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Finger Bang

Page 5

by Jade C. Jamison

  What was even better? She didn’t say a word, didn’t ask him to leave when he covered her with the sheet and pulled her close to him, whispering, “Good night.”

  Chapter Six

  KAYLEE COULD FEEL her body and mind making their paths to wakefulness, because she wasn’t dreaming anymore. She’d had visions all night long of sexy Blaze making her feel incredible, but those dreams changed to one of a different nature, one where he stuck around in a more meaningful capacity.

  And that’s when her brain stopped taking its time waking up. It came full awake in a matter of seconds…because his arm was around her and she could feel his breath on her neck, his body pressed up against her.

  Holy crap.

  Blaze was still here.

  It hadn’t been her imagination that he’d rolled over and pulled her close while she was waking up. That hadn’t been a dream. It had really happened—right here, right now.

  And then her mind raced back. Oh, shit. Yeah. Oh, how embarrassing.

  And exciting.

  She relived it in her head. She’d never had an orgasm before—that much she knew—because she’d never felt like that at any time in the past. Sex had always felt good (well, aside from the first few times), but not like that. Last night felt like a reward for all the times she’d had sex without an ending that amazing.

  Wow. Blaze hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he could make her feel good. Part of her wanted to turn around and kiss him for that…and maybe even ask him to do it again. The sheltered girl in her, though…the one who had gone to church almost every Sunday growing up, the one who’d been led to believe that sex outside of marriage was sinful and masturbating would cause something bad to happen…that girl wanted to crawl under the bed and beg for forgiveness.

  She felt him stir behind her and he made a little sleepy noise, but then he nuzzled her neck again. Oh, God, his breath on her was unbelievable. She’d liked the couple of boyfriends she’d had before—the ones she’d slept with because she had believed she was in love—but she was already there with Blaze. Holy hell, what he’d done to her last night had made her an instant fan.

  She let the air out of her lungs. She had to stop thinking that way. Blaze himself had said no strings attached. They had a fun night, and he’d given her what her roommates were going to be experiencing this morning—except she hadn’t had to go into a room full of other women with someone she didn’t know trying to get her off.

  That was better on the one hand, but it was also the problem. She knew she wouldn’t have begun to feel a thing for some nameless guy rubbing on her, no matter how great her orgasm had been. Blaze, though…he’d volunteered for it and she hadn’t had to pay him a dime.

  Part of her wondered exactly why he’d volunteered, but she figured it was because he was a guy. Guys loved sex and they loved to have women brag about how good they were in bed. She would have no problems admitting he was incredible.

  But she had to realize right now that this was it—one time.

  Even if it wasn’t, she was so embarrassed. It was everything about the experience—not just one thing. First off, she’d been pretty brazen about it. She’d agreed to let him get her off without any sort of relationship. Second, sure, she’d taken a little wine and pot to help her lose her inhibitions, but she’d easily stripped in front of him, just dropping her drawers and letting him have at her. And then she’d given in to lust and let him fuck her good.

  Yes, Kaylee had enjoyed it.

  She wasn’t ashamed necessarily, but thinking about it definitely made her blush.

  She opened her eyes to glance at the clock. The alarm was going to go off in a few minutes, but she decided to get up now so he wouldn’t wake up. Maybe she could get ready for class and then quickly tell him goodbye without awkward exchanges. She reached over and turned the alarm off. His arm on her was heavy and, she had to admit to herself, it felt nice.

  Her heart was beating a little harder than it should have been…and she’d never tell a soul, but her hungry pussy was throbbing. Oh, God, his finger had turned her into a fucking animal.


  Now all she could think about was sex. She’d enjoyed it before but now it was on a whole other level. Crap. Blaze had made her a slave to the idea of him, and she couldn’t wait to have another climax.

  She took a sharp breath. This was not good.

  She’d heard cold showers were a remedy for horniness, so she’d have to test out that theory. She started sliding out of bed, but Blaze tightened his hold and she heard him mutter, “No, don’t go yet.”

