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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 4

by Marie Kelly

  “I find that question hard to answer Mia” he had said softly his eyes holding hers steadily “If I say yes, then I come over as a judgemental male chauvinist and if I say no, then you’ll only think I’m after you for one thing”. He watched as her lips had curled into a soft smile

  “Good answer Drake” she said, her eyes twinkling mischiviously. However, he had continued looking at her with searching eyes and a small frown on his brow

  “Since you asked, let me ask you, why do you work there?” he asked “You just strike me as somebody who would rather use her brain than….” He had stopped there looking warily at her

  Mia however, was looking back at him with a strange expression on her face.

  “I have my reasons” she had finally said softly, before adding “but don’t assume that just because a girl dances in a club that she doesn’t have brains to”

  Drake had given a short laugh

  “Told you… no right answer…. That is kind of like answering the question do I look fat in this dress”

  Mia had laughed, the sound so pleasant to his ears, as he had once more risen to lead her to the dance floor and for the rest of the evening, they had enjoyed each others company. Mia had realised how much fun she was having and looking over at Drake, she wondered if perhaps she had misjudged him.

  At 11 o’clock, they had left the club with him joking that he had to get her home before the clock struck 12, not wanting an angry sister on his back

  Mia had giggled peeking a look at him as she had again admired his wonderful body and handsome features. As they drove home she had wondered what it would be like to feel herself against him, flushing at this thought, realising that it was the first time she had looked at a man that way since Ben. With a small sad frown she had turned away pushing the memories down.

  At the door to Sarah’s flat Mia had turned to look at Drake

  “I had a lovely time” she said softly, her eyes almost shy as she had smiled up at him

  He had nodded in agreement, his eyes dancing

  “Does this mean that you’ll do it again” he asked with a grin

  Mia had smiled shyly once more

  “We could do that” her voice so soft

  As he had smiled gently, he had stepped closer to her, his hands moving to gently hold the top of her arms as his eyes had looked down at her lips,

  “I had the most wonderful time tonight Mia Jones” he had whispered softly his eyes half closing as his head had moved forward to kiss her.

  Mia, had watched, a strange desire to feel his mouth on hers filling her, before at the last second she had turned to force him to kiss her cheek, confused as to why she was so nervous at the thought of his touch, although feeling as even this had caused sensations to jolt through her body. As he had straightened up, he had not mentioned her turning away, but had looked gently into her eyes

  “I have to go away on business for a few days”, he had said his voice suddenly husky

  “Are you free at the weekend?”

  Mia had shaken her head

  “I don’t have another night off until after the weekend” she had said, as he had looked disappointed.

  “Couldn’t you change your day” he had asked her with a small note of annoyance in his voice, and with a frown Mia had looked back at him with a hint of the old steel in her eyes

  “No I can’t, and if it’s such a problem then you don’t have to see me again Drake” she had said, a hardness to her voice

  He had looked at her with surprise

  “I didn’t mean to upset you” he had breathed gently, as she had bit her lip her eyes wary, before after a small pause adding

  “My next day off is Monday”

  He had smiled down on her, “Monday then, same time same place”

  Mia had nodded looking up at him, her lovely features apologetic

  “I didn’t mean to snap” she said with a sigh, “it’s been a hard week”

  Drake had lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers

  “Already forgotten” he said against her skin, causing more sensations to travel through her.

  Moving back into the flat Mia was met by Sarah who was sitting in the living room, her face bursting with the multitude of questions she was holding back, as she looked at Mia with expectation

  “Well” she asked her face shining

  “How was he?”

  Mia had laughed

  “You mean, how was the date” she corrected her

  Sarah had giggled a wicked look on her face

  “I know what I meant” she chuckled

  “The date was fine” Mia had said before looking at her sister more solemnly

  “He wants to go out again next Monday…but I don’t know Sarah..maybe I should call it off”

  Sarah had looked at her patiently

  “Let me guess, you like him” she had said softly

  “He is the first guy since Ben that you have actually agreed to go out with and now you’re scared”

  Mia had scowled “No…it's not that…it’s just that … we’re so close…. The last thing I need is to get involved with some guy when we have to find that letter”

  Sarah had stood to hug her sister

  “I’m sorry Mia, but you need to have a life too, and I just worry about you so much….since Ben, you’ve been like half a person, and for the first time, I see your face lit up” as she had looked intently into her sisters face

  “And that gives me hope for you Mia”

  Mia had felt the tears rise to her eyes, as Sarah had hugged her again

  “Please don’t Mia”, she whispered “you deserve to be happy”

