Starr, Louis. Bohemian Brigade: Civil War Newsmen in Action, New York, 1954.
White, Laura. Robert Barnwell Rhett: Father of Secession, New York, 1931.
Wilkie, Franc, Pen and Powder, Boston, 1888.
Other Resources
Charleston Mercury, April 13, 1861.
New York Times, April 16, 1861.
The War of Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.
Papers presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: The First College Journalism Students: Answering Robert E. Lee’s Offer of a Higher Education.
The Kinnochtinny Papers, 1913, Chambersburg, PA. Dr. John McClellan’s extirpation of the parotid gland.
Letter from Gen. Sherman to Brig. Gen. Blair February 2, 1863.
Letter from Gen. Sherman to Gen. Grant, August 17, 1862.
Harper’s Monthly Magazine, October, 1863, L.L.. Crounse, pp. 627-634.
U.S. Census, 1860.
Adams, Dan (Confederate Army), 173, 174
African Americans, 19, 176, 226– 227, 236
Alabama (Confederate steamship), 135
Albany, NY, 180
Allen, Wm. (Confederate Army), 89
Allston, Charles, 20
Anderson, Gen. (Confederate Army), 198
Anderson, R. H. (Confederate Army), 113, 115
Anderson, Robert (Union Army), 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17– 18, 19–22
Anderson (Confederate Army), 240
Antietam, battle at, 109–128
commentary on, 109, 127–128
illustrations from, 114, 115, 121, 125, 127, 128
Northern reportage on, 119–126
Southern reportage on, 110–119
Appomattox Court House, surrender at, 279–294
commentary on, 279, 293–294
conditions in Richmond and, 286–291
correspondence preliminary to, 282–285
Grant’s conditions for, 280–282
illustrations from, 289, 290
Times “Peace” editorial and, 291– 293
Times reportage on, 280–291
Archer, Gen. (Confederate Army), 162
Armistead, Gen. (Confederate Army), 115, 116, 137
The Army and Navy Journal, 197
Atlanta and, 244, 245, 262
Cold Harbor and, 208
Gettysburg and, 165, 168
Manassas and, 28
Opequan and, 266, 271
youthfulness of officers, 136–137
Assault on Petersburg. See Petersburg, battle at
Atlanta, battle at, 233–262
anticipation of, 250–252
commentary on, 233, 261–262
decriptions of environs, 246– 248, 255–256, 257–258
engagements prior to, 250–251, 254–255, 261
Georgia papers and, 237–241
Great Georgia Raid and, 242–244
illustrations from, 240, 250, 256
Northern reportage on, 233, 253– 261
official accounts, 244–245, 248– 249
opinion on Confederate position in, 245–246
opinion on Yankee position in, 254–260
Southern reportage on, 234–253
Augusta Constitutionalist (newspaper), 235–236
Austerhaus, Gen. (Union Army), 155, 172
Aveilhe, L. Sidney (Confederate Army), 89
Aveilhe, P. A. (Confederate Army), 89
Averill, Gen. (Union Army), 271
Avery, Col. (Confederate Army), 154
Ayres, Capt. (Union Army), 32
Bagby, George William (“Hermes;” war correspondent), 31–34, 53, 57–58, 67, 68–69, 109, 117–118, 135–137, 200–201, 202–203. See also Charleston Mercury
Baltimore American (newspaper), 152, 263
Baltimore Sun (newspaper), 80
Bank, Gen. (Confederate Army), 123
Banks, Gen. (Confederate Army), 173, 177
Barker, Theodore G. (Confederate Army), 28
Barksdale, Gen. (Confederate Army), 161
Barlow, Gen. (Union Army), 161, 162, 207–208, 213–215
Bartlett, Gen. (Union Army), 193
Barton, Gen. (Union Army), 221
Bartow, Francis S. (Confederate Army), 27, 28, 34
Bates, Lieutenant-Colonel (Union Army), 209
Battle, Gen. (Confederate Army), 187
Battle of the Ironclads. See Hampton Roads, naval battle at Bayard, George (Union Army), 135, 142, 143–144, 150
Beauregard, P. G. T. (Confederate Army), 83, 102, 203, 221, 225, 227, 232
