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The Sword of Michael - eARC

Page 10

by Marcus Wynne

  We were Four. One for each Direction, one for each Power, one for each of the Archangels who stand at the corners of the Creator’s Throne.

  Sabrina swaggered up my walk with a big grin. “Hope you got good beer on ice, Marius. Gonna be a thirsty night.”

  Jolene turned to greet her with a hug. “Hello Goddess.”

  Sabrina squeezed her hard. “Jolene. I’m amazed you still put up with this wild man.”

  “He’s not so bad,” Jolene said. “You look amazing.”

  Sabrina laughed, then looked Dillon up and down. “Hey big boy. Is that an Uzi in your pocket or you just glad to see me?”

  Dillon grinned. “AK. And yeah…I’m glad to see you.”

  “I’m between big bad daddies, Dillon. I think you should go home with me.” She paused. “Really.”

  Dillon swallowed his stammer. The rest of us laughed, me most of all. Who wouldn’t quail in the Presence of the Goddess, especially when She was eyeing him like a piece of fresh meat dangled in front of a predator?

  I love her, Tigre said. She is so who she is. True Self…

  Warriors all, First In Front said. I welcome them…

  Burt cawed into deep laughter. Ah, they’re all batshit crazy, just like this one. Like attracts like.

  Jolene closed her eyes and smiled. “Greetings, blessings and thanks to all who walk with us here.”

  I felt the joy and smiles of my guides.

  They love her too.

  “You are all most welcome,” I said formally. “Please enter with my thanks to all of you and all who walk with you, for coming when I called, and for coming to be in Service to the Light.”

  Jolene entered, paused. “I am here. I am Jolene and I walk with the Goddess. I am here in Service to the Light.”

  She passed within.

  Sabrina was next. “I am here. I am Sabrina. I come in Service to the Light and to the Great Spirit of my ancestors. We are all kin in the eyes of the Creator. Aho…”

  Dillon looked at me. I inclined my head to welcome him in. He came in and stopped. “Uh, I’m, uh, Dillon. I’m here to…” He paused for a moment, and then the voice that was great within him rose up, the voice of his warrior guides. “I’m here to protect. To watch over those in Service to the Light. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and to stand between those who heal and those who would harm. Thank you.”

  Sabrina and Jolene double-hugged him. Dillon blinked in surprise, his eyes suddenly watering with the emotion flowing to him from two women he worshipped and the invisible spirits around him, who welcomed him and his warrior energy into this space.

  I shut the door. “May all who enter here in the Service of the Light be blessed and protected. I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful.”

  We are Four.

  And to borrow a line from Pink, let’s get this party started.

  * * *

  I was interesting to witness how each of my Ally’s roles emerged when Tony and Maryka arrived. Jolene laid a gentle hand on Tony’s arm and ushered him in; Sabrina studied the two and then closed her eyes in communion with her guides; Dillon checked the street outside and then locked the door and followed us all into the healing room.

  Each in accordance with their True Self.

  What’s that?

  Your True Self is you as you came into the world—an energetic being, a soul, a spirit, a fragment of the Great Light that is Creator God. You came here with a mission, a purpose, a job to do in the greater Work. But that Divine Light can get shifted, transformed, muddied, when you’re in the body and the flesh slows down the processing of information and guidance. Your body is a great gift, designed to provide you the opportunity to learn and experience the things you cannot while in Spirit.

  That’s where the whole piece about temptation, seduction and wandering away from your Mission comes from. Some of us spend our entire lives in pursuit of what we were sent here to do; some of us never find it. Some of us are dragooned into Service—whether we like it or not—because we were sent here to further the Work.

  When you’re in accordance with your Higher Purpose, when your True Self is doing the Work you were sent here to do, everything flows along, everything works.

