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Legends of Marithia: Book 1 - Prophecies Awakening: Uncut and Extended Second Edition

Page 7

by Peter Koevari

  The dragon stretched his great wings and flew to Karven’s side.

  “Finn? Is it really you?” said Vartan, tears filling his vision. “By the gods, can it really be true? All these years, I thought you were dead.”

  It was Karven who responded. “You weren't ready to hear the truth that night, but the time has come. Our kind has had many gifts bestowed upon us; however, some of us wish to experience being mortal, and to live a human life. There is only one path that leads to that particular destination, and it happens to be irreversible.”

  “What is this path you’re talking about? And what has it got to do with me?” asked Vartan.

  “It takes the form of a spell of the highest order, and one that can only be cast upon a dragon who truly wishes in his or her heart to be human. Once dragons transform, they cannot return to their forms until the event of death and the rebirth of life. Last but not least, the spell only works once. Many years ago, two of our kind requested the spell of human life, and it was granted."

  "I get all of this, I really do... But what does that have to do with me?” Vartan repeated.

  “The two dragons who were granted this spell were your mother and father."

  “You can’t be serious! Are you suggesting that I’m a…” Vartan trailed off.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m suggesting. You may not have been born of scales, but two humans of dragon blood created you, and of course, your brother,” said Karven.

  Vartan looked from Karven to Finn and stepped back in bewilderment. Looking upon the dragon Finn once more, he began to see similarities in the features of the dragon’s face; most notable were Finn’s eyes.

  Karven addressed him again. “The spell allows this to happen, but you must understand that if you are killed or – should you be lucky – die of old age, you will never be able to return to your human form again. And your dreams are not dreams at all; they are visions."

  Vartan’s face contorted as he asked, “Visions?”

  “They are visions of the past, the present and of the future. Although you are as fragile as any other human, you are empowered with many of our gifts. Magic, visions and telepathy are all skills you can learn to harness.”

  Vartan put his hands on Finn’s neck and attempted to give his brother a hug. “I have missed you, Finn. I just can’t believe it’s really you.”

  “Do you know why Greenhaven has been attacked?” asked Karven. “Why Kassina would take such a bold risk? Have you ever wondered at its beauty, and how such a structure could be realised by human ambition alone as your history books have taught you?”

  Vartan released his brother’s scaly neck and turned his full attention back to the King of Dragons. “Of course I have."

  “Many thousands of years ago, the ancients, our allies, built a weapon of immense capability. Talonsphere is an artefact that was created as a last resort to completely destroy the Forces of Darkness.”

  “How do you know all of this? Why haven't I been told this before?”

  “I know all of this because we helped them to build it. And is it such a surprise to you that nobody would share this with you? Not even the late King Arman knew the full history of Greenhaven and some secrets are guarded for a good reason. This is not the first time in history that we have faced the Forces of Darkness, Vartan, and it likely won’t be the last. However, the prophecy has almost been fulfilled. We have a chance to rid the world of our oppressors forever and experience eternal peace, and it all depends on you.”

  “Me? What are you talking about? How do I fit into this prophecy?”

  “The prophecy says that a man born of two dragons in human form will unlock the Talonsphere and rid the world of the dark forces that plague us. You are the final hope, for your kind and ours. Finn is unable to fulfil this prophecy, as he has returned to his true dragon form."

  Vartan paled as he stared into the distance. "I understand. So I am the last hope for Marithia... This is quite the burden to bear. What else can you tell me?"

  "Greenhaven was built to designs found in ancient scrolls, and its intended purpose is to protect this weapon, the Talonsphere. However, the language of the ancients is no longer spoken, and the average Marithian is unable to read the written word. Only a few have passed the ancient language on to their children. One of those children was King Arman. Upon his ascension to the throne, he was provided access to the royal library, including the ancient scrolls. After years of study, he located the blueprints of Greenhaven, and learned that Talonsphere was buried at a location hidden in the scrolls."

