An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Page 9

by K. C. Lynn

  As I lie down next to her, with my hands behind my head, she moves in closer, resting her head on my chest. It used to scare the fuck out of me when she did this, actually it still does, but I also crave it. I crave to feel her body this close to mine, to have her sweet smell penetrating my senses, but most of all, knowing she’s safe.

  She tilts her head up. “Tell me something no one else knows about you.” It’s not the first time she’s asked me this question, and I know it won’t be her last. When I stare down at her in silence, giving her the same response I always do, she smiles. “One day, Nick, I’ll get you to trust me.”

  No, she won’t. It won’t ever happen, and it makes me feel like an asshole but I’ve trained myself to never allow it. Because what one woman did to me long ago fucked me up, it broke me and taught me never to trust again.

  A yawn escapes her as she burrows in closer. “You know what my favorite part about looking up at the stars like this is?” Her words come out mumbled and sleepy.


  “When you see how big the universe really is, it makes all your problems feel a little smaller.”

  My chest constricts painfully, hating to hear she has any problems. Someone as beautiful as her deserves to be carefree and happy every day.

  Silence rains around us for a few moments, and I quickly clue in to her steady breathing.

  “Kate?” Lifting my head I look down to see her passed out, proving she was as exhausted as she looked. I pull my cell out of my pocket and send Kolan a text, letting him know she’s sleeping here. It dings back a second later.

  Kolan: Is she okay?

  Me: Yeah. Just said she didn’t want to be home without you and fell asleep.

  Kolan: K. Thanks. I’ll pick her up in the morning.

  With that settled I slip my phone back in my pocket then slowly slide out from under Katelyn and scoop her up in my arms before standing. Other than burying her face in my chest, she doesn’t stir. It takes me more time than usual to make it back to the house because I walk extra slow, enjoying the way she feels in my arms.

  Taking her upstairs to my room, I lay her down on the bed then pull the comforter over her. She snuggles into my pillow with a blissful sigh, her face soft and peaceful. The way it always should be. I desperately get the urge to crawl in next to her, dying to know what it would feel like to hold her for an entire night.

  It’s those thoughts and feelings that have me reluctantly walking out and going to the guest room. Knowing she’s safe here will have to be enough because there is no room inside of me for anything else.

  There never will be.



  I pull up to Kolan’s apartment building late that evening. Since I still haven’t heard from Nick, and I’m going crazy, I decided to come check on his place. Maybe even sleep here for the night. Who knows, maybe he’ll come home while I’m there and tell me this was all one big misunderstanding and everything has been resolved.

  A girl can dream, can’t she?

  Yoga was canceled due to the crazy rainstorm that swept through early this evening. It was quick but fierce and the park was soaked. So I ended up staying at the salon and finishing up all the paperwork I’ve been procrastinating doing, all the while waiting for Nick’s call that never came.

  “So much for keeping me updated,” I grumble as I climb out of my Honda Civic. I put my cell phone in my pocket just in case the bastard does end up following through. However, it might be a good thing if I don’t hear from him tonight, my head is still reeling from our encounter today, especially with how it ended.

  “The thing is, Katelyn, you think I forgot but I never stopped watching. I’ve always known.”

  If that’s true then how come he never called? Not even an email or text to just say hey. Why bother checking up on me? And how unfair is it that he knows about my life but I never knew about his? Other than him being an FBI agent, I knew nothing. I didn’t even know he lived in Florida until Pop told me when I called for his number the other day.

  The whole thing frustrates me, but I also can’t deny the warmth that spreads through my chest knowing he didn’t forget about me. That maybe he thought about me as often as I thought about him.

  I rid myself from my conflicted feelings as I enter the swanky apartment building.

  “Hey there, Miss Katelyn,” Cliff, the elderly security guard, greets me from where he sits behind the counter.

  “Hey, Cliff. Any chance my brother came back?” I ask with very little hope.

  He shakes his head, offering me a sad smile. “Sorry, darlin’.”

