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Forbidden Bond

Page 12

by Jessica Lee

  Without thinking, Eion wrapped his hand around Kris’s wrist and said quietly, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Kris eased back onto his seat, sliding his arm free, the look on his face a silent, yeah…right.

  “I swear,” Eion added. “I’ll be here until your ranch is back on its feet. I’m not going to let you lose your home…no way in hell.”

  “That sounds great and all,” Kris began. “But it’s just a little hard to believe you feel that strongly about us, our ranch, when you disappeared for years.”

  The man had a point. Eion leaned in, resting his forearms on the table. “I wish I could go into more detail about what happened back then.” He reached up and rubbed a palm over his chin, sucking in a calming breath. “Responsibilities to my family took me out of Little Crow faster than I had anticipated.” He glimpsed Liv out of the corner of his eye. She sipped her coffee, studying him over the brim. Choosing his words carefully, he went on. “I didn’t know if I’d ever be back, and duty to my family, the business—let’s just say it kept me from keeping any ties back here.” He turned his attention to Kris, narrowing his gaze, his heart pounding. “But that didn’t mean I ever forgot about the years I spent with you and your family. They were the most fun, the most normal in my life.”

  Kris’s expression softened around the edges.

  “Working for you is my way of giving some payback for how I left things. No hidden motives.” He shook his head. “Well, if you don’t count the bonus time I get to spend with an old friend.” He flicked his gaze to Liv with a grin, then back to Kris. “And I do mean old.”

  “Speak for yourself, you bastard.” Kris lunged forward in his chair and clipped him in the shoulder. Both Kris and Eion erupted with laughter. “When my leg heals, I’ll take your ass any day.”

  “Bring it.” Eion smirked.

  “All right, then.” Kris pulled up using his crutches, and hobbled away from the table. “I’ll give you some time to find out what and how many we’re dealing with.” The sound of his pace stopped, and Eion swiveled in his seat. “Keep in mind we can’t take another hit like tonight. If that happens, we’re going to have to do whatever it takes.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Olivia slipped the two vials of blood she’d collected from her patient on the way in to the office that morning into the packing bag and sealed it. She stuffed the test order form into the attached pouch and placed it in the refrigerator where it would wait for pick up at the end of the day. Out of nowhere, the image of Eion leaning over her, the feel of his lips as they brushed hers, slammed into her head, swamping Olivia with sensation. She swayed, but captured the door handle of the fridge before stumbling.

  Her pulse raced.

  Air rushed in and out of her lungs on heated breaths.

  Her breasts ached.

  Oh, God. This was so not good.

  The memory had plagued her all night, and she’d tossed and turned, barely catching an hour or two of sleep. Shit. She had to get him out of her mind.

  “But I don’t regret kissing you. And I won’t forget…either one of your kisses.” His declaration bounced around inside of her mind like some out of control missile looking for a target to unload its payload of disaster.

  The way he’d looked at her when he’d spoken the words…he’d made her feel as if all she had to do was say the word, and he would have tossed her over his shoulder, whisked her away, and taken her to a place she’d never been.

  If only she were at a different place in her life. Maybe… Yet Eion had no plans to stay in Little Crow, and how much did she really know about him? He’d hinted at some mysterious responsibility to his family that had kept him from contacting them for more than ten years, but he hadn’t gone into detail.

  After yesterday, she was more confused than ever. One man offered her love, security, and the stability she’d long thought she wanted. She adored him. The other offered her excitement and passion, but she had no idea about his heart. Did he even care about her or was it all about lust? She couldn’t let the implications of what Eion had said get under her skin, because a disaster would be the result of letting things go too far. Olivia could lose her best friend, her business partner, and be responsible for breaking Taylor’s heart. God, she didn’t want to be the woman who hurt him like that.

  “Hey, baby.” A pair of hands gripped her arms. She jerked.

  “Whoa!” Taylor turned her around by her shoulders and chuckled. “I didn’t mean to startle you. You must have been a thousand miles away.”

  She released a long sigh. “Yeah, I guess so,” she added with an attempt at a laugh. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I could tell.” He placed a quick kiss to her forehead. “I came in through the back a minute or two ago, passed by, and noticed you in here.” He reached around her head and pulled her ponytail forward, threading his fingers through the strands. “I know what you were doing… You were fantasizing about us, huh? The weekend is only a few hours away.” He winked.

  Guilt surged to the back of her throat, a presence so large and physical, she couldn’t help but cough. She quickly covered her mouth as another round of coughing spasms gripped her.

  “You okay?” Taylor clutched her once more by the shoulders.

  “Yeah,” she managed on a wheeze. “I don’t know…” She coughed again. “Something in my throat.”

  “Let me get you some water.”

  She nodded, and he hurried from the room. Crazy. She was a crazy woman. It had only been a kiss. Another cough. She hadn’t actually cheated on Taylor. But Olivia couldn’t get him out of her mind no matter how hard she tried.

  A second or two later, he was back with a bottle of water. “Here you go.” He unscrewed the top and handed it to her. Liv tossed back a quick swallow, thankful for the relief that came after a few gulps.

  “Thanks,” she said, finding her voice again.