  So much for avoiding interaction…but she was not going to roll over. “I have to get ready for class.”

  “Just a few minutes, ‘kay?”

  She frowned. “Oh, and I have to call your sister in sick to work.”

  “In sick?”


  “I’ll do it.” He cleared his throat and said, “Um, yeah, dude. My sister’s busy getting her clock cleaned and, therefore, she cannot attend employment at your fine establishment this morning. She sends her regrets, but she promises she’ll be in a fan-fucking-tastic mood for her next shift. Think that’ll work?”

  In spite of herself, Kaylee giggled. “I better do it. Rachel would kill us both.”

  He pulled her body back to his and he kissed her on the back of the neck. She felt a shiver charge down her spine, straight to her pussy. Oh, shit. Why did her female parts think they belonged to Blaze now? “It’d be worth it.” He kissed her neck again.

  Okay, that was it. She had to get out of this bed now before she rolled over and confessed her undying lust for this hot guy. If that happened, she’d never be able to look him in the eyes again. “I really have to get ready for class.”

  He made a sound of disappointment but let her go. “Mind if I sleep a little longer?”

  “No, go ahead.” She spied the t-shirt she’d slept in the night before and grabbed it off the chair seated at her desk. She didn’t want him looking at her anymore. She was already horrified enough by how wantonly she’d behaved the night before.

  Grabbing some clothes and underwear, she hustled to the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror over the sink for a couple of minutes just staring at herself. She smiled for a little bit, because those orgasms made her feel like maybe she was a real woman now. But then she started feeling embarrassed again and she couldn’t look anymore. So she turned the water on full blast and jumped in.

  She couldn’t bring herself to turn it to cold, but she didn’t need to anymore. She wasn’t feeling desirous now.

  She did stay in the shower longer than intended, though, because she was trying to wash off the evidence. The problem was she couldn’t wash Blaze out of her head—not his gorgeous face, not his tight, tattooed chest, not his grin and the laugh that went with it…and certainly not his finger. Or his cock. None of it. So she could let the water wash over her, but it couldn’t remove the memories from her head.

  Well, maybe she needed a busy day in classes to keep her mind off it. She also had work today, and that would help, especially since she was dealing with Professor Jones’s other assistant, that bitch Andrea who never hesitated to make Kaylee feel like a worm. That girl would be able to take Kaylee’s mind off anything.

  She heard the bathroom door open. At least, she thought that was what she heard. She was certain, though, when she heard Blaze. “Sorry, Kaylee, I gotta piss so bad, I can taste it. I promise I’ll leave in a second.”

  Okay. Ugh. He was peeing while she was showering? She was horrified all over again, but for different reasons. She supposed she couldn’t get too upset, but why couldn’t he use the bathroom upstairs?

  Maybe he didn’t know there was one up there. Maddy, Shannon, and Rachel had the bedrooms upstairs, and Blaze had never had a reason to go up there. So she tried to be forgiving. She hadn’t asked him if he needed to go to the restroom before she jumped in the shower.


nd something in the back of her mind told her if she peeked, she could sneak a look at him. No! Not just his dick. He had a nice body—that much she could remember from the night before. But, yeah…she wouldn’t have minded another peek at his member too.

  She almost started giggling and her fingers touched the shower curtain before she pulled them back, chickening out. She heard him flush the toilet and he said, “Talking about Rachel made me realize I could go for some coffee. Wanna hit the coffee shop before class?”

  As nice as that sounded, she could not allow herself to try settling into something friendly with Blaze. It would never work, and she knew it. By this afternoon, she’d be long forgotten.

  How did she know that?