battlefield instructions from, 59– 61
correspondence with War Department, 16–19, 54
First Manassas and, 24, 26, 28
Fort Sumter and, 4, 5, 6, 11–12, 15, 16–19, 20, 22
Shiloh and, 54–55, 56, 59–61, 65, 66, 68
Beaver, Col. (Union Army), 214
Bee, Barnard E. (Confederate Army), 28, 34
Benbow, Col. (Confederate Army), 85
Benjamin, J. P. (Confederate Secretary of State), 88
Bennett, Col. (Confederate Army), 154
Benning, Gen. (Confederate Army), 184
Bethesda Church, Battle of, 197, 216. See also The Wilderness, battle in
Bigler, Terrance (Union Army), 215
Birney, Gen. (Union Army), 98, 207, 214
black troops. See African Americans
Boatwright, H. J. (Confederate Army), 89
Bolton Station, MS, 155
Bookter, Col. (Confederate Army), 185
Boston, MA, 180
Bradley, Gen. (Confederate Army), 269
Bragg, Braxton (Confederate Army), 116, 118, 240
Branard, Maj. (Union Army), 30
Branch, Gen. (Confederate Army), 112, 114, 115
Breckinridge, J. C. (Confederate Army)
as general, 55, 208, 214
as secretary of war, 287
Brenner, Mr. (Confederate dispatcher), 243
Brixton, Col. (Union Army), 271
Brock Road combat. See The Wilderness, battle in
Brooks, Gen. (Union Army), 126, 207, 208, 210, 214
Brown, Col. (Confederate Army), 185
Brown, Joseph E. (Georgia governor), 240, 245
Brownsville, Texas, 198
Buchanan, Capt. (Confederate Army), 39
Buchanan, Franklin (Confederate Navy), 49, 52
Buckner, S. B. (Confederate Army), 41, 42–43
Buell, Don Carlos (Union Army), 116
Shiloh and, 54–55, 56, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66
Buford, Gen. (Confederate Army), 173
Bull Run, VA, 25, 30. See also Manassas, First battle at; Manassas, Second battle at burial of the dead
at Cold Harbor, 198
embalming and, 69
flag of truce for, 56, 225
at Fredericksburg, 134, 135, 137–138, 144
Manassas and, 26
Burlington, NJ, 180
Burns, Gen. (Union Army), 208
Burnside, Ambrose E. (Union Army), 94, 111, 127
Cold Harbor and, 211
Fredericksburg and, 129, 134, 137, 145, 147, 150
the press and, 197
Vicksburg and, 174
The Wilderness and, 196
Butler, Gen. (Union Army), 191, 200, 226, 228, 232, 268, 272
Butler, M. C. (Confederate Army), 70, 72
Butler, P. M. (Confederate Army), 70
Butterfield, Gen. (Union Army), 166
Cairo, IL, 35, 53, 178
Caldwell, Gen. (Union Army), 142
Cameron, Adj. (Confederate Army), 85
Campbell, Gen. (Union Army), 143
camp life, 142, 259
Carondelet (Union ship), 35
Carpenter, Capt. (Union Army), 167
Carrington, Maj. (Confederate Army), 287
Carroll, Col. (Confederate Army), 9
Carter, Fred (Confederate Army), 221, 222
Castle Thunder, Richmond, VA, 287–288
at Antietam, 116–118, 127
at Appomattox Court House, 293
Atlanta and, 234, 261, 262
at Bethesda Church, 197
Burnside’s Ninth Corp and, 197
at Cold Harbor, 201, 206, 209, 215
at First Manassas, 24, 26–27, 28, 33
at Fort Donelson, 41, 43
Fort Sumter and, 9, 16, 22
at Fredericksburg, 132, 135, 137–139, 150
at Gettysburg, 154, 155, 156, 157–158, 159, 161, 167, 173
at Hampton Roads, 49
at Opequan, 265, 268, 272
at Petersburg, 222, 232
at Second Manassas, 82, 85, 88– 90, 93, 97, 107
at Shiloh, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65
at Vicksburg, 173, 182
at The Wilderness, 185, 188–189, 195
at Williamsburg, 68, 71, 74
Cat, Thaddeus L. (Confederate Army), 89
Cauldwell, Gen. (Union Army), 126
at Antietam, 115, 118
Atlanta and, 234, 236, 243, 244, 249
Cold Harbor and, 200–201, 206
Fredericksburg and, 135
at Gettysburg, 155, 168
Opequan and, 271, 272
Petersburg and, 218
Second Manassas and, 81, 91–92, 95, 96, 100, 102–104, 105, 106