  “No problem.” He cupped her chin. “You okay now?”

  “All better.” She forced a smile. “Don’t know what happened there.” Liv took the cap from his other hand and twisted it back on.

  “You seem a little unsettled, not like yourself. Everything okay?” Taylor pulled up one of the metal stools at the counter, offering the seat to her before grabbing its twin.

  Sighing, she settled down and told him about the incident with their herd.

  “Oh, damn, Livvy. I’m sorry.” He took one of her hands into his. “Is there something I can do?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “There’s nothing you can do right now. Eion is handling it over the next few days, waiting to see if what attacked our cattle returns.”

  “And you think it’s a pack of wolves?”

  “That’s what it looked like. But Eion says that we need to correctly document what and how many are coming around before we contact Wyoming Game and Fish.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I know you.” Taylor smiled. “You don’t want to have to kill anything. No matter what it’s done.” Absently, he sorted the variety of vacuum tubes in their holder, placing them in order based on size and stopper color.

  “And I’m the one with issues?” she drawled. “Look at you.” She pointed at his hand. “The neat freak who can’t stand to sit here without straightening any disorder.” He dropped his arm away.

  “Got me.” He grinned. “So once you find out what’s trying to snack on your cattle, are you going to need some help tranquilizing and capturing them?”

  “I’m sure we will.” Olivia propped her elbow on the counter and rested her chin in her palm. “You know…” She gave Taylor a lopsided smile and straightened. “Eion is on the job, but how about a wild date with me tonight?”

  “What you got in mind?” That devilish grin she was so fond of made an appearance.

  “Wild, Taylor McDaniel, as in creeping out with a couple of flashlights, guns, you and me…” She slid from her seat, sauntered over to her boyfriend, and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You and me under the star
s…” Olivia placed a light peck to each of his cheeks.

  “Mmm…sounds romantic.” He spread his legs, placed his hands on her hips, and pulled her closer. “You and me…” Taylor followed the curve of her waist with his palm up her back.

  “Uh-huh. That’s right.” She planted another peck to his forehead this time.

  “Under the moon and stars…on a stakeout for wolves,” he deadpanned.

  She chuckled and pushed free from his hold. “Got me.” Taylor cracked a smile and laughed.

  “Hey, guys!” Josie sashayed into the lab, a lovely burst of color and sunshine in a bright blue silk blouse and snow-white skirt that hugged her curves perfectly.

  “What’s so funny?” Josie beamed.

  “We were just making some plans for the weekend.” Olivia gave Josie a quick hug. “What you up to, girlfriend?”

  Propping her leather satchel on the counter, Josie made her way over to Taylor and placed an arm around his shoulder. “Well, I hope you two haven’t set those plans in stone for Saturday night, ‘cause I’ve got some fun planned for you two.”

  “You do?” Olivia laughed. “And what have you gotten us into?”

  “Nothing much.” She waved a dismissive hand and pulled away from Taylor, facing them both. “Just a small impromptu one year anniversary party for Little Crow Pass’ very own animal hospital at The Dry Well.”

  “An anniversary party?” Olivia braced her hands on her hips. Taylor stood and joined Olivia, sliding his arm around her waist. “You shouldn’t have, Josie.”

  “It was no bother.” She grinned. “You know I love any excuse to celebrate. Besides, I know you two wouldn’t want anything too stuffy, and it’s definitely a cause for a celebration. So I figured we’d have some food, drinks, dancing, and a game or two of pool.” Josie came over and grabbed Olivia’s arm, hanging on her. “It’ll be fun,” she drawled. “You’ll see.”

  “That does sound like a good time,” Taylor added with a one-arm squeeze to Olivia’s shoulder. “Right? Hang out with a few friends. Celebrate. I think it’s just what the doctor ordered.”

  She shook her head, adding in a bit of a scowl for a playful effect. “You’re a vet, Dr. McDaniel.”

  Josie and Taylor chuckled. Her boyfriend pulled her close, pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head. Olivia closed her eyes at the gentle caress and a part of her fervently wished that his kiss had the same effect on her as Eion’s had. Shoving the traitorous thought aside, she lifted her lashes and smiled up at Taylor.

  “Let’s have us a party.”


  Eion slowed his Appaloosa to a stop near the stream that divided his land from the Wilsons’. She dipped her head low into the cool water, drinking her fill. He pulled his cell free from the clip on his belt and pulled up his list of contacts. It had been too late last night to call anyone about the attack on Kris and Liv’s herd, so he’d waited until he had a chance for some time alone at lunch to reach out and touch his brother.

  Tristan, his younger brother, was the best choice for an inside look into the alpha’s current mindset. Calling his father first would be pointless. He’d only shout and demand obedience without any attempt at listening to reason. Finding the listing he was searching for, Eion tapped the number and dialed.

  Tristan answered on the second ring.

  “I was wondering how long it would take before you called,” Tristan said.

  “So he’s really lost his mind and was responsible for the attack last night?”

  Tristan sighed. “I’ve never seen him so pissed.”

