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His Virgin Angel

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  It meant more to him than ending Ronald’s life.

  She didn’t speak as he touched her pussy. Spreading her open, he stared into her eyes, as he stroked over her pretty clit. Piper gasped, arching up. Circling her clit, he dipped down to do the same to her entrance, never penetrating her.

  When his fingers were coated in her cream, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, covering his shaft with her.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.


  Reaching over her head, he grabbed a pillow, and pushed it beneath her hips. The angle helped to spread her open.

  “This is all for you,” he said.

  Lowering himself down, he held her open with his fingers as he swiped across her clit with his tongue.

  She cried out, speaking his name.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to bite down, creating a little pulse of pain seconds before he slid his tongue over her clit, replacing the plain with pleasure.

  “Oh, wow, oh my God!”

  This was not God’s doing. It was all him, and he intended to make her so addicted to him that no other man would ever lure her away.

  His need to own her shocked him.

  Never had a woman gotten under his skin to the point that he was desperate to keep her.

  He used his tongue, his teeth, and fingers to draw her first ever orgasm. She splintered apart in his arms, and Jack held her, marveling at the look on her face as she experienced pleasure for the first time.

  Bringing her down from her peak gently, he saw the wonder in her eyes.

  “I had no idea it could be like that.”

  “It might not be that way with everyone.”

  “I don’t care.” She touched his cheek, and he licked his lips that still had the taste of her. “That was kind of dirty.”

  “You taste good. More than good.”

  She moved her hand from his cheek, gliding down his chest to his stomach. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “I want to give you that kind of release as well.”

  “I figured you were a virgin in all things.”

  She chuckled. “I am, but in this day and age, it’s hard to stay that way for long. It’s around everywhere for us all to see. We only have to look to find it, and we don’t have to look that hard.”

  “You telling me you’ve seen porn?”

  “I’ve seen enough.”

  Piper wrapped her fingers around his length, and he saw the shock on her face by how big he actually was. The tip leaked pre-cum, and she ran her fingers through it, coating the digits in his cum.

  Jack pulled away and covered her hand with his. “You want to do this, I’m going to show you how to do it right.”

  He tightened his hand on her, showing her exactly how he liked to be held, which was surprisingly tight.

  Slowly, he moved her hand up and down, going from the base up to the tip, then back down again.

  When he was sure she had the right pace, he released her, and watched as she worked his cock. Sliding his thumb against her clit, he started to stroke her pussy once again as she worked his dick.

  “Am I doing it right?” she asked.

  “Yes, it feels so good.”

  “I want to taste you, Jack. Can I taste you?”

  Before he had a chance to speak, she wiggled down on the bed, and had his dick in her mouth.

  “Fuck!” Jack held onto the blanket, closing his eyes, and trying to contain himself as Piper took him into his mouth. Her movements were a little rushed, and he saw she had no experience. It didn’t turn him off though. He found being the only man to be in her mouth, a bigger turn-on.

  He was forty-five years old, and Piper, the youngest lover he’d ever had, was by far his favorite. Shoving all other thoughts out of his head, he focused on her mouth, and the feel of her sucking him. Looking down, he saw her staring up at him as she took his cock deep.

  If she was going to do this, it was going to be done properly.

  Moving off the bed, he pulled out of her mouth.

  “I want to giv—”

  He silenced her with his lips as he bent down, slamming his down on hers in a searing kiss. “Do you want to give me pleasure?”

  She nodded.

  “Then trust me.”

  He eased her to the end of the bed so that she was sitting on it.

  “Now, open those beautiful lips.”

  She opened her mouth, and he pressed the tip of his cock against her. Her tongue peeked out, and he slid his pre-cum covered cock over her.

  When she sucked him in, she released a little moan that only served to arouse him more.

  He pushed deeper, and she took him.

  Wrapping her brown hair around his fist, he controlled her movements by holding onto her. Pumping into her mouth, he stared into her eyes, and knew without a doubt that he’d die for this woman. Piper was more than a friend, or a woman he cared about. She was the woman in his life. The one he wanted to keep for the rest of his life.

  What he didn’t want was for her to find out the truth about him.

  Only when she was ready to take him deeper, he slid to the back of her throat, and watched as she relaxed, swallowing him down.

  It was the sexiest thing he’d seen. With his free hand, he cupped her neck, and groaned as he felt her throat swallowing.

  “When I come, do you want me to pull out? It will spurt. Do you think you can swallow it?”

  She nodded, humming around his length. For a virgin she sure knew how to drive him crazy.

  Thrusting into her mouth, Jack knew he wasn’t going to last. Being her first in everything was taking its toll on him, and with a final plunge into her mouth, he groaned out his release. With his hand still wrapped around her neck, he felt every single swallow as she took him. It was the best experience of his life, and when he came down from his orgasm, he collapsed down, pulling her into his arms.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, he pulled her close.

