Lindsay's Turn to Sing

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Lindsay's Turn to Sing Page 5

by Carl Hamlin

  A minute later, Lindsay returned from the bathroom and sat down on Gerald’s lap. “How long had you been sitting there?”

  Gerald kissed her and began stroking her back. “For a little while. When I came in the room and saw you sleeping there, I just kind of stood there, taking in the view.”

  Lindsay sighed. “My heavy legs - Oh, I didn’t say that.”

  Gerald shook his head. “Yes, you did. You’re pushing your luck, you know. Remember, you can get spanked for that.”

  Lindsay put her arms around Gerald’s neck and kissed him. “Was that what you call a close call?”

  “A very, very close call.”

  Lindsay kissed him again, and then began to sway her head and look up as if she was considering something. “Funny thing. I was kind of thinking that this sofa would be a great place to get a spanking. Like right now.”

  Gerald smiled and patted her on the hip. “Believe it or not, I was thinking the very same thing just yesterday.”

  Lindsay began nibbling on Gerald’s neck. “Actually, it would be so, so easy to find out. I mean, here I am on your lap, so all you have to do is turn me over and I am all ready to have my bottom warmed.”

  Gerald laughed, and then turned Lindsay over. He began to slowly caress her bottom in a circular motion, while his left hand pressed down on her lower back. His left hand slid up under her shirt and she enjoyed the warmth of his hand resting there.

  His right hand continued the soothing circling motions to the area where it would soon be landing and bringing Lindsay the stinging discomfort she craved. The same hand would slide down to the tops of her legs, then move down to tease and further arouse her with his stroking of her inner thighs.

  Finally, Lindsay felt that absence of Gerald’s right hand, and then suddenly felt its forceful return. A loud crack broke the stillness of the room, as did the shout of “Oooww” that followed. A moment later, Lindsay was once again being treated to the soothing circular caresses to her bottom that was still stinging from the satisfying first smack Gerald had applied.

  After another ten seconds of massage, a wait that seemed interminable to the eager lady, Gerald’s hand rose and landed with equal force upon the very same spot. He did not make Lindsay wait for more than five seconds for the third whack to her shapely bottom. To Lindsay’s surprise, Gerald applied two more in rapid succession.

  The caressing resumed, including soothing stroking of her back. As Gerald’s hand continued to stroke Lindsay’s bottom, he began to once again give attention to her upper thighs and reached into the leg openings of the shorts and under the leg bands of her panties. The movements made Lindsay purr and undulate in response as she felt his fingertips directly on the flesh of her warm bottom.

  Gerald began to slowly pull down the green shorts, and as he pulled them down her legs and over her feet, his left hand moved lower and began caressing Lindsay’s bottom. The shorts were tossed to the floor, and Gerald resumed the massage of the object of their mutual attention .

  Suddenly, Gerald’s hand went away for a couple of seconds before returning with a smack that caused Lindsay to at first squeal, and then break into giggles.

  As Gerald rubbed Lindsay’s stinging posterior, he began to speak quietly. “Are you enjoying this? Am I spanking you too hard?”

  Lindsay raised her bottom and laughed as she responded. “To the first question - more than you can imagine. As for the second question, not at all.”

  As the gentle stroking continued, Gerald spoke again. “Babe, I told you I have a surprise for you. Open that little drawer in the center of the coffee table.”

  Her stomach fluttering and her heart racing, Lindsay reached for the knob to pull the drawer open, although she did so slowly and with as much apprehension and anxiety as excitement and curiosity.

  She pulled the drawer open as if a snake may jump out at her. She reached inside and took hold of the paddle and turned it over and back in her hand as she attempted to regain her composure.

  She said nothing, then simply continued to turn it over and back while examining it. She grasped the small paddle by the handle, then lightly swatted it across her other hand. The portion of the instrument of pain that would be landing on her bottom was only eight inches long and three and a half inches wide. The oak wood was less than ½ inch thick. What raised her anxiety level was the additional feature of the six small holes that had been drilled into the paddle. She had never been a recipient of a paddling, but she knew why those holes were there. Knowing that her husband had obtained such a paddle, designed to maximize the sting she would feel, made her entire midsection tingle with excitement.

