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Flight SQA016 (The Flight Series)

Page 4

by A. E. Radley

  Henry nodded his head, still staring at the television and a documentary about wild giraffes in Africa.

  “Haven’t we seen this?” Emily indicated the program on the screen.

  “Oh yes,” Lucy laughed. “We’re up to about three times a day now.”

  Emily smiled at Henry and gently pulled him up into her lap so she could hold him close while he was distracted by the television.

  “You should spend some of those tips and go to the place that starts with the last letter of the alphabet,” Tom said cryptically. Not wanting to get Henry too excited about an expensive visit to a zoo that might not be happening anytime soon.

  “Absolutely.” Emily smiled as she hugged Henry again. “Just a couple more payments and I should have some breathing room and then we can have a treat.”


  Olivia stared at the abstract painting and slowly raised an eyebrow. She had no idea what the artist was trying to convey.

  “Miss Lewis, how lovely to see you again.” The gallery owner approached her and looked at the painting along with her. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Such depth of character, it really speaks to the soul, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” Olivia lied. “How much?”

  “Four thousand,” he replied.

  “Add it to my account and send it to my office.”

  “Of course, Miss Lewis.” The smarmy man removed the painting from the wall and gently carried it away.

  Olivia picked up her mobile phone which had started to vibrate in her bag and answered the call. “One moment, Nicole,” she said into the mouthpiece before calling out a farewell to the gallery owner and leaving the building. Once she was out on the busy New York street, she spoke into the phone again. “I just bought another painting.”

  Nicole laughed down the phone. “I thought you were done with buying art for the office?”

  “So did I,” Olivia admitted. “I went for a walk and ended up here. I’m sure the people in the office will enjoy another piece of art to look at.”

  “What is it called?”


  “Oh, deep,” Nicole drawled. “I suppose that means the artist had no idea what it was supposed to be either.”

  “Apparently it has depth of character and speaks to the soul.”

  “Did it?”

  “Maybe. Not for me, but then maybe my soul is hard of hearing.” Olivia deadpanned.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself,” Nicole ordered gently. “You know, just because you don’t see what other people see, or pretend to see, in those paintings doesn’t make you wrong.”

  Olivia hummed dismissively and Nicole changed subject. “How was your flight home?”

  “Awful, the turbulence gods were against us and somehow I managed to cut my forehead on a shelf in the washroom.”

  “Are you okay?” Nicole asked with concern.

  “Yes, my embarrassment was greater than my pain. I intended to ask a member of the cabin crew for a sticking plaster but she went a step further and cleaned the cut and bandaged me up.”

  “Like a kindly grandmother-figure or more a sexy nurse?” Nicole asked mischievously.

  Olivia smiled and shook her head. “The second one.”

  “Oh, get a name? Number?”

  “Name, but I knew that already. Not that it matters, I might be seeing Kay tonight.”

  Nicole groaned. “Kay? She’s crazy. Why are you still seeing her, Liv?”

  “Lack of alternatives?” Olivia offered.

  “Neither of you have feelings for each other.”

  “Maybe. But it’s better than being alone all the time.”

  “Your call, but a woman like you can do better. Maybe the ‘sexy nurse dash cabin crew’ could be that person?”

  Olivia laughed softly. “Ever the romantic, Nic.”

  “I know, I know,” Nicole replied. “Now, tell me more about her…”

  * * *

  Emily looked around the upper level of the busy terminal to see how she could entertain herself for the next half an hour. Something that wouldn’t cost any money and would hopefully keep her awake. She walked past a number of coffee shops and eateries knowing that any more caffeine and she’d be able to fly home to New York without an aircraft. She saw the large duty-free shop and decided to go in and have a look at the luxury products on sale. Even though she had no chance of ever affording them, she could still look.

  She started with perfumes and quickly moved onto makeup before examining the handbags and purses with interest, shooing away several sales people who were hoping to make a sale out of her. A beautiful silk scarf caught her eye and she lifted the garment and held it up to her chest while looking at herself in the mirror.