  “This changes everything now, doesn’t it?” she asked.

  “It doesn’t change us. You belong to me. That’s the difference.”

  They moved onto the bed, and Jack wasn’t going to have it any other way than with her in his arms.

  “How do I belong to you?”

  “No other men, no dates, nothing. I’m going to be all of your firsts. I’m going to show you everything.” He kissed her neck.

  She rolled over so that she was staring at him. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “If I can’t have any men, what is going to happen to all those women you love?”

  He smirked. “Piper, there hasn’t been a woman for me in a long time.”

  “I’ve seen you with them at the restaurant.”

  “They were merely distractions for what I really wanted.”


  “Yes, you.”

  Now he just had to keep the truth of who he really was from her. It shouldn’t be hard to do. In four years she’d never discovered the truth. Everyone was too afraid to spill his secrets. Piper would learn them only when he was ready for her to.

  Chapter Six

  “Is he like a Dad now?” Brian asked.

  “No, he’s not your dad, or our dad.” Piper flipped the pancakes and put them on her brother’s plate. “He’s my boyfriend, but he’s still your friend.”

  “He’s really old though.”

  Brian’s comment made her smile.

  With Jack, Piper never saw the age. She only saw how he made her feel, and after last night those feelings had only gotten stronger. He wasn’t with her this morning, and Brian had come home to have some breakfast, and get his ball. He was going to school with his friend, but wanted to come and see her in the morning.

  She had to get ready for college, and Jack had left long before Brian came home. He’d spent the night, and it seemed somewhat surreal to her that their relationship had taken a big turn, an
d so suddenly. Her cheeks heated just remembering the feel of his mouth between her thighs, or the way he felt sliding down her throat.

  Those kinds of fantasies she’d pushed aside while she coped with being the responsible grownup. They had never gone away, and with her putting them off for so long, it seemed they were back to stay.

  “He’s not that old.”

  Brian ignored her, and she watched as he finished his breakfast before heading out. She escorted him back to his friends before finishing getting ready herself.

  Her cell phone beeped alerting her to a text.

  Jack: I had fun last night. Wish I could stay this morning. Dinner tonight?

  Piper: Can’t. Working.

  Jack: What about after? Brian still staying at a friend’s?

  Piper: Yes, why?

  Jack: I have plans.

  After a nightmare at college, with Marshall wanting her to stay behind, Piper wasn’t looking forward to work. As usual, Louisa was her vicious self, but Piper was determined not to use her friendship with Jack, even though the other woman made it difficult for her. The only consolation was Jack. He still demanded she serve him dinner, which she liked. No one else could take that away from her.

  She finished her shift and sat down opposite him, not feeling in the best of moods.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. Just not really feeling all that good today.”


  “I don’t know. College is hard, and no matter what I do my professor seems determined to tutor me. Then there’s this guy that always turns up when I’m there, and I freak out, which again makes me feel stupid.”

  “Why do you freak out?”

  “Me and two guys. Probably stupid. I mean, it’s not like anyone would attack me.”

  She watched as she tensed up.

  “Any why won’t anyone attack you?” he asked.

  Her cheeks heated. “I’m not pretty or anything. Why would someone attack me?”

  “You have any idea how fucking pissed I am at you right now? Besides the fact that I think you’re beautiful, it doesn’t matter. Men will attack, Piper. I don’t ever want to hear shit like that out of your mouth again, do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” It was stupid of her.

  “Would you like me to have a word with this professor?”

  “No. I’m just being stupid, and he is trying to help me get a better grade.”

  “English? I thought you were rocking English?”

  “I was. Then this new professor came, and it seems that I’m failing.” She shook her head. “Just forget about it. I don’t want us to fight. Isn’t this supposed to be a dinner date?”

  “Yes, it is, but I have something else planned.” He stood, holding out his hand.

  “What is it?”

  “Something I’ll know you’ll like.”

  All of her bad thoughts of the day evaporated as she placed her hand within his.

  Luther was waiting with a picnic basket, which Jack took from him. They left the restaurant, and she found Drake waiting with the door open.

  “I’m not dressed up for anything fancy.”

  “I don’t need you to be fancy, baby. Just yourself.”

  Climbing into the back of the car, she noticed there was a partition keeping the back separate from the front.

  “I’ve never noticed it before.”

  “I waited for Drake to get the car. I want privacy with you, but I also don’t want to be distracted by driving. This is all about you.”

  “Well, well, well, is it me or is Jack Sosa trying his hand at romance?”

  “I may be trying.”

  “I’m not going to complain. I like it.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

  “Get used to it because it’s what I’m going to be doing. I’ve also been doing some thinking, and I want you and Brian to move in with me.”


  “You told Brian about us.”


  “Then I don’t see why it would be a problem. I adore him, and I adore you.”

