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Face Off

Page 12

by P. J. Trebelhorn

  Savannah turned her head and bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. How would Kelly react if she were to tell her they hadn’t had sex? She was tempted to find out but knew she’d never tell her the truth.

  “It is, trust me,” Savannah finally said.

  “Aren’t you tired of being tied to one woman yet?”

  Savannah knew this was why Kelly didn’t give her a hard time in the beginning. She was certain it would never last. It pissed Savannah off to realize the truth of it, but she really couldn’t blame her. In all the time they’d known each other, Shauna was the only woman she’d been with more than once or twice.

  “No, Kelly, I’m not.”

  “Huh. I’ve got to hand it to you, Van, I only gave it six weeks,” Kelly said with a shrug. “And here you are about to hit six months. I’m impressed, but I still think you need to come out with me sometime. Bring the little lady if you want.”

  “Actually, we talked about going out with you tomorrow night after the game.”

  “No shit?” Kelly was beaming. “Awesome.”

  “You’re crazy,” Savannah said, shaking her head, but unable to stop grinning at Kelly’s exuberance.

  “Maybe I am, but do you want to know what I think?” Kelly was tying her shoes but glanced at Savannah.

  “Not really, but I have feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”

  “Damn right.” Kelly finished what she was doing and sat up straight before glancing around the locker room. She leaned closer to Savannah and lowered her voice. “I don’t think you’ve slept with her at all.”

  “What?” Savannah tried to sound indignant, but wasn’t sure she was actually pulling it off. “Like you said, we’re going on six months here, Kelly. You know me better than that. You honestly think I’d go for so long without getting her into bed?”

  “All I know is what I see.” Kelly shrugged. She stood and grabbed her equipment bag but then leaned down again. “She looks at you like you’re a porterhouse steak, and she hasn’t eaten in months.”

  She wanted to argue. She wanted to tell Kelly she was delusional. The only problem was Kelly was right. Savannah had tried to ignore the way Maddie looked at her, and the desire in her eyes. Kelly nodded and chuckled.

  “You probably aren’t even dating her, are you?”

  “You’re nuts,” Savannah said. She stood and picked up her own equipment bag before heading for the door. “If what you’re suggesting is true, then why haven’t I gone to the bars with you for the past six months?”

  “I haven’t figured that part out yet, but I will,” Kelly called after her as Savannah left the locker room.

  Damn it, Savannah thought, shaking her head. It was time to let Maddie know how she felt. If everything worked out, great. If not, then they’d have to end their fake relationship. It was probably about time to do it regardless, because it was getting more and more difficult every day to separate what was real and what wasn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Why do you seem so nervous?” Maddie asked Savannah after they’d parked the car and were walking toward the club. Every time the door to the place opened, the bass to the music could be heard. It excited Maddie. She was actually going out dancing with Savannah. Sure, they’d danced at Court and Lana’s wedding, but this was different somehow.

  “Do I?” Savannah asked, glancing at her. She stopped walking a few feet from the door, and Maddie turned to face her. “I guess I am. Kelly doesn’t think we’ve ever slept together.”

  Maddie wasn’t sure what to say, so she just stared at her for a moment. She thought they’d been pretty convincing about their relationship. Everyone else seemed to believe it, but why was Kelly still unconvinced?

  “Who knew we’d actually have to sleep together for Kelly to believe we’re dating?” she said, hoping to alleviate the awkwardness that seemed to have settled over them. It had the desired effect, if Savannah’s laughter was anything to go by. She took Savannah’s hand and started walking toward the entrance again, hoping she was exhibiting more confidence then she actually felt. “We’ll just have to be more affectionate then, right?”

  “Right.” Savannah nodded, but Maddie didn’t think she sounded too keen on the idea.

