Bearly Deniable

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Bearly Deniable Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

  “Yeah, well… my mom raised me not to put so much stock in looks, you know? And you’re the best guy I’ve ever met… and I guess… turning into a bear wouldn’t be too bad… for the winter.” Shuffling from one foot to another, I licked my lips as they dragged into a frown. Everything I had planned to say just wasn’t coming out, and frustration was beginning to build in my blood. “And I don’t have to quit my job or anything.”

  Damnit! Work, stupid tongue!

  In the silence that stretched from seconds to a minute, my belly churned from nerves.

  “So, I guess… that’s it.” That’s not what I meant!

  Pursing my lips tightly together, I couldn’t bear to look at Ryan before turning back to the kitchen. God, Sylvia, you’re an airhead, you know that? What happened to all that practice?

  “Sylvia,” Big, familiar hands wrapped around my waist, and a gasp flew from my mouth as Ryan pulled me to his chest. His thick arms trapped me as they slithered across my front, and my body stiffened from the thrill that shot up from my toes. “You want to be my mate.”

  The mumble muffled by my shoulder wasn’t a question, and Ryan’s chest inflated in a deep, shaking inhale against my back. Gulping down the cotton feeling in my mouth, I clenched my thighs together as his harsh exhale flowed down under my shirt.

  “I can smell your arousal, Sylvia. Tell me what you want.” My abdomen clenched at the husky grumble, and I closed my eyes for a brief second. Bliss was what this sensation was called- this utterly safe, carefree, loved feeling that spread from the places Ryan touched. Even through my clothes, I could feel it, and a soft sigh floated up from my depths.

  I hadn’t realized how much I missed him.

  “Make love to me, Ryan.” Squeezing my body, Ryan kept still for a moment before his arms fell from around me. One wrapped under my legs, and the other secured my back as he gingerly lifted me off the floor. Face to face, I felt the effects of my whisper as it bounced between us. Goosebumps rose on my skin, and I cupped Ryan’s jaw to bring his face down to mine.

  “Make love to me like you promised you would.” Mumbling against his lips, mine trembled before Ryan captured them in an Earth-shattering kiss. His wasn’t a verbal promise; it was one he made with his actions. My mouth opened willing when he tongued my lips, and my taste buds tingled as thick, heady tasting saliva coated them. I couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled up, and I wiggled and wormed until my ankles locked against the small of his back.

  “What about the pizza?” Ryan’s grumbling question only drew a hum from me as my mental word processor stopped working. Tilting my head, a grunt pushed past our tangled tongues as my back pressed against something hard. His beard sent tendrils up my arms, and my fingers trailed up to tangle in his hair. Circling my hips, my drenched panties scraped against my bud to pull a gasp from between the seal of our mouths.

  Long, callused fingers slipped between us, and Ryan groaned loudly as he prodded my juncture.

  “You’re so wet, baby.” Ripping his lips from mine, he glanced down as urgency filled my veins. My folds quivered when he pushed aside my underwear. Shivering from the cold jolt, a whimper squeezed from my lungs as he exposed my entrance.

  Closing my eyes, I rested my head back against the wall as fire pumped through my veins with every beat of my heart. This was such a long time in the making, and I tightened my grip on Ryan’s scalp when he shuffled firmly against me.

  “Are you ready, baby?” My brows creased at the husky question, and I nodded hastily without parting my eyelids. Softly the bulbous head of Ryan’s length bumped my core, and a gasp flew from my mouth. The heat of him scorched me, and my walls quivered with expectation.

  Sliding into my channel in one, easy thrust, Ryan’s gasp mingled with my moan as he stretched me. He buried himself to the hilt, and our hips pressed together firmly before he slowly pulled out. A delicate shiver slid down my spine, and I tightened my legs around his hips as one of his hands gripped my waist.

  “Ah-, God, Sylvia…You’re so tight…” Growling out the words, Ryan touched his forehead to mine as another moan burst from my throat. His entry was slow, almost teasingly so, but all I could do was hold on tighter. Savoring each thrust, each second of fullness, I cherished this moment as my lips met his. Our tongues came together in a sweet meeting, wrapping around each other and sharing the taste of loneliness and regret.

  “O-o-o-o-o…” Tilting my hips to Ryan’s beat, I held him close to me as my cry traveled down his throat. His chest vibrated, and my feet arched against his back as the beginnings of a mind-rending orgasm began to take over. Squeezing my waist, his thrusts became more like jerks, and his grunts made my abdomen clench. Tightening around his length as it caressed my walls, I sucked in air through my teeth and held it.

  “Cum, baby.” Clenching my jaw at the hoarse demand, I clamped down on Ryan’s rod as hard as I could. My walls sucked him in, and even that slight friction was enough to burn me. He thrust one last time, his head hitting that spot inside me that made the sex almost painful.

  But this wasn’t sex; this was lovemaking, and it was awe-inspiring.

  Hot fluid coated my insides, and I could feel Ryan’s abdominal muscles flexing against my belly as my own flesh twitched.

