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The Pleasure Contracts-Contract #1: Temptation

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by Medium McClusky

  He struggled to his elbows and fucked the woman till she turned her head. He kissed her and she opened her mouth and their tongues tangled and danced. She shook him away. “Oh Rory, what are we doing? I want you so badly. I want you to fuck me now. But promise me this, promise me something.”

  Panting, he said, “What? What do you want? I am fucking you now! What else do you want?”

  “Return to me. Fuck me tomorrow, too, please, Rory!”

  “If you promise me something.” He returned, holding himself above her, his cockhead just touching her inner flesh, barely inside her.

  “Anything, what do you want?”

  “You. You have to promise to fuck me tomorrow and Thursday, at least.”

  Dorothy smiled and her pussy jumped up, encasing his cock with her warm, wet flesh. He followed her down, entering her and slicing deeply.

  “Yes, oh yes!” She grunted as he pounded into her. “So much, yes!” She nearly shouted. She gritted her teeth and they began to fuck in earnest, thrashing wildly, colliding with lurid abandon, continuing till each of them climaxed. They subsided into languid contentment and then finally lazy sleep.

  After dark, they woke. Dorothy took hold of him, kissing his neck. She whispered into his ear, “You can take me whenever you want, Rory.” Rory roused and his cock fit into her hand. She stimulated him and he mounted her once more, pounding her hard before he flooded her pussy again. Then they got out of bed, weak from lack of food and limp with exhaustion. She walked gingerly to the bath and he followed. He dressed, smelling of sex. He kissed her hard on the mouth before he left.

  Chapter 8: The Contract

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  At home, he ate ravenously, letting the smell of sex swarm around him. His father was out and so it was just his mother and him. She did not speak but regarded him with unreadable eyes.

  After dinner, when he had showered, his Mom knocked on his door.

  “Honey, can I come in?” He assented and she entered the room to sit on his bed.

  Rory could barely keep his eyes open.

  “I know what is going on, honey. I just want you to know that I am okay with it. No need to be coy. She is....” His mother stopped talking. “I just want you to know I want you to understand that she cannot be seen as your lover without hurting her and you. Please be careful. You should not be over there all the time or people will figure it out.”

  “You think they are not Whatever. What does it matter, I am eighteen.”

  “But still in high school. Some people are just not going to understand. Be careful, is all.”

  “What do you think, Mom?” Rory asked, half asleep or he would not have spoken so. He did not care what she thought enough to stop what he was doing and he knew it but he asked from uninhibited curiosity. He hoped she understood that.

  Kate McQune shrugged. “Love and sex are complicated. I know you’ll be all right. I want to make sure it will be all right for you but I can’t do that. We do things...when we are young...just be sure of the future before you do anything serious with her.” She looked over her shoulder at the door and seemed like she was about to say something more but thought better of it. “She is much older than you are Rory. You are still young.”

  Rory flopped onto his back. “I know, Mom. What is your point?”

  “Son, I married your father....” she stopped and rose. She left the room without another word.

  “Sure, Mom. I will. I’ll be careful.” Rory muttered at the closed door. He wondered about her behavior before falling asleep.

  The next day was brightly arrived before he roused to consciousness again. His first thought when he awoke was his mother’s cautioning comments. He thought about the age difference and concluded that it did not matter at the moment. It was Thursday before he got back to Dorothy, back to her door. She opened it and he took her on the floor just inside the door. She screamed through her orgasm. They returned to bed where they assaulted each other again. He rose and left, despite the desire to linger, to lie against her bare body and kiss her back and neck while she lulled in her post-orgasmic haze.

  He went back Sunday afternoon and she put him to work in the basement. That lasted about twenty minutes. She turned her back to him and he lifted her dress, pulled down her panties. She held still while he pulled them down her legs and then bent over a stack of boxes while he entered her. They coupled fast and furiously for a few minutes before he poured himself into her again. She sat on the boxes watching him as he staggered away from her. She pulled on her panties and made him try to work some more. They worked for another hour before he left her.

  The next weekend his parents went out of town. They called about ten on Friday night to be sure he was fine. He left his house and went to Dorothy’s. He slept with her that night, waking her with a furious fucking before the sun rose. They lounged till ten when he got up and fixed a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast. She was charmed and he fucked her on the kitchen table amidst the dirty dishes. He had some chores his father left for him to do at home but spent Saturday night with Dorothy, taking her over and over again throughout the night and morning. Just when he thought he was satisfied, he would find the tingling sensation twinkling in his body and he would turn to her, stroking her and touching her till she sighed and he found her ready. Her eagerness to be had matched his desire to have her exactly. He mounted her over and over again and each time, she reflected his need, his desire back to him in equally passionate ways.