  When we start confusing the mundane details of ordinary every day life and consciousness—paying bills, being pissed at the neighbor, worrying about whether Kim Kardashian’s butt is too big or whether you can afford a sports car—with what our real work is, that’s when things get muddled. That’s part of what the Dark Forces’ work here in opposition to the Light Workers—keeping you confused about your Higher Purpose, chasing what’s the latest and greatest on TV and in constant debt slavery.

  Not to say that you eschew your responsibilities in the Middle World—far from it. The best spiritual practitioners in t he shamanic tradition walk a middle road. They do well at their business, pay their bills, raise their kids—and they do their Work as they are sent to do. There are many challenges around that, and that’s the place of your personal work, the work you do to keep yourself a hollow bone to be filled with the Presence of the Creator in the Service of your People.

  Not an easy path.

  But for those of who are Chosen, or who Chose to follow the Path, the rewards far outweigh the constant challenge.

  I’m reminded of this every time when I’m gathered in the Service of the Light to benefit another.

  Like now.

  “Are you comfortable?” I asked Tony. He reclined on the massage table, his hands stiff at his sides, while I adjusted the knee bolster beneath his legs.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Nervous?” I said.


  “That’s normal,” I said. “You’re in good hands today. Only the best for you.”

  He nodded and let his hands loosen. “I feel that.”

  Maryka squeezed his hand.

  “Where do you want me?” Maryka said.

  I set a small wooden stool down at the foot of the massage table. “Sit here. You’ll help him keep his connection to the Earth and who he is.”

  Sabrina touched the lighter to the mixture of sage, sweet grass, copal and palo sante in the abalone shell, breathed lightly and murmured a prayer as the flames kindled the aromatic herbs; she then circled the room and went to each of us, first to me and then Jolene and then the others, wafting the smoke with a hawk feather around us, clearing our energy and the room and the space. When she had circled everyone and all the four corners of the room, she set the still smoldering shell on my altar and took her place to my right as I stood at the head of the healing table. Jolene stood directly across from me, with Maryka in front of her sitting on the stool at Tony’s feet. Dillon stood on my left.

  Dillon looked nervous, but then, he always did in ceremony.

  “Just be who you are, brother,” I said. “Hold the intention that brought you here. Serve and protect.”

  “Got it,” he said.

  Sabrina closed her eyes and gathered her power. I locked eyes with Jolene, and felt the jolt I always did, as the deep power of the Goddess flowed through the blue eyes of the woman I loved, circulated deep within me. I felt the deep upwelling of love and connection between us.

  And yeah, I was thinking about later…one of my teachers had told me, early in my apprenticeship, that after a ceremony participants tended to be sleepy, hungry, or horny—quite often all three.

  I was holding out for all three.

  Silently, at first, we all called upon the Powers and our guides. There was a shift in the energy in the room we all felt, even Maryka and Tony, the Gathering of our Unseen Allies into a room that suddenly felt filled, as a stuffy room feels cleared and filled when you open the window to a strong breeze.

  I began the invocation: “Father, Mother, Creator, God, Holy Spirit, Great Spirit, Goddess…I call upon you. I call upon Jesus the Christ, Light of the Creator Made Flesh; I call upon beloved Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, First Among Healers, Mother of Us All; I call
upon the angelic realm, and the Four Archangels of the Presence, You Who Stand At The Four Corners of God’s Throne, You Who Stand At The Four Corners of the World…Michael, General of the Lord’s Host, Mighty Leader of the Warriors of Light on Earth, I call on you…Uriel, Archangel of Fire, I call on you…Raphael, Archangel of Healing, I call on you…Gabriel, Archangel of the Call, I call on you…I call on Jophiel and Zadkiel, You who bear the Lord’s Standards, and I call Haniel, the Protector of the Great Mother, and I call Metatron, who once walked among us as a man…I call on the entire angelic realm…”

  The room brightened, darkened, then brightened again as clouds dimmed the sunlight outside—or was it the infusion of Angelic Light that filled the space? My breath deepened and slowed, and my inner vision filled with light and images…