  I wave away his apology but feel that heaviness in my chest anyway. “It’s all right, I figured. I’m gonna go check on his place.”

  “Go ahead, you call down if you need anything, ya hear?”


  I head into the elevator, my heeled boots clicking on the tile, echoing through the quiet building. I ride up to the fourth floor, checking my makeup in the mirror and give my hair a fluff. At the ping of my arrival I walk all the way down to the end of the hall, pulling my keys from my purse. As soon as I unlock Kolan’s door and step in, my foot connects with something hard.

  What the hell?

  I flick the entry light on next to me and gasp when I see my brother’s apartment in complete chaos. “Oh my god.”

  Couches are ripped apart and flipped over. His television and stereo are smashed to a million pieces. Closing the door behind me I step over the coffee table that I nearly tripped over when I first entered and walk further into the apartment. The kitchen looks the same as the living room. Every drawer and cupboard is pulled out and emptied, all of their contents littered on the floor.

  “Jesus, Kolan. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”

  I pick up a smashed frame on the ground, a picture of the two of us after one of his fights. My heart swells painfully as I run my finger gently along the jagged glass over his face.

  Just as I’m about to walk down the hall toward his bedroom, the sound of several footsteps and voices stops me in my tracks. It’s then the front door gets kicked in with a loud bang. Before I can even register what’s happening I’m grabbed and hauled into the closet I’m standing next to. A hand slams over my mouth just as I scream. Panic grips my chest as I thrash against the arms that restrain me.

  “Stop! It’s me. It’s Nick.” His deep, whispered voice penetrates my fear, instantly sending relief throughout my body, slowing my erratic heartbeat. He brings his mouth against my ear. “You don’t listen worth a shit.”

  I’m just about to spin around and tell him where to go but his arm hugs me tighter when a group of men come barreling through the apartment. I yelp against his hand when a guy is thrown against the closet door we’re behind with a jarring thud.

  “Shh,” Nick warns, pulling us deeper into the corner when the doors open a bit.

  “Tell us what you told Slade’s sister,” a voice demands calmly. My panic escalates to a whole new level when my name is mentioned.

  “I swear I didn’t tell her shit.” I tense when I recognize Vince, his voice gruff.

  Looking through the gap of the cracked open door I see him lying on the floor. Several feet stand around him but I can only see two of the guys and I don’t recognize either of them.

  One of the heavy boots meets his stomach, making him grunt out in pain. “You’re fucking lying because she went to the club last night.” I hear the sound of a gun being cocked. “Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Your choice, Mr. Padalecki.”

  My heart begins jackhammering in my chest, echoing in my ears.

  “I swear I only told her that he was a member of the club, that’s it. I have nothing to do with her. I can’t stand the bitch.”

  “She’s your ex, no?”

  “Hardly.” He spits. “She was just someone I wet my dick with. Until yesterday I hadn’t seen the whore in years.”

  My stomach churns at
the mention of our past, hatred flowing through my veins. Not only for him but myself. For ever being weak enough to be with him.

  “I’m not so sure about that. I heard you beat the shit out of her then Slade ripped you apart for it.”

  I feel Nick stiffen behind me, a thick rage seeping from him. My stinging eyes close as shame washes over me, tears leaking down my face, onto his hand.

  “She’s a fucking liar,” Vince grits out, denying the truth.

  “I guess we’ll find out when we meet with her ourselves.” My heart thunders at the thought. “Thank you for making this easy, Mr. Padalecki, we’re done here.”

  Relief swamps me as I wait for them to leave.

  “Fuck!” Nick curses with the faintest whisper, his other hand covering my eyes at the same time a shot fires off. I flinch even though the sound is a lot quieter than I’d expect it to be. Nick’s hand strengthens around my mouth as a scream escapes me and my knees weaken. “Shh,” he breathes out in my ear.

  I can’t breathe.

  I desperately need air.

  “Dump the gun in the dumpster behind the building. Boss wants to make sure cops find it.”