  “Then Kassina can destroy it?” asked Vartan.

  “That is the greatest of all our fears. If the weapon were to be destroyed, then we would lose the chance to rid the world once and for all of the Forces of Darkness. We would all become slaves to the underworld."

  “Surely you could just build another Talonsphere?”

  Karven let out a chuckle. “If only it were that easy, Vartan. The ancients disappeared long ago, without a trace: none of those with the necessary skills to build such a weapon are alive. The materials alone would take hundreds of years to collect, even if we had the ancients here to build it. No, this is our only chance. We need to recapture Greenhaven, and we will not be able to do it alone. Even with our powers, we could be overwhelmed by Kassina’s forces. Our numbers are limited; we will need allies, and the strength of our combined efforts."

  “Queen Andrielle and Princess Helenia… They should have escaped to the Elven Woods - I remember the king's commands myself. The elves would prove the strongest of allies. They practice powerful elven magic and should have the numbers we need. I also still have a duty as a knight to ensure their safety, and I must see them again. Can we not travel there now?"

  “You are wise beyond your years, Vartan,” replied Karven. “If what you say is true, then we must seek out the elves for reasons other than this war alone. However, you need training in the arts of magic before we even think of letting you leave the protection of our island. Come and eat with us, and regain your strength. If the queen and princess are still alive, then we have plenty of time on our side.”

  “I understand, but I need to seek out Helenia soon. I can ill afford to waste time,” said Vartan.

  “I understand your feelings completely,” said Karven. “But you must learn to trust in our guidance. We only have your best interests at heart. You will not be misled by any dragon—it is others which you need to be wary of.”

  Vartan watched as another dragon flew over to them, a freshly killed calf gripped firmly in his talons. He dropped the carcass in front of them and returned to his position in the circle. Vartan's stomach turned at the sight of the deceased animal. “Thank you, Karven; I appreciate your kindness. I really am starving, but I don't eat raw meat."

  Finn laughed heartily, took a deep breath and engulfed the calf in a breath of flames. “Is that cooked enough, brother? Or would you like it crisper?”

  Karven’s face hardened and his voice reverberated in Vartan’s mind.

  Vartan, there is something very important you and I need to discuss about Talonsphere. We shall talk about this in private. Just let me know when you’re ready, as I’m sure you would like some time alone with Finn. But we must soon take flight to the Elven Woods. Use this time wisely.

  Elven Warrior - by Guido Leber

  Chapter 6: In Love and War

  “Many of our people looked to King Arman for guidance, and he did the very best he could to provide that to them. It was his responsibility as King of Greenhaven to protect them.

  With one hand, he held them to his bosom and provided them the love that they craved from their king. With the other, he grasped his sword vigilantly to defend them at any cost, even against his own son.

  He gave his life in an attempt to rid Marithia of any threat that would harm them and we will forever remember him as the king of the people, a protector of Marithians.”

  (Queen Andrielle of Veldrenn)

he precise location of Veldrenn, deep in the Elven Woods, was a well-kept secret. It was hidden far from the gaze of any prying eyes, and not even the alliance with Greenhaven permitted its location to be revealed. The elves believed that remaining hidden was their first and best line of defence. While Kassina’s forces now searched aimlessly through the many lands between them, Andrielle knew that they had plenty of time before they might possibly be found.

  Although they succeeded in keeping their home a secret, they took no chances. Veldrenn was extremely well-protected and it was this protection that had kept its location unknown to outsiders. It was inevitable that they could be accidentally found at any time, and so lookout faeries resided in the surrounding trees for great distances, and would signal an intruder’s presence; in return, the elves provided protection from wild predators that threatened the survival of faeriekind. The great oak trees were also enchanted by elven magic to create a dark canopy that served to confuse even the best trackers. If anyone were to somehow find their way through the great maze of trees, they would then have to face the elven guards, who were permanently stationed around the outskirts of Veldrenn. Each guard was trained to the level of Master in magic, and all were expert swordsmen.