  “Talk to me. What have you heard?” Eion dismounted, holding the phone to his ear, walked over to the water’s edge, and crouched. He watched as a school of minnows swirled in the shallows, oblivious to the outside world, and waited for the confirmation to come that Tawny had indeed divulged the secret he’d carried for twelve years.

  “Is it true, Eion? You’ve bonded to a human female there?”

  His stomach fell. Hitting the bottom of his gut with what he would have sworn was an audible thud. His fingers curled around a fist of pebbles. Straightening, he tossed them across the surface of the water. The last one plopped and sank on the other side as he reeled in the leash on his control.

  “Yes. It’s true.”

  “Oh, my God, man. I’d hoped that was all Tawny, trying to stir up some drama like she’s famous for… Shit! What are you planning on doing? Is that why you went back there? For her?”

  “No!” Eion spun and marched away from the bank, going in no particular direction. “At least I don’t think so. Damn! I was only going to be here a few days. Get the ranch up on the market and head home.”

  “But you made sure you ran into her one more time,” his brother said, his tone dark.

  “Not intentionally.”

  “Right… I hate to go there, man, but have you sealed the deal? Have you mated with her?”

  “God, no,” Eion barked. “She has no idea what I am, and I wouldn’t do that to her. Liv doesn’t even know that our kind exist.”

  “You can’t tell her about us, Eion. You, of all people, know we’re not to get involved with humans. You can’t let this go any further. Come home and get your life back, Brother.”

  “I know, dammit! That’s what I’ve tried to do for the last twelve years!” he shouted. “I never completed our bond. But, holy hell, no matter how much sex, time, and distance I put between us, I can’t get her out of my system.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Eion couldn’t miss the telltale click, click sound of the nervous tapping that was so Tristan when he knew they were in trouble. “I don’t know what I’m saying…maybe that I’m screwed. I have to move on. I know that. But I’m not ready to let go. Not yet.” He released a long deep breath. “She needs me, Tristan. I have to help her and her brother get back on their feet. After I make sure she’s happy, I swear I’ll let go.”

  “You want me to explain this to our father?” Tristan forced out a short laugh that had way more to do with disbelief than humor.

  “You are the peacemaker of the family, little brother.”

  “True. But you have to admit this is a lot more serious than who dented our father’s Mercedes.”

  “Tristan. Come on, man. Talk to him. Get him to call off his dogs. I got the message. He doesn’t have to worry about his rising alpha. I’ll be back to claim my place in succession.”

  “Eion…” His brother sighed. “He told me that if you called, to let you know that if you weren’t home in forty-eight hours, that wouldn’t be the last damage done to the Wilsons’ herd.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Eion growled. “Doesn’t he realize that Kris and Olivia will call in the Game and Fish Department? He’s putting our people at risk for no fucking reason.”

  “He feels the same way about you, Eion. Father said that the longer you put yourself out there with ‘that woman’, the more at risk you are of sinking deeper into your bond, threatening everything you’ve worked toward your entire life.”

  “I take it you agree with him,” Eion said.

  “I don’t know.” Tristan groaned. “I do know I don’t agree with his methods. He should not have sent anyone to damage their cattle.” The tapping sound increased. “I can see both sides, though. He has a point. Pack law is clear in regards to shifter and human mating. It’s forbidden. And the more time you spend with her, Eion, the harder it’s going to be to leave. But no matter what, you’re my brother, and I’ll always have your back.”

  “Thank you.” Eion exhaled. “So you’ll try and talk to him?”

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “I appreciate it.” Eion made his way back to his horse and grabbed the reins with one hand. “In the meantime, I’ll attempt to get in touch with him and see if by some miracle he’ll listen to reason.” He hoisted himself up and back into his saddle. “Let me know how it goes on your end.”

  “Will do.”

  The sound of an approaching ho
rse had him twisting in his saddle, glancing in the direction of the noise. He ended his call and shoved the phone back into its holder. Eion nudged his horse away from the water and toward the oncoming rider. His pulse lurched and his senses went into full alert at the sight of Liv on her mustang.

  “We meet again,” Liv called out, trotting up to where they stood. “Looks like I’m going to have to learn to share my favorite quiet place.” She smiled and patted her stallion along his neck.

  “Is that going to be a problem, Dr. Wilson?”

  “Might.” She cocked her head with a smirk. “I was never very good at sharing, being the baby and all.”

  “You were quite spoiled as a young girl.”

  “What?” she scoffed. “I was not spoiled. Maybe a little strong-willed.” She dismounted and led her horse over to the stream for a drink.

  “Strong-willed…” Eion swung his leg over and joined her on the ground. “Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?” They both chuckled. He slung the lead over a nearby branch, securing his horse, and ambled near Liv. “You’re out here in your scrubs in the middle of the day.” He tugged on one of the large front pockets of her top. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She stepped back, making sure he lost his grip on her shirt. “This is where I like to come sometimes to think.” She lowered herself onto the grassy bank. “I like the sound of the water. It’s calming.”

  Unable to resist, Eion sat beside her, both facing the stream. “That it is.” He sighed. Seconds passed between them in silence, the sound of the water breaking over the rocks the only melody in the air. “So,” he drawled, “what are you thinking about that requires a half-hour ride to listen to the water?”


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