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Sinful Deceit

Page 13

by Ray Gordon

  Darkness falling quickly, I pulled the lever back. The engine ticking over, the boat coming to a halt, I looked about me. The eerie silence was only broken by the gentle throbbing of the engine and the lapping water. There was nothing but sea, nothing to head towards. I was about to move off when I happened to look behind me. Out of the gloom, a boat was heading towards me. Adrenalin running through my veins, my face grinning, I waved frantically as the boat approached. The man waving back, he finally pulled alongside me.

  "Thank God," I cried.

  "You OK?" he asked.

  "No, I'm lost," I replied, just managing to stop myself from bursting into tears. "Hopelessly lost."

  "Where have you come from? More to the point, where do you want to go?"

  "Anywhere." Eyeing his bronzed body, his tight swimming trunks, I felt my clitoris stir. "Any island where there's civilisation. A police station." His trunks clearly outlining the contour of his penis, his huge balls, I averted my gaze. "I need a police station."

  "Are you sure you're OK?" He brushed his jet-black hair back with his fingers. "You're not hurt, are you?"

  "No, I'm fine. I have to get to a police station as quickly as possible."

  "OK, follow me."

  As he moved off, I pushed the lever forward and followed in his wake. Prince Charming coming to my rescue, this was like a dream come true. I'd return to the villa with the police and free Donna. Reece and his accomplices would be taken away and locked behind bars. What a story I'd have to tell David and Sharon. I might even sell it to a newspaper. Wondering why Reece hadn't given chase as I saw land ahead, I imagined him to be fuming, seething with anger. Alan would have noticed that his boat had gone by now, and they'd both be in a state of sheer panic.

  "Head straight for the beach!" the man called. Passing him as he slowed down, I pulled the lever back and held tight as the boat grounded in the shallow water just a few yards from dry land. I'd made it, I was free. Clambering out of the boat, my stomach somersaulting, I waded to the beach. Flopping onto the warm sand as I waited for the man to join me, I again pondered on Reece. He'd be expecting the police to arrive at any time. He'd be clearing out the basement, hiding the evidence of his debauchery. What would he do with Donna? A gruesome thought filtering into my mind, I leaped to my feet as the good-looking man walked towards me with his hand outstretched.

  "Hi, I'm Ian," he smiled.

  "Kirsty," I said, shaking his hand. His muscular arms glistened in the moonlight with globules of seawater. His trunks were wet, clinging, hugging. "So, where are we?"

  "This way," he said, walking up the beach. "There's a village not far from here. And a police station."

  Striding across the sand, the sense of freedom overwhelming, I looked up at the stars. There was a God, I reflected. Good always wins over evil. The tables always turn. I just hoped that Donna was safe as I followed Ian along a track through the woods. With any luck, Reece would have been in too much of a panic to bother about Donna. Perhaps he'd flee the island and take her with him? Whatever he did, it wouldn't be long before the police caught up with him. Suddenly realizing that Ian had gone on ahead, I quickened my pace. It was almost pitch dark beneath the towering trees. Barely able to make out the track, I began to run but stumbled to the ground.

  "Ian!" I called, clambering to my feet. My breathing fast and shallow, my palms wet, I began to tremble. "Ian! Wait for me!" Rounding a corner, I wondered where he'd got to as I reached a lane. Not knowing which way to turn, I called out again. Wherever he was, he obviously couldn't hear me. Panicking as I heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes, I ran up the lane hoping to come across a house or taverna. Where was the village? Where were the holidaymakers? The island seemed to be deserted, and a terrible sense of fear crept over my perspiring flesh. Slowing my pace as I followed a bend in the lane, I stopped dead in my tracks and gasped. My heart missed several beats as I found myself standing before the wrought iron gates to Reece's villa. Where was God now?

  "Welcome back," Reece said as he emerged from the shadows like a monster.

  "No!" I screamed as he lunged at me and grabbed my arm. "No, please!"

  "You'll be severely punished for this, young lady," he hissed through gritted teeth as Ian leaped out of the bushes and grabbed my other arm. "Stealing Alan's boat, putting me to all this bloody trouble... You'll be whipped until you..."

  "Please," I whimpered as they dragged me through the gates and up the sweeping drive.