Vicksburg and, 155
at Williamsburg, 69–72
censorship, 23, 29, 129
Centerville, VA. See Manassas, Second battle at
Chapman, Gen. (Union Army), 272
Charleston, SC, 277. See also Fort Sumter, battle at
Floating Battery at, 5, 13
map of harbor at, 3
siege of, 273, 274
Charleston Harbor campaign. See Fort Sumter, battle at
Charleston Mercury (newspaper), 273–278
Antietam reportage and, 109, 110–119
Atlanta reportage and, 234–253
farewell message to readers, 277– 278
First Manassas reportage in, 24– 28
Fort Donelson reportage in, 35, 36–39
Fort Sumter reportage in, 2–12
Fredericksburg reportage in, 131–140
Gettysburg reportage and, 151, 152–158
Hampton Roads reportage in, 46– 49
Jefferson Davis and, 217
Opequon reportage and, 264–269
Petersburg and, 218–226
Second Manassas reportage in, 75, 76–92
Shiloh reportage in, 53, 54–61
Vicksburg reportage and, 170– 178
The Wilderness reportage in, 184–192
Williamsburg reportage in, 68–72
Charlottesville, VA, 89–90
Chattahoochee River, 254–260
Chattanooga, Tennessee, 54–55
Cheatham, Frank (Confederate Army), 237, 239, 261, 262
Chesnut, James, Jr. (Confederate Army)
as officer, 5, 6
as U.S. Senator, 15–16
Chicago, IL, 39–41
Chickahominy line, 206–207, 209, 210, 211, 213, 219, 228–229. See also Cold Harbor, battle at
Chisholm (Confederate Army), 5, 6
Chittman, Capt. (Confederate Army), 28
Cincinnati Daily Times (newspaper), 53
Cincinnati Gazette (newspaper), 53
City Point, VA, 226–227, 228
Clamp, J. B. (Confederate Army), 89
Clanton, Gen. (Confederate Army), 237
Clarion (Meridian newspaper), 267
Cobb, Thomas R. R. (Confederate Army), 137, 150
Cold Harbor, battle at, 197–216, 222–225
commentary on, 197, 215–216
illustrations from, 202, 205, 213, 216
Northern reportage on, 197, 206– 215
Southern reportage on, 198–206
Cold Harbor Tavern, 205
Columbia Carolinian (newspaper), 85
Columbia Guardian (newspaper), 89–90
Columbus, GA reports, 236
Columbus Sun Extra (GA newspaper), 236
communications. See also railroads; telegraph
Atlanta and, 249
battle at Cold Harbor and, 212
battle at Gettysburg and, 151
discontinuation of the Charleston Mercury and, 277–278
Petersburg and, 220, 222, 229– 230
Second Manassas and, 101
Confederate States Government. See also Richmond, VA
conscription and, 82–83, 118, 201
fall of Vicksburg and, 170, 182
salary of the President and, 200, 217
War Department correspondence, 16–19, 54
wartime government actions and, 19, 39
Confederate troop morale
Atlanta and, 234, 238, 241, 251– 252
Beauregard’s orders at Shiloh and, 59–61
Fort Sumter and, 12
Fredericksburg and, 132, 133
Gettysburg and, 154, 158
Hood’s address and, 237–238
McGowan’s Brigade resolutions and, 274–276
Conner, Gen. (Confederate Army), 173
Conner, James (Confederate Army), 28
Cook (Confederate officer), 184
Corinth, MS, 65, 66
Counts, W. H. (Confederate Army), 89
Craig’s Meeting House combat. See The Wilderness, battle in
Crawford, Gen. (Confederate Army), 117
Critenden, Gen. (Union Army), 63
Crook, Gen. (Union Army), 200, 270, 272
Cross, Col. (Union Army), 142
Crounse, L. L. (war correspondent), 67, 75, 158– 160, 165–166, 286–291
CSS Virginia (Merrimack; Confederate vessel), 45, 46, 46–49, 47, 50, 52
Cummings, Alfred (Confederate Army), 116
Cuthbert, Capt. (Confederate Army), 11
Cuyler, Mr. (railroad boss), 243
Dana, Gen. (Union Army), 117
Daniel, Jno. M. (Virginia correspondent), 83
Davis, Jefferson (Confederate president), 38, 87–88
after surrender, 287, 290–291
Mercury criticism of, 217
proclamation of, 87–88
salary of, 200, 217
