Harry Benjamin Standards, 620
Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens (HARC), 360
Hartford Courant, 360
Hartsdale, NY, 177
Harvard University, 299, 313, 315, 418
Harvey, Bunny, 467–71
Hashimi, Sam (later Samantha Kane; Charles), 636
Hasidic Jews, 113
Hastings Center Report, 163, 388–89
hate crimes, 653, 654
Hating Autism weblog, 280
hatred, 16, 21, 30, 46, 79
crime and, 554, 558, 562, 572, 574, 577, 581, 593
prodigies and, 428, 435, 445
rape and, 486, 506, 528
in Rwanda, 526
Hay, William, 118
Haynes, Dante, 652–53
HBO (Home Box Office Network), 121, 140
headaches, 70, 72, 73, 270
head size:
autism and, 252
multiple severe disabilities and, 357–58
Head Start, 182, 494, 495
HEAL Africa, 534
health, 5, 42, 51, 614
Health and Human Services Department, US, 174, 213
health care, 16, 265
health insurance, 35, 59, 97, 151, 199–200, 513
autism and, 240, 260, 265, 287, 293
schizophrenia and, 327, 329, 333, 345
transgender and, 610, 621–22
hearing, 37, 50, 53–54, 62, 63, 72, 99, 100–104, 107–8
in Bengkala, 86, 87
ear infections and, 129
of Jackie Roth, 58, 60
residual, 58, 88, 92–93
hearing aids, 58, 64, 72–73, 88, 101, 104, 105, 107, 109, 165
heart, 393
heart arrhythmia, 313
heart defects, 367
heart disease, 263
Hebrew Academy for Special Children, 373–74
Hedley, Lisa, 121–24, 159
Hedley, Rose, 121–24, 159
Heffernan, Virginia, 158
Heifetz, Jascha, 427
height, 164, 621
Heinz, Ethan, 539–42
Helena Independent Record, 672
Heller, Stefan, 109
Helms Amendment (1973), 533
Helping Children with Autism Learn (Siegel), 266
hemorrhaging, 394, 395
Hennepin County, 575, 582–83
Hennepin County Home School, 542, 551–58, 562–63, 566–68, 582
Castington Young Offenders Unit compared with, 583
description of, 553
Krishna Mirador at, 571, 575, 577
Ryan Nordstrom at, 570
Tyndall Wilkie at, 582
Henriques, Brenda, 487–89, 515
Henriques, Lourdes, 487, 488
Henriques, Rebecca, 488
Henriques, Vicente, 487–88
hepatitis, 670
Heppner, Cheryl, 63
Hereditary Genius (Galton), 412
Herman, Dave, 561
Herman, Esther, 561
heroin, 546, 547, 548
Hesley Village and College, 268, 269
Hessey, Dan, 93–96
Hessey, Emma, 93–96
Hessey, Nancy, 93–96
Heumann, Judith, 54
Higashi School, 272
High School of Performing Arts, 487
HighScope Perry Preschool Project, 585, 586
Hilliard, Shelley, 654
hip condition, degenerative, 37
“hitchhiker’s thumb,” 129, 150
Hitler, Adolf, 22, 27, 413, 428
Hittite empire, deafness in, 61
HIV, see AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
Hlibok, Greg, 56, 57, 109
Hoang Pham, 433
Hockenberry, John, 32
Hodges, Nicolas, 431–32, 473
Hoffman, Dustin, 138
Hofstadter, Chip, 488
Hofstra University, 152–53
Holding Therapy, 269
Holland (Netherlands), 316
Hollander, Elinor, 396, 397, 399, 400–401
Hollander, Imogen, 395–401
Hollander, Julia, 395–402, 404
Hollander, Lorin, 428–29
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 180
Holmes, Tyler (formerly Serena), 633–35
Holocaust, 255, 413, 526
holoprosencephaly, 364
Holt, Bill, 679
homeless people, 329, 428, 650
homophobia, 11, 16–17, 19, 600–601, 648, 678
homosexuality, homosexuals, 9–19, 44, 50, 298, 323, 350, 352, 462, 558, 609, 628, 647, 650
age at realization of, 7
antigay laws, 16–17
autism compared with, 45
black, 9, 45
black relations with, 18
blindness compared with, 31
