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The Z-Day Trilogy (Book 5): United States of Zombie

Page 10

by Mark Cusco Ailes

  “You want to go toward the noise?” asked Angelo. “I would go in the opposite direction.”

  “That would be the smart thing to do. I don’t know why, but something is telling me to go to the right.”

  “I’m right behind you. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Believe me, so do I.” Donnie moved down the long aisle toward the sound of the scratching noises. It was an eerie sound. He hoped he was making the right decision. He could feel Angelo’s breath on the back of his neck as he continued forward. He knew he was nervous. He was nervous. He suddenly heard something scurry across the floor in front of him. He shone his light toward the floor in time to see a large brown rat run out of his view. He regretted ever stepping foot inside the darkened building. Perhaps he had made a mistake by coming here. Am I being greedy? Surely, they had enough supplies on the plane to last for a long time. He thought about aborting the mission and getting back to the bus before his nerves got the better of him, but he knew he couldn’t. It would only make him look weak to the general and that’s the last thing he wanted to do. If he looked weak now, he knew the general would use it against him. He continued until he reached the first door. He listened and once again heard the scratching noise. He pressed his ear against the wooden door and heard a low growling noise. There wasn’t any denying it. There was definitely a zombie behind the door. He felt Angelo tap him on his shoulder.

  “There is an open box of batteries on the floor. Also, there is a gym bag next to the box.”

  Donnie looked in the direction of the gym bag. If there was an open box containing batteries and a gym bag, it could mean there was somebody else in the building with them. He looked at Donnie. “Feels like Déjà vu.”

  “You don’t think somebody is in here with us?”

  “I’m not sure. We better be careful from here on out. Somebody could be watching us from within the darkness. Leave the gym bag alone. We don’t want to start a war inside here.” He moved away from the door and over to the box of batteries. “We better take some of these. I’m sure we’re going to need them.” As he reached into the box he heard growling coming from behind him. He turned and saw the general standing near an opened door and a zombie heading in his direction. He knew the general had opened the door on purpose. He didn’t have time to fume over it, because the zombie was nearly upon him. He didn’t know what to do. He knew one wrong move would cost him his life. Fear knotted inside of him. He lifted his flashlight, but he was too late. The zombie grabbed his arm and spun him around before he had a chance to react. Donnie crashed into several shelves behind him, nearly causing him to drop the flashlight. Pain shot through him like a bolt of lightning. The zombie was back on him within a matter of seconds trying to take a chunk out of his face. He fought hard against his attacker trying to keep it at arm’s length while he desperately tried to figure out how he was going to defend himself. He was slowly losing strength and the battle. It was too strong for him. He continued to struggle as he feared he was going to die. He knew the general had let the zombie free. He stared at his attacker. It looked like a pasty-faced ghoul as it bit at the air trying to steal his life. He knew he was about to lose the battle ̶ his arms were about to give out. He knew he was finished. He looked away as he heard two shots fired. The zombie slumped to the ground and lay at his feet. He looked over at the general who was standing there with his sidearm raised toward him. He lowered it and smiled at Donnie sinisterly. Donnie stood trying to catch his breath. He glared at the general angrily knowing he was trying to kill him, or at least scare him half to death. The general approached him.

  “What? Don’t you want to thank me for saving your life?” He bent over and picked up the gym bag and looked at Angelo. “Some friend you are. You were going to let your friend die. Now come on, we’ve wasted enough time.”

