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Sassy Curves

Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  "Oh no the bitch didn't...where are you... we're all about to get fired because we're coming to get you... wait a minute what's he saying?"

  He, was trying to figure out what the hell was going on; it was a toss up between laughing my ass off or banging my head on the table.

  "He's a man what do you expect? besides I got this, in for a penny in for a pound.

  "Oh shit Cami, how much did you have to drink?" That was Ellen for sure.

  "Not much, besides it's just stupid wine anyway. I thought since we all hate her ever loving guts you might want in on this.”

  "Oh fuck." I face palmed and waited for the explosion.

  "Tell us where you are."

  "I'm not sure I think it's Italian Bella or Bella Italia or something like that."

  "I know where it is keep talking."

  I could hear movement in the background like they were all moving around at once; I'm pretty sure they were headed this way. As a first date went this was turning out to be a doozy. "Maybe we should leave."

  She glared at me so I thought it prudent to stay quiet; Tiffany was trying to edge away from the table I guess the prospect of backup put a little crimp in her sails.

  "Oh no you don't Missy." Cami actually grabbed her hand to stop her retreat.

  "You wanted a scene and you just so happen to have caught me in the right mood for one. Now if I recall you called me a mousy little something. Well I think you're an androgynous anorexic see hag who must've paid someone a whole lot of money to work some hoodoo to get this one to even sleep with you. I have stuffed pillows with more personality than you. Furthermore we're on a date, the first of many because regardless of what you think I'm spectacular, obviously he felt like trading up from your self-important ass. Now if you don't mind I think you should get out of here before my girls get here because they're not as nice as I am."

  Tiffany couldn't get out of there fast enough. It amazes me that beyond the wine spraying there wasn't any bloodshed and that the other patrons had gone on with their meals as if nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. I guess it was my turn next because she turned that killer glare on me again. I studied her as she studied me. I reached over and turned the phone off, this is between her and I no one else.

  "Why do nice guys always go for the lowest form of life when choosing a mate? Not for nothing Mr. Maddox I'm pretty sure my job's in the pisser by now so it doesn't matter much anymore so I might as well go ahead and say what I want. I sincerely think you could do much better than that." She pointed in the direction of Tiffany's exit before standing up from the table. I reached across to take her hand in mine.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to wait for the girls outside." She looked so fucking sad.

  "That won't be necessary our evening isn't over yet."


  "Sweet Georgia Brown why are you sitting on my head?"

  I kissed the top of her head as my chest rumbled with laughter.

  "Earthquake." She all but shouted before catching her head.

  I'm trying really hard not to laugh because I'm sure her head is killing her this morning, not to mention I've been laying here waiting patiently for her reaction to waking up in my bed.

  "What the..."

  Here it comes.

  She picked up her head smacked her lips and looked around from her place on my chest. "Something crawled in my mouth and died." She said all of this I think before it registered where she was. When she finally took me in she screeched and launched herself off the bed almost breaking her neck as well as other body parts. It was then I let the laughter loose.

  She bounded up off the floor and hightailed it to the bathroom. I just laid back and relaxed waiting for whatever else was coming next. I was sure it was going to be a doozy.

  There was a lot of praying going on in the bathroom, or at least it sounded like it. I jackknifed off the bed and headed for the guest bath when I heard the shower come on. Better get cleaned up for this morning's theatrics.

  There wasn't any movement from the other occupants of the house so I guess everyone was sleeping in. It had been quite a night, one for the books. I’m hoping that with this crew there might be many more like it in my future. I cleaned up in a rush because I did not want to miss any of the fireworks. I also had the biggest smile on my face; I was a happy camper. After last night’s little blip I couldn’t have dreamed that things would turn out so well.

  I had breakfast going before heading back upstairs to grab her. I knew she must have a million questions, not the least being what she was doing in my bed.

  I found her hiding under the covers.

  "Please please please have mercy and tell me I wasn't a complete slut last night."

  "I don't think I like you speaking about my wife in that way."

  I knew that would get her, the covers were thrown off and her eyes fell on the rock she was now sporting. I don’t see how the hell she’d missed it in the shower, probably because she had the mother of all hangovers no doubt.

  "You... I...we..."

  "Uh huh."

  "But how, why, are you teasing me?"

  "Nope, Vegas isn't the only place for a quickie wedding; one town over there's a justice of the peace who does the honors. Of course we'll have to do it up right for my family and your dad. Oh he called by the way,"

  "Wait, what, what's going on?"

  "Well to make a long story short after you smacked Tiffany around yesterday your girls showed up. I decided to call the guys and make a night of it; you became progressively cuter and cuter throughout the evening so I said what the hell."

  "Get out!" Her mouth fell open as she studied her ring, then me and back again.

  "Nah, that's not quite how it happened but close enough."

  "Tell me."

  How to explain? It wasn't exactly easy since I was still coming to terms with it myself. All I know is that as the night went on life without her seemed less and less appealing. I know I know it's irresponsible and rash but there were other things I'd done on impulse that turned out to be the best damn thing I've ever done in my life. I have the overwhelming feeling that this decision would prove to be the same.

