Mr. Charming_A Mistaken Identity Bad Boy Romance
Page 25
A smile spread across my face.
“Great. Let’s go get a drink and come up with a strategy.”
“You’re not busy? I thought you would be with Cooper tonight.”
I sighed.
“Yeah, me too. He hasn’t called me.”
“You should call him.”
“No, I don’t want to mess this one up by pushing too hard.”
“I’m on my way over,” she said.
“See you soon.”
I ended the call and sat back on the couch. Why hadn’t Cooper called me or even sent a text? None of it made any sense, but a prank on Max to teach him a lesson would keep me occupied.
By the next morning Cooper still hadn’t called me, and there was no way I would break down and call him first. I didn’t even remember why we had gotten into an argument, but that didn’t matter. He’s the one that came in with the vendetta.
He would have to call me first or we would never talk again. End of story. My mind went back to the prank on Max to teach him a lesson.
Laura and I had our plan all worked out. Last night after Laura came over I called Max up and apologized for my rash behavior. I continued with a small phone interview and promised to meet him and then I would finish it up in person. Laura would follow behind me as I talked with Max. I’d finalize the piece and turn the screen for him to give it a read. He was going to lose it!
During all of this Laura would be filming his reaction. Near the end, she would pop out and surprise him from behind. We would both laugh our asses off at him.
We planned to use the recording against him. He’d have to either leave us alone or we’d share it with the world. It was his call, really. We’d be having some fun while teaching him a valuable lesson - don’t fuck with women.
I arrived at the address he had given me. The neighborhood was nice. How the hell was he going to afford an office in this part of the city? Did he have secret money or something?
Laura walked up, out of breath, and put her hand on my shoulder.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I had to run the last few blocks because I left so late.”
“I’m going inside, so I’m not late. You can follow me in a few minutes after you catch your breath. Remember, stay back until the end. I’ll give you the sign.”
“Yeah, yeah, you call him a small-penis-mother-fucker, and I jump out at him hoping he shits himself. Then I’ll show him the video.”
“This is the best plan ever,” I said, giggling.
“I feel like we’re in college again.”
“Right?” I smiled. “I’ll see you in a few.”
As she waited outside, still breathing heavily, I went into the ten-story building. The top floor was supposedly where he was opening up his security company.
None of his story made sense to me. That was one of the reasons I didn’t feel too bad about pranking him with Laura. He had to be taught a lesson.
When I reached the top floor, I stepped out of the elevator and glanced to the left and right, looking for him. He was straight ahead, standing near the floor to ceiling windows at the other end of a big, open area.
I took a deep breath then walked over, putting a smile on my face. Laura is coming soon. Just keep it cool. What if he gets angry and hits me? Would he do that? Fuck. Maybe this is a bad idea.
He spun around and smiled, stretching out his arms as if he wanted a hug. I stopped a good twenty-feet away from him, keeping the smile on at full intensity.
“Damn, you’re looking good,” he said, checking out my body.
The little black dress I had on was always a favorite with men.
“You’re looking fit too,” I said.
“About yesterday…”
“Don’t worry about it,” I interrupted, waving my hand through the air. “Water under the bridge. You ready to do this?”
I walked over to the only desk and set my laptop on it.
“Yeah,” he said. “Sorry I don’t have it furnished yet, but I thought it would help you finish the story.”
“Okay,” I said, pulling up the already prepped Word file. “Just a few final questions.”
“Hold on. Can I say something first?”
I glanced over at the elevators then to him.
“Sure. Yeah. Go ahead.”
“Why are you doing this story? Is this some type of trick? You seemed pretty confident you would have nothing to do with me after yesterday.”
Damn, is he smarter than I thought?
“Trick? Not at all. A story on a military vet doing good in the big city will get my journalism career back in gear. I want to do this story. Trust me.”
“Alright, I’ll trust you.”
He stared at me warily.
“Okay,” I said, my fingers on the keyboard. “I still need the name of your business.”
“We haven’t decided yet, right Max?” Cooper asked from behind me.
What the hell?
I spun around and saw him staring at me with his massive arms crossed over his chest.
“Cooper? What are you doing here?”
“I’d like to ask you the same question.”
“Now, now,” Max said.
Cooper and I both turned to him and said, “Shut up!” at the same time before looking back at each other.
“Why don’t you tell him the truth, Jade?” Max asked. “We’re here to fuck.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, whipping my head around toward him.
“You know, baby. My cock.”
He grabbed his nuts and lifted them. Cooper rushed forward, ready to punch him. I stepped in between the two of them.
“Hold on,” I said.
“She wanted to put her hands all over me, bro, but I said no.”
“What the hell are you smoking, Max?” I turned to Cooper. “You don’t believe this asshole, do you?”
