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The Pleasure Contracts-Contract #1: Temptation

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by Medium McClusky

  They had miscalculated, both of them, in the dark of night they managed to forget the next week was Thanksgiving week. For Rory, it introduced an element of uncertainty into his life because, since they had not discussed it, he did not know if Dossy would actually be home. Nor, when it finally occurred to him that it was Thanksgiving, did he even know if Lisa was going to be home. Lisa left Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving Day with her mother and returned, contrary to previous agreements, Friday because of her private desire to once again help Rory take off her shirt. A fact she shared with him at school before she left, clearly stating her intention to “fuck you when I return” in exactly those very certain, most uncertain terms.

  Rory’s Thanksgiving was a quiet affair but he possessed a throbbing anticipation which seemed to make his body feel just a few millimeters larger than his actual skin. The tension made it difficult to get comfortable and made him awkward and he said many stupid things. Fortunately, it was a quiet day of football and Friday he had to go shopping with his mother, starting at five o’clock in the morning. Despite himself, he found himself sorting through the myriad of breathless, excited women and undressing the most notably beautiful or the unaccountably attractive in his mind which served him throughout the exhausting day, despite the tendency to give him erections. He noticed that beautiful women never pulled their shirts off in the aisles to try on the sale priced blouse. Fortunately, his mother was not prone to such financial effusiveness so when the day ended, they were both exhausted and Christmas was mostly completed for them both because, despite himself, he could not help buying a few things, some surreptitiously in anticipation of his desire to have gifts he did not want his mother to know about.

  Chapter 13: Both

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  Saturday came finally and he drove to pick up Lisa, without a prior phone call and hearing nothing from her. She answered the door and hurried him down the steps without explanation, thanking him profusely for arriving on time because holidays made her parents both crazy and they either took it out on each other or on her and she could not tell which was worse.

  His mother’s car had a fold up center armrest, which being “fold down” meant it would also “fold up”. Lisa folded it up and sat next to him, against him, with a hand casually coasting up and down the length of his thigh. They had hor d’oeuvres and agreed no other entree was needed so skipped to a light chocolate mousse. On the way to the car, Lisa took firm hold of his arm, squeezing it against her breasts and asked, “Where to now, Mr. Galahad?”

  Rory looked at her and smiled, “Where I Galahaded you before.” He said.

  Lisa screwed up her face as though she bit into something exceedingly sour. “That is awful.” She groaned but then laughed and they were silent the rest of the way to the car. He kissed her at her door, holding her by the shoulders and fitting his lips over hers carefully and firmly. “Miss Ashley, is it correct to understand that you, that I, that we...” he stopped, suddenly thinking of Dossy and not sure what he felt about it. Lisa opened her eyes and stared questioningly at him.

  “Yes, Galahad? Were you saying something?”

  He opened the door without a word and she got into the car. She showed him a lot of leg, nearly revealing her current panty-state and he imagined the feeling of being inside of her while wondering if he was being watched, if Dorothy’s eyes were seeing him sinking into Lisa’s plush, eager body. He was instantly hard, despite the ambiguity about Dorothy’s actual presence. It was Thanksgiving after all.

  Rounding the car, he felt miffed that he knew nothing more of Dorothy’s family than he did, of her past or her circumstances beyond her departed husband...and, of course, the contract for sexual pleasure. The contract reinforced his arousal and when he entered the car, strapping himself into the driver’s seat, Lisa’s hand found his exceedingly stout prick. She stroked it delicately all the way to Mrs. Hannah’s house.

  The garage opened and as soon as he could see that it held no car, Rory felt the last bit of defined uncertainty vanish. He drove in and closed the door. Lisa was out of the car and at the door to the kitchen before he got his door open. She had disappeared into the dark house before he got to the door and she was nowhere to be found in the main part of the house. Rory stopped and listened. He heard the thump of Lisa’s boots, one then the other, as they dropped to the floor and a moment later, the vague squeak of the bed as she crawled onto it. Then the house was quiet.

