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Defying the Odds: Risking It Book 3

Page 11

by Autumn Reed


  Neither of us spoke as we made our way into the club and down the hall to the offices. When he gestured to the seating area, I chose a chair instead of my usual spot on the couch. He sat across from me and stared down at his hands.

  Without looking up, he said, “I wanted to apologize for how our last conversation went. Some of my comments were…insensitive, and I’m sorry for that.”

  I guess that’s an apology. Sort of.

  “Okay.” When he continued to avoid eye contact, I knew there was something else, and I wanted to get it over with. “Why am I really here, Nic?”

  He finally raised his head and smiled, though it was grim. “I need you to know I never intended for us to break up. I didn’t even want to believe that’s what happened, until Cole came home and went off on me yesterday morning.”

  “That didn’t lead to a fist fight, I hope?” There were no noticeable injuries on his face or knuckles, so I didn’t think so.

  “No, though I’m sure he was tempted to get a few punches in.”

  “I’m glad,” I replied, feeling more relieved than I wanted to admit. Knowing Cole and Nicholas had argued about me was bad enough; I couldn’t stomach the thought of them trading blows as well.

  He hunched forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I also wanted to tell you that I’ve decided to move to Pasadena for the next two months to help with the campaign.”

  My head started spinning, and I had to press my hands into my thighs to keep them from shaking. Out of all the things I thought he might to say to me, that had never crossed my mind. And if we’d already broken up, why did it just now feel like he was leaving me? Maybe, without realizing it, I’d shared Cole’s belief that we’d work it out after all.

  “What about the club? Chelsea’s renovation? And what about the loft conversion? I thought that was supposed to be your focus for the foreseeable future.” Though they weren’t the questions I really wanted the answers to, I couldn’t wrap my mind around him shirking all of his responsibilities. What was he thinking?

  “The club has mostly been handed over to management, and I can handle anything that comes up from Pasadena. My part in Chelsea’s reno is almost complete—all the materials and furniture have been ordered, and the contractor has the necessary instructions. I’ll come back to oversee the final touches, of course, but they don’t need me hanging around on a daily basis. And the loft conversion is still in the research stage, so I can easily work on the design remotely.”

  “Guess you’ve thought of everything.” What I really wanted to say was, what about his best friends? About Snow White and Ace? What about me?

  “I’ve been working almost non-stop the last few days to get everything in order.”

  So, he’d already been planning this for days. Probably since before I walked out on him at the townhouse. “How do Cole and Shane feel about this?” I saw guilt cross his face and gasped. “You haven’t told them yet?”

  He shook his head, and I lost it. “You decided to leave them to deal with not one but two businesses without even talking to them first?” How dare he? I was livid on their behalf, but more than that, I knew they’d be hurt. Beyond the business implications, they were his best friends. Why was Nicholas acting like he was all alone in this? It was infuriating.

  “I’ll make it work. If nothing else, it’s a short flight, and I can travel back and forth as needed.”

  “Wow, you don’t even get it.”

  He threw his hands up in agitation. “What’s the problem? You don’t think I can handle it?”

  “Honestly, Nic, I think you’re running full speed ahead and not stopping to look at the bigger picture. You’re shutting out the people who care about you the most. You’re putting your entire life on hold for this campaign, and I have no idea why. You don’t need to move to Pasadena to help James and Kat.”

  He stared at me for long moments, indecision warring in his eyes, before responding. “You might not understand it, but I’ve made my choice. This is what I need to do.”

  Too dejected to sit there watching him slip away from me, I stood. “Well, then. I wish you luck in California. Tell Kat I said hello.”

  He caught my wrist before I made it to the door. “Emma, wait. I don’t want to leave with you angry at me. Can we call this a break, not a breakup? I don’t want to lose you.”

