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Under the Influence: A Second Chance Mafia Romance

Page 15

by Nikki Belaire

  I kiss my wife’s gorgeous shoulder and caress her swollen stomach. My son’s awake early too. Two big kicks before he flips. I turn over myself and lift Hope high into the air. Rewarded with her innocent, joyous giggling and an accidental smack in the face with a book I’ve only read a million times before.

  She bounces a few times before snuggling in between us. Content and relaxed as I start the story. Interrupting me to point out the duck and the cow and the horse. I tickle her little round belly. “Who’s reading this? Me or you?”

  Falling back onto the pillow, she rolls side to side hysterical with laughter. Egging on more shrieks from Chryseis’s fingertips wiggling under her tiny neck. Nothing more beautiful than the three of them. Here with me. Filling my bed and my heart. Happy. Safe. Together.

  Proving beyond a doubt, despite how much I’ve fucked up in my life, I’ve finally done something right.

  The End.

  I lift my hips, welcoming him as he crawls up my torso, coating his stomach with my arousal, after his lavish attention between my legs. Savoring his slick body sheathing mine again, I coil around him, breathing in his clean scent. Saturated now with the heady musk of our love making.

  Fine beads of moisture dapple his forehead. Glistening on his olive skin, glowing from the burgeoning golden light streaming through voile sheers that drape the vast windows. Drenched from exertion. Shaking from the struggle of his self-imposed restraint. So tender as he moves inside of me. Always cautious. Forever gentle.

  His huge hand cups the side of my face as he planks over me. The titanium band circling his finger diffuses coolness against my flushed cheek. Resting on his bulging forearm, colorful ink curving across the corded muscles, he thrusts slowly yet decisively. With his warm lips brushing my ear, goose bumps sprinkle across my shoulders from his murmurs of love and perfection and beauty. Of his gratitude for finding me. Unaware I’m the one who’s beyond blessed to have found him.

  “I missed you, sunshine.”

  Shivers engulf me from his husky voice. Raspy with desire. All of his earlier grogginess evaporated once his fingers swept over my nakedness and found the wetness only he coaxes from my body. Yet, I manage a small laugh despite my panting. Wrapping my legs tighter around his flexing hips to pull him deeper. Which I know isn’t possible with our size difference. I’m already stretched full, overflowing with him. Raw and powerful. But I want him. I need him. All of him. “We made love three times yesterday.”

  He raises his head, making me miss the magic of his tongue on my throat. Overwhelming me with the intensity of his hooded gaze.

  “I just can’t get enough of you.”

  I run my fingers through his damp hair and tug the coarse, black strands. Loving how he nestles into my palm caressing down his jaw. Stroking the angular line, a physical reflection of his relentless determination. With me and everything else. “You’ll be bored with me in a month.”

  The lust flaming in his eyes roars into possession, and he actually growls at me. Gruff and rumbling in his massive chest. Displeased with my suggestion. Of my implication that eventually his desire for me will fade.


  My scheming works, driving him to finally abandon his unnecessary self-control. Pounding into me mercilessly now. Just the way I love. A hiss of pain coils through the pleasure from his fingertips digging into my thigh, angling me better so he can grind harder into my throbbing core. Hitting the sensitive spot deep inside me so perfectly the sensation’s almost unbearable.

  Quick as lightening I’m there and jerk against him. Involuntary spasms rock me as I clench tighter around him. Chasing the ecstasy fluttering in my belly, breasts, and hips. Unable to speak, my mouth latches onto his neck. Sucking in the taut skin. Powerless to say the words to tell him I’m gone. Overwhelmed and convulsing from the sheer pleasure surging through me.

  But, of course, he already knows. Well aware of what he does to me. Of his effect on me. A few last pumps, and I’m bursting with his release. So much and so hard, the hot liquid streams down my legs, pooling between our coupled bodies almost instantly. His solid frame rigid as he groans my name into my hair tangled around his fist.

  After a few seconds, his beautiful green eyes blink open, the amber flecks even more prominent, darkened with concern, and he peppers me with soft kisses. Almost as if he's apologizing. Fearful he's hurt me with his furor. Searching my face for absolution he doesn’t have to seek.

  When I smile against his lips, all the uncertainty vanishes from his expression, and his shoulders soften as he settles into the crook of my neck. Then, he holds me. So reverent and loving. Unlike the stories I hear from my girlfriends, of their husbands rolling off of them, swearing and sighing, boasting how good it was.