  “Why the hell would he want that?” another guy asks.

  A moment of silence stretches out. “Because it’s registered to Slade and he was the last to touch it. So the prints will say.” The amusement coming from the man’s voice makes me both furious and terrified. “If he does make it back here before we find him, he’ll be finished anyway.”

  What the hell is going on?

  “Let’s go. We’ll hit the bitch’s house next. Just remember what the boss said—keep her alive. It may be the only way to get what we need.”

  My entire body begins to tremble. I wish more than anything the darkness surrounding my vision would swallow me whole and make me disappear.

  At the sound of the door closing, Nick lets his hand go slack from my mouth but still keeps the other over my eyes. I suck in lungfuls of air while terror tries robbing me of every inhale. “Oh god, oh god.”

  “Shh,” Nick soothes in my ear. “It’s okay, baby. Deep breaths.” A hard sob racks my chest. “Katelyn, listen to me. I’m going to remove my hand and walk us out of here. Don’t look down. Do you understand?”

  I nod because I can’t speak. Nothing in the world could make me look down, I don’t want to see what I know is there. Just the thought has bile rising in my throat.

  Nick’s arm tightens around my waist as he lifts me off my feet and walks us out of the closet. I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel him step over Vince.

  Oh god, Vince is dead.

  My brain is having a hard time comprehending what just happened. Once he places me back on my feet I open my eyes to see we’re in the living room. Nick comes to stand in front of me, his hands cupping my face. “You good? You okay?” he asks, staring at me in concern.

  I shake my head. “They’re coming for me. They want me. Why? Where’s Kolan? What’s happened?” All the questions come spewing out the same time another sob threatens to choke me.

  “Katelyn, listen to me. Nothing is going to happen to you. We’re going to—” He stops abruptly then covers my mouth again, silencing my harsh breathing. That’s when I hear it—footsteps coming back down the hall.

  Nick pulls his gun then quickly ushers me to the patio door. We make it outside just as we hear someone enter again. I’m crowded into the corner of the railing and shielded by his body.

  “This is so fucking stupid,” a guy says, sounding a little too close for comfort. “We already searched the goddamn place. Why is he making us look again? I want to go to her house and have fun with the rest of them.”

  “I know, man. Let’s just do the look over one more time then get the fuck out of here.”

  At the sound of more crashing, Nick brings his mouth to my ear. “We’re going to climb down from here. Balcony to balcony.”

  I quickly shake my head. “No, I can’t. I’ll break my neck. I—”

  “Listen to me,” he snaps on a harsh whisper. “We have no choice. We need to get the fuck out of here now. I’ll go first then help you.”

  I deflate with a breath, understanding I have no other choice.

  “It’ll be okay, I promise.” He climbs over the railing with stealth silence then turns around and locks eyes with me. “Don’t hesitate. When I tell you to come, you need to do it and be as quiet as possible. Understand?” As I nod he swings down to the balcony below, with such grace you’d think he was a damn Ninja Turtle.

  I look over the railing and see his outline in the dark. When he gestures for me to go I take a deep breath, then swing one shaking leg over the railing and climb to the other side. My heart pounds in my chest while my stomach clutches painfully in fear.

  “It’s okay. I got you,” Nick whispers.

  I slide down, holding on to the railing for dear life while my legs swing and dangle ungracefully.

  Oh shit!

  “Stop kicking, you’re gonna knock me the fuck out. Especially with those damn boots on.”

  I stop flailing then feel him grab on to my legs and place my boot on the top of the railing next to him. I move my hands a little lower until he finally pulls me right in. I leap at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting go of my imprisoned breath. “Oh thank god. I didn’t think I was gonna make it.”

  He grunts, thinking I’m ridiculous.

  Stepping back, I glare at him. “Sorry, Raphael, we can’t all be Ninja Turtles,” I snap.

  His hard expression softens into a half-smirk while his fingers dig into my hips. “You did good, baby, but let’s move a little faster.”

