Southern reportage on, 152–158
as spectacle, 165–166
Union victory at, 160, 161, 165, 167, 168, 179, 180
Gibbon, Gen. (Union Army), 143, 166, 167
Cold Harbor and, 207, 208, 209, 214, 215
Gibson, Gen. (Union Army), 142
Gladden, Gen. (Confederate Army), 56–57
Godman, Gen. (Confederate Army), 269
Godwin, Gen. (Confederate Army), 265
Goodwin, Gen. (Confederate Army), 272
Gordon, John Brown (Confederate Army), 187, 191, 269, 270, 271, 293
Gorley, H. N. (Confederate Army), 89
Graham, Gen. (Union Army), 161
Grant, Ulysses S. (Union Army), 294
character of, 207, 253
Cold Harbor and, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204–205, 207, 211, 212, 215–216
correspondence about surrender and, 280–285
Fort Donelson and, 40, 42–43
Lincoln’s confidence in, 179
Opequan and, 267, 268
Petersburg and, 218, 219–220, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228– 232
the press and, 183, 197
Shiloh and, 63, 64, 65, 66
strategy of, 228–232, 246
Vicksburg and, 155, 172, 177, 178, 179, 182
The Wilderness and, 183, 186, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195– 196, 196
Greensboro, South Carolina, 188– 189
Gregg, David (Union Army), 212, 264
Gregg, Maxey (Confederate Army), 115, 150
Grover, Gen. (Union Army), 270
Groveton. See Manassas, Second battle at
Halleck, Gen. (Union Army), 75, 93, 105
Hampton, Wade (Confederate Army), 27–28, 98, 200, 223, 264
Hampton Roads, naval battle at, 38–39, 45–52
commentary on, 45, 51–52
illustrations from, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52
Northern reportage on, 49–51
official reports of, 38–39
Southern reportage on, 46–49, 57
Hancock, W. S. (Union Army) Cold Harbor and, 207–209, 210
Gettysburg and, 165, 166, 167
Petersburg and, 221, 226, 227
The Wilderness and, 193, 194, 195, 196
Williamsburg and, 73, 74
Hardee, William J. (Confederate Army), 238, 261, 262
Harman, J. F. (Confederate Army), 89
Harrison, Maj. (Confederate Army), 28
Hartstene, Commodore (Confederate Navy), 9
Hatten, Col. (Confederate Army), 55
Hays, Alexander (Union Army), 196
Heintzelman, Gen. (Union Army), 93, 94, 95, 100
Henderson, Capt. (Union Army), 142
“Hermes” (war correspondent). See Bagby, George William
Heth, Gen. (Confederate Army), 184, 218
Hill, A. P. (Confederate Army), 100, 113, 114, 123, 127
Cold Harbor and, 198, 214
Fredericksburg and, 141, 142, 144
Gettysburg and, 152, 154, 155, 156, 161, 167
The Wilderness and, 186, 190, 193, 195–196
Hill, D. H. (Confederate Army), 110, 112
Hindman, Gen. (Confederate Army), 55
Hinks, Col. (Union Army), 117
Holman, William (Confederate Army), 89
Hood, John Bell (Confederate Army), 261–262
address to the troops, 237–238
Atlanta and, 234, 236, 237–238, 241, 245, 250–251, 261– 262
Hooker, Joseph (Union Army), 175
Antietam and, 111, 117–118, 121–122, 123, 127
Atlanta and, 234, 254, 255
Fredericksburg and, 144, 147, 150
Second Manassas and, 100, 106
Williamsburg and, 73, 74
Hooper, J. J. (Confederate Army), 89
Hornell, J. P. (Confederate Army), 89
horses. See also cavalry
capture of, 244, 245
Cold Harbor and, 203, 206
Gettysburg and, 166
Howard, Gen. (Union Army), 141, 164
Howe, Gen. (Union Army), 143
Hubleburt, Gen. (Union Army), 62
Hunter, Col. (Union Army), 30, 31
Hunter, Gen. (Union Army), 200, 203, 223, 226, 268
Hurlburt, Gen. (Union Army), 64
Hutson, Charles J. C. (Confederate Army), 276
Imboden (Confederate officer), 155, 156
Indianola (Union gunboat), 179
Irish Brigade, 125–126, 208
Jackson, C. Feger (Union Army), 135, 141, 150
Jackson, JNO. K. (Confederate Army), 55