  But not Drake. He makes me feel like the queen to his king. Worshiped and adored. Pampering me physically, emotionally, financially. Almost frightening how devoted he is. Because, as much as I want to, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to show him enough that I love him too. Probably even more than he loves me.

  So lacking and inadequate, I hug him tight. A futile attempt to somehow convey the depth of my feelings. "I don't know what I've done to have you spoil me so much."

  “My Dad always told me ‘when you find a good girl, marry her.’ I knew you were perfect the moment I saw you. So that’s exactly what I did.”

  The cocky smirk that steals my breath, causing me to squirm underneath him, illuminates his handsome face. Getting me drunk all over again from his sexy confidence. Just like that night. Wasted on gin and lust and contentment from the realization everything I desperately needed was right in front of me.

  I trail my fingernails across the defined muscles of his broad back, before scratching down the nape of his neck. “I remember. You were talking marriage. I was thinking restraining order...”

  Now he chuckles from my teasing. Rewarding me with a calloused hand sliding from my waist to my breast. Thick fingers rolling my nipple. Both of us mesmerized by the peak hardening under his thumb brushing over and over the pink nub. Electricity sears me from his fingertips to straight between my thighs. My hips writhing of their own accord. Suddenly aching to feel him inside me once again.

  “Nothing will ever keep me from being with you.”

  From any other man, his veracity might sound creepy. Almost threatening. But with Drake, his words wrap around me. A thick cocoon of warm comfort. Safe and reassuring. Soothing me with the knowledge I'll never be alone. That he creates my family now.

  Because I know. Just like he does. I can't live without him either.

  “Besides, I didn't hear you calling for help when my tongue was buried deep in that gorgeous pussy, lapping up your sweet juices.”

  Warmth burns my face, even hotter than the fire igniting inside me from him rolling us over, hovering my hips over his ready length. A reminder of my first exposure to his immense strength, pushing me up the textured wall, where my best friend Trish’s ivory gown had hung only hours before. A symbol of her new beginning, never realizing as I carefully wove the silk ribbons crisscrossing her back, that the best part of my life would be starting that day too. "Well, a bet is a bet."

  An intense blush spreads across her already rosy cheeks. Remembering, like I am, the first time I tasted her. Touching her where no other man had ever touched her before. Or ever will. My dick jerks from the thought. Like a radar pointing up to her heaven floating above my straining body.

  Starved without the feel of her surrounding me, I glide her down onto my hungry cock. Eager as I am to own her again after ten long minutes without her. Unable to accept all of me, she leans forward. Her slender fingers and magnificent tits splay across my chest. Cloaking us in the sweeping curtain of her untamed hair. A Cheshire grin playing on her plump lips.

  "Although, I still have my suspicions you lost on purpose..."

  God, I fucking love this side of her. When the spunk breaks through her shyness. Which is one of the fucking sexiest things about her. Even
more so when I’m the one to coax the playfulness out of her. I pretend to mull over her accusation while I help her ride me. The silky skin of her narrow hips tingles under my palms. Long, slow strokes that elicit a breathless gasp from her pink lips, driving a hard shudder through her arching torso. “Well, between partying with my brother and his groomsmen, or being alone with you, I will always choose you.”

  Love burns in her eyes from my confirmation, and she tips even closer, kissing me with a fervor I feel all the way to my tightening balls. Well aware what she needs to hear to trust in me. To believe this whirlwind I’ve sucked her into is real. To understand how fucking deadly serious I am about loving her.

  Especially after I came on too damn strong. But fuck me, I knew she was the one, and I had to make her mine. She thought I was drunk, but I’d never been more fucking stone cold sober. So wired from her presence, the adrenaline racing through my veins making my body almost ache to be with her. Especially my ravenous dick. Flying so fucking high from discovering this selfless angel, radiating from her friend’s happiness. Knowing anyone who could be that generous, that elated for some else would bring me the same ecstasy. In my life and in my bed.

  Keeping her in my suite that night, I fucked her for hours with only my fingers and my tongue. Until the next day I flew her to Vegas, married her, and made love to her for the first time as my wife. Just like she deserves.

  I rise up to engulf her glorious body. Missing the way she curls around me like she won’t ever let me go. Instantly molding her fragile softness to my hardness. Her grip as tight as her delicate arms can manage. She almost swallows my tongue, kissing me so frantically. While I glide her sweet pussy up and down every inch of my pulsing length with her heavy tits smashed against my chest.