  “It suits you, Miss White.”

  Emily spun around to see Olivia Lewis looking at her with a wry smile. “Oh, Miss Lewis, hello.” Emily stumbled over her words as she quickly put the scarf back, embarrassed that she had been caught daydreaming by the wealthy woman.

  “Please, call me Olivia.”

  Emily nodded and looked at the cut on Olivia’s forehead. “That seems to be healing nicely?”

  “Yes, thanks to prompt medical attention.”

  Emily smiled nervously, she hadn’t expected to bump into Olivia and especially when she was window shopping for items she had no hope of ever affording. Her conversational skills abandoned her and an awkward silence filled the air between them. Emily opened her mouth to speak when she heard her cell phone ringing from inside her purse. Only one person would be calling her at this time. She checked the name on the screen and knew it was important.

  “I’m sorry, I need to take this,” Emily said apologetically to Olivia as she answered the call. “Lucy?”

  The background music and the sound of shoppers drowned out Lucy’s voice, and with a sense of panic Emily mouthed another apology to Olivia and rushed out of the shop to a quiet seating area. She leant against a large window. “Okay, I can hear you now, what’s happened?”

  * * *

  From a distance, Olivia watched Emily stifle a cry of anguish. Tears began to roll down her face. Concern flooded Olivia and she anxiously moved forward then stopped. What could she say or do? Again, she gathered her courage to approach Emily and try to offer some help. But what? What was happening? While she struggled with her indecision, Doctor Harvey appeared at Emily’s side. Olivia hid behind a pillar and watched.

  Doctor Harvey sat Emily down and talked to her. He was nodding his head in understanding as Emily explained her problem, all the while gesturing with her phone. Olivia watched the scene unfold while hiding out of sight. Who was Lucy? A pang of jealousy hit her as soon as she heard the name. Emily was still crying and Doctor Harvey handed her a handkerchief and patted her shoulder softly.

  Olivia let out a sigh when she saw the kind gesture. She wished that she had reacted quicker so that she knew what was happening and to be the one providing comfort. Though she knew in her heart that she would probably not have reacted that way, she didn’t have the natural skills that Harvey had. Emily had been so kind to her when she had hurt her head, and now, when it was her turn to provide help she had once again failed miserably. With a rueful shake of her head she turned and walked away.

  * * *

  Emily rushed into the pre-flight debriefing with seconds to spare. When the meeting was finished she said to Kerry, “I have to talk to Iris quickly, I’ll meet you on board.”

  “No problem, I’ll start prep work and I’ll see you soon.”

  Ten minutes later Emily was speedily walking through the terminal and towards the gate. As she approached the departure desk she saw Doctor Harvey reading a book and Olivia Lewis nearby on her phone.

  Emily smiled brightly at the doctor and paused to speak to him quietly. “She’s going to ask, but she doesn’t think it will be a problem. I have to get on board now so I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

  Doctor Harvey smiled warmly and nodded at her. Emily l
ooked at Olivia and gave her a polite smile, not wishing to interrupt her telephone call. However, Olivia looked away as soon as eye contact was made. Distracted, Emily turned for the airbridge and rushed towards the aircraft.

  “I am so sorry about that,” Emily said to Kerry as she wrestled her carry-on luggage into the crew closet.

  “No problem, is everything okay?” Kerry asked as she lined up champagne flutes on the workspace.

  “Yeah, well, no, but…well kinda,” Emily admitted before taking a deep breath. “Iris has asked that I don’t talk about it until she’s made a few phone calls, I’m sorry, Kerry.”

  Kerry smiled genuinely. “No problem, as long as you’re okay. If you need anything, then let me know.”

  Emily smiled in return. “Thanks, Kerry, I really appreciate that.”

  She entered the first-class cabin and began setting up the seats, noting that the passenger manifest showed that the cabin would only be half-full which would give Emily and Kerry some breathing space.

  All too quickly the call for boarding came and they welcomed their passengers onboard and served drinks.