  For several weeks in July, he visited her often, fucking her two or three times before he left, stepping out into the street with a sort of guilty pride. By August, the haze of lust reduced to a duller version of their desire. She gave him a key and told him to “surprise her” sometime. He was not sure what that meant and arrived one afternoon, slipping in the side door very quietly to find the house empty. The garage was empty. She was out. He was about to leave when he noticed the door to “his” study. Curious he tried the knob and found it open. Inside, he found a room, filled to the gunnels with file cabinets, a desk all surrounded by stacks of magazines and books, papers and computer disks. A computer sat on the desk. He sat in the leather swivel chair. The room was covered in a coating of dust, even the wooden floor which showed his tracks. He opened the pencil drawer and nosed through the papers. One document caught his attention; it was upside down in the drawer so he saw the title line first: A Contract for Sexual Pleasure.

  Curious, he pulled it free from the drawer and flipped through the seventeen-page document. He noticed the second time looking at the first page, it had a signature line. In black ink, it was signed, Dorothy Sawyer. In green, “Hannah” had been signed to the end of the line, squeezing it in. The first line of the page, under the heading read, “The Undersigned agrees to provide her body for his use to the bearer of this contract with the restrictions, provisions and requirements as outlined in the following addenda under the following conditions:” below which was listed a numbered list of items.

  The Articles of Pleasure

  1.The bearer of this contract may demand and expect satisfaction of any sexual demand upon presentation of this contract to the undersigned.

  2.The bearer in turn, agrees that all actions taken under the aegis of this contract shall result in providing the undersigned sexual pleasure.

  3.The purpose of this contract is to provide the undersigned a coherent method to grant ownership of her sexual pleasure to the bearer of this contract.

  4.The undersigned agrees that this contract will be a bearer contract, affording anyone presenting this contract to the undersigned the expectation of satisfaction of his sexual demands of her within the limits defined in the contract’s addenda.

  5.This contract may be renegotiated by either the bearer or the undersigned upon mutual agreement.

  6.The undersigned has the right to demand the return of this contract if any action taken by the bearer does not result in providing her sexual plea

  7.This contract will be immediately canceled should the undersigned refuse the bearer any sexual request whatsoever.

  8.The undersigned agrees not to cancel the contract so long as the bearer provides her with sexual pleasure.

  9.This contract may not be enforced in any way by the bearer but will be considered to be in force so long as the bearer retains the contract, regardless of how he comes into possession of it.

  The signature line at the bottom of the first page where she signed was explicit and clear:

  UNDERSIGNED: Dorothy Sawyer – Hannah ______________________________________________________________

  does agree to this contract and the provisions in the addenda with the understanding that this contract is for the express purpose of providing sexual pleasure at the whim and care of the bearer. The bearer will own the sexual pleasure of the undersigned and may direct her as desired upon presentation of the contract.

  A yellow sticky note was stuck to the first page with a single word written on it with a question mark: Renegotiate?

  Rory flipped through rest, his heart hammered in his chest. The other pages were headed “Addenda” with headings like “Irretrievable Aspects of Sexual Pleasure”, “Sexual Profile” and “Sexual Wish List”. He scanned the details listed there.

  The contract described her sexual history, when she lost her virginity. What sexual positions she liked, if she allowed the holder of the contract to make her pregnant or not, who could know about the contract, what sexual activities she liked. He noted with interest she listed “watching” as one of her desired options. The last provision, however, stated that the bearer could do anything and everything at least once and the contract would not be voided, if the undersigned initialed it. Dorothy had placed her initials there.

  The feeling that he was invading her privacy overcame him and he slid the contract back into the desk and left the room, acutely aware that should she open the door, she would see his tracks in the dust. He went home and mowed the yard. That night he went out with friends whom he had neglected but he was distracted. They went to the movies and then had a pizza. He was quiet, thinking about the contract, with Mrs. Hannah’s signature on it. After a couple days, he realized he was intimidated. Several things she listed as requests he had never done and had only read about but never considered them something people actually did, except for the faux eye of the camera for porn films. The contract noted that she liked to be spanked without details about how or when or why, just a naked little check mark beside the option for a “sound spanking on the ass or thighs” with no minimum number.

  Chapter 9: Negotiation

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  For a day or two he avoided visiting Dorothy, vaguely afraid she would know something had happened, that something was up. He thought he knew himself adequately well and presumed if she questioned him, he would ‘fess up to everything and plead for forgiveness. On the third day, he realized that she might not read this in him, and sauntered over to her house to see, or to take her again. He was not entirely clear on his motivations. He felt uneasy, on edge. At the door his muscles twitched.

  Mrs. Hannah answered the door with a slight smile and a sort of dip of her head. “Hello, Rory.” She said softly. Instead of touching her, he eased past her into the dim interior of the house, the burnt light created shadows in the mid-August afternoon. He heard her close the door. He wanted to take her, but something held him back. He walked into the dining room and sat at the table.

  “Would you like something to drink?” She asked, still speaking softly.

  Rory nodded and when she returned with Pepsi on the rocks for them both, he took his glass and sipped at the brittle cold liquid. “Thank you, Mrs. Hannah.” He said.

  Mrs. Hannah sat down. “Mrs. Hannah, is it?”

  “I have been thinking, Mrs. Hannah.” Rory started.

  “I have too, Rory.” Dorothy said. “Are you playing football again this year?”

  Rory nodded. “I doubt I’ll play much. I am a good safety but the guy in front of me on the depth chart is better, though I am faster.” And just like that, she deflected him and his thinking. He noticed but the mixture of chagrin and relief left him unable or unwilling to intervene in his own behalf.