  My battered heart wanted to lash out at him, but instead, I spoke the truth. “I’m not going anywhere, but I can’t promise that I’ll be able to welcome you back with open arms if you spend the next two months in a public relationship with Alyssa.” Looking into his pale green eyes, now brimming with emotion, I forced myself to admit the one thing that was ruining me little by little. Day by day. “It feels like you’re ashamed of me, and I don’t know if we can come back from that.”

  Nicholas pulled me into his arms, but for the first time, his large, strong body didn’t provide comfort. All I felt was cold. Empty.

  “I’m so sorry, Cinderella. You have to know I’m not ashamed of you.”

  Tears pricked at my eyes, and I pushed away from him before they could start falling. “Then prove it.”

  I left the room without a backward glance and ran all the way to my car, half-wishing for a glass slipper to leave in my wake. If only that was all it would take for my prince to come back to me.

  Part II

  Chapter 14

  Two months later

  Inspiring speeches. Music. Smiling faces. Applause. It was everything a commencement was supposed to be. Yet, as I stood in my cap and gown, excited graduates milling around me, something was missing. Someone. Two someones, if I was entirely honest with myself.

  It had taken half of the ceremony for me to finally spot my small cheering section in the stadium full of families and friends. Dad, Chris, Cole, and Shane sat amongst Simone’s much larger group of supporters. It took me a moment, but I realized the man sitting next to Shane was his father, Ted. He had his arm draped over a blonde woman, who was clearly his wife. Even from a distance I could tell Ashley was gorgeous; no wonder Cole admitted to having a crush on her when he was younger.

  Though I was happy to see all of them, the scene felt wrong. I’d known not to expect my mother—she’d made it perfectly clear that she wasn’t interested in being a part of my life as long as I continued my “depraved behavior.” I wished that the snub didn’t hurt, but it did. Would this be the only big day she’d miss out on? Or would she be missing from every significant event in my life from now on?

  Her absence would probably be easier to bear if Nicholas had shown up. Without mentioning it to anyone, I’d made today an ultimatum of sorts. If he dragged himself away from James’s campaign long enough to attend my graduation, I would continue to hold out hope that we weren’t completely over. That he cared about me as much as he’d once claimed.

  Since he hadn’t shown…well, maybe it was time to move on.

  Things had been good with Shane and Cole over the last two months. It was awkward at first, no one wanting to bring up Nicholas and everyone flinching when it happened accidentally. But it gradually got easier. Thinking about him, walking past his bedroom, or hearing his name didn’t make me want to cry anymore. Eventually, it would be like he’d never been the final piece that made the torrid foursome complete. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  When a pair of familiar arms wrapped around me, I snapped back to the present and returned Simone’s hug. “Congratulations, graduate!”

  She pulled back and grinned “It’s only my first degree. No biggie.”

  “Tell that to your father and the brand spanking new Mercedes he gave you as a graduation gift.”

  Simone laughed. “At this rate, he’ll give me a yacht when I finish my doctorate.”

  She was teasing, but only barely. Her dad was extremely well off and had always spoiled her. I wouldn’t be surprised if he upgraded his gift to a house by the time she finished her master’s degree.

nbsp; “Just don’t forget about little old me when you’re lunching daily at the country club.”

  “Oh, please. By that time, you’ll be married to the Ps and parking your yacht right next to mine.” Since Nicholas left, she’d started referring to my boyfriends as the Ps—the Provocative Pair. It wasn’t quite as catchy as the Triple Triple Threats, but it worked.

  “Polygamy still isn’t legal,” I reminded her for the umpteenth time. Not to mention, Cole and Shane weren’t the yachting types. Although it was difficult for me to even comprehend how much Shane and Cole were worth, they didn’t flaunt it. Their townhouse, while nice and in a beautiful neighborhood, wasn’t extravagant.

  She waved her hand in the air. “Details.” Grabbing my hand, she started dragging me toward the exit. “Now, come on. Everyone is waiting for us.”