  Mia had looked deeply into Sarah’s eyes, her teeth savaging her bottom lip, as her eyes had looked so sorrowfully into them

  “I..I just feel that I am being unfaithful to Ben” she had finally managed as Sarah had pulled her in for a hug

  “Oh Mia.........I know...........but he would have wanted you to go on...........Ben would have wanted you to be happy”

  Mia had clung to her sister, the memories flooding her once more, as something inside her had eased, some small thing that had filled her with a sense of peace, as she had pulled back and given a smile full of that peace

  “Yes...yes he would” she had finally managed, as Sarah had gasped, her eyes shining brightly, seeing that for the first time in a year her sister had taken a step forward, her hand gently stroking her hair as she had nodded in agreement

  Mia had given a tearful laugh before giving her sister a small kiss on the cheek as she had moved to go to her room. Behind her Sarah was beaming as she had thrown at her

  “And for what it’s worth….I still think he’s cute” with a small laugh which her sister had returned, feeling the first time in a long time like some heavy weight had been lifted from her.

  Chapter Three

  For the rest of the week, Mia had found little regular text messages sent to her from Drake, enjoying them and finding herself looking forward to the next as she had returned little jokes and comments back to him.

  When the following Monday had finally rolled around she had found herself looking forward to her second date with Drake, rolling her eyes at Sarah who would keep giving her knowing looks as the night had gone on and she had tried on outfit after outfit, before finally settling for a short dress. The dress clung so perfectly to her body, as it swished around her knees, it’s deep blue colour accentuating her wonderful eyes, which shone brightly as she had carefully applied light makeup, feeling strangely nervous yet excited at seeing him again.

  At exactly 7 the doorbell had rung, and rushing out she had stood nervously while her sister had answered the door, as she had mouthed “Do I look alright” while Sarah had looked back raising her eyes heaven ward.

  As he crossed the door, giving Sarah a small welcome peck on the cheek Drake had caught sight of Mia, his insides instantly flipping. She stood looking so beautiful in the small living area, her hair which s
he wore down that day, tumbling down her back, so thick and glossy that he longed to run his fingers through it. Sarah had watched the way the two had looked at each other, with a small giggle escaping her. Noticing the flowers in his hands, she had given him a small poke, as he had quickly pulled himself together, turning to give Sarah one of the bouquets, with a small twinkle in his eye

  “I’m keeping in with the sister”

  As she had chuckled smiling warmly back at him

  “Smart man”

  Seeing as he had moved forward to hand the other to Mia, his eyes openly admiring her as he had whispered softly

  “You look beautiful”

  Sarah had smiled, seeing as her sister had accepted the compliment, without one of her usual flippant put downs that men received if they dared admire her, once more looking at Drake Trent with hope

  “So you two kids have a great time” she said with a laugh opening the door to shoo them both outside, grabbing Mias flowers as they had wished her a good night.

  In the car she had asked him with a small chuckle what safe second date venue he was taking her to this time, seeing as Drake had thrown her a return smile

  “Well I thought I would stop being so transparent and go for the intimate dinner instead…I really want us to get to know each other Mia” he had added suddenly more serious

  She had felt herself flush with pleasure, looking down at her hands to hide the look in her eye.

  “That sounds nice…you cooked” she asked with a giggle seeing the way he had looked guiltily back at her

  “I ordered the stuff….does that count” he had chuckled, before making her laugh with stories of his ordering adventures, outlandishly made up she knew but laughed back at

  Mia had quickly found herself relaxing in his company, for the first time in a long time finding herself enjoying being alone with a man.

  As they had pulled up outside an exclusive block of flats, they had walked into the plush entrance in which they were buzzed in by a doorman, who had wished Drake a good evening, his smile and greeting just as warm to her, before he had called the lift. Mia had looked in surprise as it had risen to the penthouse suite itself, the doors opening straight into the large open plan living area of the flat itself. Mia had wandered around the large space her eyes full of wonder at the opulence of the decorations, before moving out with him to admire the view from the large balcony.

  “This is your home” she had asked in wonder, her eyes huge as she had taken in the way the stars seemed to shimmer in the clear but cool night sky.

  “One of them” he had said “but not the main one…that is a little too far..your sister wouldn’t approve. You might not make it home in time for your curfew” he said his tone full of humour as she had chuckled back.

  “Wow, how rich are you” she giggled, as he had smiled back

  “I’m not going to starve any time soon” he grinned as they moved back into the kitchen. She had watched as he had opened a bottle of champagne which had been sitting in a cooler on a small table beside them, before accepting the glass and sipping the delicious bubbly wine.