  Because Blaze had never had a steady girlfriend, not in all the time she’d known him. Yeah, he’d dated, and she’d seen him with some gorgeous girls, but he didn’t seem to be the type to have a steady relationship. She didn’t want to get hurt. So, even if she’d gotten over the awkward feelings she’d been having, she couldn’t allow herself to think about taking another step. No way. This was it. They were done. They’d had a great time and, hell, yes, he’d taught her a lot about herself. He’d opened a door for her and she’d stormed through it, but that was it. Time to move on, and now that she was a woman, she had a lot of territory to cover, stuff she’d missed over the last several years. Now that she knew what an orgasm was supposed to feel like, she wanted to go there again and again.

  She took a deep breath, rinsing the conditioner out of her hair, and focused so she could make sure her voice was steady when she replied. “Uh, thanks, but I really can’t. I have to hurry to class. I have to work today, too.”

  “Oh, okay. Cool.” She heard the door close and felt the cool air breezing around her in the shower after the fact. She let out the breath she hadn’t noticed she’d been holding in and hoped he’d be gone by the time she got out. Just in case, though, she slipped her clothes on after drying off and smoothing lotion on her skin.

  She couldn’t hear anything, so she opened the bathroom door cautiously. Nothing. She decided to take a chance and walked out and then went to her room to put on her makeup.

  And there he was, sitting on the edge of the bed. He had his jeans on, at least, but his top half was bare and…beautiful. Kaylee was smitten with this guy, and she was angry with herself for it. Why was he still here, tempting her and reminding her of her indiscretion the night before? She’d never be able to tell him how strange she felt now, how surreal it all felt, but she didn’t want to have to deal with the awkwardness of it all anymore. She decided at that second that she would keep her makeup minimal today, because she wanted to get out of there fast.

  It was as if he could read her mind. “Hey, I’ll be out of here in a sec. I have class at noon.”

  She nodded and tried to smile. He acted like he planned to keep his promise. He hustled getting his clothes on and got his stuff out of the living room. Then he stopped by her room as she was blow drying her hair and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Do it again sometime?”

  She only hoped she was able to keep the horror out of her eyes. It was a shame she’d never remember how she answered his question.

  Chapter Seven

  WHAT EXACTLY HAD gone wrong? The night had been damned near perfect—Blaze knew that much. But Kaylee had been colder than a block of dry ice this morning…and it wasn’t like he hadn’t tried. She’d turned down coffee, something he’d thought would be a sure thing. He’d even been half serious about calling his sister in sick for her.

  Maybe she hadn’t enjoyed herself as much as she’d said she had. That was the fucking problem with alcohol and weed. When he realized that was probably the problem, he felt like an asshole. She was regretting sleeping with him in the first place and no doubt blamed imbibing, and it reaffirmed what he’d suspected all along—Kaylee didn’t like him, never had, and likely thought she was too good for him.

  She probably was, but that was beside the point.

  He wouldn’t be able to get her out of his head now. It was too late. Having tasted her, he had developed a craving for her. He wouldn’t be able to wipe her out of his thoughts.

  He wanted her even more, and that was a bad thing. Very bad…because it was pretty obvious the feeling wasn’t mutual.

  So, that afternoon, when Sam, his roommate, asked why he looked like a whiny bitch, he laid it all out.

  “What? You fucked Kaylee Baker, Ice Princess?”

  Oh. So Sam had the same perception of Kaylee that he’d always had…but Blaze had seen another side last night, a warm side—hell, a hot side—and he wanted it back. Surely, it didn’t have to be induced by alcohol on a regular basis. No way could he hang with a girl who only defrosted with help. He couldn’t believe Kaylee was like that anyway.

  Part of him wanted to tell Sam the whole story—that Blaze had offered the finger bang as Kaylee’s alternative to his sister’s harebrained idea, and that had led to what he’d believed was passionate lovemaking and a connection—but the rest of him wanted to keep those details private. He already wanted to protect Kaylee, wanted to keep what was theirs private…even if it wound up this was a one-time shot.

  So he told his friend just enough—that he and Kaylee had had sex and the next morning, she was a little…off. Sam guessed the liquor before Blaze could even tell him he’d brought wine to the festivities. He said, “Yeah, a little something helps take the chill off, but after a good humping, that shit should have been gone for good.”

