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The Accusers

Page 35

by Lindsey Davis

  'This was my father's wish,' replied Carina. 'After the corruption charges, Father decided to take a stand.'

  'It made my mother very angry,' said Juliana, 'but my father really did refuse to commit suicide. He said he would pay the compensation to Silius Italicus, and he would publicly declare the truth.'

  'Your mother must have hated that. It was her deceit. When your father died anyway -'

  'Mother was a very determined character. She said we had to rally round and back her up,' Juliana said. I was starting to think it was not so much Negrinus who was pushed around in this family, but her. She had carried the main burden of the 'suicide', with her elaborate fake story of sitting with Metellus on the day he died.

  Helena clasped her hands, absorbed by the revelations. 'Your father's decision to reveal the true story caused Saffia to leave. She then had no reason to stay. And she knew she would lose her source of plunder?'

  'She left at last. But then she decided she would murder my father,' said Carina bitterly.

  'She had had so much -' Juliana agreed bitterly. 'She wanted her bequest, and she refused to wait. She wanted everything.'

  'And she got it!' Negrinus growled.

  There was a pause, as we all considered this.

  It was Camillus Justinus who tackled the next aspect. 'You had defensive measures in place, however? Money that went missing has been quietly put into land - in Lanuvium, and perhaps other places?'

  I turned to the freedman, Alexander. 'We had wondered whether you were among the blackmailers -' Julius Alexander heard this dispassionately. He was one of those solid ex-slaves who are held in great regard, close to the family who freed him, and in command of himself.

  'But no,' Justinus corrected me, with a smile. 'I think Alexander remained loyal to a remarkable extent - and if I am right, he has positioned an estate where Negrinus can restart his life.' It made sense. The Metelli had come from Lanuvium, only a few generations ago; Negrinus would go back there, then retrace the procedure that had brought them wealth and status. He had probably gone to Lanuvium to make final arrangements, when Metellus senior died. 'Is that so?' Justinus insisted.

  The freedman deliberately folded his arms. Calmly he refused to speak. All the others were silent too. Well, most of them were used to keeping secrets. What was one more? Justinus was wasting his time; nobody here would own up.

  If Rubirius Metellus had been the defiant character they said, I could believe that he had surreptitiously removed money from Saffia's grasp and invested it where the son he had loved could benefit. It would be untraceable, no question. If it was the proceeds of the corruption, he would have had to make sure even the Treasury could not unravel his dealings and reclaim the cash. It would have been cash, of course. Backhanders are.

  Aelianus now joined in with his brother, addressing the freedman in a haughty tone: 'People will think that you are Negrinus' father. Are you?' he badgered, always blunt.

  'No.' Julius Alexander had long mastered self-control. It was the first time he had spoken. He might as well not have bothered.

  'You should be prepared for people to believe it!'

  'If it helps,' Alexander smiled.

  'But why must you leave?' Justinus rounded angrily on Negrinus. 'Why not admit there is a question mark over your origins, and just brazen things out? Rome is stuffed with men who have suspect paternity. Some great names, starting with Augustus, have been subject to rumours.'

  Helena touched my arm. 'Leave it alone,' I ordered her brother.

  She stood up and went over to him. 'Quintus, imagine it. For thirty years Metellus Negrinus had thought he belonged to a family -'

  Justinus was beyond stopping. 'Yes - and if his parents and his sisters had all turned their backs when they found out, Negrinus would have lost everything, including his identity. But he has their support. He's lucky. It's clear his father - even though he was not his father - loved him.'

  Rubiria Carina now went to Negrinus. She put her arm around him. 'We all love him. He grew up with us. He is part of us. Nothing will ever change that.'

  'You were the angriest,' Justinus reminded her. 'You even caused a scene at the funeral.'

  'That was before I knew the truth,' Carina retorted. Though she was a charitable woman, as she remembered being left out of the secret, her face darkened. 'All I saw for several years was bad feeling and inexplicable financial mismanagement.'

  Helena continued with Justinus. 'Allow him a new beginning, Quintus. He will take his young children and make what he can of the world. I believe he will do it stalwartly.'

  Justinus capitulated. He had always been a decent sort. We could trust him not to inflict unnecessary pain on people.

  Verginius Laco made the formal speech to finish - or so he intended.

  'We are most grateful for your discretion. We all feel you have acted in a most supportive manner to Negrinus. He will be leaving Rome shortly with Julius Alexander, and in due course as you surmise, he will begin a new life under a new name, we hope in far happier circumstances.'

  He had not reckoned with my two young associates. They were still boiling over. 'But Negrinus cannot leave Rome. What about the court case?' demanded Justinus, finding a new reason to argue.

  Laco quietly had the answer: 'It was announced today that there will be no court case.'

  'Silius and Paccius have withdrawn?' Aelianus exclaimed eagerly.

