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Stolen Princess

Page 36

by Nikki Jefford

  Liri’s attention never strayed. He acted like Jhaeros wasn’t in the room.

  “As sorry as I am to hear—” I began.

  “I love her,” Liri burst out.

  “You—what?” My jaw dropped. Liri was capable of love? And toward a human no less? Maybe there was still hope for him.

  “I love Hensley. I’ve”—Liri sucked in a breath—“never loved anyone before now. I’m not sure I’m overly fond of the feeling.” He clutched his chest.

  All I could do is stare at him. Even if he was capable of lying, it wasn’t the kind of lie he’d want to tell. He’d see it as a weakness, beneath him. His royal Faeness truly was desperate.

  “Do you want me to get on my knees and beg?”

  This brought an instant grin to my lips. The mental image of Liri on his knees almost made up for the half-baked cookies. “Yes, actually. I’d like that very much.”

  Liri scowled.

  Hey, if you don’t like the answer, don’t ask the question.

  I doubted very much that the king of Dahlquist would lower himself to our sitting room floor and beg me to rule his kingdom in his absence.

  Inhaling deeply, then releasing the breath, Liri took slow steps toward me. I watched him every step of the way until he stopped four feet in front of me.

  Eyes locked on mine he said, “Tell the elf to leave.” Ah, so he had noticed Jhaeros’s continued presence.

  I lifted my chin. “I will do no such thing.”

  Liri gritted his teeth. “Don’t make me regret doing this.” With those words, he got onto his knees and stared up at me with eyes that were both outraged and desperate. “Please, Aerith. I am begging you to watch over the castle; keep my throne and my family safe until I’ve returned with Hensley. Will you do this for me and for my family—your family?”

  “Stand,” I said.

  Liri was up in a flash, eyes intent on mine.

  “Give me a moment to discuss it with Jhaeros. You can wait here.” I glanced over his shoulder at Jhaeros before turning and striding out of the sitting room. I didn’t look to see if Jhaeros followed. I knew he would. I didn’t stop until I’d reached the kitchen.

  I set my bow and arrow on a clean section of the counter, pried a half-baked acorn from the now cool tray, and bit into the top. No sense wasting the cookies. When I tried to offer Jhaeros a squirrel, he declined.

  “Well, Aerith, what do you want to do?” he asked.

  “It feels more like a matter of what I feel obligated to do.”

  “Stand in while Liri is gone?” Jhaeros asked stiffly. It was plain to see he hated the idea as much as I did.

  I stuffed the last of the acorn into my mouth and chewed rapidly. Pregnant stress eating. A winning combination. “Would you come with me if I did?”

  “It’s not even a question.”

  I knew he would, but it still filled me with the kind of joy that sparkled and shined when he spoke the words with such conviction.

  I sighed. “I feel like we just got back from Hawaii. What happened to settling in, getting comfy, and becoming happily dull together?”

  Jhaeros slid up behind me and wrapped me in his arms. “Life is never dull with you in it.” His loving voice brushed over the tip of my ear.

  I leaned against him. “At least I’d be in charge.”

  “Is it safe? How dangerous are Liri’s cousins?”

  “I never met any of them, and Cirrus hardly spoke of family outside of his siblings. Well, whatever their vices, you’re the one they should worry about.”

  Jhaeros grunted. “That’s hardly reassuring.”

  “It is to me. With our skills and cunning, we could certainly hold down the fort until Liri’s return. You could be my special advisor, not to mention my paramour. Every ruling queen needs one.” I spun around, placed my hands on Jhaeros’s broad shoulders, and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “Fhaornik and Mrs. Calarel will miss us.”

  “I’ll miss them more. At least this will give Fhaornik time to practice his ukulele for our grand return, which will be before the birth of our child. I need to make that perfectly clear to Liri.”

  “Right now, I bet he’d be willing to agree to anything in exchange for your help.”

  “The power of love.” I glanced around the kitchen. “Do you think I could finish making my cookies first?”

  Jhaeros chuckled. “Well, you are about to be queen.”

  And the queen wanted cookies—with frosting—and sprinkles.

  Flames licked the stone walls from torches, making the throne room appear like a dungeon without cells. The Elmray clan gathered before dinner, along with Galather and Folas. As usual, the twin guards wore dark matching tunics and trousers, braided leather bracelets, and thin silver necklaces. Their blond hair was pulled back into low ponytails. I stood on the dais with Liri, wearing absolutely no jewelry, and a simple yellow cotton dress with strappy sleeves—a little something I’d picked up in Hawaii. Humans knew how to make comfortable clothes, which I was appreciating the more my belly bulged.

  Liri had tried to talk me into changing into something a little more regal, after which I’d reminded him he would accept me as I was or not at all. Being around the Fae prick made me appreciate Jhaeros even more. He stood to the side of the group, a sword sheathed at his hip, watching everyone with hawk eyes.

  Before everyone arrived, we’d set my bow and quiver behind the throne where I planned to keep it during the duration of my regency. The chair would act as both a shield and weapons cache if I ever needed it. I had brought a total of three bows and quivers filled with arrows. I’d keep one in our chambers and one secured under the dining table. Jhaeros planned to have a sword and dagger on him at all times—outside the bedroom anyway.

  When Folas ushered my in-laws into the throne room, their attention swung from me to Jhaeros.

  “What is Aunt Naesala’s fiancé doing here?” Sarfina put her hands on her hips, her blonde ponytail shooting out of her head like a spark.

