An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Page 8

by K. C. Lynn

  “Papa, I’m sure you remember Nick Stone,” I say, biting back a smile at the shock on his face.

  “Of course I do.” He points at him. “Are you the one makin’ her cry? ’Cause if you are I’m gonna kick your candy ass.”

  I burst out laughing. “Take it easy now, I don’t need a rainbow of skittles in my shop.”

  Chantal and Shawna both join in laughing but Papa only looks confused.

  Nick isn’t the least bit put off by the threat and extends his hand. “George, good to see you again.”

  Papa accepts it with a firm nod. “Good to see ya, too. Unless I find out it’s you who put those tears in her eyes. Then we’re gonna have some problems.”

  “Everything is fine, Papa, I promise,” I tell him as I turn my chair for Nick to sit in. “As much as I appreciate the backup, you know I can take care of myself.”

  “That’s because you’re a Williams and we know how to kick ass.”

  Actually, I’m not a Williams at all. Papa is my uncle Josh’s father. I’m related to my aunt Linda. Faith’s mom is my mom’s sister. But Papa has always made me feel like one of them. Always treated me like I was his blood.

  “What do I owe the pleasure of seeing your handsome face today?” I ask as I drape the cape around Nick.

  “I brought you these,” he says, thrusting the bouquet at me. My heart melts into a giant puddle as I take the daffodils from him. “I missed your pretty face when you didn’t come for Sunday supper, so I decided to stop by and check on ya.”

  My throat thickens with emotion. Reaching up on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck and press a kiss to his worn cheek. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

  He crushes me against him, squeezing the air from my lungs. “I love you, kid. I know you’re upset about your brother right now, just know we’re all here for you, all right?”

  “I love you, too,” I choke out softy. I may have their support but I’m not so sure my brother does. They’re skeptical like everyone else, but I realize that’s partially Kolan’s fault for not letting them in and seeing who he is. There were only a few times I was able to convince him to come to family gatherings. He usually balks at the mention of family.

  “I’m sorry I missed supper. I’ve just been focused on trying to find Kolan, I’m really worried about him.”

  “I know, darlin’, hopefully this mess gets sorted out soon.”

  I nod, though I don’t feel much hope at the moment.

  “I’ll let you get back to work. I just wanted to stop by and see you. You call me if you need anything, ya hear?”

  “I will. Thanks, Papa.”

  “Always.” Giving me a kiss on the head he moves to Nick and gives him the I’m-watching-you signal. “I got my eye on you.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.

  “Noted,” Nick says, not all that concerned.

  “Tell Phil I say hi the next time you talk to him,” he says, talking about Pop.

  “Will do.”

  After Papa walks out, Nick’s eyes meet mine in the mirror. “Has he always been that much of a hard-ass or did I just forget?”

  I smile. “He’s always been like that, but I think he’s gotten worse with age.” Papa may be a hard-ass but he loves just as fiercely. “Whatever you do, just don’t ever bring up Doctor Sissy around him,” I say amused, thinking about how much he dislikes the good doctor, along with all the other guys.

  “Doctor Sissy?”

  “Trust me, don’t ask.” I lay down the bouquet on my counter then run my hands through Nick’s wet, messy hair. “So what do you want me to do?”

  He shrugs. “Whatever you want I guess.”

  “Well in that case.” Reaching over, I grab the clippers and flick it on high next to his ear.

  He tenses but doesn’t move, his eyes glaring back at me in the mirror. “Nice fucking try. Do it and you’re next.”

  I quirk a brow. “But you said I could do whatever I wanted.”

  “Katelyn.” My name comes out on a growl, making me giggle.

  “Oh calm down, drama queen, I’m just kidding.”

  I would never buzz his hair. Thick and full, the length of it brushing the tops of his collar and over his ears. It can make a girl’s fingers twitch just looking at it. You don’t mess with that kind of perfection. Taking my shears I start trimming, deciding to just do a small cleanup.

  “Do you like living here?” he asks, breaking the silence.

  I nod. “Yeah, I love it. It’s a hell of a lot better than Montana that’s for sure, but I like it even more than Columbia, which is where Kolan first took me. I’m glad I decided to open shop here, there’s just something that feels right about Charleston. Everyone is so friendly and accepting…well most of them. I found the best of friends here, they’re like family to me.”

  My heart grows heavy thinking about Kayla, Julia, and Grace. They’ve been trying to reach out to me the last few days but I’ve distanced myself while trying to sort all this out about Kolan. It’s hard to lean on them when I know their husbands think the worse.

  “It seems like you got a good thing going here.” He gestures to the shop.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  KRE8 has become my life. It’s a place where I thrive and feel good about myself. I’m really good at what I do, and I love making people feel beautiful. I especially love seeing the smile on their faces and the confidence they have when they walk out.

  “Tell me what the name stands for. I’m assuming the first two letters are Katelyn Rae,” he says, talking about my first and middle name.

  “Yep. The E stands for esthetics and the 8 for infinity. Then when you put it all together it sounds like create,” I explain with a proud smile.