as choice vs. inborn, 17
as crime, 15, 16
deaf, 60
deaf people compared with, 3, 18, 50, 52
disability and, 33
dwarfism compared with, 118–19
dwarfs and, 143, 145
purported fecal incontinence of, 11
gay bars, 13–14
Gay Humility Week, 19
gay identity, 16, 600, 632, 678
Gay Pride, 19
gay rights, 27, 335, 601, 615
as horizontal identity, 2
as illness, 3, 15, 16, 17
imprisonment by, 13
marriage of, 45, 690, 692
pedophilia vs., 12
prenatal markers for, 17–18
as prodigies, 430, 434, 435
rights of, 6
as sin, 16
Solomon family friends, 15–16
transgender and, 618, 630, 639
transgender conflated with, 600–601
“treatment” for, 17
Honecker, Erich, 409
Honest Whore, The (Dekker), 334
hope, 33, 42, 47, 113, 215, 308, 353, 577, 583
autism and, 243–44, 245
Horace Mann School, sexual abuse of students at, 11–13
horizontal identities, 6, 31–32, 41, 111, 134–35
as affront to parents, 4
as collective category, 33
collective innocence and, 583–84
defined, 2
hatred for, 16
Mad Pride movement and, 335–38
proliferation of, 20–21
rape as, 477–78
resilience and, 23
of Rwanda rape survivors, 528
St. Thomas’s words and, 19
social movements and, 27
vanishing of, 18
see also identity
hormone blockers, 606, 621, 622, 637, 662
hormones, 386, 666
ACTH, 205
growth, see human growth hormone
maternal attachment and, 363
prenatal, 250, 270, 316
schizophrenia and, 303, 316
transgender and, 599, 602, 606, 607, 609, 616, 618–22, 637
see also estrogen; testosterone
horseback riding, 123
Horse Boy, The (book), 270
Hospice des Incurables, 179
hospice programs, 344
Hospital Abortion Committee, US, 489
hospitals, 40, 73, 78, 87
autism and, 226, 227, 229–30, 259, 261, 285
Down syndrome and, 183, 197, 215
dwarfs and, 123–24, 126–27, 136, 141–42, 150, 151, 165, 166
Emma Hessey in, 94, 95
multiple severe disabilities and, 370, 379, 381, 386, 387, 388, 390–91, 394–400
psychiatric, 137, 138
Rory Osbrink in, 97–98
in Rwanda, 527
schizophrenia and, 298–301, 308, 311–12, 321, 322, 325, 329–33, 335, 339, 342, 343–46, 348, 349
transgender and, 633
Hott, Lawrence, 112
House, Howard, 98
ouston, TX, 394
Howe, Samuel G., 179
Howells, William Dean, 701
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 363
Hubbard, Ruth, 29, 30
Huet, Marie-Hélène, 119
Hughes, Fred, 496–99
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (UK), 681–82
Human Genome Project, 30
Human Growth Foundation, 120, 141
human growth hormone (HGH), 20, 119, 131, 136, 163–64
human rights, 335, 531, 667, 681
Humatrope, 164
Humphries, Tom, 56, 62
hunger strike, 336
Hunt, Linda, 126
Hunt, Nigel, 213
Hunter College, 243, 374
Huntington’s disease, 29, 250, 251
Huntsman, Mia, 648–49
Hutus, in Rwanda, 526–30
Hyde Amendment, 490
hydrocephalus, 39, 129, 131, 158, 695
Hyman, Steven, 261, 282
hyperactivity, autism and, 223, 244, 245
hyperandrogenism, 666
hypocalcemia, 270
hypochondroplasia, 155
hypomania, 348
hysterectomy, 94, 386, 387, 620
ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases), 610
id, 425
identity, 5, 366, 389
Deaf, see Deaf identity
gay, see homosexuality, homosexuals; gay identity
generational transmission of, 2
horizontal, see horizontal identities
illness vs., 3–6, 13, 31–34, 224, 292
national, 531
use of term, 4
vertical, see vertical identities
see also specific topics
identity politics, 5, 49, 284, 685, 687
