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Say Please (Say Something Book 2)

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by C. M. Steele

  “Um, thanks for saying goodbye.” Ted. He wasn’t pleased at the moment. I wasn’t with myself either. A large part of me knew he was genuine even though his past gave me pause. It scared me. Aidan didn’t ruin my heart, but he did destroy my confidence. Ted could do all that and more.

  “I’m sorry. I should have, but something told me you wouldn’t let me leave if I did,” I replied honestly. It made me nervous to think I wouldn’t have fought him on it.

  He chuckled, answering with a laugh, “You’re probably right, but I would have driven you home if you’d asked.” His words finished with a frustrated hurt and it hit me straight in the chest.

  “Sorry, but I got a bit carried away yesterday and that’s not like me.”

  There was a good, strong pause before he spoke, “Same here, babe. Since it’s Sunday, how about you spend the day with me before we both have to go into work tomorrow?”

  I was smiling to myself, practically dancing around the room. “Sounds good, but I need to shower and get dressed.”

  “Hurry up because I’m hungry. Give me your address so I can pick you up in forty-five minutes,” he demanded.

  “I’ll text it,” I answered, because I honestly couldn’t even think long enough to remember my name. Why was I so crazy where this man was concerned?

  “Okay, babe. By the way, you’re going to pay for making me miss waking up to your perfect face.” He hung up and I sent the text in a hurry because I needed to get ready, hopping in the shower as fast as I could, nearly tripping over the area rug, because my ass had to get moving. Within twenty minutes, I’d showered and dressed. I didn’t know what he had planned, but the weather was warm for September. I wore a pair of beige shorts and a blue fitted Polo. I totally looked like I worked at Best Buy or something, but I wasn’t trendy. I was a doctor who didn’t have time to date or even have friends. I suppose I had the time; I just didn’t care to do anything extra like going out.

  I looked in the mirror, fixing my messy brown hair. It wasn’t quite curly, but it wasn’t straight either. It was a bit on the puffy side. Spritzing some silky serum into the strands, I gave it a once-over with my brush before deciding it looked good enough. I’d started with my makeup when my dad called. I answered while staining my lips. “Hey, Dad. What’s up?”

  “Hey, pumpkin. I just called to say hi.” He never did this. It was always my mother and he would chime in, usually stealing the phone. A chill washed over my spine.

  “What’s going on Dad?” I asked nervously.

  “I was wondering if you’d come visit soon. I know you’re very busy, but…” he paused, and I knew something was wrong. I could feel the buildup of tears

  “But what?” I asked, my voice cracking.

  “Your mother is sick,” he said. I gasped and dropped the phone because it wasn’t just a call he was talking about. I picked it up and apologized.

  “It’s okay, pumpkin. She needs surgery on her woman bits, and well, she wants you here, but she won’t ask.”

  “When’s the surgery?” I masked the tears in my throat. I knew she was having issues with bleeding, and at her age those should have been on their way out. She didn’t tell me anything was wrong and in fact, lied the last time I asked about it.


  “Okay, well, I’ll go to work on Monday and try to reschedule my patients. I’ll be there tomorrow night,” I answered. I would have to find a flight asap. The drive was long, but I could make it if necessary.

  “Thanks. I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too.” The doorbell rang just as I hung up. Hurrying, I wiped the tears from my eyes.

  I opened it to see Ted. His hair was wet, but looked like it did after I ran my hands through it all night yesterday. I gave him a wide smile and that was all he needed. He was on me, his arms around my waist, lifting me off my feet. He stalked inside, kicking the door closed then leaned against it with my legs wrapped around his waist.

  “Shit, I don’t want to fuck you right now,” he muttered against my lips, running his hands through my hair and against my face vigorously, trying to calm the heat stirring between us.

  “Your dick doesn’t agree,” I exclaimed. He was just what I needed. The one person I knew could wipe away the pain in my chest. As soon as I saw him I craved his comfort. I pressed my head on his shoulder.