  As much as I hate it, I break away from her luscious mouth and brush her tiny ear lobe with my lips. Cupping my hand around the graceful curve of her head, I hold her immobile in my merciless grasp. Needing to remind her of my intentions for her. For us. “Your place will always be by my side. I rule this empire for you and the babies you’re going to give me.”

  Only a slight nod with my grip on her so tight. But she hears me. Her breathing erratic as I make her come with my words and my dick. Her rock hard nipples grinding into my pecs. Almost making me lose control when I’m barely hanging on. “This is where you belong. With me. In this house. As my wife and the mother of my children. My every thought and action will be spent keeping you safe and making you happy.”

  So fucking quiet, she doesn’t say a word as she explodes around me. Flooding my balls and thighs with her silent release. That’s why I almost always fuck her face to face. Not only because she’s fucking beautiful. God damn is she beautiful. Fucking luminous from the light shining within her innocent depths. Forever smiling her stunning smile. Unwavering and absolute. Like it's actually possible I can really create such joy in her.

  But her silence means I have to see her expression. To ensure I’m only pleasuring her. Because I would put a bullet in my own fucking head if I ever hurt her. If I ever did anything to steal the smile from her sweet lips.

  My pulse races, pounding in my ears harder than her heart thundering against my skin. With her pussy milking me, I can't hold back any longer, knowing her confidence remains unbroken. That she trusts in my promises. In me.

  I palm her cute ass, impaling her down onto my cock, holding her in place while I come. Violent and unrestrained. Buried as deep in her as I can. Needing to get her pregnant as soon as possible.

  Although she must be uncomfortable, she doesn’t complain. Allowing me to command her body to use however I want. Which I love. And loathe.

  She has all the makings of the best fucking submissive I’ve ever seen. So pliant and docile. But, I’ve had that subservience in the past. Plenty of women more than willing to be handcuffed spread eagle to my bed or on their knees desperate to submit to me. Eager to obey my orders no matter how filthy or depraved they may be.

  With Trinity, I want more than bedroom games. More than blind obedience for sexual fantasies. What I desire transcends domination. Or mastery. I require an unconditional possession. Of her body. Of her mind. Of her pure angelic soul.

  Faith, that I've never earned - ever cared enough to earn - from any other woman, glows in her serene gaze. Locked with mine as she straddles me, cuddling on my lap despite my softening cock. A sated smile greeting me when I bend down to kiss her.

  "I love you."

  Fuck me for being a pussy, but my heart soars from her genuine sentiment. No hesitation or duplicity. Just honest. Simple. Heartfelt. I cup her raised cheeks, resting my forehead on hers. "I'm fucking obsessed with you."

  She giggles. Sweet, easy, and untroubled. Thinks I'm kidding, and doesn't argue with my fanatical proclamation. Only snuggles in closer, sparking an inferno in me again with her lips pressing against my shoulder. I caress down her back, reveling in her shiver from my fingertips gliding over the velvet skin, and entwine her dainty hand with mine. Kissing the jeweled bands scratching across my sweaty fingers.

  No need for her to be branded or collared. No proof required to reflect my devotion or commitment to her. It just is. Just exists. Complete and never-ending. I worship her. I live for her. I will continue to kill for her.

  I stroke over the huge rock again. Although I do fucking get off on drenching her in diamonds. Highlighting her own natural beauty. Brilliant and luminescent.

  Yet, she seems impervious to the luxury. To the money and cars and gifts I lavish upon her. Seeming to really only crave me. Desiring my attention and affection. Which I give her absolute and wholeheartedly. With just a single, solitary demand from her in return.

  That she always remembers she's mine. “Infinity.”

  Gentle fingers trace the fresh ink on my chest as she tucks her head into my neck. My last tattoo until she gives me our first child.


  On the Rocks

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  Nikki writes contemporary romantic thrillers and admits to a weakness for alpha males and bad boys, especially ones who can't live without the strong women they love. She spends more time in her characters' lives than her own. But, when she's in the real world, her passions include reading, wine appreciating, running, and spending time with her husband and daughter.

  More books by Nikki Belaire:

  Wine & Whiskey

  Wine & Whiskey: Everything for You

  Truth About Tequila

  Truth About Tequila: Believe in Me

  Straight, No Chaser

  Connect with her by:

  Joining: Nikki's Naughty Tequilas




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