  He listened to the silence for a while, waiting. He found two wine glasses and carried them into the bedroom. Lisa turned on the light, stretching from under the covers to turn it on. For a moment, her female form was outlined against the dark sheets, her breasts silhouetted perfectly as she twisted and reached. The light came on and she appeared, nude on the bed, her legs and crotch covered, her breasts and belly visible. She hunched down and seeing the wine glasses her eyes lit up.

  “Do you think we should? Drink their wine, I mean?”

  Rory sat down the glasses and got onto the bed, putting one leg over her waist and bending to kiss her. The kiss got away from them and she started to unbuckle his belt before he broke away and got off the bed. Panting, he said, “I do not know. Let me look around, see what I can find. She, they said I could “help myself” so I think it’s okay.”

  He wondered if Dossy was in the house. The thought made his heart thunder. He glanced down at Lisa and she put her hands under her breasts and squeezed them, lifting them and massaging them.

  “Don’t take too long.” Lisa said softly, smiling sweetly. “I might start without you.”

  “Please, don’t let me delay you.” Rory said and turned off the light. “I’ll be right back.” He left the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

  He walked immediately to the door to Ben David’s office and opened it. He knew where Dossy kept her bottles of wine, two shelves in the kitchen fitted for bottles. He turned on the light in the office, vaguely wondering if Dossy was sitting in the darkness there, waiting for the sound of fucking to lure her out into the darkness to try to see his back as he mounted Lisa. The thought filled him with guilt and for a moment, he hesitated. His purpose for being in the office was not to search for Dossy or wine either one. He went to the desk and opened it, lifting the papers there very quietly. At first his curiosity did not allow him to comprehend what he found. But finally he understood the contract was gone. The fact jolted him and the fact of the jolt itself, unnerved him. Lisa waited for him in bed and here he was looking for Dorothy’s contract. He felt light headed. Why was he looking for the contract?

  In the kitchen, he found wine and the cork screw and opened the bottle. He did not particularly like red wine but had little experience with what he did like so it had to do. At that moment, he heard the merest sound of something and then the distinct click of a door latch releasing. He could not see the basement door but presumed she was there, waiting in the basement stairs or below in the darkness, awaiting their arrival. For a moment, Rory thought about shucking the whole thing but Lisa was in bed and Dossy was clearly in the house. The ruse was too far along to end abruptly without consequences he did not like to contemplate. Then again, it made him hard to think about it and just the thought of getting away with it made his heart race. He walked out of the kitchen and through the living room to the bedroom door. He fought the urge to look at the basement door. When he entered the bedroom, he left the door wide open.

  “Take off your clothes.” Lisa said in a voice which seemed to boom in the gloom.

  “Wine, milady?” He responded.

  “Yes, please.” Lisa turned on the light and they both squinted. Behind him, Rory heard the unmistakable sound of a creaking board which, in the old house likely meant nothing but still, he noted it. He assumed it meant a foot was taking weight on the floor somewhere behind him.

  “Let me pour.” He said just to break the silence. He poured them each a partial glass of wine. He did not know Lisa’s tolerance for alcohol
and in truth had little experience himself.

  “Thank you, but not too much. I like wine, perhaps a little more than I should. A toast, good sir!” Lisa held up her glass, half-sitting against the headboard of Dorothy’s bed.

  “To finding a naked woman in my bed.” Rory said, trying to use a normal voice but it sounded very, very loud in his ears, certainly loud enough to hear in the next room. He drank. The wine stung him and brought tears to his eyes. He reached for the light.

  “Leave it on, Rory. I like...the light.” Lisa spoke softly, her voice lilting with invitation.

  Rory hesitated, thinking the spectacle the light would create. His cock throbbed. He sat down his glass and undressed. He felt terribly awkward because Lisa watched him like a hawk, sipping from her glass, fitting her lips to the glass with one motion then lifting the glass to pour the red liquid past her full lips with another distinct action before lowering it. Her eyes remained fixed on him as he disrobed. His cock was painfully hard, catching on slacks and briefs before he was able to stand up, naked. He hesitated then straightened, rather than getting immediately into the bed. He faced the open door and despite himself, he glanced at the outlined darkness made opaque by the light. He could see nothing.