  “Just hold my hand a lot, kiss my cheek a few times, and dance with me. A lot.” Maddie smiled at her and nodded, and Savannah eventually nodded back and seemed to be getting more comfortable with her role for the evening. Obviously, she was okay with Maddie taking the lead. “By the time the night is over, she’ll have no doubt we’re sleeping together.”

  “Hey, Savannah,” a woman in a skintight dress said as she pressed against her after they’d paid their cover and were headed to the bar. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “That’s because I have a girlfriend now,” Savannah said as she held their hands up to show the woman. Maddie’s heart swelled.

  “Oh,” the woman said, looking equal parts devastated and angry. “You said you never wanted a girlfriend.”

  “I didn’t, until I met Maddie.” Savannah looked at her and smiled before leaning in and giving her a kiss on the lips. It was chaste, but it still managed to send Maddie’s pulse skyrocketing, and she couldn’t help but smile back at her. “She’s everything I didn’t know I wanted.”

  “I’m happy for you,” the woman said, sounding anything but as she turned and walked away.

  “Who was she?” Maddie asked.

  “I don’t even remember her name,” Savannah said with a shrug. They continued their trek to the bar and found Kelly sitting alone.

  “About time you two showed up.” Kelly turned on her barstool to look at them. She glanced at their hands and smirked before glancing at Maddie’s face. “I was beginning to think you changed your mind about coming tonight.”

  “Actually, I did, but Maddie insisted we come,” Savannah said after ordering a round for the three of them.

  “Yeah, she wanted to stay home,” Maddie said, going with it. She bumped Savannah with her hip. “She wanted to keep me all to herself.”

  Savannah grinned and put her arms around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her again. It was less chaste this time, but it didn’t last long enough in Maddie’s opinion. It was just as well though, because Kelly was watching them with a little too much interest.

  “You guys are sickening,” Kelly said, but she was laughing. She clapped Savannah on the back. “I think it’s great.”

  A couple more women came to try to chat up Savannah, but she always put them off by putting an arm around Maddie’s waist. In fact she hadn’t let go of her after the last woman walked away. Maddie leaned close to her and raised her voice in order to be heard above the music.

  “Come dance with me,” she said. Savannah set her drink down on the bar and allowed her to lead her onto the dance floor. They danced to a couple of songs before it switched to a slow one, and Maddie started to head back to the bar.

  “Where are you going?” Savannah asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. Her arms went around Maddie’s waist, and their lips were only a few inches apart. Their bodies were even closer. Maddie swallowed hard as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “You don’t have to do this,” she said.

  “I want to,” Savannah replied. Her hands moved to Maddie’s hips as they swayed to the music. Maddie’s arms went around Savannah’s neck and she pulled her closer until their foreheads were touching.

  “You are so incredibly sexy,” Maddie said, unable to help herself. She was tired of holding back her feelings. Her heart was thudding against her ribcage as she waited for Savannah to say something in response.

  “Yeah?” Savannah gave her a lopsided grin and her head tilted slightly. “And you’re the most beautiful woman in this place.”

  “You’re sweet,” Maddie said with a chuckle. She shook her head. “I’m definitely not your type if these women are anything to go by.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look arou
nd, Savannah,” she said, and Savannah did just that. “I don’t wear makeup, I don’t dress all girly. You’re obviously attracted to more feminine women.”

  Savannah nodded slowly before meeting her eyes again. They danced in silence for a few moments before Savannah pressed her cheek against Maddie’s so she could speak directly into her ear.

  “I’ll admit I used to be attracted to that kind of woman,” she said before sucking in Maddie’s earlobe. “But now? It’s absolutely you I’m attracted to. You don’t need makeup. And you’re beautiful no matter what you’re wearing.”

  Savannah sighed when Maddie’s arms tightened around her neck. Her hands moved down Maddie’s hips and around to cup her backside. Maddie groaned in her ear, and Savannah felt the wetness between her own legs. She wasn’t exactly sure when she’d made the decision to not hold back her feelings anymore, but if Maddie pressed this tightly against her was the result, she was sorry she’d waited so long.

