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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

Page 2

by K. C. Lynn

  I don’t hesitate to follow her inside. “If it had nothing to do with Brett then why the fuck were his hands all over you when I walked in?”

  She throws her hands up. “He’d just come up behind me when you came storming in like a bat out of hell. And so what? He was only dancing with me.”

  I grunt. She was dancing; he was trying to put his fucking hands where they don’t belong. The dirty fucker is lucky I didn’t cut them off.

  “What the hell do you care anyway?” she asks. “It’s really none of your business what I do. I can dance, talk, or fuck whoever I please.”

  I tense, my body wound tight with a dangerous rage at the thought. Now I’m the one to point my finger at her. “Knock that shit off, you haven’t been with anyone and we both know it.”

  Kolan and I both watch her like a hawk, no way would something like that slip past us. And no way would Kolan let some loser in here. Unless he wasn’t home…

  The entire thought makes me violent.

  She shakes her head with a bitter laugh. “God, you are so arrogant. What did you think, Nick? That I would wait forever for you?” She brings up the one thing I’ve avoided talking about. “I refuse to wait anymore for someone who will never give themselves to me but fuck every other girl in town. You’re out of your damn mind to think otherwise. For all you know I could have screwed the entire football team at East Bridge High.” She steps closer, having no idea the dangerous territory she’s walking into right now. “And it wouldn’t be any of your business. You may not want me but that doesn’t mean no one else does. So take your self-righteous bullshit and shove it up your ass.” She stalks to her bedroom, thinking this conversation is over when it’s far fucking from it.

  Within a few strides I catch up to her, just inside the room, then swing her around and back her against the wall. She inhales sharply as her personal space becomes mine.

  “Look at me!” Grasping her chin I force her gaze to mine. “Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me the truth.”

  I have no right to demand this of her and I know it, but the thought of someone else touching her—taking her—has me losing all common sense.

  With a visible swallow she remains silent, but her expression says it all.

  I knew she was full of shit.

  My hand moves from her chin to thread in her soft hair while I snake my other arm between us. A gasp leaves her as my fingers graze the inside of her silky thigh, working their way up to paradise.

  “Tell me the truth, baby, did someone have this?” I ask, cupping the sweet spot between her legs.

  “Nick.” Her head drops back against the wall, my name falling from her lips with a sexy moan.

  “Answer me, Katelyn, has someone else had this?”

  Biting her lip she shakes her head, giving me the answer I already knew but wanted to hear her say. “No, not yet, but I won’t wait forever. I’m eighteen in a few days. I refuse to wait any longer for someone who doesn’t want me,” she whispers, tears brimming her big brown eyes.

  The sight of her pain has me withdrawing my hand and deflating against her, my lips resting at her hairline. “Jesus, you have no idea how wrong you are. No idea how much I want you.” I’m not sure who’s more shocked at the admission, her or me, but I know I can’t avoid this conversation any longer. It needs to be had. “But I can’t. We can’t.”

  “Why? Because of your friendship with Kolan?” she asks sadly.

  “That’s some of it but not all.”

  “Then what?”

  “I can’t be what you need. I…I can’t give you forever and that’s what you deserve.”

  Her fingers clutch my shirt as her breath hitches with emotion. She knows what I’m saying is true, she knows enough about me to understand I can’t give it to her. I can’t give it to anyone.

  “Then give me tonight.”

  I tense at her whispered words. “Don’t,” I grit, my voice gruff. “Don’t say shit like that to me. I only have so much control. Especially when it comes to you.”

  I feel her look up at me, but I keep my gaze on the wall above her, avoiding eye contact. If I look into those soulful eyes of hers, I’ll be fucking done for.

  “I’m completely serious, Nick. I know you can’t give me forever but you could give me tonight.” Her soft hand finds its way under my shirt, coasting over my abs, and it makes my already hard dick jerk in response. “For tonight, give me the one thing I’ve always wanted but never had…you.”