  'Reason prevails!' Laco remarked drily, before adding, 'The Senate will not allow the charge to proceed. The grounds cited in the Daily Gazette will be that the Senate will not permit the pursuit of public wrongs for the purposes of private vengeance.'

  'This makes no mention of Saffia killing Metellus? So it appears,' I said, 'as if everything relates to the original corruption case? Paccius and Silius are being reprimanded for hounding the Metelli -'

  'As they have done,' said Laco, rather curtly. 'Everyone can see that.' I began to suspect his influence in this Senate vote. In fact, he looked tired. I wondered if he had been spending hard effort on lobbying colleagues. He admitted frankly, 'It is of no interest to us to have it made known what Saffia did.'

  Of course not. Never mind that she was a murderess. If they damned her in public, her blackmail had to be explained; the secret she knew would become public knowledge.

  'She is dead. We cannot punish her. And we have to protect her children. Her father,' said Laco, 'has stepped in with remedies. Donatus, a decent type, is to adopt Saffia's young son Lucius - Lutea has agreed to it - and Donatus is pleased to do so, having no sons of his own. Then, to protect Lucius and the other children from being sullied by their mother's past actions, Donatus will make certain payments from the money and goods Saffia had carried off. He will take responsibility for the payment Silius Italicus won in the corruption case. And I believe he will also cover certain "expenses" for Paccius Africanus.'

  'The compensation was a million and a quarter,' Helena reminded him coolly.

  Verginius Laco smiled. 'I understand Silius will accept a lesser sum, as a compromise.

  'Why?' Like her brothers, Helena did not shy from the awkward question, though her tone was less abrasive.

  'Why?' Laco seemed surprised to be challenged.

  'Why is Silius Italicus prepared to compromise?'

  Without her insistence, Verginius Laco would not have paid the compliment: 'The ethical queries raised by Didius Falco against both Silius and Paccius may be a factor. They were embarrassed by the speech he made. It could interfere with their present and future standing.'

  Helena justina gave him a gracious smile. 'Then we are glad Falco made the speech! And what about the loss of Rubirius Metellus?'

  Laco was terse. 'Donatus will make reparation.'

  His children had accepted a payoff. Perhaps that was justice. Certainly the law would say so.

  'So the family is content. But are you sure,' I asked him, 'neither Silius nor Paccius will want a formal verdict on the murder? Are their payments from Donatus enough to
make them forget such a terrible crime was committed?'

  'They are informers,' said Laco. Perhaps he forgot I was one. 'Pursuing money appeals to them more than pursuing wrongs.'

  We had one last awkward question. Just when everything seemed over, Aelianus doggedly came out with it: 'There is just one thing nobody has explained yet. All the fuss has been because Negrinus is an interloper. So - who was his real father?'

  Helena was too far away to cuff him round the ears. Rubiria Carina spoke up at once: 'That we do not know. And since my mother is now dead,' she continued wanly, 'I am afraid we will never know.'

  Aelianus suspected she was lying. A raised finger from his own sister made him hold his peace.

  I myself thought that Carina was telling the truth. Though, like the rest of them throughout this sad story, she was not telling all of it.


  IT WAS made apparent subtly that we were to take our leave. Falco and Associates withdrew from the white and gold salon, leaving the family of Rubirius Metellus to reflect on the end to their difficulties.

  The Camillus brothers stood with Helena and me as we waited for our bearers. Canidianus Rufus, who had stormed out earlier, was already prowling the atrium; his wife's litter stood ready and he was hanging around for Juliana.

  After a glance at the others, I walked across to him. 'All very enlightening!'

  He grunted. As a mode of expression it was minimal, but suited his personality. Even amongst a family he approved of, this man would have been restless and abrasive. Today he was ready to boil over. He glared at me through eyes like slits.

  'Of course they have not admitted the whole story.' I implied that I knew anyway. 'I don't care for letting a murderess get away with it - and they haven't thought about Lutea. He intends trouble, depend on it. He needs money far too much to stop.'

  Canidianus Rufus was hopping from foot to foot, praying for his wife to arrive and free him. But they had brainwashed him into keeping their secrets and he managed to remain silent.

  I pretended not to notice his discomfiture. 'I do applaud Laco for sewing it all up with Donatus - Laco must have been working his arse off over all this... Curious family,' I commented. 'Though strangely loyal. And now they will get away with it -'

  'It stinks!' Rufus could no longer hold back.

  I shrugged. Thinking of how old Donatus was now taking on little Lucius, I suggested, 'So much could have been avoided by a quiet adoption process, surely?'

  Helena had crossed the atrium to join us. She slipped her hand through my arm. 'Oh no, Marcus. Adoption is for families of good birth only. The Metelli never had that option.'