  “Well, he’ll have to wait. I didn’t come here to fuck, but to take you out.”

  “I know. Put me down.” I didn’t let go, even though I know I should. My emotions were intense and all over the place and I needed his strength. The man I barely knew held me like we’d known each other our entire lives.

  “Say please,” he demanded, tipping his chin, waiting for me to give him what he wanted. The way his words were rough and gritty sent shivers of need straight to my pussy. Ted could make me come while in a crowded room when he tells me that. I’ve melted the handful of times he has already.

  “Please, Ted,” I breathed sensually, moaning his name. He set me down on my feet. I fixed my clothes, pulling down my shirt, and running my hand over the material.

  Chapter 7


  When I walked through the door, I didn’t miss the blotchy face, but when she gave me that smile I was done for. I didn’t hold back on taking my good morning kiss she’d skipped out on earlier, but now it was time to get to the redness on her skin and around her eyes.

  “Babe, do you want to tell me why you were crying?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing? Tears aren’t for nothing. What happened?” I asked, shaking my head. She was upset and the fact that she wanted to hide it from me told me it was a big deal.

  “I’m going out of town,” she said, moving away and gathering up her purse and a light windbreaker. She needed some pants on instead. Not because it was cold, but those curves of hers were on full display and I had to admit I was pretty damn jealous.

  “Out of town? When and why would it make you cry? Gonna miss me?”

  “My dad called. My mother is having surgery and she didn’t tell me.”

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’ll go with you if you want.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. We barely know each other.”

  “You didn’t, and we can get to know each other better on the trip. Or is it that you don’t want your parents to meet me.”

  “I don’t know if it’s the right time.”

  “It always is to be by your side when you need me. If you don’t want me to go, I understand. I just thought I’d offer.”

  “I won’t be gone long.”

  “Okay. Are you ready to eat?” I asked, anxious to know her more. Although, I was certain nothing was going to change my mind about her. In fact, I planned on making this relationship very permanent as soon as she’d let me. After coming inside her twice, there was a huge chance I created a permanent bond, but I wanted more. She had to want me, and only me.

  “Yes,” she answered, nervously biting her lip and straightening her folded jacket over her arm.

  I pressed my hand to her fidgeting one, stilling her movements. Then I pulled her close, pressing her lower body against mine and using my other hand to tip her chin towards me. “Katie, I’m not upset at all. I understand. I really do. If you need me, I’m just one call away.”

  “Thank you, Ted,” she whispered, smiling genuinely with those eyes that could melt ice with a glance.

  “Nothing to thank me for, but like I said, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call,” I reminded her, rubbing my thumb across her chin before stealing a taste of her lips.

  “Call. Oh my, I almost forgot. Can you give me a minute? I need to schedule a flight for tomorrow.”

  “Sure.” She pulled away and walked to a small desk by the farthest wall in the room. She opened a laptop and did her thing.

  I took a seat on her living room sofa which was right next to the kitchen. She wasn’t kidding about her place being small. It was clean and bright wit
h the sunlight coming in from the numerous windows on the longest wall. My phone beeped, and I knew it was one of my executives with questions. He was traveling to London to manage a deal for the company.

  “I’m ready,” she said, lifting her head from the computer before closing it and making her way toward me. I jumped up and pulled her to me for one more kiss then led the way out, waiting so she could lock it. Her apartment building wasn’t as secure as I’d like, but once she came back from her trip, I’d make sure she moved in with me, even if it took one night at a time.

  We had a small breakfast at the bistro down the street from her apartment. “That food was really good. I’ve never been there before,” I said, grabbing her hand and walking to the nearby park. The fall leaves around the bench looked picturesque and I couldn’t help but pull her to sit on it. With my phone, I took a selfie of us.

  “What’s that for?” she asked with a giggle and a smile that needed kissing.