  "You did well, Ian," Reece praised the young man as I was frogmarched past the pool into the lounge.

  "It was easy," my betrayer grinned, closing and locking the patio doors. "I saw her almost immediately after your radio message."

  "I'm afraid I slipped up," Reece sighed, pushing me to the floor. "I began to trust her, which was a near-fatal mistake."

  "Well, she's here now."

  "Indeed, she is." Rolling me over with his foot, he glared at me. "Get out of those clothes immediately," he ordered me firmly.

  "I... I was coming back," I murmured stupidly.

  "Yes, I imagine you were. With the police."

  "No, no..."

  "Get out of those clothes now. Unless you want me to tear them from your body."

  Sitting up, I pulled the T-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. "And the trousers," he hissed.

  "Nice tits," Alan murmured as I unbuckled the belt and tugged the trousers down my long legs. "And a nice cunt," he added, eyeing my shaved vulval flesh, my blatantly displayed vaginal crack.

  "OK, this way," Reece said, scowling at me as I kicked the trousers and shoes off my feet. Grabbing me by my hair, he hauled my naked body up. "It's the den for you, bitch!" As we reached the basement steps, he turned to Ian. "Alan's here, so why don't you help us punish this disobedient little slut?" he grinned.

  "That's the best offer I've had all day."

  "Please, I wasn't trying to..." I stammered futilely.

  "I don't want to hear another word from you," Reece spat as he dragged me down the basement steps. "I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget, my girl. Believe me, you're going to regret the day you were born."

  Chapter Nine

  My naked body against the wall, my hands hanging from cuffs above my head, I waited in anticipation as Reece, Alan and Ian stood before me. The belt around my waist had been removed, my legs held apart by my shackled ankles. The inflamed crack of my vagina lay open, my wet inner folds flagrantly exhibited to their eyes. I noticed the whip on the table, the leather tails fanning out. My buttocks tensed. Cold fear gripped me.

  "I'm far from happy," Reece said, turning to Alan. His voice was menacing. "What are we going to do with the little whore?"

  "Piss up her cunt," Alan replied, fondling his erect penis. His vulgarity revolted me. "I'll shove my cock up her tight cunt and fill her with piss."

  "And her arsehole," Ian laughed. "Inflate her bowels with a pint of piss."

  "You can both piss up her cunt, up her arse and in her mouth later," Reece chuckled. "First, I want to teach the fucking little bitch a real lesson."

  "Shall I get the medical box?" Alan asked, his solid penis twitching above his heavy balls. The eye of his knob looked at me.

  "Now there's an idea. Get the box and we'll play doctors and nurses." Reece grabbed my chin and lifted my head. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Kirsty?" he asked, his dark eyes locked to mine. "We'll begin with your clitoris. Alan's the clitoris doctor. He's very good at... What is your forte, Alan?"

  "My forte?" he laughed, dragging a large wooden box across the floor. "My forte is pulling the clitoris out of its socket. Not its socket, exactly. Extracting the little protrusion from its hood is an accurate description of my talent. The average clitoris is pretty long, eighty percent of the clitoral shaft never seeing the light of day. Until I get to work, that is. The procedure is very painful, but..."

  "I don't have a problem with that," Reece laughed. "How about you, Kirsty? What's your pain threshold like?"

  "All this talk doesn't frighten me," I returned softly. I was terrified.

  "Talk?" Reece echoed mockingly. "Take it from me, we're going to do far more than talk about your clitoris. What do you have planned, Ian?"

  "My interest is the vagina. My speciality is enlarging the vaginal sheath."

  "You're a pervert," I hissed.

  "Call me what you will, but my interests lie in the preparation of the vagina for a penis. The average vagina easily accommodates the penis, and other objects of a similar size."

  "Perhaps you should explain why you enlarge the vaginal sheath," Reece said.

  "Yes, you're right. Please forgive me, Kirsty. What I'm involved in is stretching the vaginal walls beyond capacity. The reason being... What I'm trying to say is..."

  "What he's trying to say is that we make videos," Reece interrupted the man.

  They were playing games with me. "Tell me something I don't know," I said.

  "The average vagina is capable of stretching..." Ian began.

  "I'm sure Kirsty isn't interested in the medical details, Ian," Reece chuckled. "Just get on with the job."