  She’d torn me a new one after we had left the restaurant. According to her I owed both her and the barracuda an apology. That was another reason I was finding her more and more appealing. The fact that she could be so magnanimous to someone who’d tried to embarrass her in such a public and unforgivable way.

  "Well damn after all this time and I missed it." She pouted prettily at me. My wife, fuck that felt good.

  "Missed what sweetheart?" I could see that my calling her that threw her a little but she soon regrouped.

  "Losing my virginity, dammit was I any good?"

  Should I tell her the truth? nah this relationship was already very unconventional no sense in getting all serious now. Besides I liked the snarky, sarcastic way she did things, they seemed more liberating somehow.

  "Oh babe you were the best, and the things you did with your mouth, where did a virgin learn to do such things and so


  "Sam and Ellen."

  Say what?

  "They taught me on fruits and veggies, I thought it was stupid but apparently it paid off."

  Don't laugh Maddox, she'd probably brain you; she'd proven that she was a feisty little thing and I'm not sure it was all the alcohol.

  "Oh well, that's good then." I kept a straight face.

  "What know." She pointed down at herself with the cutest blush spreading over her face and shoulders.

  "Oh that..." I shrugged my shoulders and turned to walk away, it wasn't very well done of me but she was so damn cute.

  "Well I'm new at it you know and plus I was a little intoxicated I'm sure I can get it right..." Her voice sounded near tears and I felt like a dick for messing with her like that. Not a good start to the morning after.

  "Hey hey hey, it was a joke." She looked like she was ab
out to cry.

  "Are you sure? because if I wasn't any good I think you should maybe find someone else who is."

  "What the hell? we just got married."

  Now it was my turn to become upset.

  "I know but I love you too much to saddle you with an inferior bed partner..."

  "You love me?" Ok this is a little backward I'd already put the ring on her finger after all, but that was my way of keeping her to myself lest someone else came along and noticed how fucking amazing she was and stole her from me.

  She nodded her head at my question and twisted the sheet in her hand.

  "So you see, I can't make you stay with an inferior bed partner, it just won't be fair to you."

  She tried climbing off the bed but I was on her before she could get one foot on the floor.

  "You're not going any fucking where you're my wife and you're gonna stay my wife."

  Her body was shaking and I grew suspicious.

  "You've got to be kidding me, that was all an act?"

  "Yep, I know we didn't have sex last night because my coochie still feels whole, no pain no tenderness. So unless you're a pencil dick, which I happen to know you're not, nothing went near my girl last night."

  "So that almost crying..."

  "That'll teach you to mess with me in the future now what's for breakfast I'm suddenly starving."

  Chapter 12

  "Why you little shit."

  I pounced on her, which sent her into a fit of giggles as we rolled around together on the bed. I could not believe how relaxing it felt to be here like this with her. My mom had been excited when I made a little five minute call in the wee hours of the morning to tell her that her son had done the deed. Dad had been a little more reserved but he'll come around, I had no doubt that they'd all love her.

  "That's Mrs. Little Shit Maddox to you."

  Her eyes grew wide and apprehensive as she looked up at me from that face. How was it possible to have been so close to her all this time and not have seen it? After the way she'd lit into Tiffany last night I'd known, more than eaves dropping on her conversation that night at the bar, fuck was that only two nights ago? feels like a lifetime.

  But more than what I'd learned that night, it was the way she looked when she'd stood to leave the table after ripping into Tiffany. That look in her eyes when she'd told me I deserved better. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she didn't think she'd fit the bill; and that right there, that coupled with this new side that she'd kept hidden from me all this time, plus the lining up of the stars or whatever else was at work last night; is the reason I Braxton Anthony Maddox had taken the plunge.

  "What is it?" I addressed the sudden look of fear in her eyes as I brushed the hair off her face.

  "Did you really marry me last night?"

  My girl's voice had gone all soft and uncertain, like a kid who's afraid of having his dreams snatched. Man I love her. Taking her hand that now bore my ring I lifted it to my mouth and kissed it while holding her gaze.

  Two things happened at once; I realized, or my body finally did, that I was lying on top of her in bed, partially dressed, and she was looking soft and sweet and absolutely fuckable and with that realization, it finally penetrated. She is my wife; mine to keep; forever. My cock reacted and I pushed it against the junction of her thighs and watched as her eyes widened.

  "I sure did, no backing out now, your father already gave his stamp of approval, it's a done deal." In fact what her father had said when I'd called him just a little tipsy at some unholy hour of the morning was, ‘Good, one down five more to go, I'm going back to sleep tell my girls to call me in the morning.’

  And that was that. She widened her legs sneakily like she didn't want me to notice she was doing it. I played along, anything to get closer to that heat. Did I mention my wife has magnificent tits? Huge, I can't wait to bury my face in all that plumpness, who would've thought? I've always considered myself an ass man; she had that going on as well. But it was going to take me at least a year to get off her tits.

