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Falling Under

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  A low sound left him.

  The flavor of his pre-cum bathed her tongue.

  He tightened his hold on her until pain and pleasure mixed together.

  She moved her tongue around the bulbous head, and she tasted even more pre-cum filling her mouth. She flattened her tongue ad licked at the underside of his dick.

  “Grab my balls.”

  When she cupped his balls in one of her hands, a surge of pleasure filled her. He was far too thick and long for her to take completely into her mouth, but she was desperate to get as much as she could.

  He tugged on her hair until she was forced to release him. Olivia breathed in and out harshly, her arousal so paramount she couldn’t handle it. At this moment, all she wanted to do was pleasure him. He pulled her forward again, and she started giving him head once more.

  Letting her mouth do the work, she started sucking with fervor. She took hold of the root of his dick with her hand and stroked what she couldn’t reach with her mouth.

  “That’s so fucking it, Olivia, baby.” He groaned louder this time. “Suck me dry.” He had his hand in her hair and kept her head stationary as he moved in and out of her mouth, fucking her that way. Mason pushed his cock deep until it hit the back of her throat. She gagged slightly. “Christ, yeah.”

  Looking up at him as he moved in and out of her, mouth-fucking her, she saw his attention was on her mouth. Ecstasy covered his face.

  “This is only the beginning,” he said in a low, deep, and dangerous voice.

  She believed him.


  What the fuck was happening? Mason didn’t get it or understand it. Some of his cum was at the corner of her lips, and using his thumb, he pushed it into her mouth, watching as she sucked it, moaning.

  Her eyes flashed fire at him, and pulling her to her feet, he pushed her to the bed. When she made to scramble away from him, he grabbed her ankle, keeping her in place. From the look in her eye, he saw she was playing with him. “Don’t even think of running away from me again.” Tugging her back to the edge of the bed, he opened her thighs, staring down at her glistening cunt. “You’re not even fighting me.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  He tutted. “I’m a dangerous man.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me.”

  “You really think that?”

  “Yes. You had a lot of chances to hurt me, and you’ve not taken them.” She leaned up and touched his chest. “I’ve had your cock in my mouth, Mason. If I was going to hurt you, it would have been then, but I didn’t.”

  She was turning him on.

  No, he wouldn’t hurt her.

  The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  In fact, he wanted to fuck her and fuck her hard.

  “You want me, Mason. I know you do.”

  “That’s fucking obvious.” He grabbed her hips, lowered his face until it was right by her pussy, and took her clit into his mouth, sucking hard.

  She cried out his name, and he grunted against her clit.

  Sliding his tongue through her slit, he plunged inside her, loving her moans. He was going to have her screaming his name by the time he was done with her.

  When teasing her pussy wasn’t enough, he flipped her over, pushing her knees up on the bed, and knelt over her. Slapping her ass, he spread her ass cheeks, seeing the evidence of her arousal coating her pussy and the puckered hole of her anus.

  Leaning down, he plunged his tongue into her cunt, getting her really nice and wet. Then he drew his tongue up between her ass checks, wetting her anus. She tensed and tried to move, but he wasn’t having any of that.

  Flicking his tongue over her ass, he plunged two fingers inside her. Even though he’d already come inside her mouth, his dick was rock hard and ready to go again.

  When she was soaking wet, so much that her cum was coating the inside of her thighs, he took hold of his dick and placed the tip at her entrance. With only the mushroom head inside, he grabbed her hips and slammed every single inch inside her.

  She cried out, and he held her even tighter, stopping her from moving.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.”

  He pulled out of her tight pussy and slammed all the way back inside. In the back of his mind, he knew he shouldn’t be doing this. She was his prisoner, and this was supposed to be an easy fix. Take Olivia, get the money, give her back, and save his sister.

  This was not what he had planned.

  Pounding inside her, he stared down at her body, knowing he wanted to look into her eyes when he was fucking her. Pulling out of her pussy again, he flipped her over and moved her up toward the pillows.

  “You keep moving me around.”

  “I’ll do whatever the hell I want.” He breathed out through his desire. “I’m going to have you, Olivia. You’re going to want me as well.”

  “But it helps that I want it.”

  He growled, knowing she was right.

  “You don’t scare me, Mason. You’re not a bad man.”

  “I kidnapped you.”

  “You had your reasons. I don’t think you even come close to being a bad guy.”

  Mason pulled out of her and slammed back inside.

  She stopped talking and moaned.

  “You think I’m not a bad guy. You haven’t seen anything yet.” Pulling out of her pussy, he went to the wardrobe and grabbed a couple of belts. Moving to her hand, he was about to tie it to the headboard when she made a mad dash for it, moving past him to get to the door.

  Dropping the belt, he caught her around the waist, pulling her back against him. She didn’t fight him, nor did she tell him to stop.

  Mason had to wonder if she liked being chased. Dropping her back on the bed, he caught her hand and wrapped the belt around her wrist, securing her. One of her hands was still free, but he had her secured for now.