  Angelo looked at Donnie. “I’m sorry ̶ I froze.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. You’re not the one who let the zombie loose. He’s going to be sorry he tried to kill me.” He watched as the general tossed a large box on the floor and ripped it open. He had made a big mistake by letting him come with them. He wasn’t going to let this rest. The general tried to kill him first, and now it was up to him to even the score.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mrs. Smith was safely back in her classroom with her students anxiously waiting for someone to come and let her know what was going on. On her way back to her classroom, she saw several people dressed in black ninja uniforms searching the hallways. None of them said a word to her or any of her students as they quickly made their way back to her classroom. She refused to believe they could be actual ninjas, but she was uncertain. They didn’t act like the type of ninjas she had seen portrayed on television. She was about to turn away and look toward the window when one of them knocked at the door. She made her way over to the door and opened it. The person pushed past her and closed the door behind them. Mrs. Smith didn’t say a word as the person revealed himself. He looked around the room and back to Mrs. Smith. “You’re all safe now. We’ve secured the school. We’ve also taken care of any zombies who managed to get inside.” He looked at the faces of all the students. There wasn’t any doubt they were all wondering who he was. “I know you are all wondering who I am and why I’m here. All I’m at liberty to say is I’m a parent and I’m here to protect the school. Yes, I have a child who attends this school, and no, I didn’t just come to protect her. We’re here to make sure the entire school is protected from the zombie threat. And before you ask, I don’t know how long we will be here. The school’s supplies are being checked right now, and we brought a lot of supplies ourselves that are being brought into the school as we speak. Right now, this school is one of the safest places and we’re going to make sure it stays that way. Does anybody have any questions or concerns?” Nobody raised their hand. He turned to look at Mrs. Smith. “Keep everybody inside your classroom and keep the door closed. We’ll be patrolling the school so you don’t need to worry about anything.”

  “What happens if one of them has to use the bathroom?”

  “I’ll leave that to you. Make sure you escort them so we don’t think a zombie got inside.” He left without saying another word and closed the door behind him. He went straight for the cafeteria where he found six more people dressed in ninja uniforms standing over a young man lying on top of a table. “How is he?” he asked, making his way to the group.

  “Not good,” said a young, slender female in the process of taking off the uniform. “He’s been shot several times. I told you to check the guard for more guns.”

  “I shot that bastard in the heart. How was I to know he would have a second gun after I took the first one away from him? I thought the geezer was dead.”

  “And now my husband has to pay for your mistake, Reggie. I swear if he dies…”

  “Relax, Corrine, he’s not going to die.” He looked at the rest of the group surrounding him. “Listen, I told you there would be risks in robbing the largest bank in St. Louis. You all agreed to help me. It’s not my fault what happened to him.”

  “He needs a doctor,” said Burt Waterford. “He’s losing a lot of blood. He’s not going to make it much longer.”

  Corrine burst into tears as Reggie checked on Shawn Carpenter. He looked toward Corrine. “I’m sorry, Corrine, but absolutely no doctors. Besides, where are you going to find one in the middle of a zombie outbreak? I’m sorry about Shawn, but I can’t risk the lives of the rest of the group for one man.”

  Corrine glared at him. “You’re heartless! He would help you!”

  “He would get us arrested ̶ or even worse–killed. There isn’t anything we can do for him but put him out of his misery. I know you really love him, but you wouldn’t want him to suffer for much longer. Let me do that for you, I’ll make it quick.”

  She glared at him in disbelief. “You bastard! You better not come anywhere near him, or so help me I’ll…”

  “You’ll what,
Corrine? Why are you even here? It’s because of Shawn. He’s the one who convinced me to let you tag along. I didn’t want your fragile little body here with us. We didn’t need you. Now what good are you to us? I should kill you both so we have less people to split the loot with. What do you say about that, Corrine?” He paused long enough to stare at her face. She couldn’t look him in the eyes. “Oh! Now you don’t have anything to say? We finally found a way to silence Corrine.”

  “Leave her alone, Reggie,” said Burt in a low voice.

  Reggie turned to look at him. “Now look who grew some balls.” He looked around at all of them. “What’s happening here? Are you all actually trying to test me? If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be millionaires right now. You should all be kissing my …”

  “Go to hell!” screamed Corrine, rushing him.

  Reggie stepped aside and stuck his foot out so she could trip over it. She hit the floor face-first. She looked up at him with blood trickling from her nose. He laughed sinisterly and looked at Shawn. “Damn, your wife is weak.” He watched as she slowly made it back to her feet. “You can wipe that attitude off your face right now! Now I hope we’re done with all these damn protests. Either you’re with me or you’re against me. I don’t care either way. Well, which is it?”

  “Go to hell!”