  My jaw locks down in restraint, a war battling inside of me. I shake my head, trying to do the right thing. “You deserve to be with someone who can give you more than one night.” The words sear me like a hot blade as I say them, because the thought of anyone else touching her fucking guts me, but I know that’s not fair. I know she deserves someone to give her more and it won’t ever be me, no matter how much I wish otherwise.

  “My first time should be with someone I love and trust. I’ve loved you since I was eleven years old. I trust you more than any other person, besides my brother.”

  Even though her words don’t surprise me they still have fear snaking up my spine.

  “I’m asking you to trust me.”

  Inwardly, I flinch. That word hitting me like a powerful blow. I learned at a young age that you can’t rely on anyone but yourself. I swore a long time ago I would never trust anyone again, that I would never give someone that kind of power over me.

  But jesus, I don’t know if I can turn this down. How can I walk away from the one girl I’ve always wanted but has always been forbidden?

  “Please, Nick, just for tonight. Give me a memory to treasure forever,” she whispers, pressing her body closer to me. “Be my first.”

  I make the mistake of looking down at her, her warm, dark eyes pleading for the one thing we both want. Just like I knew I would be, I’m completely helpless against it.

  Yep, I’m fucking doing this, consequences be damned. And I have no doubt there will be. This will change everything, and once it’s over I will never be the same again.



  My breath is locked inside of my chest as those beautiful yet guarded blue-gray eyes peer down at me, a war raging in their depths. All of my earlier anger at the way he stormed into the party evaporates, a sliver of hope warming inside of me from his admission.

  I knew he felt it too, I knew in my heart. No way could I be the only one to feel this connection between us. It’s too powerful. Most people would say it’s impossible to be in love when you are only eleven years old, but I can attest that it can happen because it did for me. The moment Nick Stone walked into my brother’s and my life I was lost to him. Never has one person affected me the way he does. The fact that he has finally admitted to feeling this too has left me hopeful he’ll give me this one time with him.

  My first time.

  I’m setting myself up for heartbreak and I know it, but for years I’ve wanted this—wanted him. If he will only give me one night then one night I will take, and I’ll do my damnedest to not let it ruin our friendship. I won’t lose him. I can’t. He is my safe haven; he is everything Kolan is to me but more.

  So much more.

  For just one night I want all of him…well, as much as he can give himself to anyone because no one will ever fully have Nick’s heart. It’s sad because he deserves to be loved, but I know he will never let it happen and it’s all thanks to his mother. Something I know nothing about, but by the small flashes of pain I’ve seen in his guarded eyes I know he harbors scars from where he lived before that will never heal. Not even Pop, his loving grandfather, has been able to erase them.

  As silence continues to hang heavily between us, that small measure of hope dwindles to nothing. With a deflated breath I sag against the wall as reality sets in and drop my gaze from his, not wanting him to see my pain.

  “Never mind,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Just forget I said anything.” I turn to walk away when his hand lands on my ch
est and he pins me back in place. My eyes snap back to his and I suck in a sharp breath, my heart pounding at the intensity staring back at me.

  “One night,” he says, his voice low and rough as he leans in closer. “One fucking night, Katelyn. I know I don’t deserve even that with you, but I’m too selfish not to take this.”

  Those are the last words spoken before his mouth descends on mine. I gasp at the first touch of his lips. It’s electrifying and barrels through me like a tidal wave, almost knocking me off my feet. As I stretch up on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck, his hands grip the back of my bare thighs and he lifts me off my feet. My legs hug his hips as he pins me against the wall, a whimper escaping me as the cool metal of his belt buckle collides with the center of my damp panties.

  He slides his tongue in, seeking mine with a skill that steals my breath and sends my head reeling.

  Oh god, he tastes so good.

  “You taste good, baby. Just as sweet as I knew you’d be,” he growls, making me realize I said my words out loud.