  Panting softly, I touched my lips to his with a soft moan, and he returned my kiss before his forehead connected with mine.

  “You won’t regret this. I promise you that.” A small smile picked at the corners of my mouth at Ryan’s breathless words.

  “I know.

  Chapter Seventeen: Sylvia

  Driving into the real estate office’s parking lot, I checked my light makeup in the rear-view mirror before pulling the key from the ignition. When the agent told me I was better off renting, I didn’t think he’d list my house as a rental. Truth be told, I hadn’t given him an answer, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when he called me this morning.

  Apparently, it was Salmon Season and several people were interested in renting rooms.

  The warm weather caressed my skin through my light tank top, and I hiked up my jeans before locking my car door. It was beautiful up here, so unlike the cities down in the Lower 48. Anchorage was considered major, but it still felt so rustic and wild with the mountains in the background. This time the three-hour drive didn’t seem that long, either.

  And I can’t even think about what my mom and Ryan talked about. Rolling my eyes as I came up on the small, well-kept building, I shuffled my purse on my shoulder with a huff. He just likes giving me excuses to call him an idiot.

  “Hello?” The place was pretty much deserted, and I was fairly convinced there were only three or four employees here including the owner. Still, I was confident the man in charge of all of this knew what he was doing since he’d also informed me he set strict limitations on renters for my house. It was nice to know he realized how much it meant to me, and that he wasn’t trying to move money.

  The short, lanky man that owned the agency popped his head out of an ante-room, and I slapped a friendly smile on my face. All other thoughts, but what was about to happen, left my head, and my shoes were quiet on the beige carpet when he waved me over.

  “Sylvia, it’s wonderful to see you again. You’re looking well. I hope Alaska is treating you alright.” He was so personable, and I felt my smile widen. I didn’t even remember his name, but that didn’t matter.

  “I’m doing well, thank you. And Alaska is beautiful.” Ushering me into the room, he left the door open as I came face to face with seven people. They all obviously knew each other, lounging around in cheap office chairs and talking. Out of the seven, four were women, and they all noticed me before quieting the men.

  “So, this is Sylvia Redding, the owner of the house. Why don’t you all introduce yourselves while I get the paperwork set up.” My eyes grazed each person, taking in their faces and committing them to memory. There was absolutely no way I would remember these people without messing up before they went back down south i
n August

  One of the girls, with a short, dirty blonde bob and athletic physique, let out a giggle before her tinkling voice reached my ears.

  “It’s okay. We’ll have, like, group leaders! I’ll be Girls’ group leader, and Jon, you can be Boys’. That way you only have to remember two of us, Sylvia.” She was bubbly and happy, and I couldn’t help but laugh at her solution before she clapped her hands together. “Oh! And I’m May, like the month.”

  “It’s nice to meet all of you.” Coming up beside me, the realtor scanned the room before plopping a sizable folder down on the table.

  “Okay, these are your contracts. Each of you has to sign one, but I’m sorry, Sylvia, you have to sign seven. It basically outlines that any destroyed or defaced property must be paid for before the term is up. Sylvia has the right to bar you, as individuals, from the property if you threaten it or her. Rental payment is due in two weeks, four weeks, and two weeks, which will cover your two-month stay.” The realtor went on some more, but I wasn’t really paying attention. He’d gotten the important parts out first, and these people didn’t seem like the kind to make a mess. Before he even stopped talking May was thrusting her contract in my face, and her charm bracelet chimed like bells.

  “Yes! This is going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to get out into the wilderness and do all that fun stuff!”

  It was only about ten minutes before I was ready to leave and all the paperwork was signed. Standing outside the small room, I shook the realtor’s hand with a smile. He was so good at his job, and I knew I’d gotten lucky.

  “Thank you so much. I can only imagine how much effort you put in on my behalf.” Instantly he waved me off, shaking his head, but I could see his ears turning red. The sight only made my smile widen.

  “It’s not a problem. You’d be surprised how many people regret selling things their passed family members have left them. I just tried to make sure that you wouldn’t regret letting other people enjoy the house too.”

  Well, you definitely succeeded.

  Strolling into the only bar in town, my eyes instantly spotted the mountain of muscle beyond the bar top. Ryan’s gaze followed me as I made my way to my usual seat, and I set my purse down to take a deep breath.

  “They’re coming on Tuesday. I was wondering if I could stay with you?” Watching Ryan pull down a wine glass, my eyes narrowed at his silence even as my lips twitched into a smile. It wasn’t until he set the half full glass before me that he spoke up, leaning on his elbows to get close.

  “Sure, but maybe we should take a day and clean down the rooms we’ve had sex in, which is most of them.” Heat slithered up into my cheeks, and I reached out to push Ryan’s shoulder. He didn’t even budge, and his chuckle wrapped around me as he grabbed my outstretched hand. “Relax, I’m just messing with you, Sylvia. No need to get violent. You might break your other hand on these rock-hard muscles.”