  He cupped her cheek and watched the smile dance within her eyes.

  Pushing his thumb back into her mouth, he knelt on the bed, and held his cock against her lips. He was covered in her cream. “Taste yourself on my cock.”

  She took him to the back of her throat, and while she was distracted, he secured her other hand so both hands were above her head with the belt secured to the headboard. Then, pulling out of her mouth, he moved between her thighs, and took her clit into his mouth, sucking on the hard bud as he went. With his mouth still on her clit, he moved so that his dick was poised above her mouth. He slowly lowered himself into her mouth, and went back to licking her cunt. He started to thrust his cock back into her mouth. He had no intention of coming inside her mouth, but he loved the dominance, the control it gave him.

  Only when he couldn’t control the need anymore, he pulled out of her mouth and moved back between her thighs. Keeping his cock at her entrance, he watched as he disappeared inside her.

  He should just let her go. Stop this madness before it ruined his life and hers. As long as his sister was taken care of, he didn’t care about himself.

  “I want you, Mason. You can’t change that.”

  Staring into her eyes, he gritted his teeth.

  Leave her alone.

  Take her.

  Fuck her.

  Own her.

  Pushing deep inside her, he filled her tight cunt and lost himself to the devil inside. Screw the consequences; Olivia was his the moment he’d looked at her.


  Mouth opening on a silent cry, Olivia closed her eyes. When he was fully inside her, his balls touching the bottom crease of her ass, he stilled. She felt so full, so stretched. Maybe not having any protection should have been an issue for her.

  Instead, she found it heightened her pleasure.

  Her inner muscles clenched around his girth, and he grunted. He pulled out of her so that just the thick tip of him was lodged in her opening. Then he shoved it back in. Mason’s thrusts were fierce and powerful and stole her breath. Their sweat-soaked skin rubbed against each other, and she felt like she was falling over a

  He thrust back in deep and hard.

  “You’re so fucking tight.” His face was buried in the crook of her neck. “I’m going to fuck you so hard your pussy will ache for me when I’m not there.”

  Who knew hearing dirty talk could make her feel so aroused?

  He shoved into her so forcefully she cried out in climax.

  It was an almost out-of-body experience. Having him inside of her, moving, coaxing, stroking her to orgasm was nothing she could have ever imagined.

  In and out. Harder and faster, he fucked her.

  He slammed into her once, stilled, and held her gaze.

  There was no denying him.

  Mason was bringing her closer to another orgasm.

  Olivia curled her fingers into her palms until pain lanced through her arms.

  He continued to work his cock in her pussy, swiveling his hips, pressing into her deep, and making her feel things she’d never imagined possible.

  He had her climbing closer and closer to agony and ecstasy, and she wanted so much more she couldn’t handle it.

  “I want you to feel everything I’m doing to you.” He thrust in deep. “You enjoy my big cock pounding in and out of your tight, hot cunt.” He gripped her waist and pulled her down so her ass now hung off the edge of the mattress.

  Mason placed his finger on her clit and thrust into her again. With her back arched, trying to shift her body so she could slide closer to him, she moaned hoarsely in satisfaction.

  The pleasure went on and on, and she knew this would change her.

  She didn’t know if it would be for the better or for the worse.

  Gripping her hips, Mason slammed every inch of his dick inside her. Olivia would take all he had to give. He held her tighter, so tight he knew there would be bruises on her body in the morning.

  Good, he wanted her to be marked by him.

  He fucked her hard, and during the whole thing, she cried out for more.

  Mason watched her tits bounce and didn’t stop himself from leaning down and sucking on a tight nipple.

  Pulling out of her was hard as hell, but he wanted to see her ass while he fucked her. When she was released, her hands falling to her sides, he flipped her onto her stomach and dragged her onto her knees until her ass was in the air. He slid back inside her hot, tight, wet cunt. Mason couldn’t stop himself from watching her pussy take him in.

  He slapped her ass over and over again, making her flesh red, leaving his mark on her. She kept pushing back against him so that he could go deeper.

  Mason couldn’t hold off any longer.

  He finally thrust in her once more and stilled, finding his own release. His balls grew tight, and seconds later, he filled her cunt with his cum.

  She was his, and he wasn’t going to let her go.


  Mason didn’t speak, he couldn’t. What was the point? He’d fucked up in more ways than one. Olivia lay curled up against his side without a care in the world, and yet their relationship was far from without fucking care. What fucking relationship? He’d kidnapped her. He’d taken her against her will. Tied her up, kept her away from her family for money.

  Yet, she’d fallen into bed with him as if she was a woman starved for affection.

  Staring down at her, he slowly pulled away from her, taking care not to wake her. He didn’t bother securing her to the bed.

  He picked up his clothes, dressed, and then he left. He made his way out of the house and toward his truck. Turning over the ignition, he drove out of his driveway and headed toward the hospital. Maybe he shouldn’t have left Olivia without saying anything? Maybe he should have tied her back up? She was, after all, the only thing between him and getting the money to help his sister.