  “There’s no one around to hear us, so you don’t have to pretend,” Maddie said breathlessly.

  “I’m not pretending,” Savannah said. Maddie stopped swaying to the music and took a step back to look in her eyes. Savannah smiled and nodded at the question in Maddie’s eyes. “I’m completely serious, Maddie. When I told that woman you were everything I thought I never wanted? I meant it. God help me, I never meant anything more in my life.”

  “Really?” Maddie asked. “You aren’t just messing with me?”

  “No, I’m not.” Savannah leaned in and kissed her. She parted her lips when Maddie’s tongue demanded entry and felt as though her knees were going to give out. The throbbing between her legs was instant when Maddie’s tongue slid slowly against her own. Savannah moved her hands up Maddie’s sides and touched her breast, which caused Maddie to step back again. They were both breathing hard as Maddie searched her eyes. She evidently found what she was looking for because she grabbed Savannah’s hand and began leading her off the dance floor.

  “Let’s go home,” she said.

  Savannah smiled and allowed her to lead her back over to where Kelly was now talking with a woman who’d taken the bar stool next to her.

  “Hey, Kel,” Savannah said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “We’re going to head out.”

  “You just got here,” Kelly said, turning to look at her. She glanced between them and smiled with a nod. “Yeah, you should go before you rip each other’s clothes off right here in front of everyone. I’ll catch you later.”

  Savannah cursed the long ride home as they got into the car. Maybe they should get a hotel room. No, that seemed cheap and sleazy. If she was going to make love with Maddie, it should be in one of their own beds.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The closer they got to their neighborhood, the more nervous Savannah was getting. They were really going to do this. She was elated, but at the same time apprehensive about it. What would it mean for them going forward?

  “Your place or mine?” Maddie asked. Savannah noticed the blush on her cheeks and thought it was sweet. Obviously, she wasn’t the only one who was feeling anxious.

  “Yours,” Savannah said but then looked over at her house. “I want to go check on Leo really quick though, all right? Give me five minutes?”


  Savannah didn’t really need to check on Leo. He was completely fine by himself even if he did occasionally get his nose out of joint when she’d be gone for hours on end. She just needed a few minutes to calm herself and wrap her head around what was happening.

  For just a second she considered going to her own bed and not going back to Maddie’s. But only for a second. There was no doubt in her mind she wanted this. She made sure Leo had food and fresh water then took a deep breath and headed next door.

  Maddie opened the door with her hand grasping Duke’s collar. He was panting and wagging his tail as he looked up at Savannah.

  “He’s happy to see you,” Maddie said with a smile.

  “Is that right?” Savannah walked in and crouched down so she was on his level. She scratched behind his ears and Maddie closed the door before letting go of him. “I’m glad to see you too, boy.”

  He licked her face a few times, causing her to laugh, then she stood and faced Maddie. She noticed there was soft music playing, and she saw a couple glasses of wine on the coffee table over Maddie’s shoulder.

  “I’m glad to see you, too,” she said, stepping closer and attempting to kiss her. She looked irresistible in the tank top and shorts she’d changed into. Maddie put a hand on the center of her chest and shook her head.

  “You aren’t kissing me after Duke just had his tongue all over your face. There’s no telling where his mouth has been.” Maddie made a “yuck” face and shook her head. “You know where the bathroom is. Go wash your face and I’ll be waiting in the living room.”

  Savannah scrubbed her face and then stood there looking at herself in the mirror above the sink. She nodded once, affirming to herself she did want this. The problem was, she didn’t want it to be just one night. She was definitely falling for Maddie in a big way, but what if Maddie didn’t want the same things she did from this relationship? She stood up straight and took in a deep breath.

  She heard Maddie talking to Duke as she approached the living room from the hallway. When she rounded the corner, Duke ran right to her, then skidded to a stop in front of her and plopped his butt down, his tail going a mile a minute. She scratched his ears as he walked along beside her to the couch.