  It was Gerald who finally broke the silence, even as he continued the gentle stroking of the paddle’s intended target. “This is just for fun, Babe. It’s up to you.”

  Lindsay sat up and knelt next to Gerald, flashing the paddle in front of him as if it were a piece of new jewelry. “I know…… you always said that the Internet is the easiest way to shop.” She handed him the paddle and gave him another kiss. “Thank you…… thank you for accepting this part of me.”

  Gerald flashed a wide grin as he began to lower Lindsay across his knees once again. “I love every part of you, Lindsay. In fact, this paddle I sent for is intended for one of my favorite parts of you.”

  With some presence of anxiety, Lindsay settled into her vulnerable position once again. Now it was not Gerald’s warm hand caressing her bottom, but the hard surface of the paddle. As the small board traveled back and forth across her stinging fanny, Lindsay was coming unnerved as she felt the holes even through her silk panties.

  Suddenly the paddle’s movements stopped, and Lindsay could feel it being pressed against the center of her bottom. The pressure went away, and two seconds later there was a loud crack and a wave of stinging pain across her bottom.

  The paddle resumed its back and forth motions, but this time on the lower portion of her posterior. Once again, the pressure left and was followed a couple seconds later by another loud and stinging smack.

  Lindsay was enthralled by the wild mixture of emotions and sensations. The paddle was considerably more painful than Gerald’s hand. At the same time, the sensation of the mounting burn, was coupled with the simple fact that she was experiencing it, and without question, enjoying being paddled.

  The next thing that happened was that she realized that Gerald had reached his fingers inside the band of her panties. Now she was going to find out what it felt like when that little board with those little holes landed on her bare and already inflamed bottom. She feared that. She craved that.

  As Gerald began to slowly lower her panties, Lindsay felt the cool air from the air conditioning meet her hot flesh, and a chill went up and down her spine. A few seconds later, panties joined the green running shorts as unnecessary wisps of fabric tossed to the floor.

  Now the paddle was making the circular pattern of motions on the sore hot flesh of her bottom. Even in her chaotic state of mind, Lindsay was in tune with the irony that the paddle felt cool as it prepared to add more fire to its target.

  When Lindsay felt the movement of the paddle cease, and felt it resting against the lower part of her bottom, she found herself holding her breath in fear and yearning. The paddle pulled away, then three seconds later, Lindsay felt the first application of the paddle to her bare behind.

  She did not know if it was her imagination, or if this first smack to her bare bottom was actually more painful than those landing on the seat of her panties, considering how thin they were. Also, she did not know if the smack was actually louder and sharper, or if she was simply on high alert as she waited for it. In any case, she thought it was more painful. She thought it was louder.

  A few seconds later, Gerald provided her with another opportunity to decide whether the paddle hurt her more on her bare bottom. Seven seconds after that, Lindsay was given yet one more opportunity to evaluate just how efficient and effective Gerald’s mail order paddle was.

  Gerald’s hand returned to her bottom, and provided her with a lengthy session of caressing and tickling, and probing misbehavior. Lindsay, in return, was squirming and tingling in pleasure.

  Lindsay felt his soft caressing cease, then she could tell that Gerald was once again picking up the paddle. However, the next time the paddle made contact with her fiery buttocks, it was a much less forceful smack, just enough that Lindsay could feel the light sting. A few seconds later, another light smack landed, then several seconds later, another just like it.

  Lindsay remained across Gerald’s knees as the session continued: a light smack and a barely perceptible sting, followed by another six or seven seconds later, and on and on and on. Suddenly, Lindsay turned over onto her side, pulled off her T-shirt and bra, while Gerald began to strip off his own clothes. They laughed in the chaos of their clumsy disrobing, and this time Lindsay did not resist when Gerald coaxed her to crawl on top of him and set them in motion as they kicked off their evening in grand fashion.

