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Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

Page 22

by Sherry Ewing

  “Are you, mayhap, trying to tell me you are not a virgin?”


  “I see.”

  “I’m so sorry, Riorden,” she said, and waited for the proverbial other shoe to fall. He said nothing and only continued to hold her. “I thought I was in lo─”

  He silenced her by placing his warm fingertips on her lips. “I do not wish to hear how you felt for another, Kat.”

  “Please, don’t be angry with me,” she pleaded, trying to read his face.

  “We all have a past we would like to forget, my sweet Katherine. What happened in yours cannot be changed and the same holds true for mine. We both need to learn to leave the past where it belongs and look forward to our future together.”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”

  “You are here with me now, and ’tis all that matters,” he proclaimed honestly and then began to laugh. “Besides, this actually ends a dilemma I was trying to find a solution for.”

  She looked at him with confusion. “What was that?”

  Her breath caught as she felt him lower the robe from her shoulders. He slid his hands down her back until he reached her bottom and pulled her completely up against his rigid body with another chuckle. “Virgins…I hear they are a bothersome lot, since they know nothing of what a man likes in his bed. ’Tis why I have never bothered being with them.”

  “And just how many women have you been in bed with, my lord?” she asked, raising her brow.

  “Enough to know you shall have no complaints when I have thoroughly pleased you,” he said huskily. “I had worried once I began making love to you, I would be hard pressed to pause, to give you time to rest. Now I do not need to concern myself with only having you once, but can satisfy my thirst for you until the dawn.”

  Katherine ran her hands up his tunic and began pulling it off his chest. The touch of his skin beneath her palms sent her pulse racing. “Only until the dawn?” she asked in a sultry voice.

  He leaned down until his lips were but inches from her own. Their breath became as one. “All of eternity will not be long enough to show you how much I care for you. I love you, Katherine. I will love you until the dawn, until all of our morrows, until time ceases to exist.”

  She wound her arms around his neck and leaned into his muscled torso. “Then show me, my dearest Riorden,” she breathed.

  She laughed brightly as he suddenly scooped her up into his arms, as if she weighed nothing at all, and placed her on the bed. He sat on its edge in order to remove his boots, and Katherine wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hurry, Riorden,” she whispered and began placing soft kisses on his ear and neck. She heard him groan and felt him shiver.

  “You are distracting me, Kat,” he said as the second boot finally thumped onto the floor. He stood, tearing off the remainder of his clothes.

  Her eyes widened in startled amazement of what stood before her. There was certainly something to be said for her knight standing there with layered muscles and skin that had been kissed by the sun. Her gaze went lower, and she gasped. “Oh, my goodness.”

  Riorden chuckled at her discovery of what awaited her. “See what you have done to me?”

  “Yes,” she barely managed to say, and she licked her suddenly dry lips. “Is that all for me?”

  He gave her a mischievous grin. “Aye, ’tis all for you, my love.”

  She began to fumble with the ties of her night clothes and found her fingers no longer seemed to be working properly.

  Riorden took her hands in his and began to suck each of her fingertips. She moaned at the contact of his tongue. “May I,” she heard him inquire as to assisting her. She somehow achieved a nod of assent. It was all she could manage, for she was already completely lost in the spell he had woven around her heart.

  Again, he gave her that devilish smile she had come to love. As he took the gown in hand and pulled it off her, she heard it rip and watched as he threw the fabric carelessly behind him, and it floated to the floor in a puddle of silky linen.

  The bed dipped as he joined her. When he lay atop her, she felt as if she had died and gone to heaven. She thought her body pressed up against his while they embraced each other in the pond had been like experiencing a small bit of paradise, but surely, this was beyond any words of description. It was perfect!

  He kissed her and took whatever was left of her sense of reality away. Each kiss said a thousand words, awakening her soul. Each taste when their tongues met was as if they were pouring life into each other. Their hands explored one another until they knew every curve of their bodies intimately. Time stood still and held no meaning while they savored every second of this moment until they at last joined together.