  “…and I ask for your presence and your protection, your guidance and your healing, in the Service of the Light, in the service of your child Tony, who is here today, and I ask, humbly, for your assistance, to use me as your vessel in the transmission of any healing that is in accordance with your Divine Plan…I ask for your protection for all of those here today in Service to the Light…and for Tony and Maryka…it is the Work of the Light we do here today…”

  I opened my eyes and saw each of my friends and allies illuminated with a Light from within. Sabrina and Jolene, heads bowed, lips moving silently through their own personal invocations, calling their Allies in and close; Dillon’s eyes closed, but body poised with the vigilance of the watchman; Maryka’s eyes closed, her hands resting gently on Tony’s feet; Tony’s eyes closed, his breathing deep and slow and steady…

  I closed my eyes.

  …And in that space behind my eyes, filled with the Divine Light, I saw those I had called: First In Front, in his sacred regalia, knife and coup stick in hand, dancing to gather and deepen his power; Tigre, alert and poised on her haunches; eyes deep as the starlit night; Burt, silent for once, the tip of a spear formation of Crows and Ravens lined up behind him…and behind my Three, the Mighty Three: Jesus, Mother Mary, and Michael…and arrayed behind Michael were the Legions of Light, The Mighty Warriors of Light on Earth…

  Yes, came the strongest voice that ever spoke through me…Michael, Mighty Archangel…we are gathered here in Service.…This is how it begins. Let it begin…

  This is how it begins.

  In a depossession, there is a process that the possessing entity—lost human soul, soul fragment, thought form, dark force entity, or sorcerer—goes through at the same time that the possessed human and the depossessionist does.

  There’s an awareness of the Light, a reaction to it, an activation or disturbance with the entity or being. I saw with my shamanic vision the movement of something dark within and beneath the surface of Tony’s energetic body.

  Like a shark beneath the surface.

  And like sharks, there are always a few pilot fish, attendants, smaller entities. They are the first to come forward, pushed that way by the larger presence beneath. Where there’s one, there’s many.

  “I call on the Angels of the Crossing,” I said.

  In the Other Realms where I watched from my vantage point with a foot in two worlds, a portal opened—a sturdy wooden gate cross-reinforced with massive metal flanges—guarded by two warrior angels with swords of flame. And through that door came the Light—the brilliant Light of the Creator.

  Lost souls, lost humans or other-dimensionals caught in the energy matrix of a human will often leave, spontaneously, and go to the greatest source of Light…and there is no greater source of Light, other than the direct presence of Creator God, than the Light that shines through the Portals of the Crossing.

  The ripples the reaction causes in the energetic shield can be seen by the naked human eye; a darkness comes and goes across the face, especially in the ocular cavity around the eyes. I saw those come up and depart, some of them human, some of them not, transforming as they entered the Light and returned as their True Selves…one turned and raised her hand, whispered Thank you…as she vanished.

  Those are the easy ones.

  All that’s required is to open Sacred Space, invite in the Divine Helpers, call for the Portal to be opened, and hold Space while the clearing occurs.

  The not-so-easy ones are those who fear the Light; those who’ve been deceived by The Three Lies: They are not of the Light. The Light will hurt them. They can never enter or return to the Light.

  All lies of the Dark Forces, for we all come from the Light.

  Remember what I said about the Father of Lies?

  The Three Lies are the first of his children.

  “Tony, can you hear me?” I said.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice soft and dreamy. “I can hear you, Marius.”

  “I’m going to ask you to help me help you, okay? I’m going to scan down through your body, with you, starting at your head and working down through your face and into your neck, all the way down through your body…what I need you to do is stop me when you identify any discomfort or pain, anywhere in your body…can you do that for me?”


  “Let’s start at the top of your head, the very top…”

  “It feels as though there’s something there…”

  “If it had a color, what color would it be?”

  “Dark, muddy, brown…”

  “If it had a shape, what shape would it be?”