  Chapter 5

  When their lovemaking was over, they stayed on the sofa for a while, kissing and caressing. Neither mentioned the memorable paddling that had just taken place.

  They each collected their clothes from the floor and simply put them back on. When they decide to cuddle some more on the sofa, Lindsay broke the ice. “Thank you so much for sending for that paddle. It has a delicious sting. I just love that.”

  Lindsay shook her head before continuing. “There was just something about the fact that I was getting spanked with this… this little board specially cut and shaped, then customized with holes, made just to be smacked across someone’s butt. It just added this extra little exciting and scary zing to the whacks.”

  Gerald smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. “When I was smacking you with that paddle, I was thinking, ‘my gosh, that has to hurt.’

  Lindsay giggled. “It did, and I like the way it hurt. Actually, I think that it may have sounded much more painful than it really was. I mean, that loud smack sound it makes is kind of intimidating.” She began to laugh some more. “But I mean, it didn’t make me cry.”

  Suddenly Lindsay looked at Gerald with an inquisitive and mischievous grin. “However, I have this one lingering question. When you told me to see what was in the drawer, and I found that in my delight and my apprehension that it was a paddle, you made a comment to the effect that it was up to me if we used it, because we were just doing this to play around.”

  Gerald nodded and displayed his own thin smile. “Your question is?”

  Lindsay arched her eyes and then lowered her gaze. “Does that mean that, if you decide that I need to be spanked for my attitude about my weight, I am to assume that the paddle will be used?”

  Gerald nodded. “Absolutely correct.”

  Lindsay let out a deep breath and displayed a meek but contrite smile. “Bare bottom?”

  Gerald nodded again. “Of course.”

  Lindsay displayed a feigned expression of terror. “And harder?”

  Gerald sighed. “Harder. Much harder.”

  Lindsay began to dart her eyes back and forth, and began to whistle casually as if to pretend she was feeling no fear. She leaned forward and kissed Gerald. “Something tells me I should try to avoid that happening.” They embraced and began laughing, then resumed their kissing.

  Lindsay whispered to Gerald: “I don’t know why. I think we should take a bubble bath together in our nice big old tub.”

  Gerald’s eyes lit up. “We don’t have to go out anymore this evening. I can make us a couple of nice big salads for our dinner. Go ahead and start the tub, and I can go upstairs and get our robes and pajamas.”

  Gerald got up and headed for the stairs. Lindsay went into the bathroom, turned the knobs on the faucet and poured some of the scented foaming soap into the stream of warm water.

  Gerald returned wearing his robe and carrying his pajamas, along with Lindsay’s robe and a nightgown. She would not notice until after the bath that he had brought the short silky little black nightie that was his favorite for her to wear, or that he had brought nothing down for her to wear under it. That would be discovered in good time.

  He stepped into the bathroom just as Lindsay had finished disrobing, and saw how her bottom still retained a deep pink blush. As Lindsay bent over to pick up the panties she had dropped, Gerald was able to see that the lower portion of her bottom had been turned a darker shade of pink.

  When Lindsay turned to see Gerald in the bathroom, her eyes lit up and she held out her hand so that he could help her step into the water. Gerald stepped in the tub first, then surprised Lindsay by taking hold of her at the waist and picking her up and placing her in the tub with him. They sat down in the warm water that was popping and foaming with bubbles.

  Lindsay laughed at his display of strength. “That couldn’t have been easy considering how much I....” Her expression turned serious and she looked down. “Ahhh… I’m not doing very well at breaking that habit, am I?”

  As Lindsay leaned back against his chest, Gerald began to massage her shoulders. Lindsay turned partway to look at him. “I have a feeling that I’m going to be finding out rather soon what that paddle feels like when my personal disciplinarian means business.”

  Gerald did not reply verbally. His expression was one of disappointment, but he leaned his head down and kissed Lindsay on the head, then resumed the soothing massage. For a couple of minutes, Lindsay simply rested her head against his neck and enjoyed the soothing water, but enjoyed even more feeling herself resting against Gerald.