  * * *

  When Olivia entered the cabin, she was immediately greeted by Kerry and handed her coat and bag over while subtly looking at Emily for any clues as to what had happened earlier in the terminal.

  She had spent the time waiting by coming up with theories as to who Lucy was and why Doctor Harvey had been so helpful. She considered that maybe Emily was unwell and that was why she seemed to welcome the doctor’s assistance.

  “Can I get you anything, Miss Lewis, other than a glass for your water?” Kerry asked.

  Olivia silently shook her head, awkwardly avoiding eye contact in the hope that Kerry would leave her to her analysis of Emily. She watched as both women headed towards the privacy of the galley. Taking her seat, she started to unpack her belongings while considering how to find out more information.

  * * *

  Emily quickly worked her way through the inventory paperwork, anxious to go and speak to Iris. As soon as she was finished, she held up the papers and said to Kerry, “I’ll just take these to Iris, back in a minute.”

  She walked through the premium cabin and into the main galley and waited for Iris to finish berating a nervous looking stewardess who Emily hadn’t seen before. When the young girl scurried away, Iris turned around and noticed Emily.

  “Ah, thank you.” She took the paperwork from Emily and looked around to check they were alone.

  “I have spoken to the airline and they have agreed.” Iris signed the paperwork and then jotted a telephone number on the piece of paper she returned to Emily.

  “Call that number when you are home and ask to speak with Margaret. She will be able to sort out the details for you,” Iris said with a stiff smile.

  “Thank you so much, I can’t tell you what this means to me—”

  “Yes, well, repay me by doing your job to the best of your ability today. I’m still not one hundred percent convinced that your hectic schedule is advisable. I don’t want standards to drop. I’m keeping an eye on you, Miss White.”

  “I understand,” Emily replied. “I won’t let you down.”

  Iris looked her up and down one last time before nodding. “Very well.”

  Emily decided that it was a good time to leave and headed back to the first-class cabin, noting the safety demonstration video starting on her way through the premium cabin. Entering first-class, she did her standard safety check for seatbelts, window blinds, and that floor areas were clear. Olivia Lewis was the only person who didn’t look her way as she passed, choosing to stare defiantly at her newspaper instead.

  Kerry appeared from the galley, which she had been preparing for departure.

  “Everything’s secure,” she told Emily.

  “And the cabin is ready,” Emily replied professionally.

  The two women took their jump seats behind 10A and Kerry lifted the intercom and pressed the button to advise Iris they were ready for take-off in their cabin.

  The sound of the engines roaring to life drowned out anything else they wanted to say so Emily just looked out of the porthole in the emergency exit and watched as London Heathrow raced past the window.

  The call from Lucy had shaken her, but the job was too important and she couldn’t let anything prevent her from delivering the very best service. Iris Winter would be on her, and if she lost her job then things would be even worse. She kept reminding herself that she just had to get through one more flight, eight more hours, and she’d be home.

  * * *

  Later, when Emily began the food service Olivia seized her opportunity.

  “I do hope everything is all right?” She asked as she slowly perused the menu that she already knew by heart.

  “I’m sorry about rushing off like that,” Emily replied as she waited patiently for Olivia’s order.

  Olivia took a deep breath and finally released the statement she had been preparing in her mind. “If there is anything I can do…”

  “No, thank you, Miss Lewis. Have you decided what to have for lunch or do you need a few more minutes?”

  Olivia inwardly winced at the polite yet direct dismissal and quickly gave her lunch order and handed the menu back.

  For the rest of the lunch service, Olivia stewed over the conundrum that was Emily White. For some reason she was unable to get the incident at the airport out of her mind. Neither did she know why Emily was so upset nor who the mysterious Lucy was. So many unanswered questions were eating at her. Over lunch she considered her other options. But each time Emily approached, she lost her nerve and remained silent.

  Once the lunch service was over, Olivia sat staring out of the window silently berating herself for not being able to start a simple conversation or offer some comfort to someone who had clearly been distressed. She decided another attempt was in order and quickly grabbed the empty water bottle from her armrest and approached the galley. She could hear Emily and Kerry talking privately and she froze in front of the curtain, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

  “That cheesecake looks amazing,” Emily said.