  “Yes, I already know that’s where you want me to go, but I promise you hell will have to wait. Right now, I’m busy trying to figure out how I’m going to get my money out of here and to the Bahamas.”

  “Don’t you mean our money?” asked Burt.

  Reggie looked at him with a hint of a smile. “Let me rephrase that. I meant to say our money.” He watched as two more of his people walked into the cafeteria to report the zombies know they are inside the school. “Of course, they do. Keep away from the windows so you don’t keep attracting them. As soon as we take care of the problem at hand, I’ll figure out how we’re going to get to the airport.” He turned his attention back to Shawn. He was looking much worse. He knew he wasn’t going to live much longer. Once he died, he knew he was going to have his hands full with Corrine. He knew he wasn’t going to be left with a choice but to kill her. It would then leave Burt, Shawn’s best friend. He looked at him whispering something in Corrine’s ear. He was going to have to deal with him as well. “Is there something you want to share Burt? Private conversations worry me.”

  Burt stopped whispering and looked at Reggie. “It’s not important.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that? From where I’m standing, it must be important enough to keep me from hearing what you have to say.” He took a step toward them. “Do you know what one of the things I hate most is? It’s secrets. They get under my skin and just wreak havoc. Are you trying to keep a secret from me?”

  Neither of them could look Reggie in the eyes. Both of them feared him. If he knew what Burt had whispered, they both knew there would be consequences. Burt looked at Corrine. “Really Reggie, it wasn’t anything important.”

  Reggie wasn’t really convinced he was being truthful. He stared at them for five awkward moments hoping one of them would come clean. When they didn’t, he decided to break the tension. “All right then. I guess you are both telling the truth. It’s a really good thing you both have my complete trust. It’s the one thing you both have going for you right now.” He turned his attention back to Shawn who appeared to be having difficulty breathing. It wasn’t going to be much longer now. He looked at Corrine. “If you’re going to say your goodbyes, you better do it now.”

  She ignored his remark and moved closer to her husband. He looked at her and tried to speak, but it was too late. He took in his last breath and fell into an eternal sleep. She gulped back the sorrow her eyes could not hide. She took his hand into hers and remained silent. As she stared at his lifeless body, Reggie moved closer.

  “I suppose you’re going to want his cut of the money.”

  She wasn’t surprised by his remark. She knew it would all come down to money. She didn’t care about the money. All she wanted to do was bring her husband back and forget about the bank robbery. She had been foolish thinking it would end well. She looked toward Reggie to inform him he could keep both of their cuts, but she soon realized he had other plans. He was standing in front of her pointing his Glock at her head. “You don’t have to kill me. I’m giving you our shares of the money.”

  “You’re not giving it to me–I’m taking it. I’m afraid I can’t let you live. I can’t take the chance of you tracking me down to get your revenge. It has to end here and now.” He looked at Burt. “And before you think you’re going to be the hero here, I’m going to take your money as well. I can’t risk you coming after me either.”

  Burt suspected Reggie would eventually find a way to keep all the money for himself. He was the type of man who couldn’t be trusted. Shawn had tried to convince him Reggie was a man of his word and could be trusted. Shawn had been dead wrong about him. Now he was standing there with a gun pointed in his direction. “So, this is how it’s going to end? After everything we helped you do.”

  “Don’t think for one moment I don’t appreciate your help robbing the bank. I couldn’t have done it without all of your help. The situation just changed. Perhaps if Shawn hadn’t died, we would be having a different conversation. But the situation did change and I have to look out for myself ̶ and I can’t let either of you get in my way. It’s not personal; it’s just plain good business.” He fired a shot into Shawn’s head to make sure he didn’t turn into a zombie, showering Corrine with his blood. Burt took a step toward him and he turned and fired a shot into his chest. He toppled backward onto the ground. Reggie stood above his fallen body and fired two shots into his head. He immediately turned to deal with Corrine but she wasn’t there. He looked around and saw her running into the back area of the cafeteria. He fired a shot toward her but he missed. “Damn!” He watched as she disappeared. “I can’t believe you’re going to make me come find you!” he screamed, making his way across the cafeteria. “I can’t believe you want to do this the hard way. Why don’t you be like your friend Burt? He took it like a real man! You’re only prolonging the inevitable! It’s only going to be a lot worse if you make me look for you!”