  She noticed he didn’t say that he loved her. “I adore you as well.” She had a superhero adoration when it came to Jack. “I think moving in together is a little soon. I don’t want you to regret it, and find that I’m cramping your style.”

  He tucked some of her hair that had been loosened behind her ear. “You’ll never cramp my style.”

  His lips claimed hers, and any doubt that she had faded. “Okay,” she said.

  “You’ll move in?”

  “Yes. You’ve done nothing but be good to me, Jack. I trust you, and Brian loves you. He does think you’re old.” She giggled.

  “I am compared to him.”

  “What about me?”

  “I wish you were a little older, but I can’t wait. I want you.”

  He kissed her neck.

  For Piper it was starting to feel like a fairytale. “You make me forget everything. My mom, the past, the future. All I see is you.”

  “It’s all you need to see. I’ll protect you, and keep you safe. Don’t think about your mom. She only reminds you of the bad, and I don’t want that for you.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder feeling like the luckiest woman in the whole world.

  He took her to a local park. He spread the blanket out on the ground and presented her with a beautiful, romantic picnic. To her, it was perfection.

  “I figured after a long day slaving away, the last thing you want to do is sit in a restaurant.”

  “You’ve got that right.”

  “So, I brought the restaurant outside so we can look at the stars.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Good. I always aim to please, and I can guarantee that tonight will be exactly how I want it to be.” He poured out some fresh juice. “First, let me propose a toast. To new beginnings, and the start of something new.”

  She clinked her glass to his, taking a sip of the fruity liquid. “That’s good.”

  “I know you don’t like alcohol.”

  “You remember so much. I always feel like I’m out of the loop.”

  “Never. I’ve been paying attention.”

  “I know you like your coffee black with three sugars. No other sweetener, it has to be sugar.”

  He nodded. “What else?”

  “You love your steak medium rare, your potatoes nice and crisp. You love classic music more than pop. You’ll cope with country but not too much.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  “It’s not a lot. I don’t know what you actually do. I know you have a lot of investment in local businesses.”

  “Including the restaurant.”


  “Yep. I’m a silent partner. Mark needed some help.”

  “Wow, I never knew that. You must think I’m so stupid.”

  “Not at all. I don’t expect you to know everything.” He offered her a red pepper crostini, and she took a bite, moaning at the flavors on her tongue.

  “I love that.”

  Jack finished it off, taking a bite himself. “Perfect.”

  They ate the food, drank some juice, and she was charmed by the fact he didn’t seem to mind she didn’t drink alcohol.

  All too soon the food was gone, and they were heading back to Drake, who was reading a book.

  “I’m going home?”

  “Yes, and I’m coming with you. We’re not going to do anything. You’re not ready, and I’m not going to rush you.”



  “Am I dreaming?”

  “Not at all.”

  She closed her eyes resting against him, loving the fact she wasn’t dreaming. This was really happening. She was dating Jack Sosa, her white knight. The man she had fantasized about so many times, and yet she never thought she’d be the one going to bed with him. It just went to show that dreams really did come


  Two weeks later

  Jack was more than happy with how his relationship with Piper was developing. He never pressured her into sex, nor did he push her too far. For him it was surreal the way their relationship was going. Shocking really. He hadn’t been with a woman in nearly three months, and even when he was, he’d think about Piper.

  Sitting in the restaurant, he went over the figures that Mark had given to him, more than happy with the way everything was going. He never thought a restaurant would be such a success, but it was.

  Admittedly it wasn’t the best of his business ventures, but he also didn’t have to worry about shutting it down. Besides, Piper loved working here.

  Speaking of Piper, she hadn’t come to his table yet, and that wasn’t like her.

  Shouts, screams, and barks came from the kitchen. Without waiting for an invitation, he got out of his chair, and entered in time to see Luther, Leon, and Mandy surrounding Piper, with Mark, the head chef, and several kitchen staff holding Louise.

  “You’re a fat whore, who thinks you’re better than everyone else.”

  One look at Piper, and he saw the red handprint on her face. Rage filled him.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Jack asked.

  They all turned toward him. Mark went pale, as did many of the waiters and waitresses. They knew who he was, and he paid good money for them to keep their traps shut. He’d paid a lot of money over the years to keep Piper in the dark. She didn’t need to know about her mother’s death, or the deaths of the men who had touched her. She wouldn’t benefit from knowing he bribed the social system to keep her out.

  He had contacts in high places. With enough money or other commodities, he got what he wanted.

  “It’s fine,” Piper said.

  The red swelling on her face said otherwise. Turning to Louisa, he’d had enough.

  “Mark, your office, now!”

  Jack moved toward Louisa, grabbed her arm, hearing her cry out. “We’re about to have a little chat.”

  “She started it. She’s always being mean, and saying stuff. You shouldn’t trust her, Jack. I know who you are, and I know what I can do for you.”

  Something was way off about this woman.


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