  “That’s kind of what I thought too, but it was almost like I was still a stranger.” Fuck…it was like he’d been one of those guys his sister had no doubt had getting her off that morning in Boulder. He almost shuddered. He didn’t like thinking about his sister having sex, even if it was clinical. Disturbing shit.

  Back to his own problems.

  “So, dude, I have no idea what to do now. It’s almost like I’m starting at square one, you know?”

  Sam said, “This is what I’d do. She seems like one of those girls who has to be romanced. So you call her…ask her out on a real date. Take her to a nice place.” Blaze raised his eyebrows. He worked two days a week, sometimes three, as a DJ—he was not rolling in the dough, and the only way he could afford his share of their dinky-ass apartment to begin with was thanks to financial aid and the money he’d saved working his ass off last summer. He couldn’t afford a high maintenance chick who wanted him dropping hundreds on her every date. It wasn’t that he didn’t think Kaylee was worth it, but times were tough. Sam repeated himself. “Take her to a nice place, you cheapskate. First dates require that much. And buy her some flowers. Let her know you think she’s more than just a mambo between the sheets.”

  Much as his wallet hated the idea, Blaze knew Sam was right. And that was why he decided he’d call Kaylee and ask her out—but he was going to wait a day. From the way she’d acted that morning, he knew that much—she needed a little time, and he was glad to give it to her.

  * * *

  Kaylee might have had the night of her life, but she was paying for it today. Andrea, Dr. Jones’s other assistant, was being a supreme bitch, worse than usual. Fortunately, Mondays and Wednesdays were the only times Kaylee had to work with her directly, but it was like the girl was making up for lost time today.

  This particular afternoon, Andrea was in some kind of texting war with a friend. She was messing with her phone instead of getting copies made as Dr. Jones had asked. The young woman had snipped at Kaylee a couple of times, so Kaylee just minded her own business, grading the freshman exams as Dr. Jones had requested before heading to her department meeting. But she was just waiting for Andrea to come unglued like she often did, and she’d take it out on Kaylee. It wouldn’t be the first time Kaylee would have to do the work Andrea wasn’t willing to do. And just because the girl was a senior and had been Dr. Jones’s assistant for lots longer than Kaylee, she felt like she could boss the junior worker around, even though she h
ad no authority to do so.

  As Kaylee graded those exams only paying half attention—which was easy, considering they were multiple choice and she had a key to work off of—she felt something awaken in her. She knew it was thanks to two things. The first was that she was tired of being treated like shit by Andrea. The other girl had treated her like crap for far too long. The second, though, was related to a strange feeling she’d had all day. In spite of the fact that she’d felt weird and awkward over her intimate encounter with Blaze, she was also starting to feel a little empowered.

  She’d had a fucking orgasm, after all.

  Actually, two.

  Oh, hell, yes. That changed everything.

  It made Kaylee finally and fully a woman.

  And it made her feel like standing up to that fucking bitch.

  For now, though, she was going to mind her own business, keep to herself like she was good at doing, and get those tests graded for Dr. Jones.

  Sure enough, though, half an hour later, Andrea slammed her phone on the desk where Kaylee was working. “God, the things I do for my friends.”

  Kaylee didn’t want to answer but didn’t want to be rude. She continued grading the paper under her nose and said, “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Andrea sat on the edge of the desk, one of her butt cheeks half on the surface. “I have to organize our study groups. I have to plan where, when, and how. And they aren’t grateful at all.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Kaylee halfway meant it but refused to make eye contact.

  Andrea muttered something and picked her phone back up, swiping at the screen. She snorted and then typed something with her thumbs and Kaylee could hear the hollow click-click sound coming out of the other woman’s phone. When she was done texting, Andrea said, “Oh, yeah, and you need to copy that shit over there.” She pointed to the desk where she’d been sitting earlier.


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