“Who served with you in the Stan, man? It was fucking me.”
Cooper turned his attention from Max back to me.
I pleaded to him with my eyes – please understand and believe me.
“I’m leaving,” he said, taking a step back.
“Wait, bro.” Max stepped forward. “Fuck her. Let’s do this business deal. Once you’re in, you can’t get out. Remember?”
“I’m leaving,” Cooper said, spinning around and walking toward the elevator.
Laura spilled out, pointing at Max, “She show you the article, mother fucker?”
Cooper walked around her and into the elevator. I rushed over, but the door closed just as I arrived.
“What’s wrong?” Laura asked, as clueless as ever.
“Ugh,” I sighed, stomping my foot as if that would help.
“You two crazy bitches need to get out of here,” Max said, walking toward us.
“Come on.”
I grabbed her hand and hurried for the stairwell. We went down two flights before getting out and hopping on another elevator. He stopped in the hallway just as the doors closed.
“You bitches!” he yelled, his voice cut-off as we descended.
“What the hell was that all about?” Laura asked. “What happened?”
“Cooper showed up.”
“The other guy from Afghanistan?”
“Yeah,” I said, staring straight ahead.
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Why did he…?”
“I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. We don’t need either of them.”
“Cooper didn’t seem so bad,” she said, still staring at me.
I took a deep breath.
“Yeah, I guess. He doesn’t seem crazy about me, and we keep getting caught up in these stupid games.”
“Well, he doesn’t know you as well as I do. You’re worth the chase.”
Laura put her arm around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder a moment. We returned to my apartment to enjoy t
he last of the weekend before we had to return to work.
I left the office building with my mind racing. When I got to the corner and turned, I noticed the man who had followed me earlier. He wasn’t wearing the beard this time, but I could tell it was him.
What the fuck does he want? I wondered as I increased my pace, ready to lose him. If I slipped into a bar for a few drinks, he would never find me. My heart beat faster as I sped up even more.
At the next alley, I turned sharply and took off running. When I reached the end, an unmarked four-door sedan pulled out and slammed on the brakes, almost hitting me. Two men jumped out.
I craned my neck to peer behind me. The man who had been following was at the opposite end of the alley, heading toward me. Fuck. I looked back at the other two who had guns drawn.
“What the fuck do you guys want?” I shouted. “Didn’t Max tell you I was out for good?”
The two men looked at each other briefly then back to me.
“Talk to me, mother fuckers.”
“You better watch what you say,” the man walking up behind me said.
I turned to face him, ready to bolt the first chance I got.
“Take it easy. We just want to ask some questions.”
“About what?” I asked, flexing my muscles.
“Afghanistan,” he said then turned to the other two men. “You two, back in the car.”
They obeyed immediately, not saying a word.
“What about Afghanistan? That was a long time ago.”
“Relax. We don’t have enough proof to take you down in a court of law, at least not here in the States, but we know you were involved with the smuggling. Do you realize how much help you gave the Chinese?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that all before. Believe me. We’re after Max. He’s working with someone posing as a journalist.”
“A woman?”
“Yeah, why?”
“She’s not involved,” I said.
“How do you know?”
“I just do, okay?”
“Are you connected to her?”
“I said she’s not involved. Keep her out of this, okay?”
“Relax, big guy. I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”
We locked eyes, neither of us backing down or looking away.
“We want you to help us take down Max. Your name will be cleared of any wrongdoing. Hell, we might even throw in an extra incentive for your cooperation.”
“I’ll consider it.”
“You better do it fast. We don’t have a lot of time.”
“Can I go now?”
He stepped aside and waved with his arms. I walked by him and back to the main street. After walking around for half-an-hour to make sure they weren’t following me, I headed back to Jade’s apartment.
It couldn’t wait this time. We needed to talk.
I stood outside her door and took a deep breath. She answered after the first knock. We stared at each other a moment.
“Why did you walk out like that?” she asked.
“Can I come in?”
She stepped aside. I walked in and closed the door behind me.
“Come and have a seat.”
I followed her across the living room to her brown suede couch. We sat at opposite ends. She put her hands in her lap.
“Seeing you with Max upset me, “I admitted.
“Okay, that’s a good start.”
“Don’t patronize me, please.”
“I’m not. Geez. Give a girl a break, would you?”
“I got jealous, okay? Are you interested in him?”
“No, not at all. He asked me to do a story on his security company.”
“You mean our security company.”
She tilted her head to the side.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m investing in the company with him.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Something isn’t right. I talked to the real estate agent, and no one is supposed to be in that office. It’s been rented already.”
“What, when? And what make you think to do that?”
“Does it matter? I’m a journalist. I can multitask. Well, I was a journalist.”