of transgender 640–41
illegal immigrants, 6
abortion in, 490
juvenile court in, 545
illiteracy, 33, 77
illness, 13, 677, 680
criminality as, 564
homosexuality as, 3, 15, 16, 17
identity vs., 3–6, 13, 31–34, 224, 292
syndrome vs., 221
use of term, 4
imagination, 296, 476
Imaginationism, 119, 231
imaging studies, 245–46
immigrants, 6, 180, 316
immortality, of parents, 1
impairment, disability vs., 28
Importance of Being Ernest, The (Wilde), 12–13
imprisonment, prisons, 562, 565, 568, 573, 580–85
cost of, 584, 586
expansion of, 543
as locus of contagion, 538–39
in Mississippi, 552
schizophrenia and, 329, 549
three cardinal principles of, 538–39
transgender individuals and, 633
see also Hennepin County Home School, Castington Young Offenders Unit
incapacitation, 538–39
incest, 71, 73, 74, 503, 506, 541
abortion and, 490, 492
rape and, 492
inclusion, 186–87, 193, 206, 213, 216, 687
Inclusion Daily Express, 293, 394–95
income, relation of height to, 135
incontinence, in autism, 270, 271, 287
independence, 36, 281, 329, 339, 663
India, 267, 330, 572, 686
Indiana, University of, 461
individualism, 30
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA; 1990), 54, 186
Indonesia, deafness in, 140
infant-directed speech, 407
infanticide, 19, 189, 394–95
rape and, 527, 529–30
Infantile Autism (Rimland), 231
infants, see babies
influenza, 316
injury, prodigies and, 440
In My Language (video), 283
In re Gault, 545, 546
insecticides, 250
Insel, Thomas, 222, 251, 261, 263, 276, 280, 282
on schizophrenia, 308
insomnia, rape and, 493, 510
Institute for the Instruction of Deaf-Mutes, 51
Institute of Living, 311
institutionalism, 26
institutionalization (out-of-home placement), 26, 27, 150
autism and, 226–30, 244, 245, 274, 366
Down syndrome and, 172, 174, 180, 181, 195, 198, 210–12, 366
multiple severe disabilities and, 360, 362, 366, 375, 376, 380–81, 390–91
schizophrenia and, 308, 314, 329, 340, 341, 366, 549
insurance companies, 35
intellectual disability, 1, 4, 129, 141, 170, 179–82, 188, 205, 207, 260
abortion and, 489
autism and, 222, 225
disability and, 356
language and, 241
multiple severe disabilities and, 358, 360
rape and, 501
statistics on, 170
see also Down syndrome
intelligence, 427, 450, 458, 464
autism and, 256
crime and, 549
measuring of, 412–13
schizophrenia and, 335
Interahamwe (Rwandan militias), 530, 533, 535
International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Championships, 666
International Competition for Young Pianists, 447
International Congress of Genetics, 180
International Criminal Court, 534
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 534
International Early Psychosis Association, 318
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 666
International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, 447
Internet, 20, 25, 60, 113, 127, 145, 278, 396
assortative mating and, 250
autism compared with, 233
prodigies and, 458
transgender and, 604, 638, 657
intersectionality, 44
intersex, 616
use of term, 600
intrusiveness, 403
in vitro fertilization (IVF), 156, 683, 690, 693
Iran, 83
Iraq, 654
gay men in, 16
Kuwaiti occupation by, 531
rape in, 534
Irish mythology, 237–38
Ismail, Zahra, 530–31
Isserlis, Steven, 420
Italian language, 53
prodigies in, 414, 418, 421
Renaissance, 413, 427
Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, 179
Iversen, Portia, 256, 263
IVF, see in vitro fertilization
Ivy Tech Community College, 494
Jackson, Michael, 416
Jacobi Hospital, 259
James, Amula, 482–84
James, Marina, 481–84, 515
James, Nina, 483
James, William, 308
Janice (transwoman), 641
Japan, 27, 272, 447, 529
methamphetamine in, 316–17
proverb in, 416
vaccine study in, 261–62
Jaspers, Karl, 347
jazz, 466, 467
Jazz at Lincoln Center, 474
Jealous, Benjamin, 44
Jefferson, Thomas, 284, 336
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 259
Jesus Christ, 19, 323, 445, 522, 558
Jewish Deaf Community Center, 102
Jews, Judaism, 10, 18, 68, 113, 137, 207, 374, 402, 558
conversion to, 483
deafness and, 101, 102
identity of, 4, 611
in Italy, 414
as prodigies, 408, 414, 454
Soviet, 408
see also anti-Semitism; Holocaust
Johns Hopkins, 97, 104, 123–24, 136, 141–42, 160, 684
cloacal exstrophy study at, 614–15
Genetics and Public Policy Center at, 683
Johns Hopkins Moore Clinic, 14
Johnson, Ann Braden, 314–15
Johnson, Bruce, 138–39
Johnson, Freddie, 633
Johnson, Louie, 633–35
Jones, Claire, 670–72
Jones, James Earl, 93
Jordan (country), 320
Jordan, I. King, 56
Jost, Alison, 338
Joubert syndrome, 253, 372
joy, 339, 359, 374, 483, 700
prodigies and, 442, 447, 471, 473
Judd, Terence, 427
judges, 544, 545, 547, 548, 665, 667
judging difference and disability, 43–44
Julliard, 424, 433, 438–39, 442, 463, 464, 469
Justice Department, US, 545
Juvenile Detention Center, Minneapolis, 556
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (1974), 545
Kabekatyo, Jeanne Muliri, 534
Kahane, Gabriel, 451, 465, 473–75
Kahane, Jeffrey, 473, 474
Kahane, Martha, 473–74
Kalasky, Denise, 492
Kaleb (autistic child with service dog Chewey), 267
Kalimba, Célestin, 528
Kamil, Amos, 11–12, 13
Kandel, Eric, 221, 302, 307
Kannapell, Barbara, 62
Kanner, Leo, 231–32
Kant, Immanuel, 412
Kanta (resident of Bengkala), 84, 86
Kantaras, Michael, 667
Kantaras v. Kantaras (transgender child custody case), 667
Kantor, Anna Pavlovna, 408–11
Kaplinsky, Veda, 416, 426, 432, 435–36, 450–51
Conrad Tao and, 463, 464
Karajan, Herbert von, 410
Karpasea-Jones, Joanna, 679–80
Kass, Leon, 189
Kata Kolok (sign language of Bengkala), 84–86
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 80
Kaufman, Barry Neil, 269
Kaufman, Samahria Lyte, 269
Kazdin, Alan, 585
Kebyar (resident of Bengkala), 86–87
Keller, Helen, 55, 284, 359
Kelly, Andy, 132
Kelly, Chris, 131–33
Kelly, Donna, 132
Kelly, Jake, 131–34
“Kelly’s Blues” (Petersen), 466
Kemp, Joan, 486, 492
Kennedy, Barbara, 127
Kennedy, Dan, 127–28, 162
Kennedy, John F., 182
Kennedy, Rebecca, 126–28
Kennedy, Rosemary, 182
Kennedy Krieger, 285
Kenney, Ray, 50
Kent, Deborah, 30–31
Kent, Dick, 31
Key, Aiden, 600
kidnapping, 573, 575
Kiessling, Rebecca, 491
Kigali, Rwanda, 526, 531, 533, 535
kindergarten, 9, 181, 193, 465
King, Larry, 559–60
King, Martin Luther, 311
King, Rachel, 561
Kingsley, Charles, 171–73, 176, 177
Kingsley, Emily Perl, 169–79, 192, 688
Kingsley, Jason, 171–79, 202, 205, 206, 213, 216, 218
Kingston British Whig, 479
Kirby, David, 262
Kirchner, Carl, 76
Kissin, Evgeny (Zhenya), 407–12
Kissina, Alla, 408, 410
Kissina, Emilia, 407–10
kissing, 227, 240–41
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