  Lisa sat down her wine glass beside his on the night stand. She slid down into the bed, stretching her arms over her head and crossing her wrists. She looked over at him, turning her head to look over her upper arm. “Well, Galahad?” She said, askance in her voice.

  Rory got onto the bed. The house was warm so he pulled the covers off Lisa’s body and straddled her. He took his cue from her pose, grasping her two wrists in one hand and pinning them over her head. His cock bobbed over her stomach. He bent down and kissed her. Lisa lifted her head to meet his lips and the kiss fired his passion and he felt its roar, like crashing surf, in his veins, filling his ears. Despite himself, through the pulsating passion, he wondered if Dossy was watching, if she would reveal herself to him. The kiss flared and his thoughts stopped. Lisa lifted her hips, pressing her pubis against his ass, trying to open her thighs which his calves and thighs held closed.

  The kiss gave him an inspiration, a thought. He moved up the bed a little and broke the kiss. He continued to move, shifting up Lisa’s body, till his cock arced over her chin. He bent over her, still holding her arms. Her eyes found his and she licked her lips. She nodded a little in that moment of his hesitation so that the pause itself served as a polite question.

  “I swallow. I will swallow you.” Lisa whispered. She bent her head and kissed the part of his cock she could reach. She pulled her hands free of his grasp and one delicate hand bent his cock down to her lips. She kissed it, sending a thrill through his body.

  His body lurched and for a moment, he thought he would splatter her face with an instant orgasm. He mastered himself, thinking that he had neglected to masturbate but a quick blow job would make his next move more...his thinking ended when Lisa bent her head further and took his cock head into her warm mouth. Rory groaned. He closed his eyes and found a vision of Dorothy in this bed, nude and quaking with orgasm. His fucking brain could not seem to ever be on the right channel!

  He tangled his fingers in the lattice of the headboard and leaned forward. Lisa scooted up to change the angle and his cock sank further into her mouth. She sucked it in, then sealed her lips around his shaft and sucked hard again. The pressure startled him. She pushed her head down his shaft till he felt the back of her throat against the tip of his cock. Her tongue wrapped round his cock and found the head. When it touched his cock head, his whole body jerked and he erupted into her mouth.

  Lisa moaned as he ejaculated the first time, an elongated flexion as the first wave hit him. He clung to the headboard and then the climax quickened and he pumped over and over again into her mouth. Lisa sucked and swallowed by turns, pulling his cum from his body. Fingers caressed his balls and tickled his thighs. When it was past, he sagged over her. While she sucked and swallowed the remainder of his cum, he shivered and shuddered, clinging to the headboard till he could not stay upright any longer. He slumped to the side and like a half-full sack of grain, slipped off the bed onto his knees on the floor, leaving one arm draped across her middle.

  Lisa sat up and gulped the last of her wine. She bent over him and found the bottle and poured more. She gulped some of that and looked down off the bed at him. Rory sat with one cheek on the edge of the mattress, watching her, taking in the sway of her breasts and the smooth, perfect line of her neck. He wanted to fuck her, to mark her, to mount her and take her but his body felt pliable, rubbery and unruly in the clutches of his clumsy will. He felt these things and had some confidence his destiny on that night would match exactly that but first, he had something in mind.

  Rory sat for a few minutes, regaining his strength, breathing deeply and wondering if words would ever return so he could speak something more eloquent than “oh fuck” which was what seemed to be offered by his brain whenever he got round to considering speaking. But behind that, like a backdrop on a mammoth stage, he thought of Dorothy, wondering if she could see them and considering how best to eat Lisa so that Dorothy could watch.

  “Just a minute.” Lisa said as she slipped past him into the bathroom. She reemerged a moment later with a warm cloth with which she bathed his face as she sat beside him, her thigh pressing against his shoulder.

  Rory roused then, getting to his knees. He looked up at Lisa and she was staring down at him. He put a hand on her nearest knee and pulled her legs apart. She shifted and lifted her ass, leaning back onto her hands. Rory got between her knees, on his knees and opened her thighs further.