  “I took a liking to him at the ball,” I informed her.

  Since Liri couldn’t lie, I did the honors. More of a white lie really. Sarfina didn’t need to know that the ball I spoke of was the Monster Ball, long before his charade in Faerie. Let her think I’d first met Jhaeros at the ball in Dahlquist. If Sarfina suspected otherwise, she’d accuse me of conspiring, yet again, with Liri. I didn’t need that kind of drama. Good vibes only for the bundle of joy growing inside me.

  Not one to let things go, Sarfina demanded, “What about the father of your child? Where is he?”

  “That is none of your concern.” I threw the words down from the dais, practicing my best queenly voice. Sounded good to me. I might not look the part, but the bite of my tone said otherwise.

  Jastra smirked at her sister, who now wore an angry pout over her glossy pink lips.

  “The male elf is here for Aerith’s protection, as are Galather and Folas,” Liri announced. “They have sworn their oaths, and now it is your turn. You will all obey Aerith while Jastra and I are gone. I want to hear each of you swear it, starting with you, Sarfina.”

  “Better an elf than a human,” Sarfina muttered. As she shuffled up to the dais, Galather came forward with a thick gold crown. He handed it to Liri, who stepped in front of me. I sidestepped him.

  “No way. I don’t want some cursed crown on my head.”

  “Not to worry, Aerith. Liri threw that one in the lake,” Jastra said from below, tossing back her teal hair.

  “I’m still not wearing that clump of heavy metal. It gives me a headache just looking at it.”

  Ryo snickered.

  Liri glared at him. He probably wanted to do the same to me, but knew better. As part of our arrangement, I made him swear he would not interfere in my decisions while I ruled over the kingdom in his absence. That included his promise not to bother me via dreamscape. I would not have him checking in whenever he liked, intruding on Jhaeros and me.

  When Liri demande
d to know how we would communicate, I told him he could do so through Galather or Folas. He’d had no choice but to agree to my terms—all of them.

  Clearing his throat, Liri handed the crown back to Galather.

  “We will find something more to your liking before I depart.”

  We’d see about that. For now, I wanted to hear Sarfina and Ryo swear to serve me loyally. Liri had them come up one by one. Sarfina managed to swear her oath without choking. Ryo’s eager smile when he promised to obey me had Liri’s frown deepening. Unlike his older siblings, Ryo didn’t have a poker face. But if he thought that while the king was away the prince would play, he was in for a surprise.

  Liri and Jastra didn’t stay for supper. Liri left no instructions either. Carte blanche over the kingdom. Cool.

  All hail Queen Aerith Elmray.

  Start from the beginning of FALSE QUEEN.


  A super special thank you to Amber Shepherd (aka: Bam) for inspiring this story. Once I created these characters for Amber’s Monster Ball anthology, I couldn’t let them go—or rather, they wouldn’t let me go! Thank you, Amber, for being my muse and for making the online reading community a fun place to hang out.

  To Najla Qamber for the gorgeous cover design. I love the way you make all the pieces come together so beautifully!

  Tremendous thanks to Kelly Hashway for really digging in, straight down to the pit. Your suggestions were indispensable. I’m happy to have worked with you on this project. And thank you to Raye Wagner who first told me about Kelly!

  Thanks to the kindest copy editor in all the realms, Hollie Westring. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing my stories are in your capable hands and that I can follow up with questions any time and receive a swift and friendly response. You’re a precious gem!

  Big thanks to Roxanne Willis, a kindred spirit of the online reading community and an exceptional editor. You have a great gift for details.

  Thank you to my first readers who wholeheartedly encouraged this book: Amber Shepherd and Randi Cooley Wilson. The two of you cheered me on back when Aerith’s story was just a novella for The Monster Ball Anthology, and kept on cheering when it turned into a follow-up novel. That kind of enthusiasm means a lot. Thank you both!

  A world of thanks to members of The Fantasy Fix, The Monster Ball, and the entire reading community. Thank you for getting hyped up over new books and for making me laugh out loud with your comments and GIFs. You bring endless joy and amusement to my life. I adore you to bits! (Not pits!)

  To my treasured Spellbound and Aurora Sky readers, this book is especially for you! I wanted to bring you something silly, sexy, and fun in the spirit of my earlier series. I hope you were entertained.

  If you enjoyed Stolen Princess, please let others know by posting a review. Thank you for reading!

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  Slaying, Magic Making, Running Wild, AND RULING THE WORLD!

  Discover your next fantasy fix with these riveting paranormal romance titles by Nikki Jefford:


  Night Stalker

  Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter

  Northern Bites


  Evil Red

  Bad Blood

  Hunting Season

  Night of the Living Dante


  True North





  Holiday Magic


  Wolf Hollow

  Mating Games

  Born Wild

  Moon Cursed

  Animal Attraction

  Bear Claimed

  Forever Free


  Stolen Princess

  False Queen

  Three Kings

  Holiday Crown

  The Golden Prince

  The Dark Pretender

  The Ice Twins

  The Forever Princess


  Nikki Jefford is a third-generation Alaskan now living in North Carolina with her French husband and their Westie, Cosmo. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys nature, hiking, and motorcycling. Nikki is the author of the Royal Conquest Saga, Wolf Hollow Shifters series, Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter series, and Spellbound Trilogy.

  To find out more about her books and new releases, please visit her website:




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