  Kerry laughed. “You can have it if you like? It will just get thrown out anyway, the amount of food the airline wastes is criminal.”

  “Split it with me?” Emily asked.

  “Okay, but just the tiniest bit, I’m watching my weight,” Kerry replied.

  “Watching your weight?” Emily repeated in horror. “You’re almost see-through!”

  “Aw, you’re sweet. My boyfriend says I’ve been getting a bit of a belly lately.”

  “Dump him,” Emily said plainly. Olivia smiled at the statement which she fully agreed with.

  Kerry laughed, clearly also amused by Emily’s forthright attitude. “What about you? Any boyfriend?”

  “No, I broke up with my girlfriend six months ago and no one since. Life’s been…hectic since then.”

  Olivia frowned and shifted nervously. She hated eavesdropping on the conversation but also relished the information she was picking up. Clearly Lucy wasn’t a love interest if Emily hadn’t dated for six months.

  “Oh, sorry, girlfriend,” Kerry corrected. “Although, I’m not surprised with your work schedule.”

  “Oh, this is a new thing. To be honest, and I don’t like saying this out loud, but I’m in debt up to my eyeballs. I need the money so I’ve gotta work, work, work.”

  “I hear ya,” Kerry said.

  The curtain swished open and Kerry stared at Olivia in shock. “Oh! Miss Lewis.” Kerry exclaimed in surprise.

  Olivia held the empty water bottle that she had been worrying in her hands. Kerry grabbed the bottle before Olivia had a chance or speak. “I’ll bring you another water bottle immediately, Miss Lewis.”

  Olivia awkwardly nodded her gratitude. “Thank you,” she said as she quickly retreated back to her seat.

  * * *

  Kerry closed the curtain and Emily put her head in her hand
s and whispered, “Shit, she heard everything, didn’t she?”

  “Yep.” Kerry laughed. “Oh well, nothing you can do about it now. What’s her opinion matter anyway?” Kerry leaned closely into Emily as she whispered, “She’s weird.”

  Emily pondered the comment for a moment. While she didn’t wish to use that terminology, she could tell that Olivia Lewis was somehow different.

  “Yes,” Emily whispered back. “Do you know what her story is?”

  Kerry shrugged and placed a fresh bottle of water on the tray she was carrying. “Beats me,” she said and left the galley.

  * * *

  Thankfully the rest of the flight sped by and before long Emily and Kerry were completing the final safety check of the cabin prior to landing. Emily watched New York slowly appear from her jump seat and listened to Kerry tell her stories about her boyfriend, grateful for the distraction.

  Eventually they touched down, and Iris’ voice sounded through the intercom as she gave her standard speech about welcoming passengers to JFK. When the aircraft came to a stop and the seatbelt sign was switched off Emily and Kerry quickly provided everyone with their jackets and luggage and wished them a safe onward trip.

  As soon as the passengers disembarked they checked their cabin. Emily found another thank-you card and fifty-dollar bill from Doctor Harvey.

  Kerry seemed occupied with something one of her passengers had left for her and Emily noticed that Olivia Lewis has left her something, too. Emily picked up the flat hundred-dollar bill with a business card fastened to it by a paperclip.

  It was Olivia’s business card and stated that she was CEO of a financial services firm. She turned the card over and her heart sunk. On the back of the card was a large advertisement for a freephone number for a debt helpline. Emily stared at it for a moment and felt her heart thundering in her chest. Olivia had been listening in on the conversation, she’d heard everything and this was her response.

  “Ouch,” Kerry said as she looked over Emily’s shoulder. “That’s cold.”

  “I know, right?” Emily spun around. “I’m not overreacting am I? This is really rude, right?”

  “That she eavesdropped on our conversation and heard you were in debt and then left you a debt advice line card? For her own business. Yeah, it’s really rude.”


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