  There was only one place he could go when he was in a weird mood like this and that was to his sister, the one person he cared about.

  But is she now the only person you care about?

  Once at the hospital, he made his way toward his sister’s room. The nurses didn’t stop him after he reached her floor and then went into Laura’s room.

  Laura was in her bed with tubes coming out of her nose and an IV in her arm. She was pale, frail, and desperately in need of a heart transplant. They had no insurance, so there was no way he could pay out of pocket for the operation. No matter how much he worked, there was no realistic possibility that he’d come up with the amount of money she’d need for the surgery in time, not to mention, she was also in a fucking Transplant list. He got that there was other sick people in the world, but this was his sister!

  It was because of that that he had taken Olivia.

  As if she sensed him in the room, she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  “Mason,” she said.

  “Hey, sweet girl. How are you today?”

  “You know me, always fighting. Always ready for a party. You should have been here earlier, I was raving.”

  He smiled, not wanting her to see how fucking scared he was even though he knew she was only joking. “I bet you were.” He removed his jacket and sat down on the chair beside her bed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong.”

  “Mason, I’ve known you my whole life, and I know when something is wrong. Tell me.”

  He reached out, took her hand, and wondered what he was supposed to say or do. All of his life, he’d been the one responsible for his sister, loving her, caring for her.


  “I’ve done something awful.”

  “What could you possibly do? You’re the sweetest person I know.” Her voice was croaky.

  “I love you, Laura. I really do, and you need to live. You’re too damn sweet not to live.”

  “What will happen, will happen.”

  “No. I don’t accept that. I don’t accept anything bad happening to you.” He pressed a kiss to her hand.

  “What did you do?” Laura asked again.

  He was silent for a moment. “I took someone.”

  She knitted her brows. “You took someone?” She sounded confused.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “But why?” He saw the realization move across her face as soon as the word left her mouth. She started shaking her head. “Please tell me this doesn’t have anything to do with that missing woman.”

  He didn’t answer, but he knew she was fully aware of his answer by the look on her face.

  “Oh God. Mason. What have you done? Why would you do that?” She sounded so damn worried, frantic even. “They’re looking for her.”

  “I know.”

  “You took her?” she asked again, her voice slightly rising.

  He got up and shut the door to the room.

  “Yes,” he said without emotion.

  “Is she still alive?”


  “You need to let her go.” Tears were forming in her eyes now.

  He bowed his head and rested it against her hand. Laura didn’t let him go, and for that he was thankful.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t live without you. I had to take her. I had to get the money you need for the surgery.”

  “You shouldn’t risk losing your own life and ruining someone else in the process.”

  “You can’t die,” he said again.

  “Mason, if I die then it’s how it’s supposed to be.” Laura had always been a believer in fate, in destiny, and it drove him crazy. He couldn’t accept shit like that. For Mason, life was meant to be lived to the fullest, and if that meant breaking rules, then he was always happy to break them.


  “She has to go home. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to her or you.” She touched his cheek. “Please.”

  “Something else happened,” he said. God, he didn’t need to tell her any of this, not in the state she was in. But she’d always been there for him, listening to him.

  Her shoulders sagged. “What?”

  “It started out as a ransom, a
s a means to an end, but then…” he exhaled. “I think I’ve fallen for her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s not like any other woman I’ve known. She’s beautiful, charming, and she wants me.”

  Laura didn’t say anything for long seconds. “Mason, this is really fucked up. I can’t help you with something like this. If you get caught, your life will be over. Do you understand me? It doesn’t matter if I live or die, you won’t be here to experience any of it.”

  This time he sagged.

  Rubbing at his temples, he stared at his sister. She looked worse than when he’d first entered.

  “I’m going to find a way of getting the money without Olivia.”

  They sat in silence after that, and he just listened to her breathing. When she did fall asleep, he left. Standing just outside the now open door, he watched her sleep for a few seconds.

  He’d really fucked things up.

  Heading back to his truck, he climbed behind the wheel and sighed. This indecision about what he should do wasn’t exactly helping him.

  He was supposed to take Olivia and get his money; that was the end of it.

  Life was going to shit, and there was no point avoiding the issue. Heading back home, he saw that the door was still closed, and part of him was happy about that. Had Olivia stayed in his bed? Had she run off?

  He paused when he saw Olivia holding a cup of coffee while sitting at the table. She had her legs curled up to her chest, her feet dangling off the edge of the chair.

  “You didn’t try leaving again,” he said more to himself.

  She shook her head. “You didn’t tie me up, and I woke up alone. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I didn’t want to go.”

  “You should have run.” He was being dead honest with her.

  “Why would I run? This is where I belong.”

  He closed the door, throwing his keys into the little bowl. “No, you don’t belong here. You need to go.”

  She frowned.

  “This isn’t right, and what I did to you was wrong. So fucking wrong, Olivia.”

  A moment of silence passed before she finally spoke.


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