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Write On Press Presents: The Ultimate Collection of Original Short Fiction, Volume II

Page 40

by Write On Press


  “Okay that’s it. Job well done!” Nick issued the words to the entire staff after a grueling seven hours of the dry run. Everyone clapped and began to leave for the day.

  Jesse gave a huge sigh of relief and Nick glanced at her. He looked relaxed and directed a smile at her. And the effect was devastating. Jesse felt her heart give a lurch and a fluttering in her stomach despite her cold fury at him. For a brief moment she allowed her eyes to zero in on, incredibly blue, the dark blue of a desert sky at dusk eyes. Danger, danger, her mind was sending frantic signals to her heart. Jerking her eyes from his, she returned his smile with a tight one of her own. He could just go blow hot and cold somewhere else.

  He came across the room and took her by the elbow to guide her out of the room, dropping it instantly when he saw her wince. Once outside, he turned her to face him and took her arm, carefully rolling the sleeve up to reveal a large purple bruise.

  “Did I do that?” The question was tense, the smile gone.

  She shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  His fingers were lightly tracing the bruise that was all of a sudden sensitive beyond belief. She felt an ache begin in the back of her throat and make its way down her body, slowly, until her blood was thrumming through her veins.

  He leaned into her and everything else dropped away. She could smell his clean masculine scent intermingled with a light cologne. He smelled incredible. His strong jaw was clenched and for a brief insane moment she thought he was going to press a kiss to the bruise. Her pulse hammered wildly.

  Nick stood up and she realized that he had only been taking a closer look. Mildly he said, “Still, I’m sorry. I’m not known for hurting women.”

  Not physically, she thought to herself concentrating on her breathing, holding herself together through sheer will, hoping not to give even a sliver of her attraction to him away. But I just bet there are a whole lot of women nursing broken hearts over this man. Well, she was not about to be one of them. His voice echoed in her head...that’s because she’s a little rich girl playing doctor...yeah, he’d get a real kick out of knowing how flustered he made her. He had made his opinion of her crystal clear.

  Besides, he was not looking at her as a woman, but rather as a doctor. A doctor he had little respect for. She had felt insulted beyond belief to be made to jump through hoops to pass a personal test of Nick Armstrong’s.

  She comforted herself with the fact that the rest of the staff was unaware of the situation. It had looked like they were working side by side. But she knew better. He had been watching her like a hawk to see if she had the skill level he expected. So he could quit being so nice and just get back to being himself. She wasn’t buying it. He could stuff the charm.

  Having gotten herself firmly in check, she squared her shoulders and smiling sweetly, replied, “I’ve dealt with worse, believe me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll head out. Unless you have a quiz you need me to pass before I’m permitted to leave?” She knew she sounded snotty, but she could care less.

  As she turned to leave, she caught the smile tugging at his lips. Oh, so now she was funny. To her boss. She was going to have to deal with him every day. What was it about that man that made her feel at a disadvantage?

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