  When we arrived at the restaurant Simone’s father rented out for dinner, Shane and Cole were waiting outside near the entrance. “Hello, boys,” Simone called as she passed them. “You’re both looking fine this evening.”

  Cole laughed while Shane said, “Thank you for the dinner invitation.”

  “Of course. Can’t have a party without my favorite ménage à trois.”

  “How many threesomes does she know?” Shane asked once she’d disappeared inside.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re the only one,” I replied as Cole wrapped me in his arms.

  “Congratulations, Em. How does it feel to officially be a college graduate?

  “I don’t know. Ask me again after a few months of working full time.”

  Shane tugged me away from Cole and planted a soft kiss on my lips. “You’re incredible, you know that?”

  “Um, thank you?”

  “Did you think we wouldn’t notice you graduated summa cum laude? I can’t believe you didn’t mention it.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “It is. You worked hard and deserve to be recognized for it. Rewarded, even.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked with a sultry smile. “What kind of reward did you have in mind?”

  His blue-gray eyes sparked with interest. “I’m sure we can come up with—”

  “Okay, you two,” Cole interrupted. “We should head inside before you make a spectacle of yourselves.” He reached for my hand. “Can’t take you anywhere.”

  I looked up at Shane, confused. “I’m sorry, but is Cole being the voice of reason? What’s happening?”

  They both laughed, and I felt myself relax for the first time all day. Though it wasn’t the perfect day, it was still a pretty damn good one. Instead of focusing on who was missing, I planned to appreciate the ones who remained by my side, supporting me. Loving me.

  The mid-size restaurant appeared to be almost at capacity, and I shook my head in amazement that Simone had managed to gather this many people to celebrate with her. We made our way through the crowd until we located our group in a relatively quiet corner. On the way, we found Xavier and Tad lingering near the bar.

  “I’m glad you guys could make it.”

  Xavier handed me a cocktail. “Anything for my favorite hussy!”

  “Could you maybe avoid calling me that in front of my father?”

  He sighed. “It’ll be quite the sacrifice, but I guess I can manage it.”

  Tad rolled his eyes at Xavier and then gave me a hug. “Congrats, little siren.”

  “Thank you, Tad.”

  After claiming a table big enough to fit all of us, Shane led me to his father and stepmother.

  “Emma, it’s so good to see you again!” Ted gave me a warm hug before returning to his wife’s side. “This is my beautiful wife, Ashley. She’s been dying to meet you.”

  She laughed, the sound light and airy. “I’m not even embarrassed to admit that’s the truth. Shane has been talking about you for so long, I feel like I already know you.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Ashley. I love your dress.” The tailored cornflower blue dress showed off her curves without being revealing. It was simple and stylish and exactly what I could see myself choosing when I was her age. Well, the knockoff version instead of the designer one.

  “Thank you so much. I must say, you look stunning. I can see why Shane and Cole are so smitten with you.”

  I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. Though I’d grown accustomed to publicly acknowledging my two boyfriends, I still had moments of bashfulness when our relationship was mentioned around new people.

  “You really do look lovely,” Ted agreed. “Shane has excellent taste. Just like his father.”

  “Okay, you two,” Shane said. “Stop embarrassing Emma. And me.”

  Ted laughed. “Okay, okay. Sweetie, why don’t you go ahead and give Emma her gift, in case we head out early. We don’t want to cramp you kids’ style.”

  It was a fairly ridiculous statement since Ashley was seven years older than Shane, and Ted was only in his early forties. But I didn’t dare mention either.

  Ashley pulled a tiny envelope out of her clutch and handed it to me. “Happy graduation!”

  I lifted the flap and removed a gift card from Nordstrom. At first glance, I thought it was for one hundred dollars and was prepared to thank them. That would definitely buy me a nice new pair of shoes. Then, I realized there was another zero tacked on the end and gasped.

  Shoving the card back in the envelope, I held it toward them. “I can’t accept this. It’s way too much.”