  “So what did Kelly say was her reason for not believing we’re sleeping together?” Maddie asked as soon as Savannah made herself comfortable.

  “Apparently, what gave it away is the way you look at me.” Savannah said, concentrating on Duke, who was resting his chin on her thigh so she could continue scratching his ears.

  “How exactly do I look at you?”

  “According to her, and I’m quoting here,” Savannah said as she looked up at her. “Like I’m a porterhouse steak, and you haven’t eaten in months.”

  Maddie laughed out loud, causing Savannah to chuckle as well. Maddie sat there with her hand over her mouth and shook her head.

  “Have you ever thought I was looking at you like that?”

  Savannah shrugged. Of course she did, but she wasn’t sure she could admit it. Maddie was just looking at her, one eyebrow arched in question. She obviously wasn’t going to let it go without an actual answer.

  “Maybe. A time or two.”

  “Should I apologize?” Maddie didn’t look like she was going to apologize for anything. In fact, she was looking at her like that now. She shrugged and grinned. “Pizza may be my favorite food, but I can certainly admit I enjoy a good steak now and again.”

  Savannah swallowed hard when Maddie moved so she was only a few inches away from her on the couch. Her pulse quickened and she ached with the desire to touch Maddie. To be naked and in bed, with Maddie underneath her.

  “I need you, Maddie,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper. She reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind Maddie’s ear as she spoke.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” Maddie’s voice was raspy, and her eyes fell to Savannah’s lips for just a moment.

  Savannah noticed the rapid rise and fall of Maddie’s chest. She stood and held a hand out for Maddie. When they were facing each other, Savannah cupped Maddie’s face in both hands, and ran a thumb across her bottom lip.

  “There are so many things I want to do,” she said with a slight grin. “But let’s start with this.”

  The kiss was tentative at first, especially on Maddie’s end, but Savannah used her tongue to urge her to let her in. As their tongues slid together, Savannah moved her hands slowly down Maddie’s arms and then to her hips. She tugged at the tank top Maddie had tucked into her shorts, and when Maddie didn’t object, she broke the kiss long enough to lift it over her head.

  “My God, you’re so beautiful,” Savannah said, cupping the
breasts she’d revealed. She met Maddie’s eyes briefly before bending to take a nipple between her lips.

  “Fuck,” Maddie hissed as she held Savannah’s head to her breast. “God, yes, just like that.”

  Savannah put one arm around her waist and pulled her even closer as she continued to suck on the nipple. Her other hand moved all over Maddie’s bare torso as she marveled at how soft she was. After a few moments of this, Maddie gently pushed her away and reached for Savannah’s shirt.

  When they came together again, they both let out a groan at the first touch of skin on skin. Savannah’s hands cupped her ass and lifted her, causing Maddie to wrap her legs around her waist as her arms went around Savannah’s neck. It was difficult to concentrate with her breasts now at eye level, but Savannah managed long enough to ask one question.

  “Should I wander around the house like this, or do you want to tell me where your bedroom is?”

  Maddie directed her to the master suite but Savannah didn’t release her until she’d gotten her on the bed. Savannah stretched out on top of her, and Maddie’s legs went around her waist again.

  “I really want to feel all of you,” Savannah said into her ear. “Take your pants off.”

  They both made quick work of shedding their remaining clothes and then fell back together, as though there were magnets pulling them to one another. Maddie spread her legs to allow Savannah to settle in.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this,” Maddie said, her hands moving up and down Savannah’s sides and back. She finally settled them on her ass and pulled her hips closer as she thrust upward. “I really need you to fuck me, Savannah.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Savannah lifted her hips just enough to slide her hand between their bodies, and as her fingers moved through the wet warmth she found waiting for her, she was alarmed to realize she was close to coming just from feeling Maddie. She held still for a moment and willed her body away from the edge before sliding two fingers inside.


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