Jackson, MS, 156, 170, 172, 173– 174, 175–178
Jackson, Thomas J. (“Stonewall;” Confederate Army), 34
Antietam and, 110
Fredericksburg and, 133, 134, 136, 142, 144, 150
the press and, 109
Second Manassas and, 78, 84, 94, 95–96, 97, 100, 101, 104, 106–107
Jackson, William J. (Union Army), 146
Jackson (Confederate cavalry officer), 244
Jackson Mississippian (newspaper), 176
Jacobus, J. J. (Confederate Army), 55
James River, 223, 225, 226, 228– 232
“Jasper.” See Salter, George
Jenkins, Micah (Confederate Army), 85, 88, 185, 186, 187, 188, 196
Job, Mr. (Confederate congressman), 82
Johnson, Andrew (U.S. vicepresident), 217
Johnson, B. J. (Confederate Army), 28
Johnson, Bushrod (Confederate Army), 221
Johnson, Gen. (Confederate Army), 272
Johnson, Gen. T. (Confederate Army), 269
Johnston, Albert Sidney (Confederate Army), 54, 55, 65, 66, 68, 69
Johnston, Joseph E. (Confederate Army), 26, 33, 83, 130
Atlanta and, 234, 240, 241, 246, 255, 257, 259–260, 261
Vicksburg and, 170, 172, 174– 175, 176–178
Jones, Catesby A. P. R. (Confederate Navy), 46, 49, 52
Jones, D. R. (Confederate Army), 12, 20, 112
Jones, John M. (Confederate Army), 196
Jones, Major (Confederate Army), 9
Jones, R. R. (Confederate Army), 112
Jones, W. E. (Confederate Army), 200
Jordan, Gen Thos. (Confederate Army), 59–61
Kautz, August (Union Army), 217, 232
Kearny, Phillip (Union Army), 71, 74, 106
Kemper, D. C. (Confederate Army), 85
Kenesaw Mountain, 255
Kershaw, J. B. (Confederate Army), 27–28, 132, 187, 272
Kilpatrick, Gen. (Union Army), 253
Knox, Thomas (war correspondent), 233
Lane (Confederate officer), 184
LaPorte, J. P. (Confederate Army), 89
Lary, Col. (Confederate Army), 237
Lawn, J. J. (Confederate Army), 89
Lawton, Gen. (Confederate Army), 112, 115
Lee, Captain (Confederate Army), 5, 6, 20
Lee, Fitzhugh (Confederate Army), 100, 102, 272, 293
Lee, Gen. (Confederate Army) of Louisiana, 267
Lee, Gen. S. D. (Confederate Army), 240, 246
Lee, Mrs. Robert E., 291
Lee, Robert E. (Confederate Army), 175, 202, 220
Antietam and, 112, 113, 114, 115, 127–128
Appomattox Court House, 293– 294
Cold Harbor and, 198, 215
correspondence about surrender and, 280–285
Fredericksburg and, 136, 144, 150
Gettysburg and, 158, 159, 167– 168
Opequan and, 264, 265
Petersburg and, 223, 226, 227, 232
the press and, 279
Second Manassas and, 78, 82, 93, 95, 98, 100, 107
surrender by, 280, 290, 294
The Wilderness and, 186, 187– 188, 191, 193, 194, 195
Lee, Stephen D. (Confederate Army), 84
Lee, W. F. (Confederate Army), 204, 218
/> Levi Starbuck (Union ship), 135
Lexington (Union gunboat), 63
Libby Prison, Richmond, VA, 287
Lincoln, Abraham (U.S. president)
Emancipation Proclamation and, 116, 117, 128
fall of Vicksburg and, 179
Grant and, 179
reelection of, 217, 263
Lipscombe house, Bristor, VA, 96
Little Round Top, 157. See also Gettysburg, battle at
Logan, John A. (Union Army), 262
Longstreet, James (Confederate Army), 68, 74
Antietam and, 110, 113, 123
Fredericksburg and, 136, 142
Gettysburg and, 152, 154, 155, 156, 165, 166, 167
Second Manassas and, 78, 84, 91, 93, 100, 101, 107
The Wilderness and, 184, 185, 186–187, 190, 191, 196
Loring, Gen. (Confederate Army), 172
Louisville, KY, 18, 113, 116
Lucas, Col. (Confederate Army) , 21
Lucas, J. F. M. (Confederate Army), 89
Lynchburg, VA, 266, 267
Lynchburg Virginian (newspaper), 267
Macon Confederate (newspaper), 246–248, 249
Mahone, Gen. (Confederate Army), 85, 187, 191, 201
Manassas, First battle at, 23–34
commentary on, 23, 33–34