  The jibe sent a jolt straight into my heart, and my gaze flew to his as surprise widened my pupils. Ryan’s boyish grin tilted my lips up, but after a moment I only shook my head.

  Of all the things I’d ever thought to hear him say, bragging about his muscles definitely wasn’t on the list. It was such a childish thing to do, and a huff escaped my mouth before I gently pulled my hand from his.

  “You know, I’m worried I’m going to have to be your babysitter. Maybe I shouldn’t live with you.” Picking up my wine glass, I arched an eyebrow over the rim as I took a sip. This man was the perfect package, scoffing with just the right amount of ‘oomph’ to make it count.

  “Please. I’m not into that, Sylvia. And you are going to live with me. You can’t change your mind now.” There was a heat in Ryan’s eyes, and just in the snap of a finger or a blink of an eye, his childishness was gone. His fingers caressed my face, trailing gently down my cheek and jaw as my eyelids drifted shut. “I don’t like strangers living in your house, let alone with you there.”

  “You said yourself I was going to have to rent, Ryan.” My reply was soft, having lost its edge as the fire fled to follow his hand.

  “I know I did, but now I’m regretting it. Not that what I had to say at the time changed anything, anyway.” A deep sigh flowed from my lungs, and Ryan pulled his hand away as his grumble tickled my ears. I could only shake my head again, lifting my glass to my lips before cracking my eyes open.

  He was right, of course; renting was something that had been decided without words the day I’d first set foot in the realtor’s office.

  “It’ll be fine, Ryan. They seem like good, respectable people, and I could tell the guy did an excellent job picking them out. Staying with you is just because I’m more comfortable with you.” As soon as the words left my lips, I regretted them, and Ryan lifted his chin to scratch at his beard. His gaze was far away, a thoughtful look on his face, and I braced myself for whatever came next.

  “You mean you like sleeping with me, and you just want easy access.” Blinking slowly, I could only stare for a second or two. My brows came together, and my mouth opened and closed a few times. In the forefront of my mind, right behind my eyes, I could see what I wanted to say.

  It just didn’t come out right away.

  “...You really are an idiot.” Grumbling into the rim of my glass, I took a large, hard gulp of wine. I’m going to need a lot more than one glass to deal with him.



  Note From The Author

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  Amelia Wilson

  Preview: A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 1

  Love Beyond the Wall

  A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 1


  Amelia Wilson


  Cara couldn’t sleep.

  How could she? In the morning, she would be forced into a marriage with Aldrich. It didn’t matter that she didn’t want to marry him. Cara had no other alternative. Not anymore.

  She could still remember what it was like before the town had walls built over ten feet high surrounding it. There were mountains in the distance, beautiful sunsets. Back then Cara thought she’d climb those mountains. She thought she would escape her father and leave all the ugliness behind.

  People would talk about the big cities beyond the mountains. Cities that welcomed all walks of people, even the new race of people who changed their shape. These big cities still had the kind of things that Cara’s mother used to talk about. Taxi cabs, television, and phones that made communication possible across great distances.

  The cities who did not fight against the shifters were allowed to carry on as they were. People like Cara’s family, who rejected the new race were pushed out of the established communities and forced to build new towns, and ways of surviving without any contact with the Shifter accepting cities.

  Eventually war broke out among the shifter cities. At least that was what Cara heard. People left the cities, and so did the shifters. The order of the world forever changed.

  Cara thought that perhaps the shifters were misunderstood by the people of her town. She wanted to believe that the world would eventually re
turn to the kind of order it once held. She wanted to believe that the shifters were good.

  Then they came.

  The creatures who walked like men but were not men at all. They were monsters, wild beasts. Every man attacked by them died. Their bodies were brought back in pieces.

  It wasn’t long after the hunting party was slaughtered that the wall was built. At first it was only five feet high. When more hunters were killed outside the wall, the townspeople added to the wall. It grew higher every year, cutting out more and more light from the people inside.

  For seven years Cara, and most of the people of Aldrich Town, were trapped behind the walls. It was a cage, and it was only going to get smaller for Cara when she married Aldrich.

  The man was in his forties, while Cara was not even twenty years old yet. Cara knew him to be a cruel man, just like her father.

  If it wasn’t for Cara’s uncle, Mortimer, she might not know that there were men who were kind.

  The men of the town angered easily. Many of them took out their frustration on anyone weaker than they were. When this happened, it was up to Aldrich if the person causing trouble got to stay, or was pushed outside the wall to be killed by the shifters.

  All matters were taken to Aldrich. When Cara once asked her uncle why Aldrich was in charge he said, “He owns the food. Aldrich owns the weapons. He owns the wall. Aldrich owns the people of his town because without him they starve, are defenseless, and die.”

  When Cara’s father took to beating her, the neighbors called in Aldrich. Cara was thirteen years old when he came to her house that night to answer the complaint. He arrived with a rope, ready to tie up her father because he was not interested in justice so much as he was interested in not being bothered.


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