  Katherine opened her eyes as she felt Riorden move to enter the very core of her being. She could feel just the tip of him teasing her senses. Every nerve in her body was surely on fire while she waited with baited breath for him to continue. The blue of his eyes were filled with so much passion, she could tell it had taken everything in his power to have held out for as long as he had.

  “Tell me what you want, my love,” he said hoarsely as he strained not to enter her.

  “I want you,” she said hungrily as she caressed his back.

  “You mean, this,” he replied as he entered her just a fraction.


  Still he teased her by not entering her completely. “How about now?”

  She reached up and pulled his head down closer to her face. He kissed her again until she finally found her voice and could respond while staring up into his eyes. “I want you so deep inside me, Riorden, that I’ll know you’ve forever touched my heart,” she said, and cried out when she at last received, inch by glorious inch, what she had been begging him for.

  “Then come with me, Katherine, and let us reach for the stars together.”

  He began to move in a rhythm known throughout all time. There was an urgency now between them as they were consumed with a sensation, almost like an addiction, which only the other could satisfy and fulfill. The tension began to build until Katherine could barely breathe as sweat glistened between their straining bodies.

  Higher and higher they soared on their journey together. Just as Katherine felt on the brink of something so wonderful, and he could take her no further, he plunged deeper inside her one last time, and she felt it…that blissful release…like white hot lightning, radiating through every part of her being. She cried out his name, even as he called out hers, while she felt him pulsating his very soul into her own. Riorden had done what he had promised. He had taken her to the heavenly stars above.

  Their rapid breathing as they gasped for air attested to the extent and power of what had inevitably passed between them. Katherine felt him move as if to leave her, and she wrapped her legs around him, clutching him firmly in place.

  “No,” she said in the softest of pleas, “please don’t go as yet. Stay, Riorden, so I can feel your heartbeat next to mine, just a while longer…”

  Their breathing at last returned to some sort of normalcy, as if she would ever know what normal was again after such an earth shattering experience. She wondered how long they stayed there, since time truly no longer meant a thing to her. Her fingers gently began moving their way down his back until she reached his firm buttocks. She couldn’t resist giving both cheeks a squeeze. A deep chuckle escaped him, almost as if he was ready for more of what they had just shared.

  “Are you trying to tempt me, my lady?” His voice practically dripped with enough passion to cause Katherine’s pulse to once more increase.

  “Perhaps…” She let her words linger in the air like an invitation to journey to the heavens, again.

  He took her up on what she offered. His arms snaked around her until she now found herself on top of him. Her hair became like a veil around their heads and she wiggled her bottom, enjoying the sensation of being in control, or so she thought, as she felt him growing again beneath her.

den growled and pulled her up by her hips until he slowly lowered her down so he filled her completely. She leaned her head back, relishing the feel of him and the exquisite pleasure she could now give him. He gave her a roguish grin, and she bent down, placing a kiss upon his parted lips.

  “I love you,” Katherine uttered with all the love she felt for this man she had crossed time for.

  “Then show me, my Katherine,” he said, kissing her again. Deeply. Fully. Until she had no doubt the lion within him had awoken, again. She laughed and took control, gladly setting the pace to their movements now.

  The midnight hours waned, closer and closer to the morning’s rising sun. Seemingly, the heavens themselves came shinning down upon the couple who at last fell asleep still wrapped securely within each other’s embrace. For on this night, they had unknowingly sealed their earthly bonds to one another. God above was pleased, and their souls became united and would everlastingly transcend time itself. The sun rose high into the morning sky, and still they slumbered peacefully. They were as one. They were forever complete.