illustrations from, 27, 30, 34
Northern reportage on, 28–33
Southern reportage on, 24–28
Manassas, Second battle at commentary on, 75, 107–108
illustrations from, 83, 89, 94
Northern reportage on, 92–107
Southern reportage on, 76–92
Manassas Campaign. See Manassas, First battle at
Manassas Plains. See Manassas, Second battle at
Manigault, Maj. (Confederate Army), 274
Manning, Gen. (Confederate Army), 112
Manning, John L. (South Carolina governor), 20
Antietam, 111
Atlanta, 235
Bull Run, 25, 77
Charleston Harbor, 3
Cold Harbor, 199
Fort Donelson, 38
Fredericksburg, 131
Gettysburg, 152–153
Opequon, 264
Petersburg, 219
Shiloh, 55
Vicksburg, 171
The Wilderness, 185
Marietta, GA, 257–258
Marshall, Col. (Confederate Army), 85
Martindale, Gen. (Union Army), 210
Martinsburg, VA, 154–155, 175
Marye’s Heights. See Fredericksburg, battle at
Maryland, battles fought in. See Antietam, battle at
Maryland Campaign. See Antietam, battle at
McArthur, Gen. (Union Army), 40, 41
McClellan, Dr. John, 109
McClellan, George B., 291
Antietam and, 110, 112, 120, 127–128
First Manassas and, 34
indecisiveness and, 74, 127
Peninsula Campaign and, 23
the press and, 67, 109, 118
Second Manassas and, 78, 82, 101, 104
Williamsburg and, 67, 74
McClernand, Gen. (Union Army), 40, 61, 64
McCone, Lieut. (Union Army), 212
McCreary, C. W. (Confederate Army), 276
McDowell, Irwin (Union Army), 26, 29, 33, 34
Second Manassas and, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95, 100–101
strategy and, 29–30
McGowan, Col. (Confederate Army), 85, 184, 274
McGowan’s Brigade, 1st Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, resolution by, 274–276
McIntosh, Gen. (Union Army), 218, 272
McKean (Union officer), 209, 215
McLaws, Gen. (Confederate Army), 70, 113, 187
McMahon, Col. (Union Army), 209
McPherson, James B. (Union Army), 253–254, 261–262
Meade, George G. (Union Army), 121, 150
Cold Harbor and, 212, 215
Fredericksburg and, 143, 150
Gettysburg and, 150, 152, 153, 154, 160, 161, 163, 164, 166, 167
Petersburg and, 225, 232
the press and, 197
The Wilderness and, 183, 185, 195–196
Meagher, Gen. (Union Army), 125– 126
Means, Col. (Confederate Army), 85, 88
medical conditions. See wounded troops
Meetz, Capt. (Confederate Army), 89
Merrimack. See CSS Virginia
Miles, Col. (Union Army), 112
Miles, Gen. (Union Army), 110, 207, 210, 214
Miles, W. P. (Confederate Army), 20
militia forces, 240, 245
Milks, Col. (Union Army), 33
Miller, Col. (Confederate Army), 185
Miller, J. R. (Confederate Army), 89
Minnesota (Union ship), 38, 45, 47, 48
Minor, Lieut.. (Confederate Army), 39
Mississippi, battles fought in. See Vicksburg, siege of
Mississippi River
planters along, 176
Union army headquarters on, 181
Yankee control of, 178, 182
Mitchell, Capt. (Confederate Army), 85
Mobile, Alabama, 18, 56
Mobile Register (newspaper), 177
Moore, Col. (Confederate Army), 24, 85
Morgan, Gen. (Confederate Army), 245
Morris, Col. (Union Army), 214
Morris Island, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21
Morton, James St. Clair (Union Army), 232
Moses, F. J., Jr. (Confederate Army), 9
“Mud March,” 150, 150
Munro, Lieut. (Confederate Army), 89
Murray, Capt. (Union Army), 142
Nance, James D. (Confederate Army), 185
Nashville, TN, 36, 130
Nashville Union (newspaper), 28
Natchez Courier (newspaper), 173
naval warfare, 45, 135. See also Hampton Roads, naval battle at
Nelson, William (“Bull;” Union Army), 63, 64, 66, 116
New Haven, CT, 181
newspaper correspondents. See also Bagby, George William; Crounse, L. L.