  My fingers tangle in the back of his hair as we devour one another, getting swept away in a storm of passion and longing. It’s one I’ve dreamt about with him for so long and, oh god, it’s perfect, everything I knew it would be.

  Moving away from the wall, he strides over to my bed and lays me down, his mouth never leaving mine as he follows on top of me.

  I breathe into the kiss, not wanting to sever the beautiful connection for something as dumb as air, terrified if I do it will break this spell over us and I’ll lose this moment with him. My hips grind against his hard stomach as I try to find friction for my throbbing center. With a groan he tears his mouth from mine and trails his hot lips down my throat, licking and tasting my skin. He reaches between us to push up my tank top, his palm skimming along my stomach, creating goose bumps to break out across my fevered skin.

  “Arms up, baby.” I follow the order, sitting up just a bit so he can remove my top. He tosses it behind him then with a deft flick of his fingers he frees me from the confined lace of my black bra. I whimper as he pushes the cups aside, his fingers brushing over my sensitive nipples. The simple touch demands a ripple to shoot through me, moving all the way down to my core.

  “Fuck, you’re so goddamn pretty.” He fixates on my exposed breasts, his eyes flaring so bright that even in the darkest shadows of my room you can see them wild with lust. Yet something else burns in his gaze, something that goes beyond skin deep.

  I’m used to catching men’s eyes. My asshole father has always told me my looks are all I have going for me. Most people in town agree with him, they think I’m nothing but trash with a pretty face, all because of who my parents are. Not even my uncle, Joshua, the respected pastor in town, can change people’s minds about my brother and me. But Nick has never treated me like that. He’s never leered at me in a way that made me feel cheap. There have been times where I find him watching me in a way that has my breath catching in my throat and my heart warming. He makes me feel beautiful, he makes me feel more than I am.

  He makes me feel worthy.

  You are more.

  Nick’s words echo in my head, hurdling me into the past. Before I can fully latch on to the beautiful memory I’m brought out of it with a gasp as he gently blows on my nipples. They pucker, straining further for his touch. My body quivers in pleasure, making my clit swell.

  “Mmm, so greedy.” He murmurs, “You like that, Kate?”

  My response is an agonized moan since he’s rendered me speechless.

  A cocky chuckle rumbles from his chest, clearly enjoying my torture. “All right, baby, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” Leaning down, he closes his hot mouth over one aching bud and sends my already charged body into a frenzy.

  “Oh god.” I arch into the heavenly heat of his mouth, my fingers threading through his hair as he lashes me with exquisite licks of his tongue. His hand kneads my other breast, his fingers plucking and pinching the tight tip.

  Heat spreads through me like wildfire. “God, Nick, that feels so good.” I reach for his shirt, desperately wanting to touch him too, to feel his naked skin on mine. “Take this off.”

  As he sits up to remove it, I finish ridding myself of my bra before lying back down and staring up at his hard body. A body that I’ve admired many times before while he was working on the ranch with Pop. And just like always, the sight of him has my throat going dry.

  His body is powerful, lethal, and absolutely beautiful.

  His shoulders are broad, muscles lean and sculpted from hard work. Add in the decorative black ink that’s woven up one arm, going all the way past his shoulder, and you have perfection.

  Sensations explode through every part of my body as he comes back over top of me, his naked skin colliding with mine. The beautiful contact has us both groaning with pleasure.

  “Damn, you’re so soft, Kate.” He seals his mouth over mine, his taste exploding on my tongue and seeping into my soul. I lift my hips and grind into his hard length, wanting to get closer, needing to alleviate the throbbing between my legs. Unfortunately, he pulls away from my efforts, drawing a disappointed moan from me.

  Standing, he reaches down and flicks the button on my denim skirt before sliding it down, leaving me in nothing but my black lace panties. His large, warm hands find their place on my knees before he spreads my legs open for his view.

  “Move your panties aside, baby, give me a glimpse of the sweetness I’m about to devour.” His voice is rough and rakes along my senses.