  “Oh, nonsense,” Ashley said. “Shane told us about your job at the marketing firm, and I’m sure you’ll want new clothes to mark the occasion. Might as well have a shopping spree on us.”

  “Absolutely,” Ted agreed. “If you don’t accept the gift card, Ashley will just pick out the clothes herself and have them shipped to you.”

  Shane squeezed my waist. “Better listen to them. They tend to get their way, and Ashley will probably spend twice as much, if it comes to that.”

  I withdrew my hand and tucked the gift card in my wallet for safekeeping “I honestly don’t know what to say, other than thank you. It’s way too generous, but it will go to good use.”

  “You’re very welcome,” Ted said.

  “You should send me pictures of what you purchase.” Ashley’s glorious smile fell a little. “Unless you don’t want to. Was that too forward? I’m sorry, I know we just met…”

  I didn’t know if it was because my mother boycotted my graduation or if I was feeling emotional in general, but I had to blink back tears. Ted and Ashley were making me feel like a member of their family, even when they barely knew me. Even when I was the reason their son was involved in a very public scandal. Even when most families would scorn me for daring to buck tradition by being with three, and then two, men.

  “No, it’s not too forward at all. I’d love to send you pictures.”

  “Great! And next time you’re in Pasadena, I’m taking you to all my favorite boutiques. We can make a day of it.”

  I tucked closer into Shane’s side, hoping he realized how much this moment meant to me. He’d told me to send Ted and Ashley a graduation announcement, but I’d never considered they might come for the ceremony. It was overwhelming, but in a good way.

  “I would love that.”

  As we headed to our seats at the other end of the table, I quietly said, “Ashley is nothing like I imagined.”

  “What did you imagine?”

  “A Playboy Bunny.”

  Shane laughed so loudly, it felt like the entire restaurant stopped to stare. “What gave you that impression?”

  “Um, it was the way Cole and Nic talked about her,” I admitted sheepishly, happy I didn’t stumble over my words when I referenced Nicholas.

  He shook his head. “All of my friends had a thing for her when we were teenagers. It got so bad, I didn’t dare invite most of them over unless I knew she wouldn’t be home.”

  “I don’t blame them. She’s beautiful. And so nice.”

  “Yeah, my dad got lucky with wife
number two. They’re the only reason I’m somewhat functional when it comes to relationships.” He bent down and kissed the top of my head. “I guess I’ve always wanted to be that kind of happy.”

  My breath caught in my throat. Though I knew he loved me, his words revealed so much more. “And, are you?” I couldn’t resist asking.


  The dinner seemed to fly by, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed so much. Even in tame mode, Xavier had a way of engaging everyone around him. My dad and Tad seemed to hit it off, though I couldn’t hear what they were talking about. And Chris was enchanted with Ashley. No surprise there.

  After making plans to meet my dad and Chris for brunch, they headed out, as did Ted and Ashley. The rest of us mingled with the guests, and since Cole was the designated driver, I indulged in another cocktail…or two.

  When I was circling the restaurant, trying to pin down Simone to tell her goodbye, I ran into Jessica.

  “Emma! I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “I know.” I hung my head in shame. “I’ve been meaning to come by the shelter with Cole, but with the end of the semester…”

  “Oh, I totally get it. How is Snow White?”

  Like a proud momma, I pulled out my phone to show Jessica photos. “She’s great, but she’s gotten so big.” Big was relative. She would always stay small, but she was no longer the tiny ball of fluff Cole first brought home.

  “She’s so cute,” Jessica exclaimed as she flipped through the photos. In some of them, Snow was wearing a dress or T-shirt. There was even one of her in a tiny Angels jersey. Cole insisted she wear it every time he watched baseball, and he typically kept her on his lap the entire time. It was totally adorable.

  “How are things going with your friend from home and her…boyfriends?” I asked, unsure that was the correct descriptor. All I knew was that her friend was in a similar situation to mine, but I wasn’t sure if things had worked out.


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