  “Oh, oh yes, Rory. Will you? Do you? Can you?” Lisa breathed. When he kissed her knee, stroking her calf, she groaned. When he ran his tongue up the swell of her thigh towards her pussy, she sighed. He moved to the other knee and repeated his actions with much the same response. Then abruptly, he looped his arms under her knees and pulled her body forward, pulling her ass to the edge of the bed. The action unbalanced her and Lisa slumped to the bed. She widened her legs. Rory rose up and gazed down at her curly blond pubis. He touched the protruding lips of her pussy with a finger. Lisa gasped. He pulled the lips gently apart with his fingers and she grunted. Her hips flexed, trying to lift her body but she had little leverage and succeeded only in tensing her body. When his tongue touched her skin, the bare lips low on her pussy, she gasped again, turning whatever word she might have been trying to speak into an effusion of breath. He dragged his tongue up the crease of her cunt, licking her slowly and carefully.

  Lisa shuddered. An inner motion shook her body and she cried out, “Ah!” The moan rattled in her, hitching and catching as she exhaled it.

  Rory kissed around her pussy, down onto each thigh and then deep into her crotch, up the side of each lip, breathing over her clit. She shivered and shook, her body trying to manipulate to touch his tongue or lips but without direction or good prognosis of where he was going to touch her next. Lisa panted, gasping for air. Her body struggled to move but with his arms under her thighs, holding her feet off the floor, she had little control.

  When Rory fit his lips onto her pussy and kissed her, Lisa shrieked. When his tongue entered her, she groaned, her hips surging up at him. When he thrust his tongue deeply into her, a hand grasped the back of his head and held him in place while her hips pressed her pussy hard against him. She sought to close her thighs but he held against her. He curled his tongue and pulled it out of her, scrapping along the top surface of her inner flesh. Lisa grunted and suddenly she was screaming and bucking. The sudden onslaught caught him by surprise and he had to sit back while holding her thighs apart. Lisa strained to close her legs but he held firm. It was at that moment when he glanced up, peering past her heaving breasts that he saw the faint outline of someone at the door.

  “Oh god, Rory, don’t stop! Please! Please don’t stop! Eat me! Lick me, kiss my cunt! Oh, fuck!” Lisa’s voice was ragged with passion and pleadin
g. Her hand reached for him but found only his arm and pulled at it. Her other hand was extended up past her head and seemed to be knotted in the covers bunched behind her.

  Rory lowered his mouth and ran his tongue around the rim of her pussy again. Lisa bucked under him, her voice a wail now, interrupted by slurping gasps as she tried to gather enough air. He sealed his lips over her sex and sucked, piercing her with his tongue repeatedly. The moment exploded about him. Her hand found his head and sought to hold him in place and even without leverage, her body managed to pound up at him, thrusting and heaving while she convulsed into a huge orgasm.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” Lisa chanted. Her voice getting higher with each syllable till it dissolved into a screech the scraped at the walls like fingernails. Rory kept his mouth fixed to her pussy, his tongue probing her and scraping along the inside reaches of her cavity. For a moment she tensed and then her body released and she dropped back to the bed.

  “Rory, Rory, fuck me. Now. Put your cock in me, now, please. Hurry! Oh Rory, I need you inside me. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Lisa babbled. Her body seemed to move without rhyme or reason, escaping her control and twitching with the pangs of her need.

  Rory rose up, lifting her heavy legs, he directed his cock at her pussy and entered her. Lisa screamed as he plunged into her, encountering tight resistance when he was about half embedded in her body. He withdrew and shoved back into her. He gained a little. He repeated the motion and Lisa bucked under him. He had hold of her legs but found the position awkward. He withdrew and stepped away from her, climbing past her legs to get on the bed. Lisa followed him with her crotch, moving to the middle of the bed and opening her body like a great orchid. Rory got between her legs and mounted her again. Lisa stretched her arms past her head. Rory bent to take a nipple into his mouth, turning his head again. He saw Dorothy clearly, standing just out of the doorway, her face staring intently at them. Rory closed his eyes and thrust into Lisa’s quaking body again, this time sinking further into her milky, steaming depths. He knotted one hand in her mane of thick hair and pulled her mouth to his. Lisa lifted her legs. Rory took the hint and looped his arms under her knees again and bent the girl double. He pulled away from her and then slammed his cock into her again.


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