  I clench at the thought of his mouth on me. I’ve never been touched like that but having Nick to be the one to do it will only make it that much more incredible. Reaching down, I pull the damp center aside and bite my lip to keep from moaning as the cool air from the room whispers over my sensitive flesh. It’s almost enough to make me come.

  Nick’s expression turns hard, his grip on my knees strengthening. “Fuck me, you’re perfect. I knew you’d be bare,” he remarks through clenched teeth.

  Satisfaction fills me to know he thought about it, that he thought about us like this. Because it’s all I’ve thought about for so long. “You going to do something or just stand there?” I ask with a quirk of my brow, taunting him.

  His eyes snap to mine. “Be careful, Katelyn. That sassy mouth of yours only makes my dick harder. Don’t provoke something you’re not prepared for.”

  I swallow hard, my suddenly dry throat making it difficult. “I’m a big girl. I can handle whatever you have for me.” That’s only half true. I’m completely inexperienced with this, but I do know I will take him any way he comes. I know he would never do something to hurt me.

  He drops to his knees, positioning himself between my legs. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, baby, because the things I want to do to you even fucking scares me.”

  Before I can think much about that he shocks me by shredding my panties from my body. As the scrap of lace disappears he wastes no time delving in, claiming me with his mouth.

  “Ohhh!” My back bows off the bed as white-hot pleasure whips through my senses.

  Oh god, I’ve never felt anything so incredible.

  His skillful tongue is warm and wet, swirling around my pulsing bud that sends slight shock waves through my body. Pleasure surges through me and rushes through my veins. My skin suddenly becomes too tight for my body. Right when I think I can’t take any more he slips a single finger inside of my snug entrance. Drawing another pleasured cry from me.

  “Oh fuck, you’re so goddamn tight.” My hands fist the sheets as I involuntarily thrust against his mouth, riding every fiery flick of his tongue while his finger strokes deep inside of me. “That’s it, fuck my mouth,” he growls, the vibration of his words bringing me to teeter on the edge.

  “God, Nick, I’m so close already.” I whimper, hating for this to end.

  “Don’t hold back, baby. Let me taste your pleasure so I can claim your tight little pussy with my cock.”

  His fi
lthy words are all it takes to send me over that precious edge. I cry out the intensity of my orgasm, ecstasy rushing through every nerve ending of my body as I soar to a place where there’s nothing but pleasure.

  As I float back to reality I distantly register soft kisses trailing up my stomach. Nick’s hard body settles over mine as he claims my mouth. I moan at the taste of myself on him and shockingly find my body flaring to life again.

  Reaching down between us, I move to the buckle of his belt, but he clasps my wrists in his hand, halting my attempt. My heart stops at his expression. “What’s wrong? Did you change your mind?”

  Please, God, don’t let that be the case.

  “No, baby, I didn’t change my mind.”

  A breath of relief is set free from my imprisoned throat.

  “I should, but I can’t. Having you come apart for me like that…” He trails off, jaw flexing. “I’m giving you an out now, Katelyn. If you’re not a hundred percent sure about this we can stop here.”

  I shake my head, immediately shutting down the idea. “No. I don’t want to stop. I want you more than anything.” My hand lies against his face as I look him straight in the eye, forcing him to see how sure I am. “Show me what it’s like. Show me how good it can be.”

  With a pained groan he gives me a swift kiss then moves to his knees and reaches in his back pocket for his wallet. As soon as I see the condom I grab his wrist to stop him from opening it. “Have you always used a condom?” I ask softly.


  “Well,” I swallow past my dry throat, “I’m on the pill.”

  He shakes his head, rejecting the suggestion fast. “Katelyn—”

  “If tonight is all we’ll ever have then I don’t want anything between us. I want to know what you feel like, Nick. All of you.”

  Selfishly, I also want to have what no one else has ever had with him. I want him to trust me the same way I do him, even if it’s just for this moment.


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