  When Gerald finally stopped the massage, he reached his arms around the woman of his own dreams and held her tightly. In response, she snuggled her head against his, and moaned in her feelings of being loved and secure.

  The water was beginning to cool, so Lindsay tripped the drain lever. After a minute she closed it, then turned the hot water back on. After a couple of minutes, the tub was feeling as cozy as when they had first gotten in. Once again, Lindsay leaned her head against Gerald’s muscular chest.

  Lindsay finally broke the silence: “That was quite a little session this afternoon, wasn’t it?”

  Gerald murmured his agreement. “I must say so. I’m glad you like that paddle. I found this website, and I was kind of stunned by the - let’s say, variety that was available.”

  Lindsay sighed. “Thank you for that purchase. Of course, when I first saw it, I wondered if it was going to be big enough to… never mind.”

  Gerald gave her a tighter squeeze. “I’m keeping a count of those comments, you know.”

  Lindsay turned her head part way to look at him, and had a frown on her face. “My mouth goes into action more quickly that my brain. I think my fate with that paddle is nearly sealed.”

  Gerald was silent for a moment. “I really don’t want to do that.”

  “But we made a deal, and it was a deal I wanted.”

  Gerald ran his fingers through her damp hair. “Oh, you misunderstood what I meant. I am, indeed, prepared to do it. I just don’t want to.”

  Lindsay managed to laugh at the comment. “I understand now.” She again turned to look at him. “Is that why you bought the paddle? Because you thought a paddle would make an impression on me in more ways than one?”

  Gerald considered her question. “Well, that certainly was one reason. If I’m going to give you a paddling intended to be sufficiently painful and intense to make you change your comments, a ping-pong paddle would hardly do.”

  Gerald’s words made Lindsay tingle throughout her entire body. “Of course, you bought one that has holes drilled in it. We know what that does.”

  Gerald laughed. “Really? You mean there is some aerodynamic advantage?”

  Lindsay giggled. “And today, even though you were not really paddling me that hard, I did indeed feel that aerodynamic advantage you refer to. I mean, I felt how it enhanced the stinging.” Lindsay paused, then exhaled a deep sigh. “That sting. I find i
t such a turn on. And when I’m waiting for the next one, the anticipation almost drives me crazy.

  “It’s hard to explain, perhaps, but being smacked on my ass - I don’t care if it’s logical, I don’t care if anyone else in the world approves - ” Lindsay went silent for a few seconds. “I just know what feels good to me. Even if it hurts at the time. Funny, I find that when you are spanking me, it gives me chills up my spine while my ass is being roasted.”

  Then Gerald leaned his head down and kissed her on the neck. “But, Babe, I think you’re down to your last chance. The next unreasonably critical comment you make about your body, I’m going to tan your cute and beautiful bottom with that paddle. I’ve seen how dark pink you were today. That would be nothing in comparison. But if I have misunderstood our little pact, tell me now, because, remember, the next time is it.”

  Lindsay turned around in the tub, wrapped her legs around Gerald and pulled herself closer to him. “I’ve got chills hearing you say that, too. I guess that falls in the category of being a threat and a promise. But Gerald, be assured, I understand completely. If that happens, I will be sleeping on my stomach that night.”

  Gerald kissed her. “Okay, that’s out on the table.”

  Lindsay leaned her head towards his ear and murmured. “Funny you said that. I was thinking, if you decide I need to get an honest to goodness paddling, that table will be a great setting.”

  Gerald laughed. “But for now, I think we need to use it for its intended purpose. I’m hungry for that big salad.”

  Lindsay laughed. “Am I correct that you would like to have me for an after dinner treat?”

  Gerald nodded. “Yes. That’s not a serpent trying to attack you under the water.”

  Lindsay closed her eyes in the dark room in a fruitless attempt to go to sleep. Gerald had fallen asleep easily when they went to bed at 10:00 PM. The two satisfying romps that day had made him quite mellow. Usually, Lindsay would have felt the same results. Tonight was different. Very different.


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