  After letting her up for air, I answered, “I’m not going to see you for a while. Can’t I have something to remember you by?”

  She shook her head at me and nudged my shoulder. I wrapped my hand around her waist and enjoyed the feeling of contentment. “Of course. Can I see it?” I handed her the phone. “It’s a great picture. You can see fall all around us.”

  “Yes, my sweet doctor, it’s perfect. Now tell me, do you need me to drop you off at the airport?” I asked. I could tell she hadn’t thought about how she was getting there tomorrow. Frankly, I didn’t want anyone else to do it but me. She was mine to take care of. The thought of a stranger doing it pissed me off.

  “You don’t have to do that. My flight leaves at four thirty, so I can just call a cab from the office.”

  Well, that settled it. “Okay, that’s a yes. I’ll be at the doctor’s office at two so you can make your flight.”

  “Thanks, Ted. You’re being too nice.” I squeezed her close, loving having her body all over mine. If there wasn’t a gaggle of children by the swings, I’d have her on my lap. It was time to take her back to her place, so I could hold and kiss her the way I wanted.

  “Too nice? I highly doubt it. I feel like you deserve the world and I have to wait to give it to you. One day you’ll be ready for me to hand it over. Do you want to head back or have something else in mind?”

  She pursed her lips and looked a bit uncomfortable. “What is it?”

  “I actually should pack and make some calls to reschedule my appointments.” I saw the sadness in her eyes and understood it. I was already missing her, and she wasn’t leaving until tomorrow.

  “Okay, well, I’ll come too and we can talk while you do your thing,” I didn’t plan on leaving until she went to work. I could always go home after she left.

  “I’d like that.”

  Chapter 8


  Ted kissed me goodbye at the airport and I almost begged him to come with me. The crowded airport felt lonely. I got past the TSA security check point when my phone rang. “Hey, gorgeous. I just wanted to tell you I miss you already.”

  “I have to admit; I miss you, too.” It was so pathetic because I was only going to be gone until Friday. My flight was scheduled for the afternoon and Ted was going to pick me up. It was only a couple days and he promised to call me all the time. Why was I behaving like a silly teen?

  “Call when you land,” he said.

  “I will.” I hung up before he could. I didn’t want that awkward moment because I was choking back tears as if I was never going to see him again. I had to chill out before I turned into a mess. This wasn’t the way a doctor with a great career should be acting. My heart raced, and my mind wondered what would happen when I was gone. What if he found someone else?

  I shook it off and moved into the terminal, taking a seat until they called my flight to board.


  My dad was waiting for me with a huge grin on his face. I raced into his arms. “Hi, pumpkin,” he said, squeezing me tight.

  “Hi, daddy. I’m so glad to see you.”

  “You didn’t look like it when you got off your flight. What’s going on? You know your mom is going to be okay, right?”

  “We can only hope, daddy. I’m just…well…I met someone.”

  “Really? And the bastard didn’t come with you?”

  “I told him not to. He wanted to, but we only started dating.”

  “A tell of a man’s character is if he’s willing to support you in times of need.”

  “Dad, we just went on our first date Saturday.”

  “Well, I’ll give him that. Let’s get back to the car. Your mom has the neighbor lady over and they’ll end up ordering more shit off QVC if I stay gone too long.”

  “Oh no, that definitely wouldn’t be good.”

  “So, tell me about this guy.”

  “Well, he’s a few years older than me and owns his own company. He’s been married before, when he was young.”

  “Oh no, you don’t need trouble with an ex-wife.”

  “There’s no trouble. She died a long time ago.”

  “Are you sure? These guys these days live separate lives and play a woman.”

  “Dad, I met him through one of my patients. He came to pick her up because her husband, his brother, is a detective. She told me he was single before he did.”

  “Okay, I’m just worried about you, sweetheart. You know men are pieces of shit. I don’t want to have to kill anyone. Aidan came close in my eyes. I would have gutted him if you’d been inconsolable.”