Dearing, J. L. (Confederate Army), 9
Dickenson, Col. (Union Army), 135
Dickinson, Col. (Union Army), 166
Don’t Hard Landing, VA, 227
Doubleday, Gen. (Union Army), 162, 165
Drafts, J. C. (Confederate Army), 89
Dulany, Capt. (Confederate Army), 24, 28
Duryee, Gen. (Union Army), 99
Dwight, Col. (Union Army), 117
Earle, Capt. (Confederate Army), 28
Early, Jubal A. (Confederate Army), 198, 265, 269, 271, 272
Echols, Capt. (Confederate Army), 28
economic news, 198, 200
Eighteenth (XVIII) Corps (Union Army), 217, 221, 224, 232
Eighth (VIII) Corps (Union Army), 272
Eleventh (XI) Corps (Union Army), 232
embalming, 69
Emery, Gen. (Union Army), 271
Enders, John, 288
entrenchments, 39, 40, 255–256
Ericsson Battery, 47
Esenger, James W. (Confederate Army), 89
Evans, N. G. (Confederate Army), 27
Ewell, Gen. (Confederate Army), 80, 85, 95–97, 100, 287
Gettysburg and, 154, 155, 161, 167
The Wilderness and, 190, 195
Farragut, Admiral (Union Army), 263
Faunce, Capt. (Union Navy), 5
Featherstone, Gen. (Confederate Army), 173
Federal Penetration up the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers Campaign of 1862. See Fort Donelson, battle at; Shiloh, battle at
erguson, Capt. (Confederate aide), 9
Fifteenth (XV) Corps (Union Army), 262
Fifth (V) Corps (Union Army), 232
Fire Zouaves, 32, 33
First New York Regiment (Union Army), 27
First Rhode Island Regiment (Union Army), 27
Fitz, Gen. (Confederate Army), 267
Floyd, John B. (Confederate Army), 38, 43
fog of war, 151
Foote, Flag Officer A. H. (Union Army), 43
Forrest, Flag Officer (Confederate Navy), 49
Forrest, Nathan Bedford (Confederate Army), 66, 245, 246
Fort Clifton, 289
Fort Donelson, battle at, 34–44
commentary on, 35, 43–44
illustrations from, 38, 41
Northern reportage on, 39–43
Southern reportage on, 36–39, 58
surrender correspondence and, 42–43
Fort Henry, 43
Fort Johnson, 11, 14
Fort Magruder. See Williamsburg, battle at
Fort Moultrie, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 19, 21
Fort Sumter, battle at, 1–22
bombardment, 4–11, 7, 12–19
commentary on, 1, 21–22
illustrations from, 5, 7, 13, 15, 19
Northern reportage of, 12–21
Southern reportage of, 2–12
surrender, 12, 19–21
Foster (Confederate Army), 156
Franklin, Gen. (Union Army), 99, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147
Fredericksburg, battle at, 129–150
commentary on, 129, 150
descriptions of the battle, 140, 141–144, 146–148
events of, 131–134, 146–148
illustrations from, 133, 140, 142, 146
Northern reportage on, 134, 140– 149
sack of the city and, 139–140, 144, 146, 148–149
Southern reportage on, 130–140
Fredericksburg Campaign. See Fredericksburg, battle at
French, Gen. (Union Army), 124, 141
“friendly fire,” losses from, 9, 189, 191
Furnaces combat. See The Wilderness, battle in
Gadberry, Col. (Confederate Army), 85
Gainesville and Brawner’s Farm. See Manassas, Second battle at
Gardner, Gen. (Confederate Army), 172, 177
Garry (Confederate officer), 218
Gary, Col. (Confederate Army), 204
Geary, Gen. (Union Army), 255
Georgia, battles fought in. See Atlanta, battle at
Georgia Central Railroad, 242–244, 243
Georgia militia, 240
Georgia papers, and battle at Atlanta, 238–241
Getty, Gen. (Union Army), 195
Gettysbufg Campaign. See Gettysburg, battle at
Gettysburg, battle at, 151–168
commentary on, 151, 167–168
Confederate claims of success and, 151, 154, 155, 173
illustrations from, 157, 159, 160, 165, 168
Northern reportage on, 158–167
Pickett’s Charge at, 165, 168
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