education and, 279
experiences and ordeals of, 1, 23, 35, 67, 169
fabrication and, 67, 109, 197
field relations and, 75, 105, 183, 197, 233
sources and, 35, 53, 75
standards for press coverage and, 67
telegraph and, 129
New York Herald (newspaper), 53, 113, 116, 233
New York Times (newspaper) “Advent of Peace” editorial and, 291–293
Antietam reportage and, 109, 119–126
Appomattox Court House reportage and, 280–292
Atlanta reportage by, 233, 253– 261
First Manassas reportage and, 23, 28–33
Fort Donelson reportage and, 35, 39–43
Fort Sumter reportage and, 12– 21
Fredericksburg reportage in, 129, 140–149
Gettysburg reportage and, 151, 158–167
Hampton Roads reportage and, 45, 49–51
Opequon reportage and, 269–272
Petersburg reportage and, 226– 232
Second Manassas coverage by, 75, 92–107
Shiloh reportage and, 53, 61–65
Vicksburg reportage and, 169, 178–181
The Wilderness reportage and, 183, 193–195
Williamsburg reportage and, 67, 72–73
New York World (newspaper), 263
night attacks, 212
Nineteenth (XIX) Corps (Union Army), 270, 271–272
Ninth (IX) Corps (Union Army), 127, 232
noncombatants, 176, 225. See also public reactions in the North; public reactions in the South
Antietam and, 113, 116
Atlanta and, 237, 239, 240, 245, 248, 249
Charleston and, 6
defense by, 245, 248
Fort Sumter and, 4, 6, 12–13, 18, 20
nassas and, 26
the wounded and, 68
Norfolk, VA riots, 135
Norfolk Day Book (newspaper), 46
North American (newspaper), 181
North Carolina. See Fort Donelson, battle at
Northern Virginia Campaign. See Manassas, Second battle at
Oglesby, Gen. (Union Army), 40, 41
Oliver, Lieut. (Union Army), 166
Olmstead, Gen. (Confederate Army), 166
omens, 10
Onandaga (Union gunboat), 186
Opequon, battle at, 263–272
commentary on, 262, 272
illustrations from, 266, 270
Northern reportage on, 269–272
Southern reportage on, 264–269
Orange C.H., 183
Overland Campaign. See Cold Harbor, battle at; The Wilderness, battle in
Owen, Gen. (Union Army), 208, 209
Page, Col. (Confederate Army), 221
Parke, Col. (Confederate Army), 154
Parker, R. S. (Union Army), 15
Parkers Store combat. See The Wilderness, battle in
Patterson, Gen. (Confederate Army), 26
Paul, Gen. (Union Army), 161, 162
Paunee (ship), 7
Peachtree Creek, Battle of, 261
Pearce, Calvin (Confederate Army), 89
Pegram, Gen. (Confederate Army), 184, 186
Pemberton, John C. (Confederate Army), 175, 178, 182
Pender, Gen. (Confederate Army), 173
Peninsula Campaign. See Hampton Roads, naval battle at; Williamsburg, battle at
Pennsylvania, battles fought in. See Gettysburg, battle at
Perry, Capt. (Union Army), 142
Petersburg, battle at, 217–232
attack on city, 218–220
commentary on, 217, 232
illustrations from, 221, 224, 228
Northern reportage on, 226–232
Southern reportage on, 218–226
Yankee claim to capture of, 226– 227
Petersburg, VA, 266
Petersburg Express (newspaper), 218–219
Peyor, Roger (Confederate Army), 20
Philadelphia, PA, 180
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (newspaper), 162–163
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin (newspaper), 181
Philadelphia Ledger building, 181
Pickens (South Carolina governor), 8–9, 15
Pickett, Gen. (Confederate Army), 154, 155, 165, 168
Pillow, Gideon (Confederate Army), 38, 43
Pittsburg Landing, TN. See Shiloh, battle at
Pleasanton (Confederate officer), 155
pontoon bridges
Atlanta and, 259
Fredericksburg and, 133, 147, 148
Petersburg and, 220, 229
Pope, John (Union Army), 78, 82, 83, 85, 92–93, 100, 101, 104, 106–108, 108
Porter, Admiral D. D. (Union Navy), 178, 179
Porter, Fitz John (Union Army), 93, 95, 107–108
postal service, 201, 203
Potomac River, 113, 114
Prentiss, Gen. (Union Army), 56, 61, 65
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