  The city itself was surrounded by menacing walls of closely placed oak trees that were under the control of the elven queen, and could be shifted as desired by the elves. Within those walls, the elves had built their homes in gigantic trees that were enchanted to grow swiftly into whatever shape the elves required. Queen Andrielle’s home was well-placed in the centre of the great city, and was the largest of them all. The elves had carved extraordinarily detailed images of animals into its surface. Sapphires, diamonds and rubies were used to enhance the carvings and decorated the animal's eyes. Long swatches of red silk were hung from the branches, which swayed in the wind when the canopy was opened.

  Princess Helenia wiped the built-up tears from her eyes as she bit into the soft honey bread. Its sweet taste and soft texture only worsened the longing in her heart. Queen Andrielle and the remaining knights also joined her at the table. The Elven Queen took a deep breath to cut through the silence and prepared herself to address the table.

  "We have already spent too many days in mourning, and it is important that we discuss the difficult matters which I know we would all prefer to avoid. We must accept that we cannot change events that have already passed, and I know that my words will not make the pain of our losses any easier, but we are all safe here, aren't we? We have no choice but to stay here and work together. Brave men, you are all welcome to reside with us in Veldrenn. I understand that you may wish to seek your own vengeance or seek out your families, and I would not stop you if you chose to leave our city to pursue those desires.”

  The knights stopped eating and slowly turned to look at each other, before they all nodded in agreement. They all knew that only one choice would be made. One of them rose to his feet and spoke for them all, bowing to Andrielle. “My Queen, you knew our bravest knight, Vartan. All here will agree that he was the strongest of all of us, and we do hope he finds us here; the gods know that we could use his help. However, I gladly accept the responsibility of leading the knights in his absence. My name is Dryden, my Queen. We served you in Greenhaven and will serve you with our lives wherever you may take us."

  Andrielle smiled at them warmly. “Then let it be so, Sir Dryden. Greenhaven may be lost, but chivalry and honour can never be taken from us. Former Knights of Greenhaven, stand and give your oaths to become Knights of the Elves. You may induct yourselves as you would have in Greenhaven.”

  The knights stood as one and drew swords, connecting the tips of their shiny blades in the centre of the table.

  “We swear never to use violence without purpose; never to submit to murder or treason. We swear on our honour as knights to give mercy when asked, and to protect all innocents and enforce their rights. We promise never to fight in any unjust cause, or to fight for personal gain. This oath we take upon our Knighthood of the Elves.”

  Andrielle nodded gently for them to sit. “Be seated, Knights of the Elves! Welcome to your new home. Allow me to introduce you to our finest elven warrior, General Faowind. He will work with you to establish a new army - a combined army - that will be strengthened by both the skills and training of your knights, and the magic and enchantments of the elves.”

  The knights all watched in amazement as an empty chair was engulfed by a thick puff of white smoke. As it cleared, the elven general was revealed. Faowind was a tall elf, visibly battle-hardened, with numerous scars of combat marking his otherwise smooth skin. He had long, silver hair, tied back tightly in a ponytail. Faowind smiled as he looked over the knights, his pearly white teeth glistening. “Welcome, brave knights. The pleasure of our meeting is all mine. Our people cannot thank you enough for bringing our queen and princess home safely and unharmed, and we will be forever in your debt for doing so.” His gaze swept around the new Knights of the Elves. “I will do my best to teach you everything I know, given that undisturbed time is of an uncertain nature. Be prepared, as there will be challenges ahead. We need to work together to build an army capable not only of defending our city, but ultimately of reclaiming Greenhaven and returning it to its former glory. Know that Arman’s death will not go unavenged. For the king!”

  The knights raised their glasses in unison and shouted, “For the king!” They drank heartily, pounding their glasses on the table and wiping their mouths.

