s glass tower; their fuck you to the rightful heirs of Segretti Incorporated.

  Everything is as planned. I look to see Delaney’s reaction. I am met with eyes that seem full of pride. She is proud of me. I am nearly overtaken with the emotion that the look incites. It has been years since I have tried to make anyone proud of me. The failed attempts always caused too much pain. I gave up, didn’t allow myself to care. But now, I will give anything to see her look at me that way. She smiles in recognition of my emotions, something else I will now crave. Her pride in me, her acceptance of my emotions, overwhelm me. I vow to myself to make sure she feels my pride and acceptance in her, as well.

  When we leave, Laney tells me I should let Jules know that everything is as it should be. I hold her hand and squeeze it. I agree and make the call, with Laney by my side.

  Jules is doing well and Angelina is, too. She has contacted Angelina’s father, a man who was once the love of her life, to tell him their Angel is beautiful, alive, and perfect. She has a different tone to her voice. It is softer and filled with emotions. She tells me that they were torn apart by his detachment to their child. That he grieved the loss, from the day they were told Angelina wouldn’t live for more than three years, while Jules fought to find a way to prove she would. She also says, if given the choice to do everything over, she wouldn’t change a thing, and thanked me for helping her keep Angelina and her safe.

  By week’s end plans are in place to bring Benito and Anthony DeLuca’s erection down.

  I receive an email from Rossi with the date. It is only two days from now.

  I wake to Dominic under the covers, again.

  I have given up on wearing underpants to bed, after three days of him snapping the strings while I sleep.

  Sleep has become a rare commodity. I will gladly give it up completely for moments like this, and the nights we lie talking for hours about the future, while he is still inside of me, waking up the same way because we have fallen asleep.

  I wake to his feather-light kisses on my fica, which is pussy or vagina in Italian. As soon as I open my eyes, his tongue moves inside of me, spreading, teasing, tormenting, and pleasing.

  I always come first, always, and then I come again. But today, he doesn’t stop after my first oral orgasm; he keeps going and going.

  “Hungry,” he growls, as I try pulling him up to kiss him after I come. “Delizioso.”

  He sucks on my clit and my hips buck against his face.

  He cups my ass and rolls to his back, bringing me to a seated position on his face.

  His tongue moves faster, he is licking my clit, circling it, teasing it, and then holding his tongue flat against it, as I sit on his face watching. Dear God, it is erotic as hell. Lava runs through me again, and I hold the headboard, trying to anchor myself. I watch as his tongue continues to pleasure me. He is watching me fall apart. His mouth covers me completely, as he pulls at my sex with his lips, and then he shoves not one, but two fingers inside me, stretching. Both fingers curl up as his tongue presses down hard on my clit and I come hard. So hard, the first moments are crippling and I grab the headboard and scream my pleasure.

  He slides out from under me; his hand holds my hip as he rubs his cock against my still pulsing pussy. He grabs my shoulders, holding me in place as he slams into me, stills and rolls his hips, stretching me.

  His hands leave my shoulders as he grips my hips; rubbing his thumbs against the divots he calls Cupid dimples, he has become slightly obsessed with them.

  He fucks me hard. Slamming into me over and over again, until he stills and hisses, now a telltale sign he is going to come.

  He pulls me back against him and devours my neck, as his cock twitches inside of me, filling me even more.

  “Buongiorno,” he pants in my ear.

  “Good morning to you,” I say, pulling his arms tighter against my body.

  “I have news,” he says quietly.

  “Good or bad?” I ask, looking back at him, trying to get a glimpse of an answer.

  “Indifferent,” he sighs.

  I pull away and turn to look at him. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” He takes my hand and kisses it. “Don’t look worried, please. I have a date for the demolition of DeLuca’s erection.”

  It has become a joke between Valentina, Dominic, and myself about why a man would need to create such an erection. We all decide it is an extension that was necessary for a man, who
more likely than not, had been born without much to begin with.

  “That’s wonderful news.”

  “It’s in two days.” His brown eyes show concern.

  “The sooner the better.”

  “Your passport still isn’t here.”

  “It will be.”

  “I won’t go.”

  “You have to.”

  “No, I’d like to be there. However, I don’t want you to feel like you are less important than the destruction of DeLuca’s erection. I can take you in the jet. I’m sure there will be no--”

  “You have five very angry men in Italy--”

  “More than that,” he jokes.

  “Okay, then we need to make sure we are walking the straight and narrow.”

  He chuckles, looking me up and down. “Straight is boring. I like curves.”

  “I like thick and wide,” I smile. “But you need to be there. To say to the world and the enemies out there, that you are the man who brought down the erection.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, it is. Plus, we could probably both use some sleep.”

  “Sleep is for the weak.”

  “Then I’m weak. Now, let’s get going. You need to call your aunt. She may want to be there, too.”


  Dominic leaves the next morning with his aunt and his cousin, Zandor. Before he goes, we call to find out when my passport will be received. We are told five to seven days. This is one of the first times I have seen him appear grumpy, and believe it or not, even that look on him is sexy.

  The week he was here was the best week of my life. When I told him that he smiled, and told me it will always seem that way, he’d make sure of it. We had narrowed down our choices of homes to three.

  We chose them in a very unique manner. One night, Dominic set out five different bottles of wine, none with labels and all from different regions in Italy.

  “Have you ever learned how to taste wine?”

  “Just from watching you.”

  “Perfect. We have already learned you prefer sweet wines, which is not a surprise. So, we will be tasting five wines, all from different regions. I want to know which you like best.”


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