  "Yes, yes of course."

  Initially I thought Reece was trying to frighten me. But when I saw the evil look in his eyes I knew he meant every word. I'd blown my chance of escaping, and my chance of gaining Reece's trust and confidence. All I had to look forward to now was... Was what? A life of sexual torment.

  "Where's Donna," I asked. "What have you done with her?"

  "She's in the studio."

  "Pass me the plastic speculum," Ian said, looking up at Reece. "I need to examine her cervix before inserting the dilator."

  Grimacing as Ian slipped his fingers out of my pussy, I looked down in horror as Reece passed the vulgar man the clear plastic speculum. Closing my eyes, I tensed my vaginal muscles as the device slipped between the soft wings of my inner lips and drove deep into my vaginal sheath.

  The speculum opening, dilating my pussy, I gasped in anticipation of pain. The inner lips of my vagina taut around the device, I squeezed my eyes shut as my sex opened further. Were they going to stretch open my anus as I'd stretched Donna's? Would I have to endure two candles deep into the orifices between my thighs? What goes round comes round. I cried out as my vagina felt as if it would burst.

  "I've barely started," Ian laughed.

  "Please..." I sobbed. "Please, I can't take it."

  "You should have thought of the consequences before trying to escape," Reece said, pinching the sensitive tips of my firm breasts.

  "I wasn't trying to escape," I returned. "I was..."

  "OK, I'm ready to open her up," Ian said, squeezing the levers together.

  "No!" I screamed as the speculum expanded, forcing the creamy duct of my aching vagina open. My sobs and pleas were futile, I knew as Reece and Alan placed chairs either side of my naked body. Standing on the chairs, their erect penises waving before my face, their purple knobs close to my mouth, I knew what was expected of me. Yielding in my imprisonment, I opened my mouth in readiness to suck each swollen knob to orgasm. Almost choking as the silky-smooth plums both entered my mouth, bloating my cheeks, I closed my eyes and resigned myself to the fact that I was nothing more than a sex object.

  My vagina opening further as Ian squeezed the speculum levers, I moaned through my nose and prayed for someone to come and rescue me.

  "Use you tongue," Alan spat, ramming his solid knob deeper into my mouth.

  "And suck hard," Reece chuckled, pushing his swollen glans to the back of my throat.

  "Right, here we go," Ian murmured, opening the speculum even further and forcing something into my painfully bloated sex sheath.

  The men fucking my mouth while my aching cunt gripped a huge phallus, I could take no more, I knew as my head bobbed back and forth with the thrusting penises. My sex juices squelching as Ian pistoned my cunt with the huge phallus, my clitoris swollen, I grimaced as Alan and Reece began gasping in ecstasy. Their sperm would gush at any second, bathing my tongue, jetting to the back of my throat.

  "I'm coming!" Reece cried, ramming his purple plum in and out of my mouth. Both men came in unison, sperm filling my cheeks, leaking down my chin as I did my best to swallow. My mouth aching, my lips stretched tautly around the veined shafts, I felt my vagina muscles spasm, gripping whatever it was Ian had forced into my cunt.

  "Swallow," Reece gasped, my mouth overflowing with sperm as the men drained their swinging balls. Again and again I swallowed the fruits of their orgasms as they fucked my mouth. The thought excited me, induced my cunt to lubricate the piston within my sex.

  The last of the sperm bathing my tongue, I gasped for breath as the men's glistening knobs finally left my mouth. The salty liquid dribbling down my chin, dripping onto my breasts, I yelped as Ian withdrew the speculum. Leaving the dildo deep within my vagina, he stood up and grinned at me. Was I ready? Had he prepared my vagina, as he'd put it? I watched the three men release the handcuffs. My aching vagina stretched, my juices trickling down my inner thighs, I feared the worst as they marched me out of the room and dragged me up the stone steps to the lounge.

  "OK, put her in the stocks," Reece ordered his accomplices. "The others should be here soon."

  "What others?" I asked as Ian moved the sofa, revealing the awesome-looking stocks.

  "The guests, who else?"

  "And they'll want you ready and waiting for their enjoyment," Ian smiled, dragging the stocks into the centre of the room.