  “Very…creative,” he muses with a smirk.

  I chuckle. “Thanks, I was pretty proud of myself when I came up with it.”

  His expression turns serious. “You should be. All of this is quite an accomplishment.”

  I shrug. “Maybe, but I didn’t do it alone. Kolan enrolled me in their esthetics program as soon as we moved to Columbia. Just before I finished was when Papa sold his farm. He gave both Faith and me some money and offered some to Kolan too but of course he turned it down.”

  “Of course,” he says, knowing exactly how my brother is.

  “Anyway, I used mine for this. So without either of them this place wouldn’t have been possible.”

  “I’m sure you would have made it happen even without them.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “I do.”

  My eyes meet his in the mirror. “How?” I ask softly. “You have no idea who I am anymore.”

  “You think I forgot who you are, Katelyn?”

  I stare back at his reflection. “Yeah. I do.”

  How can I not think that? He’s gone seven years without even so much as a phone call, for all he knew I could have been dead.

  The pain from the past comes rushing back hot and fast. I break my gaze from his before I can let the emotions pull me under. I spend the rest of the time cutting his hair in silence. I feel his eyes upon me the entire time but I don’t make eye contact again.

  Once I’m done I brush away the loose hair and take off his cape. “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” I don’t wait for his reply and head out the front door, desperate for the fresh air. As I stand on the sidewalk and wait for him, I take in the long row of shops surrounding me, the hot afternoon sun heating my skin. I wish it could warm me on the inside as much as it does on the outside.

  Nick walks out and comes to stand in front of me, blocking the precious sunlight with all of his male glory.

  “How much do I owe you?” he asks.

  I wave him away. “Nothing. It’s fine.”

  Considering I’m the one who made him book the appointment when he didn’t need it, I figure I’ll be nice and not charge him.

  He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. Taking out a fifty he h
ands it to me but I don’t accept it.

  “Take it, Katelyn,” he demands.

  “I said it’s fine, Nick.”

  A low growl rumbles from his chest, the vibration delivering that needed warmth I’d just been seeking throughout my entire body. “Will you not argue for fucking once today, and just take the damn money.”

  With a glare I rip the bill from his hand and shove it in my jean pocket. His haircut was nowhere near that but the bossy fucker isn’t getting his change with that kind of attitude.

  He exhales a heavy breath. “Listen, I’ll figure out what the hell is going on, okay? I’ll find him, I promise, but in the meantime I need you to stay out of it.”

  “Can’t I come with you?”


  “But I know this place better than you and I know him better. I can show you where he trains and—”

  “Forget it, Katelyn. It’s not happening. I don’t know who or what we’re dealing with here and until I do I don’t want you anywhere near it, understand?”

  As much as I want to argue I know he will be better at finding Kolan than me. “Fine, but then you have to keep me informed… Every second,” I add, poking my finger in his chest.

  “I won’t get shit done if it’s every second.”

  “You can’t expect me to just sit around and do nothing while you play detective. I’ll go crazy. I already am.”

  He runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “All right, look, I’ll call and check in with you as much as I can. For sure every night to let you know if I found anything.”

  “Promise?” I ask.

  “Yes, I promise. Do you promise to back off and let me handle this?”

  I nod. “Where are you going first?”

  “His gym.”

  “Good luck. I already tried that, no one would talk to me.”

  He grunts. “Yeah, well someone’s going to talk whether they want to or not.”

  “Your best bet is probably Victor if you can find him,” I tell him. “He’s Kolan’s trainer and probably the closest one to him. He wasn’t there when I went but maybe he’ll be there today.”

  He nods. “I’ll ask.”

  Things fall silent as we stare at one another. “Okay, well, I’ll be waiting for your updates. I teach a yoga class at—”

  “In Stanton Park at four thirty. Yeah, I know.”

  My eyes narrow. “I see you did your research before you came,” I say, not bothering to hide my irritation.

  “Actually, I’ve known all along.” Before I can ask him what he means he steps closer, crowding me back until my shoulders meet the large window of my salon. My heart pounds in my chest as he leans in, his face so close to mine I can feel his breath, his masculine scent penetrating my senses. “Just like I know this,” he says, pointing to the name that’s on the window next to my head, “used to be Katelyn Rae before you changed it three years ago.” I still in shock, his gaze and words holding me captive. “Just like I already knew you moved to Columbia and took beauty school, graduating top of your class.” My eyes fall closed as his nose ever so slightly drags along my cheek before he brings his mouth to my ear. “The thing is, Katelyn, you think I forgot but I never stopped watching. I’ve always known.”

  All the breath completely leaves my body, making it impossible to breathe. Right when I didn’t think I could be any more shocked he brings his lips to my forehead. “Be a good girl and stay out of trouble. I’ll call you later.”

  With that he walks away, leaving me completely mind blown. As if he didn’t just flip my world upside down, changing everything I thought I knew.



  The past


  I’m just about asleep when the light sound pulls me back to consciousness.


  When I hear it again I glance at my clock and see it’s one in the morning.

  Is she for real?