  “When does practice start?”

  “Next week.” Rory said, thinking with some distaste about returning to school. For some reason, his mind drifted through the terms of her contract and then he was thinking about her, face down on the table while he fucked her from behind, with the drapes open. Anyone cruising by could see in, sort of, dimly; whatever they would see would be so shocking, so utterly surprising, the conscious mind would likely not register it.

  “Are you going to want to keep seeing me?” Mrs. Hannah asked.

  Rory glanced over at her. “Excuse me? What did you say?”

  “I asked if you wanted to stop seeing me. High school is or can be fun. You might find a girl you like and then what? Are you going to date her and take me on alternate nights? Will you pledge fidelity to her knowing full well that if you knock on my door, I will let you into my house? And once there, if you wish to take me, I will let you, full of desire for you to do just that. Will you kiss your girlfriend chastely on the lips while thinking of having your hard cock buried in my mouth or pussy?”

  Mrs. Hannah lifted her glass, she sipped from it. Her lips seemed to caress the rim of the cold glass. Her tongue emerged from between them and licked the beads of cola from the edge. Rory watched her but then pushed his mind into gear, pushing a hand at his hardening cock. “That would be a little awkward, I think.” He said. He finished his drink and sat it down. He stood up, pushing the chair back loudly.

  Mrs. Hannah did not tip her head to look up at him, but sat staring forward before she lifted her eyes, otherwise motionless. She did not speak but sipped again from her glass.

  “How could I do that? Have a girlfriend or date girls from school while I was screwing you?” As he spoke, he felt his stomach lurch. On one hand, he did not like the idea of losing this woman, losing access to her body. On the other, it would be distinctly uncomfortable for him to go without dating for any period of time. Then he smiled. “I do not want to stop seeing you, Dorothy.” He moved around the table to stand behind her chair.

  Dorothy did not look back at him but remained seated, sipping from the glass, holding it with two hands while her elbows remained planted on the table. She shivered when his hands dusted the bow of her shoulders.

  Rory massaged her lithe shoulders. Her head slowly bowed. She sat the glass down and stretched her arms out beside it, bowing her body over the edge of the table. If it was possible to sit in submission, she did. Rory kneaded the cords of her back. “If I dated a girl from school, Dorothy, I do not think I would be able to keep from fucking her.” He hesitated. “How would you feel about that?”

  Dorothy lifted her forehead off the table and turned her head. She moaned a little as his fingers rubbed over the planes of her back. “I do not know what to say.” She whispered.

  “Stand up.” Rory said, matching her whisper with one of his own but he kept a hand firmly between her shoulders.

  She did not lift off the table against his pressure but tried to get to her feet, raising her ass only. Rory moved to the side and pulled the chair from behind her. She stood from the waist down but her torso remained nearly flat on the fine wooden table. “Oh.” She groaned when Rory slipped a hand onto her thigh.

  She wore white shorts with a backless, yellow blouse which revealed her delicate back, tied at her neck. Rory felt between her legs and found her pleasingly bare. His finger stroked the lips of her pussy and her body shuddered.

  “Rory!” She hissed when his finger entered her. His other hand lifted her waist a little, enough to allow him to unbutton and unzip her shorts. His hands left her body long enough to pull them down her taut thighs. She shivered.

  Rory opened his pants and positioned himself be
hind her. “Do you think anyone can see us, through the window?” He asked, brushing the head of his cock against her damp skin.

  “Ugh.” Dorothy grunted. She shook her head. “I, I, I don’t, don’t, don’t, do not think so. Oh, put it in me!” She cried when he swabbed her pussy with his cock the second time. Her back arched and her pussy gaped before him.

  Rory pressed his cock between the lips of her pussy and entered her, very, very slowly.

  “Oh sweet god!” He grunted as her body bloomed and allowed him entrance. Her clasping flesh seized his cock and he felt a small contraction in her inner muscles and he thought she was sucking him into her body. He pulled back against that inner suction. The sound emitting from their bodies made it difficult for him to breathe.

  When the cock head ceased touching her pussy, Dorothy groaned, “No.”

  Holding his cock with one hand, Rory placed his other hand on her back, just above the crease of her ass. “Dorothy, tell me, how would I date a girl while I was fucking you?” He asked.

  “I, I think, think you would have to, to, to fuck her. Duh, do you love her?” She asked, panting. Dorothy rocked backwards, her body shifting, her pussy questing for the cock she knew was near. Rory avoided her attempt to fit the lips of her cunt around the head of his cock again.

  “Love her? I don’t know. I want to fuck her. If she wants to fuck me...I would have to do it in the car with her. That does not sound like much fun now that I have been inside you on the bed.” As he said “inside” he touched his cock to her pussy and pressed into her quivering body again.

  “Oh yes!” Dorothy hissed.

  Rory shoved his cock completely into her and then pulled out of her again.

  “No.” Dorothy cooed tensely.

  Rory reentered her, grasping her by the hips and forcing his cock deep into her, crunching their bodies together.


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