  Chapter 28

  Massive pounding penetrated Riorden’s head and he woke as his chamber door crashed open. Wood splintered when it slammed against the wall. He automatically reached for his sword, or tried to, but found he was entangled with Katherine’s hair hampering his movements. His bleary vision cleared enough to see the man standing at the foot of his bed was Dristan, whose anger was clearly registered on his stern visage.

  “Riorden, my love, tell the idiot, making so much noise he disturbs our slumber, to go away,” Katherine mumbled still half asleep. “You need your rest so you can love me again in the morning.”

  Riorden settled the covers over Katherine’s shoulder and felt her snuggle into his chest with a heavy blissful sigh. He pulled her closer to him. “Kat…we have…unexpected company.”

  “Don’t want any. Just want you,” she muttered until Riorden gently shook her to fully wake her. “All right already, I’m getting up. But, it’s best you learn now, I’m really not a morning person. Sheesh!” She finally opened her eyes and gasped upon seeing Dristan towering over them. She made a grab for the blanket and pulled it to her chin.

  Riorden calmly waited for the storm brewing in Dristan’s face to explode. He did not have a long delay.

  “God’s wounds! What were you thinking, Riorden?” Dristan bellowed. “I said, I would give her my protection, and now I find you bedding her?”

  Riorden shrugged. “’Twas only a matter of time afore the deed was done. Besides...she will be my wife.”

  “You damned well better make her your wife!”

  “Really Dristan, there’s no need to make such a fuss. Katherine and I will wed with all haste,” Riorden snapped and then placed a kiss on Katherine’s forehead as she laid her head back down upon his chest.

  “Tell that to the three women who are in a complete state of panic, not knowing where their lady friend is. We were just about to send out a scouting party, thinking she slipped past the guards and was out running in her future gear!” Dristan roared. “The thought of someone finding her and burning her at the stake for being a witch would tend to make anyone edgy, especially if he had sworn to protect the lady. Is this not so?”

  Riorden sobered at the thought. “My apologies, Dristan. I did not think−”

  “Nay! You did not,” he retorted.

  Katherine sat up on her elbow. “Please, my lord, don’t blame him for something I wanted just as much as he did.”

  “Did he force you?” Dristan inquired sternly.

  She looked at him aghast. “Of course not!”

  Dristan pointed the tip of his sword at Riorden. “You are lucky you have been my friend for as long as I can remember. I did not think you would ever do something like this to one who was under my care.” He lowered his sword and took a deep breath.

  “She is safe, Dristan, and no harm has come to her. I will watch over her always,” Riorden vowed.

  Dristan looked at the couple, wrapped up in each other’s arms. “See that you do. Dress yourselves. I will gather everyone to meet in my solar, since the opportunity did not present itself last eve or this morn whilst we searched the castle for your lady.”

  Dristan strode through the doorway after unsuccessfully attempting to shut it to allow them some form of privacy. Unfortunately, the door now hung useless upon its hinges.

  Katherine giggled nervously. “I guess the cat has been let out of the bag.”

  Riorden’s brow drew together, since he had no idea of what she spoke. She must have felt amused at his look, since she laughed out loud and reached up to smooth the crease from his brow.

  “You shouldn’t frown so, my love. You’ll get wrinkles,” Katherine whispered softly and placed a kiss upon his lips.

  He pulled her on top of him and ravished her mouth whilst he raked his fingers through her glorious silken hair. “I wish we had time to take up where we left off but hours ago. Mayhap, a door would help, as well. You have left me aching for you again. You are such a temptress.”

  “Later?” she asked breathlessly.

  “You can count on it, my lady.”

  “I like the sound of that,” she said as she rose from the bed, dragging one of the covers with her. “I’ve waited a lifetime to hear you call me your lady and only thought I would hear it in my dreams.”

  “Then ’tis something you must needs get used to, Katherine, for you shall be my lady for the rest of our days, and for always.”

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven then,” she proclaimed and reached up bringing his head down so she could meet his lips.

  “You have taken me there, as well, ma cher.” He began donning his braies until he heard her laughter erupt. “What amuses you so, Kat?”