  At the sound of another pebble hitting the glass I get up and look out my window to see exactly who I expected. My best friend’s little sister who isn’t so little anymore. The same girl who’s been wreaking havoc on my cock the last year. She stands on my lawn, the outside lights shining on her, exposing every beautiful part of her. She wears jean shorts and a white tank top that shows every one of her slender curves.

  The rest of the rocks she had in her hand fall to the ground as she sees me. She gives me a little wave of her fingers. Lifting my window I stick my head out and say the exact same thing I always say when she shows up like this. “You ever heard of using a door?”

  She stares up at me with that seductive smile, one that no sixteen-year-old girl should have. “Where would the fun be in that?”

  Her answer is the same all the time. It’s become somewhat of a game, and although I act annoyed it really doesn’t bother me. Not like it should. However, tonight is much later than usual and it pisses me off that she came out here in the middle of the night by herself.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Sleeping, like you should be.”

  She ignores the comment. “Come sit with me at the creek.”

  “Katelyn, it’s one in the morning.”

  She shrugs. “So.”

  “So? So it’s a school night for you.”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. No school tomorrow.”

  Shit. This is not good.

  Her face falls at my silence, looking like someone just killed her puppy. “Do you have someone up there with you?”

  “What? No,” I say instantly, banishing her doubt.

  If I was smart I would’ve lied and told her yes. Kill her little teenage crush she’s developed with me. But I’ve never been too smart, and the thought of hurting her feelings like that rips my insides out.

  She perks back up again. “Then come down.”

  I hesitate because the more time I’m around her, the harder it is for me to control my dick. Nothing can ever happen with us. I wouldn’t do that to Kolan or her, but fuck, I really like being around her. Which is terrifying because I know better than to let myself feel like that.

  Learned that lesson the hard way.

  “Please, Nick. I don’t wanna be at home right now.”

  I tense at the fear in her voice. “Why? What happened?” If her piece of shit father touched her I’ll kill him.

  “Nothing. It’s just not a good night and Kolan is working. I don’t want to be there alone.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  She smiles, a really big one that makes me feel things I shouldn’t.

  It’s fucking dangerous.

  I grab my shirt off the floor and throw it over my head then grab one of my hoodies for her. Walking out of my room I head out the front door and see Katelyn waiting by the steps with that same smile still on her beautiful face, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She looks exhausted.

  “Hey,” she greets me softly.


  Her smile turns from sweet to sexy. “You didn’t need to put on a shirt on my account.”

  My cock hardens at the flirtatious taunt. I glare at her and she only laughs, thinking she’s fucking hilarious. With a grunt I toss my hoodie at her. “Put this on.”

  “Yes, sir.” She salutes me then throws the hoodie on over her head. All my blood rushes south at the sight of her in my clothes.

  Shit, I’m in so much trouble.

  She lifts her arms up, showing me how big it is on her. “It fits, and I think it looks better on me than you.”

  I shake my head. “Let’s go, smartass.”

  With a giggle she falls in step beside me. We walk most of the way in silence; Katelyn’s head is down, watching her feet. If I didn’t know something was wrong before, I sure as hell do now. The girl is never quiet. She can talk your fucking ear off even if she has nothing to say.

  I’m going to have to talk to Kolan. He’s been working his ass off, saving everything he can s
o when she turns eighteen he can get her out of this town. He could have moved out a long time ago but he won’t leave Kate there by herself, and their piece of shit father threatened to call the cops on him if he took her. As far as I know the asshole hasn’t come near her in years, not since Kolan laid him out the last time. But with him working so damn much who knows what the hell could be going on there.

  But she would tell us, right?

  The sound of flowing water breaks me out of my thoughts. Katelyn drops down on the ground in front of the creek and pulls her knees into her chest. “I love it here so much. It’s my favorite place in the world.”

  That’s not saying much considering she’s never been away from this town, but I have to admit my Pop’s ranch is a pretty cool fucking place. I love it for the privacy it provides.

  When I take the spot beside her she looks over at me, her expression soft. Her long brown hair is pulled into a high knot on her head, wisps of hair escaping and blowing gently across her face. At this moment she looks as innocent as I know she is.

  “Thanks for coming out here with me. I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

  “You didn’t.” I lie. “You going to tell me what happened?”

  She looks away and shrugs. “Nothing happened. He’s just being his typical drunk, asshole self, and tonight I didn’t want to be around it. Didn’t have the energy.”

  “Kate, look at me.” Her dark brown eyes swing to mine, looking sad and tired. “If something happened to you, if he did something, you would tell Kolan and me, right?”

  Silence fills the air as she stares at me, sending alarm to pound through my veins. Until she finally speaks. “Yeah. Of course I’d tell you guys.”

  I watch her carefully, hesitant to believe her when she seems so upset.

  “I promise, Nick. It’s all good.” She tries assuring me again. Pulling the hood of my sweater over her head, she lies down on the grass. Seeing her long, smooth, bare legs on display make me wish I had brought her a blanket. She pats the spot next to her. “Come look at the stars with me.”


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