  “Like an upside down bowl.”

  “If it had a sound, what sound would it be?”

  “Fingernails scraping on cardboard.”

  “And if it had a voice…what would that voice sound like?”

  “Harsh, bitter…”

  “Okay, Tony,” I said. “I want Tony’s True Self to step aside…Tony, I’m going to speak directly to that shape with the harsh and bitter voice, and I want you to listen to what that shape says, and just tell me what it says, whatever it says, no matter how it sounds…can you do that for me?”

  Tony hesitated, then said in a soft voice, “Yes. I can do that.”

  “My name is Marius Winter,” I said. “I am a son of the Light and I am here in the Service of the Light. Who are you?”

  “It says it doesn’t know,” Tony said.

  “Where do you come from?”

  “Far away.”

  “What color is the Light in the world it comes from?”

  A long pause. Then, “It says there is no Light where it comes from.”

  “You come from the Dark?”


  “What is your purpose here?”

  “To block.”

  “To block what?”

  “Energy. Light.”

  “Your work here is done,” I said. “You are released, with gratitude, for the lessons you have brought to all of us, and you are free now to return to the safety and the comfort of the Darkness…

  …another Portal swung wide open, a black hole as dark as the space between black holes on the outermost edges of the universe…a black hole that sucked light into it…

  …and it was gone.

  “Tony?” I said. “Is it gone?”

  “Yes,” he said, voice full of wonder. “It’s gone!”

  The deeper activation was even more visible now; ripples of tension, dark and light, played across Tony’s face; muscles twitched in his arms and legs and stomach.

  Jolene raised her hands as though offering invisible twin chalices to the sky; Sabrina and Dillon followed suit. A mighty band of energy traveled through their hands to me and through me, enclosing the table in a ball of brilliant white light.

  Sacred space.

  “It’s time,” I said.

  My Allies gathered close, and shed their otherworldly bodies to become brilliant spheres of light, joined with me and infused me with their protection and their power; simultaneously them *and* me, I saw through their eyes *and* mine; and then the Merging of the Great Powers with me, the two mighty powers that worked through me and protected me, Mother Mary and M
ichael, the Merging causing me to tremble with that infusion of power, shook to the core of my mortal self…

  …they joined with me to work through me, because the darkest and largest one of all was coming forward…

  Tony choked and coughed. Maryka started to move but I held up my hand and she stopped. Tony’s coughing and choking continued.

  “I feel like I’m being strangled,” Tony gasped.

  “I call on Michael and Uriel to enclose this being in a super bubble of white Light,” I said. “Enclose this being so it may do no harm.”

  …asking release the Intention, and its the Intention that mighty helping and compassionate spirits need to work through us…and within Tony, a brilliant light like a massive soap bubble infused with Light surrounded and encased something dark and struggling within his body…

  “Tony, let your True Self step to one side,” I said. “You don’t have to speak…”

  Tony’s voice changed to something deep and harsh and mocking. “I want him to speak.”

  “Silence,” I said. “I’m speaking to Tony and his True Self. Tony, do you want to speak for this being?”

  “I’m afraid,” Tony said in his normal voice.

  “You are protected,” I said. “You don’t have to speak, but you may if you choose to do so. We will all help you. You are protected.”

  It’s always dangerous when you have an ancient and powerful and malevolent being that assumes or tries to assume control of the client’s body. On one hand, when the being sovereign in the body by Divine Law, Tony in this instance, participates in the process, he regains some of the power stolen by the possessing being. On the other hand, with a deceptive and powerful being—and it’s always safe to assume that any being like this can be deceptive, powerful, completely telepathic and not bound to time and space—the practitioner and the client run the risk of losing control or being knocked off the concentration necessary to continue and prevail.

  That’s a favorite tool of the Dark Forces.


  So we have a being that is telepathic, can see the future, knows what you are thinking before you do, has a host of telekinetic and other powers…what makes you think you’ll prevail?


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