  “Thank you, daddy, but he wasn’t worth it. Ted is a good guy though.” It struck me that I meant it. He was a sweetheart to me, but the relationship was new, which reminded me that I needed a prescription for birth control. As much as I envisioned having his baby, it wasn’t smart this soon.

  “Where did he take you for a first date?” I blushed profusely.

  “Oh no. I don’t want to know,” he said, tossing his hands off the steering wheel.

  “Well, he took me to his home and ran me a bath. He said I needed to relax after a long day. Then we had Chinese and watched hockey.” I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him the rest.

  “Wow, so he’s cheap.”

  “No, it was impromptu. But now that I’m thinking about it, our second date was a walk in the park after breakfast.”

  “Get rid of him. He’s cheap as fuck.” My dad was starting to look really irritated.

  I shook my head at him. “Dad, it wasn’t like I could do anything. I had to pack. You called while he was on his way to spend the day with me.”

  “Okay, so I’ll give him some slack on that one, but if he keeps it up, I’ll have to get rid of him myself.”

  “Dad,” I exclaimed with my mouth gaping wide. The Chicago streets were busy as always as we made our way to Orland Park where my parents live. During the drive, I made a call to Ted, but he didn’t answer. I sighed internally, but my father could read my expression, like always.

  We got to the house and my mom’s friend, Gale, was just leaving. “Oh, my goodness, you are so beautiful.” she gasped, hugging me. “Go inside. Your mom is going to freak out.”

  I entered the house and my mother was sitting on the sofa. She jumped up and ran to me. “Katie Bear!” I wrapped my arms around my tiny mom and hugged her tight. She was only about five feet and about a hundred pounds.

  “Mom, how are you feeling?” I asked as I let her go.

  “I’m doing wonderful. I can’t believe you’re here. I thought your dad went to help Gale’s husband with his broken-down vehicle. I’m going to beat you, old man,” she said, looking past me at my father whose grin was as wide as could be.

  “Baby, you know you love me.” He snuck in between us, wrapped her in his arms, and dipped her down for a kiss. I turned around because these two couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

  “Did you forget about me?” I asked, which forced my dad to set my mom back upright.

  “I didn’t f
orget about you. By the way, Kathleen your daughter has a cheap ass boyfriend.”

  “You have a boyfriend?” my mom squealed. “Tell me all about him.”

  “He’s not worthy of my girl.”

  “Of course, he’ll never be good enough, especially to her daddy, but I want a grandbaby before I kick the damn bucket.”

  “Mom, you’re going to be fine and I don’t know if Ted and I are going to have a baby any time soon.”

  “But you’re thinking about it. I want to meet him. Call him. I want to at least talk to him.”

  “She tried to, but he didn’t answer when promised.” Ted was rubbing my dad wrong and they haven’t even met.

  “Daddy, please. Ted is a busy man. He could be back at the office working.” It bothered me that he didn’t answer, but I hoped he would call soon.

  Chapter 9


  Fuck me, it was already eleven at night when I arrived at Midway airport. Shit. I picked up the rental I scheduled, then called Katie as soon as I got inside.

  “Hello, Mr. Evans.”

  “Wow, I get you’re mad, but I promise I wanted to talk to you.”

  “How come you couldn’t?” she questioned. I knew where she was going with it, but what could I do? I didn’t want to lose her shaky trust, so I decided the truth mattered more.

  I took a deep breath and pulled into the parking lot of a closed grocery store, then told her the truth, “I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I decided to come to Chicago. I’m driving to the hotel I booked right now.”

  “You’re here? Why?” Damn, it didn’t sound like she wanted me here. Maybe this was a huge mistake. It was Angel’s fault, talking me into a rage until I got jealous enough to come following after her. She told me that a man who loved his girl would be at her side and maybe one of her exes would show up and comfort her.


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