  “Those are the craziest underwear I’ve ever seen!” She giggled again, covering her mouth with her hand.

  “You can say such of my garments after what I have seen you wearing?” His brow lifted to mock her attempts to remain contrite and serious. It only made her mirth ring out louder.

  “Sorry, but it’s true.”

  “I have my doubts, Kat. I must admit, your undergarments do not leave much to the imagination, but I like them.”

  “Maybe, I should wear them more often,” she suggested.

  “Or just remain naked in my bed.” He tossed her a wicked grin whilst drawing his hose over his legs and then sauntered to her side, holding out her robe to cover her. “Now off with you,” he said, with a playful swat on her bottom. “I shall see you in Dristan’s solar once you are properly clothed, although, I must say, I have enjoyed you naked in my bed. I am sure Dristan will continue to have a few choice words for me, so I might as well get it over with, else he make me pay for my insolence with an afternoon in the lists.”

  Riorden watched her wave goodbye and could hear the patter of her bare feet as she fled down the passageway. Her nightwear, half way under the bed, caught his eye, and he picked up the soft fabric from where he had tossed it the eve afore, when he tore the cloth hiding her from his gaze. He smiled and caught the faintest hint of her scent and breathed deeply. He would have to ask her what kind of flowers she smelled of.

  Memories of their limbs entwined throughout the night assailed his senses until he felt himself harden. He carefully folded the ruined garment and placed it with his own clothing. He would keep it with him always, as a reminder of a night worth remembering.

  He chuckled and thought on his previous conversation with Dristan. He hated to admit the man was right. Riorden was sure, if last eve was any indication on what the future held, he would never in truth be bored with Katherine by his side. Too bad the door was in ruins, else he would have satisfied his thirst for her this morn, afore she left.

  He grabbed his sword and made his way from his chamber, already looking forward to the evening when he could take Katherine back into his arms. ’Tis where she belonged, and ’twas where she would forever stay.

  * * *

  Katherine made her way down the long third story passageway until she came to Dristan’s solar. From the volume of raised angry voices she heard in the hallway, even though the heavy door was completely shut, she almost hesitated in announcing her presence. Knowing she couldn’t put off the inevitable, she knocked only once before she heard Dristan’s call to enter.

  The room was filled with people, and the tension could be cut with a knife, it was so thick. Danior appeared as if he were about to erupt and take his frustration out on Gavin, who held him back from his desire to get his hands around Tiernan’s neck. Aiden stood before Tiernan, as if guarding him, but everyone could see he was doing so reluctantly and as a favor to Emily.

  Dristan and Riorden were also in a heated discussion. They both turned their eyes upon her as she entered then quickly returned to their conversation. Patrick stood by, waiting silently, as if he would like to be anywhere else than his present location. Dristan’s son Royce seemed to be permanently attached to his father’s leg. The boy’s laughter rang out now and again as Dristan lifted his leg, as if giving the boy a ride.

  The women were all sitting comfortably in one of the corners of the chamber where sunlight streamed in, brightening the room. Lynet sat at a loom, working on a tapestry, and Katherine was in awe of the splendid array of colors splashed across her work. It was a lovely piece of art. She envied the young girl her vision and craftsmanship, that she could create something so beautiful out of nothing but yarn.

  Juliana was in her element and played with one of the tiny fingers of Amiria’s infant daughter Liliana. The baby cooed in delight, and Katherine saw a bright thatch of vivid red hair escaping the small bonnet placed on her head. Knowing her parents, she had the feeling Dristan would have his hands full one day with a strong willed maiden and a line of suitors asking for the young lady’s hand.

  It was the look in Juliana’s face, though, that gave away her friend’s true feelings of concern. They were mirrored in Emily’s while she and Brianna huddled together, holding hands as if they were afraid to let go. Katherine came and sat down, looking at each of her friends.


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