“A damn good one.”
She smiled.
“Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“Good to know.”
I moved closer toward her.
“It seems like he’s trying to start up the smuggling operation again He could be starting the security firm as a front operation.”
“That mother fucker lied again,” I said, getting more upset.
“Calm down. We should go talk to the FBI. I’ll tell them everything I know.”
“No, I don’t want you involved in this any more than you are already.”
“That’s bullshit,” she said defiantly.
I loved the way she stood up for herself.
“Um, yeah. We’re a team now. Don’t you forget it.”
She poked me on the chest with her finger.
“There are a lot of things that make you unforgettable.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Like this.”
I scooted over placing one hand on her thigh and one on her neck. I drew her closer until our lips met, insatiable for her physical affection. She kissed me back, her hands on my body, moving up and down my biceps, squeezing and rubbing.
All the nonsense from earlier faded away as we made out on her couch. She occupied all my thoughts. Together, we would reach new peaks of ecstasy. I was sure of it.
She moaned as I moved a hand to her left breast, squeezing it through her white blouse.
“You look so damn hot in that outfit,” I said. “All powerful and business-like.”
I kissed her again, slower this time so we could enjoy the pleasure for as long as possible.
“Take me,” she pleaded, breathless.
I ran my hand up her arm, her skin so soft, silky and smooth. A smile swept over her face as joy poured out of her. I bent and kissed a single inch. And then another. She moaned even more.
Her shirt and bra came off quickly, exposing even more succulent flesh for me to kiss. I loved her long, hard nipples, the way they tasted in my mouth and how they responded to my touch.
She ran her hands through my hair, pressing my head against her chest. I stood and stripped off my shirt as she got to her feet. We kissed again while stripping clothes off each other.
“Sit,” she said, pushing me on the couch.
As I sat back, she got down on her knees between my legs. I stared into her eyes, lost in the cosmic beauty of her soul. She grabbed my cock with one hand and bent to kiss the tip.
I took a deep breath. A smile spread over her face as she tugged and stroked my cock, teasing me. All my concerns faded away as she took me into her mouth.
Her tongue swirled twice before she swallowed even more of me. My cock hardened as she sucked, licked, and kissed every inch of my rapidly swelling flesh.
She pulled her head off, still stroking while looking up at me. Our eyes locked. Only the moment existed, a sweet, precious sliver of time.
I watched as she confidently stood, her long, curly red hair framing her face perfectly. She rolled a condom on my cock then climbed into my lap.
With my hands on her hips and her hands on my chest, she lowered her body, my cock penetrating her warm, wet pussy easily. She scrunched up her face.
“That’s so good,” she said, leaning forward.
I felt her breasts press against my chest. Time stopped, became irrelevant as she rode me
, moving up and down in just the right way. That face!
She moaned, obviously enjoying the pleasure at least as much as me. I moved my hands to her breasts, pushing her up. I wanted to see her beautiful face.
As she grinded her body against mine, I squeezed those perfect breasts, loving the size, shape and feel of them in my hands. Her nipples were so damn hard.
“Don’t stop,” she cried, increasing her momentum.
Each time she came down, I thrust upward, savoring the friction. Her pussy was so damn tight.
She moved my hands and leaned forward again, kissing my lips with hers. They were so luscious, wet and willing, able to make me feel things I never thought possible before.
My cock became part of her body. We were connected as one as feelings of pleasure grew and spread throughout my entire being. I curled my toes, fighting back the urge for release.
“I’m so close,” she moaned. “Harder.”
I thrust up as she came down. The only sound I heard was our beating hearts and labored breaths. Her face scrunched up in that way she had, signaling the beginning of the end.
“Yes!” she cried out as her body shook and shivered against mine.
Her pussy muscles contracting around my cock pushed me over the edge. I plunged into her one last time, coming into the condom at full force.
She kissed me on the lips, her tongue sliding into my mouth as we came down from the heights of bliss. Reality and normalcy would return, but for that one fraction of a second, we were two souls with one body. I had felt nothing like it before.
Still breathing heavy, she pulled back and smiled, a look of innocence and joy on her face. My smile widened as I forgot about all our problems and missteps.
“You’re fucking amazing,” I said.
“And you are an amazing fuck.”
I laughed, hugging her body, loving the way her soft, smooth skin felt against mine.
She reluctantly crawled off and stood. We both cleaned up then retired to her bedroom where we laid together and talked for at least half-an-hour about nothing and everything. Her mind captured me even more than her body, which had never happened before.
As I fell asleep, her body curled against mine, I thought about my future, what I needed to do. I wanted nothing but the best in life for her and for us. If we were going to be in a real relationship, I had to do better. She deserved the very best, and I intended on giving it to her.