  'Because his father was unknown?' I pulled a face. Canidianus Rufus stood silent, either unaware how we were playing him, or helpless to escape. 'Negrinus would take his mother's rank, Helena - what's the problem? Adultery is the fashion; there is no stigma nowadays.'

  'Keep your voice down!' Helena hushed me, drawing Rufus into our gossip. 'Marcus is so innocent. Not knowing a father is awkward, love, but common enough. But their situation is just unworkable. They have only admitted half of it. Rubirius Metellus was not his son's father - but nor was Calpurnia Cara his mother! Am I right, Rufus?'

  Canidianus Rufus was desperate to share his anger: 'Oh you're horribly right, young lady!'

  'Did Calpurnia bear three children?' hissed Helena. 'Two girls and a boy?'

  'Yes,' said Rufus.

  'And the boy died?'


  'So Calpurnia obtained a substitute from Euboule?'


  'But that's appalling.' I joined in as if the thought had only just struck me. 'Such a child was a disaster. Negrinus could be anyone!'

  Canidianus Rufus could no longer contain his true feelings. 'It's disgusting!' he roared, not caring who heard him. The Camillus brothers looked startled and came over towards us. 'She should have been divorced, the minute Metellus found out. Passing off a child on him? He should have charged the bloody woman with deception. As for the so-called son -' He was livid. 'Don't ask me to use his name again - he has no right to it. That sham! It's a bloody disgrace that decent people are expected to go on dealing with him. He should never have been allowed in the Senate. Never put up for aedile. Never kept in the family. I simply can't believe it! They should all stop cosying up to him - and kick him back where he belongs!'

  Overcome with revulsion, Rufus stomped off. We four stood there stunned - not only by the revelation. The outburst from Rufus showed the full force of senatorial snobbery. And his self-righteous prejudice showed exactly why the Metellus family had been trapped.

  After a moment Aelianus whistled quietly through his front teeth. 'Well?' he asked Helena.

  She took a deep breath. 'I just guessed. Calpurnia Cara's own son must have died whilst being nursed by Euboule. Because fear or distaste made her not want to have another baby, Calpurnia chose not to tell her husband, but she let Euboule substitute another child. It worked. It worked for thirty years. But Calpurnia had to pay Euboule extortionately to keep the secret - and in the end Euboule or her daughter began to tell others.'

  'It was always bound to happen,' Justinus observed.

  'Calpurnia Cara made a terrible mistake,' Helena agreed. 'When Saffia told Metellus, there was no way out. Calpurnia wanted to keep the secret for her own sake, and Metellus knew he could not allow anyone in good society to know. Metellus may have stood by Negrinus - who was the innocent victim - but he raged at Calpurnia. I can even see why she lost any feeling for Negrinus. Well, she always knew he was not her child. She let him be falsely accused of killing Metellus. She came to hate him for the trouble he had caused, and must have wanted him out of the way. It's only astonishing that neither his father nor his sisters would abandon him.'

  'That's the one good part of this.' I took up the story quietly. 'Metellus senior had brought up Negrinus as his own and could not reject him. Yet he had to keep the secret. No alternative. It's more than merely scandalous. This supposititious child could have any parentage. To blackmail Calpurnia, you can bet Euboule suggested the very worst.'

  'What's that?' asked Aelianus.

  'Well, Negrinus could be Euboule's own child, in itself no recommendation. There are terrible alternatives, as the poor man must know. To be slave-born will make him a slave too; in theory, an owner could still claim him.'

  Appreciating the problem now, Aelianus chimed in: 'Either of his parents could be infamous. If he is the child of an actor, a pimp or a gladiator, he's a legal outcast. Rufus was right - he is completely disqualified from the Senate.'

  'That's nothing. He has even lost his citizenship,' I added. 'He has no birth certificate, we can be sure. His marriage was illegal. His children are now nobodies as well.'

  'However much his sisters want to help,' Helena groaned, 'they cannot give him any status. The worst of all is - he doesn't even know who he is. I bet Euboule won't tell him.'

  'Whatever she does say, he won't feel able to believe her,' Justinus groaned.

  What Verginius Laco had hygienically called the 'situation' was dire. There was no chance of passing off Negrinus as of senatorial rank now. He and his children were lost souls. He could only leave Rome and begin afresh. Many have done it. In the Empire, a man of character could achieve much. But it would be hard for anyone who had been brought up, as he was, with such vastly different expectations.

  We had our own problems. This case had left us with serious troubles. But when our transport came and we said farewell to her brothers, Helena and I went home that night in a subdued mood, not thinking of ourselves. 'Gnaeus Metellus Negrinus' had been a diffident, well-meaning young man, a good father with strength of character. Now he could no longer even use his name. To be born with nothing was grim. But to be born with everything, then to lose it, was far more cruel.


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