  Andrielle raised her hand to settle them down as she addressed them once again. “Our good spirits are returning, but we can never forget the lives that we lost in Greenhaven. Dryden, I am sure that Arman’s instructions would have included saving our most sacred scrolls. One of them is partly damaged. What I am about to say stays within this room, as the last thing we need right now is panic and hysteria among us. It’s about time that we openly discuss Talonsphere.”

  The knights stared at each other silently in astonishment until Dryden found the courage to speak up. He spoke cautiously, “My Queen, with all due respect… Talonsphere only exists in legends and fables. We cannot put our faith in ancient stories to save us."

  Andrielle reached under the table to produce a dirty old scroll that at first appeared unremarkable. Half of it had been hastily torn away, but their eyes lit up with curiosity when she opened what was left of it. As the dust fell off the scroll, it appeared at first glance to be blank.

  “Not everything is as it appears,” said the queen with a knowing smile. She took a deep breath and blew warm air down the scroll. The dust cloud made them cough as they waved it away.

  “Redivivet,” she whispered.

  The scroll glowed with a white light as a layer fell away from its surface to reveal a shining golden map. They all gazed in awe and disbelief at what was now before their eyes.

  Andrielle spoke firmly. “We should assume that Kassina holds the other half of this scroll. However, Derian was never entrusted with the secrets of the scrolls, which proved a wise move under the circumstances. The portion they hold is only an illusion, ink magically formed to mislead the wielder. We alone hold Talonsphere’s true location. They may find it by absolute chance, but that is a risk we will have to accept.”

  The queen quickly rolled up the scroll and carefully returned it to its leather binding. Placing her hands on the table and leaning forward, she continued. “We must reclaim Greenhaven and protect Talonsphere at all costs. There is something else about Talonsphere that is crucial to our success in this war, and that we are still missing; we don’t know where to find the key, the prophecy, to activate this weapon."

  Dryden paled at the revelation. “By the gods, are all the songstresses in Greenhaven singing of the truth? Talonsphere? The tale of the boy born of dragon blood?”

  “I speak the truth, Dryden. The best way to keep such a secret hidden is to display it in plain sight. Nobody believes in something unbelievable that is given to them on a silver platter, especially if
it’s sung to them by a songstress. We lived in the hope that eventually the boy would seek us out, visit the royal chambers to reveal himself, and unlock Talonsphere to rid Marithia of the tyranny of darkness for eternity. This is all that I know. All we can do now is hope for a sign.” She sighed, and returned to her seat.

  The entire company returned to eating quietly, deep in their own thoughts.


  The princess was so shocked by his voice filling her mind that she dropped her food on the floor.

  Did I imagine that? she thought, her eyes widening.

  Helenia, it’s me—Vartan!

  “Vartan!” she cried out in delight, her voice startling everyone at the table.

  Andrielle gently placed a hand on her wrist and whispered, “Helenia, are you all right?”

  The princess leapt from her chair anxiously. “It’s Vartan—he’s alive! He says he’s flying, with dragons. They are circling above us and ask if we can open the trees to let them in.”

  Everyone else at the table burst out of their seats with excitement at the thought of Vartan’s return. Andrielle quickly regained her composure. “Wait—did you say dragons? This may be Kassina’s trickery. If it really is Vartan, and he is in the company of dragons, ask him to name any of the dragons he accompanies.” Andrielle’s eyes revealed her confidence that Helenia was wrong.

  Helenia's eyes glazed over momentarily; then she smiled as she turned her beaming face to her mother.

  “He is with Karven and Nymira, King and Queen of the Dragons.”

  Andrielle was frozen still for a moment as the realisation sank in. Suddenly she rose from her chair, equally full of disbelief and hope. “I truly can’t believe it. Dragons still live among us, after all this time? Of course, we will open the tree canopy immediately. Ineant omnes.”

  Sounds of wood creaking and groaning heavily filled the city, as the giant trees began to move. In the centre of Veldrenn, beams of bright daylight broke through the trees as the sky opened up.


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