  Corrine was frantically searching for an area where she could hide. She scoured the area, but the only place she could hide was in the storage area behind a row of boxes. She knew Reggie would easily discover her there, and then she would be trapped. The only option she had was to go out the back door and hope she wouldn’t be seen by any zombies. She quickly thought about it. It was either risk being attacked by zombies, or being shot and killed by Reggie. Neither option sounded appealing to her, but at least with the zombie option, she had a chance. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of killing her. She swiftly made her way to the back door and unlocked it. She heard Reggie entering the back area. She knew she had to make her move now before he discovered her. She opened the door and left the building without checking her surroundings. She closed the door behind her and went straight for the nearby dumpsters. Once behind them, she held her breath and peered around them to see if there were any zombies in the area. To her relief, she didn’t see any. She was about to leave the safety of the dumpsters when she saw the back door open and Reggie emerge. He waved his gun angrily trying to find her. She ducked hoping he wouldn’t realize where she was hiding. She heard the door slam shut. She held her breath and peeked from behind the dumpsters to see if he had gone back inside the building. She didn’t see any sign of him. She stood up and was about to move away from the dumpsters when she heard Reggie’s voice.

  “It’s garbage day and I’m the garbage man!” He kicked the dumpster she was hiding behind. “Man! I can’t believe how hard you’re making me work for this! I hope you didn’t just think I was going to go away. Are you going to come out of hiding, or are you going to make me work even harder to kill you?”

  “Go to hell!”

“Is that your final answer?”

  “What do you want me to say, Reggie? Do you actually think I’m going to play your stupid little game? I don’t want any part of this ̶ I don’t want to die–not now, not ever.”

  He kicked the dumpster once more. “You know I can’t let you live. If I could, I would, but I can’t. Besides, why would you want to continue to live in this screwed up world without your husband? Hell, if I had it my way, I would leave it.”

  “Then, why don’t you? The world would be much better without you in it.”

  Reggie thought about the possibility of the world without him. “Man, you’ve given me something to think about.” He kicked the dumpster one more time. “Your time is up, Corrine. Tell the devil I said hi and…” He was abruptly interrupted by something crashing hard into his body. He fell hard to the ground with something heavy landing on top of him. He felt the air being knocked out of him. His right arm was pinned underneath his body as he looked eye-to-eye with the creature that had knocked him off of his feet. Its bluish lips were pulled back from its gums revealing blood-stained teeth.

  Corrine heard Reggie hit the ground, and she looked around the dumpster to see what had happened. To her surprise, Reggie was pinned underneath a large, balding zombie twice his size. Reggie was desperately trying to free his arm while holding the zombie’s head with the other. He looked at Corrine as she stood near him.

  “Just don’t stand there like a statue. Help me get this thing off me.”

  “I don’t think so. I hope it takes you straight to hell.” Without saying another word, she began to walk away.

  “Come back here, you…” His voice was silenced as the zombie grabbed his tongue.

  Corrine didn’t know if Reggie had been killed or if he was struggling against his attacker. She didn’t turn to look. She didn’t care. All she wanted to do was get away from him and go back to her home. She didn’t want any part of the zombie outbreak. She needed to go home. She needed to go to bed and forget this nightmare ever happened in the first place. She looked around at the carnage. The ground was soaked in blood, several cars were ablaze, and zombies were slowly shambling across the parking lot and playground. She couldn’t understand how it could come down to this. She couldn’t understand how easily she was manipulated into robbing a bank. Most of all, she couldn’t understand how easily her husband had been killed. She continued to the front of the school where several zombies were trying to gain entrance through the front door. She knew she couldn’t continue in that direction, because she wouldn’t be able to get through them. She decided to head in the opposite direction and try to find a car somewhere she could use to get home. She continued in that direction as she heard a gunshot from behind her. Her head recoiled from the sudden impact. She went down twitching as her skull was ventilated.


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