  I'd hit the jackpot and I hadn't even known I'd been playing.

  While I was busy having lascivious thoughts she was stealthily stealing a little friction action. It was slight yes but I felt the little movements she made against me. I pressed down harder trying to help her out as she widened her legs to give me better access.

  Our first real kiss as man and wife, okay we'd shared a few drunken slobberings but they didn't count, this did. It was hot and sweet and wild and fuck if I didn't get inside her soon I was gonna combust.

  Her hands grabbed fistfuls of my hair as mine went right to the goods. One held a plump tit while the other held her ass cheek pulling her closer to my hardness. The silk and lace panties she wore under the shirt I'd taken off last night or this morning rather, was no barrier for my boy, he was already weeping all over her.

  She felt so fucking amazing under me all I could think of was getting closer and closer. Her body started moving more surely as our lips melded together. I had to use both hands on her ass to keep up as she started a mad grinding thrusting motion that made me want to howl at the fucking moon. When her body lifted mine and her teeth bit into my lip I pulled my head back and watched the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life. Body flushed, eyes rolled back, lip caught in her teeth she came hard and deep and long on a deep groan. Merciful fuck.

  "Fuck, I can't wait to get inside you."

  Chapter 13

  Shit, I couldn't very well take my new bride with a houseful of people about to be up and about. Her orgasm against my clothed rod was exquisite, I could hardly imagine what being inside her would be like, but it'll have to wait, of course there was always....

  "Sweetheart I can't love you now, the others will be up soon, but will you let me do something else for you?" I could see from the quizzical look on her face that she wasn't sure what I meant, but the slight nodding of her head was all the agreement I needed.

  Kissing around the waistband of her lace underwear I dipped my tongue beneath to taste the skin of her tummy. She was already writhing beneath me as I slowly lowered them kissing and nibbling her flesh as it became exposed; her scent was heady, fresh and all sweet woman.

  When I'd gotten them down to her ankles and off, I kissed my way from her ankle, up the soft silk of her inner thigh before the lure of her sweet smelling pussy drew me in.

  Opening her up with my thumbs I looked at her soft pinkness before my mouth started to water and I couldn't wait any longer. Closing my eyes so that I could enjoy more fully her essence on my tongue, I took my first taste of her. Her wet sweet musk burst forth on my tongue as I licked just inside her folds. I got lost in her from that first foray of my tongue inside her. Her virgin pussy tasted spicy sweet and hot, addictive. I pressed my rampant cock into the mattress and leaked as I lifted her firm ass in my hands bringing her closer to my mouth and tongue.

  I was so gone it was a while before I registered her fingers in my hair pulling me deeper into her, her sexy little grunts and the uncontrollable way she moved her hips went right through me. It hit me then, I was responsible for teaching this lovely creature all about the pleasures of the flesh, me and only me. No one else will ever get to see her like this, ever taste her delights. My heart almost burst with the knowledge.

  "Mine." I growled the word while looking into her eyes before diving back into her sweet pussy. It was too much, and though I couldn't take her now, I needed contact with her.

  Climbing up her body I took my cock in hand and schooled myself to not go too far as I rubbed the crown of my cock back and forth along her clit to her wet opening. Her legs opened farther as I made circles on her clit before pushing just the tip into her and pulling back. I tested the strength of her hymen on the next move down, I now had at least three inches in her before I felt the barrier that proclaimed her innocence.

  Everything in me screamed to push through, to fuck her now, she was mine after all, it was my right as her h
usband she belonged to me. I needed to claim her. I gritted my teeth against my inner turmoil even as she begged me to take her.

  "Please Braxton just do it." She tried pulling me into her with her nails dug firmly into my ass but I resisted.

  "No, when I fuck you for the first time I want to hear you."

  I kissed her then, wild and hot, our tongues rubbing against each other as I fucked just inside her pussy with the first three inches of my thick cock, she was a tight as fuck fit. I couldn't wait to feel all of that tight goodness enveloping my whole cock.

  Her breathing sped up so I left her mouth to take a nipple into my mouth sucking it in hard as she cried out and shook beneath me in the throes of orgasm. Her release set mine off and I came, jetting stream after stream of hot jizz just inside her pussy until it started running back out around by cock. I looked down at the place where we were joined, her pussy lips were stretched over my still hard cock; all it would take is that one slight push forward, but no; I wanted more for her, much more.

  Though I did get a very wicked thought, they say you should begin as you mean to go on right? With that thought in mind I eased out of her body, since I hadn't breached her hymen there was no blood.

  Taking two big fingers I inserted them into her now reddened pussy and played around inside her for a minute before pulling them out, now covered with my cum.

  "Look at" She opened her mouth and accepted my offering as I fed her my seed from her body.

  Chapter 14

  "Rise and shine Maddoxes."

  Sampson was at the door making a racket and my wife was still a bit dazed it looked like.

  "Sam I would straight up twat punch you, go away I'm trying to be rid of my damn virginity in here."


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