  “I’ll try,” I grumble, ignoring the flip my tummy does as a result of his endearment.

  He jumps over the railing and swings down easily again to the one below. When I do it I move a little quicker but no less shaky or awkward as the first time.

  “Good job.” Nick lies before moving to the next balcony.

  As I climb over the third time, I hear someone above me. When I look up and realize it’s one of the guys from Kolan’s place on the balcony, talking on his phone, I miss my footing and my hand slips. A squeal of fear escapes before Nick grabs me and hauls me under with him. I slap a hand over my mouth, angry with myself.

  “What the hell was that?”

  Nick moves us out of view into the center of the balcony, and holds a finger to his mouth.

  “What?” the other guy who’s with him asks.

  “I just heard a scream or somethin’.”

  “I didn’t hear anything.”

  I stand as still as possible, not making a sound, when suddenly the porch light comes on. “Shit,” Nick curses just before the door slides open and an elderly woman appears. The old lady’s eyes widen in fear. “Ma’am,” Nick starts quietly. “Please, don’t scr—”

  She screams. Really loud. “Someone, help! Robbers!” she yells, outing us before slamming the patio door and locking it.

  “I told you someone was down there.” My heart stalls in fear at the man’s voice above me. “You go down the stairs I’m going down this way. I’ll meet you at the bottom.”

  “Fuck!” Nick pushes me to the railing. “Go now.” We climb over at the same time but he jumps down first. I hear him hit the ground with hard impact. “Come on! Hurry!” he shouts with urgency.

  I look down to see it’s a lot further than the balconies we just did. “Oh god! Oh shit!” My entire body begins to tremble as I hesitate. I glance up when I hear the guy above jump to the balcony below him, landing a lot louder than Nick and me.

  “Katelyn,” Nick snaps, pulling my attention back to him, “if you don’t get your fucking ass down here right now I swear I’m going to—”

  I let go with a scream, my stomach bottoming out. I kick and flail as it takes forever before I feel the ground, or rather Nick.

  “Jesus christ.” He lets out a grunt and stumbles as he catches me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I apologiz
e, feeling guilty for almost taking him out.

  He doesn’t give me a chance to compose myself before he places me to my feet and pulls me to run with him, making me wish I wasn’t in heels.

  A faint popping sound fills the air and I hear a car window shatter not far in front of us. I duck and let out another scream when I realize it was a bullet.

  “Keep going!” Nick pushes me further then spins around and raises his arm, firing off a shot of his own. This one a hell of a lot louder than the other. “We’re almost there. Don’t stop.”

  A small measure of relief fills me when the lights on his SUV flicker as he unlocks it. Nick covers me as I scramble in then runs over to his side, keeping his gun raised and eyes trained until the last possible second. As he peels away another set of tires screech through the air. Turning around I see an SUV slow, the passenger door swings open just as the guy who jumped down from the balconies dives in. Just as we turn a corner I see them gun it, following us at a high speed.

  “Oh shit, Nick, they’re coming!”

  “Get down!” he orders as we fly through a red light, taking an exit onto the interstate.

  “Get down? Where the hell am I gonna—” I trail off with a scream, ducking when the back window shatters.

  “Fuck!” Nick forces me down until my head is on his lap, my body draped awkwardly over the console. I feel the SUV pick up speed. We swerve as another shot rings out, this one sounding like it came from Nick’s gun.

  Oh god. This is not happening.

  “Goddammit! I need you to take the wheel.”

  “What? Are you kidding me?”

  I am so not cut out for high-speed chases.

  “You have to. It’s the only way I’m going to get a clear shot at them.”

  Taking a deep breath I pull myself together and begin to sit up but Nick holds me down. “Stay low and crawl over me. Once you have the wheel I’ll slide out from under you.”

  I nod and do as he instructed. One hand grabs my hip, helping guide me as I grab the steering wheel. The dark earth whips by us at alarming speed, and I’m thankful to see the highway mostly deserted.

  “Quick, get your foot on the gas and don’t let up.”


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