  Placing my heads and wrists in the stocks, the men closed the wooden section and stood behind me. My trembling body bending over, they yanked my feet wide apart and cuffed my ankles to the base of the stocks. My naked buttocks rudely projected, the swollen lips of my vagina stretched tautly around the massive phallus, I knew that I was in for a night of rampant sex. Again wondering where Donna was, I squeezed my eyes shut as Reece ran his fingertip up and down the gully between my tensed buttocks. She'd probably be dragged into the lounge to join me, to have her naked body used by the so-called guests. She'd been innocent in her tender years. But now?

  "She's in just the right position for an anal screwing," Reece chuckled, encircling the tissue of my bottom-hole with his fingertip. "A good anal spunking and a mouth fucking."

  "I might as well warm her up," Alan murmured, grabbing my hips.

  "You know what Maria's like," Reece said, parting the tensed orbs of my rounded buttocks and exposing the sensitive brown eye of my anus. "Once she sees Kirsty in the stocks, she'll have a field day with her."

  "She'll probably do her fist fucking bit," Ian laughed. "Shove her fist and half her arm up the whore's arse."

  As the men talked, Reece parted my thrashed buttocks further. I felt the bulbous knob of Alan's penis pressing against the tightly closed rosebud of my anal inlet, trying to gain entry to my inner core. His solid plum driving past my defeated sphincter muscles, the velveteen duct of my bottom stretching wide open, I wondered how many men would penetrate my arsehole and shoot their spunk deep into me before the night was over.

  My vagina bloated by the massive phallus as Alan's penis slowly entered the tight sheath of my bottom, I felt my pelvic cavity inflating like a balloon. The brown eye of my anus stretched tautly around the broad root of his granite-hard cock as he completely impaled me, I tried to relax my muscles to alleviate the discomfort. But the vaginal and anal pain only increased as his massive organ swelled and throbbed within the tight channel of my bottom. As he withdrew his penis and drove into me again, his heavy balls slapping the end of the phallus emerging between the swell of my vagina lips, my naked body jolted violently. My sex holes distended beyond capacity, I thought the delicate membrane separating my inflamed sheaths would tear apart.

  "God, she's a tight-arsed bitch," Alan gasped as he repeatedly withdrew his veined cock and thrust into me again. The slapping of his lower belly against my burning bottom cheeks becoming louder as he increased his anal fucking rhythm, I yelped as Ian lifted my head by
my hair and pressed the purple globe of his penis between my parted lips. Alan's penis crudely shafting the inflamed duct of my anus, I squeezed my eyes shut as Ian's purple knob drove to the back of my throat. Both men rocking their hips, fucking my orifices, I imagined a third penis shafting the fiery sheath of my cunt. My tethered body bucking with the two-way fucking, I was nothing more than a sex machine. A slave to the debased desires of men.

  "Use your tongue, you fucking whore," Ian gasped, withdrawing his cock until my lips engulfed the glans. "Lick and suck my knob until I spunk in your mouth." Complying, I gently sucked the purple crown of his penis, running my tongue over its silky-smooth surface to take him to orgasm. My anal sheath burning as the huge cock-piston shafted my dry cylinder, my jaw aching as Ian's knob ballooned, I prayed for the men to shoot their sperm quickly and withdraw their huge cocks. But this was only the beginning of a night of sexual torment.

  "Here it comes," Alan breathed as he gripped my hips and fucked my bottom-hole with a frightening vengeance. I could feel his sperm lubricating my anal shaft, easing the pistoning of his swollen organ. The silken globe of his knob massaging the velvety walls of my rectum, his sperm squelching within my bowels, I opened my eyes wide as Ian gasped in the beginnings of his orgasm. My mouth suddenly bubbling with sperm, dribbling down my chin, I shook violently as my clitoris exploded in orgasm. Shockwaves of pure sexual ecstasy crashing through my naked body, my mind blown away on a cloud of lust, I imagined another erect penis fucking me. Had I found my domain?

  Sperm seeped from my anus, running over the bridge of sensitive skin dividing my sex sheaths, I repeatedly swallowed the product of Ian's orgasm as he thrust his bulbous knob to the back of my throat. As my rectal channel swallowed Alan's sperm and I gobbled on Ian's orgasming glans, I heard voices. Through the swirling haze of my incredible climax some of Maria's chilling words echoed around the debris of my mind.


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