  “To us” he had said gently, as she had silently met his eyes taking a small sip, enjoying the efervesant taste, as it played on her tongue, while he removed dishes from the oven. With a smile she had carried the glasses through to the dining room while he placed the food onto the table, before gallantly pulling her chair out for her to sit.

  Through the meal they had talked about their week. He had enjoyed telling her about the different characters he had met during his week in New York as she had made him laugh with stories of the different men who came into the club. Drake couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so relaxed, finding himself enjoying listening to her soft voice, once more impressed with her quick wit.

  When they had finished, Mia had insisted on helping him to clear up, quickly lifting plates and following him into the kitchen.

  “No.........not going to have you casting up that I abused your kind offer of food” she had giggled, hearing the warm throaty sound of his return one, once more feeling the warm sensation as his laugh had run down her spine causing her to shiver with pleasure

  As Drake had turned to take the plates from her she had looked deeply into his eyes, hers still showing the desire flooding her, a sudden smouldering look coming into his, as he had placed the plates behind him, while moving his hands to hold her pulling her gently closer him.

  Suddenly feeling very nervous Mia had dropped her eyes, her voice husky as she had whispered softly

  “I ..I better get home” she had managed, while standing transfixed, as his finger had hooked under her chin, angling it up so that their eyes had once more met, Mia watching with a strange expectancy as wordlessly his head had moved down to take her lips. His kiss was wonderful and she had felt her whole body shudder, as he had pulled her in even closer to deepen it. Feeling as his tongue gently explored her soft mouth as she had groaned gently her arms going around his neck to pull him in even tighter, feeling her soft body against his hardness.

  “Not just yet, Mia” he had whispered gently against her mouth, “Stay a little longer” his hand moving to stroke her back as his mouth had once more descended, this time more demanding and passionate as she had felt her whole body react to him, falling harder against him with a will of its own.

  Mia could feel herself becoming light headed with the desire he was erupting within her, feeling as he had bodily lifted her to hold her higher and even closer against him, her arms resting on his shoulders as her hands had raked through his hair. As her head had spun she had been aware of his arousal digging into her, before he had placed her back onto her feet once more, his mouth now trailing down her cheek his warm breath wafting sensually across her ear. Unable to open her eyes which felt so heavy at that moment as though she had been drugged, her mind was reeling with her reaction to him. Only the sound of his voice had brought her around as he continued kissed along her jaw to her neck

  “Mia are you on the pill?” he had asked his voice husky and low. Mia had found herself nodding her head, as he had continued kissing her before the meaning of his words had suddenly crashed into her brain. Opening her eyes quickly Mia had pushed him from her, the realisation that she was now no longer in the kitchen, but standing at the side of his bed shocking her. She had not even been aware that he had all the time he had been kissing her been walking with her to his bedroom, and with a gasp of shock, she had moved away from him, her eyes while still full of the desire she had felt now looked at him with horror and contempt

  “What are you doing” she cried at him

  Drake was watching her, his eyes still burning with passion but now tinted with confusion

  “I thought this was what you wanted” he said moving towards her to try and take her once more back into his arms

  Mia however, had moved even further back, her hand held outright to stop him in his tracks

  “No, I thought you were different” she had cried her voice so tortured, her eyes full of the shock her body showed

  “I am going home right now” she said moving from the room to grab her bag, her whole body shaking. As she had moved her hand to the lift control he had grabbed her arm, spinning her around to look at him, as she had refused to meet his eye

  “I’m sorry Mia… I really didn’t plan for that to happen” he had moaned softly “Honestly I really didn’t”

  She had looked at him with complete disbelief

  “Of course you didn’t” she bit back with contempt

  “Now let me go” her hand shaking him free from her,

  “At least let me take you home” he said, his eyes pleading as she once more had turned to angrily push the lift button

  “No….I’d rather take a taxi” she had cried out “Stay the hell away from me Drake…don’t ever call me again”

  “You are being ridiculous” he had cried back; as she had looked back briefly glaring at him, before moving into the lift. As t
he doors had opened he had made to follow her in as she had stopped him with her body

  “Stay away” she cried once more only stepping back as the lift doors had closed.

  Standing in the open plan living area Drake had stood with his hands on his hips, a black angry expression on his handsome face. Damn her, he thought the woman was crazy, while groaning with the realisation that his whole body yearned to have her back, knowing that he wanted her more than he had ever wanted any other woman in his entire life.


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