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She Wore Black

Page 15

by J L Park

  I tapped my headset, calling Kalvin. “Sir? My local source said it should be doing something now.”

  A laugh came down the headset. “Thank you, Reed. There are some seriously confused Lucu’s at the minute, but everyone looks sane. A few sore heads. I think he may have managed it. Can you put him on?”

  “You’re on speaker sir, I don’t believe in hiding what I am being told from my team.”

  “Oh, okay then.”

  “Jameson, Kalvin would like to speak with you,” I called.

  “Hi, sir. Jameson Taylor here.”

  Kalvin chuckled, “Taylor, huh? Your brother, Reed?”

  I laughed, “Quite literally ran into him… moron got himself left behind."

  “Hi Jameson, I believe you may have fixed the malfunction causing the dissent. We, of GreyBrook, Ferox, and Luculentus I’m sure wish to thank you for your service to your city. I will pass on what happened to Maddox Cohen of Ferox to hand over to Rycroft Wolfman, you will be acknowledged for your hard work. Reed, you can bring your team in now, and I’d like to meet this Jameson if he comes with you.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  “Thank you again.”

  “Sir?” I asked, “Paige?”

  He paused before replying. “She’s been airlifted to the hospital, in Ferox. We have shipped in several of the trained Pius to help with the downed leaders. From what I know she’s stable, but badly injured. Get back here and we’ll get you guys back as soon as we can.”

  I allowed the group to go ahead of me as Jameson wanted to talk as we walked.

  “Paige? Who’s Paige and why are we so concerned about her wellbeing, Reed?”

  My face creased in disbelief. Had he been blind his whole childhood? When he just blinked back at me, I realised he had. I sighed.

  “Jameson, I’m gay.”

  His face contorted into all sorts of shapes, trying to figure out if he was disgusted, found it funny or shocked. “Oh,” was all he managed.

  “So, yeah. Paige and I aren’t together, but we were. I care about her.” He nodded, still not sure what to say, “And, no Dad doesn’t know.”

  He laughed then. “I just wish I could see his face when he finds out - that you’re in Ferox, and gay. He…”

  “Didn’t think much of me then, or now.” I finished, “Hell, I disappeared on Selection Day, and all he was worried about was that I’d taken the shine off of your day. Never concerned that something could have happened. Took my “ran away” excuse at face value ‘cause it gave him someone to blame.”

  Jameson just watched me as we walked. “Did you run away?” he asked, “On Selection Day, did you not know what you wanted?”

  “No. I was on my way to Selection, dressed in Selection Day clothes…”

  “And?” I looked at him, to see if it would even cross his mind, and grimaced as I watched it finally occur to him, taking in my scar, and the darkness held by my eyes, as he whispered, “Taken?” I nodded. “Oh, Reed. I… I have nothing. I’m sorry.”

  “Mum knows, Dad doesn’t care, I’ve shamed the family. Pius wouldn’t have me back, and I didn’t want to go back. So, I said I was a Runaway, and selected Ferox, about four months after Selection Day.” I grinned as I saw him work out how long I’d been Ferox, and that I was already being given a team leader role.

  “Holy shit. I seriously underestimated you, sis.”

  “Most people do.”

  Jameson was quiet as we picked our way back through the debris of a semi-ruined city, his face giving nothing away about what he was thinking. Used to reading my brother’s body language, how he processed everything in a very different way to me, I was aware it was easiest to just leave him to it. He’d talk when he was ready. Sometimes, I’d wished Father had understood that about both of us.

  The city was in ruins, debris cluttered the roads, and many of the buildings we passed were almost beyond repair. The weirdest thing was that there didn’t seem to be many casualties out this far. Sun high in the sky, it was close to midday, I supposed few people were home. Why did they try to destroy this part then? Unless the chips malfunctioned whilst Jameson’s friends were still at home, and it was an attempt to stop them early. I guessed I’d never know. I kicked a lump of concrete out of the way and found Jameson watching me with a weird look on his face.

  “Reed,” he kicked at some gravel, not looking up, “I’m sorry for the way Father treated you.”

  “Jam, that wasn’t your fault.”

  “I know, but I didn’t realise until it was too late to change it. You must have been miserable.”

  “I didn’t know any better. It’s better in Ferox. As long as I'm discrete, it doesn't matter.”

  He nodded, “Does he know anything about you, like at all?”

  “Not really. I told him the day I picked up my stuff from home, before I went to re-Selection that I was trying out for Ferox. He wasn’t the most complimentary, or supportive, but it had been a rough few months for me, I was beyond caring, and told him so. But not that I got in, or anything personal.” I looked at him, his poor confused face, giving him a sad smile. “Jameson, he didn’t want a girl. He never wanted me. I was an inconvenience he thought he would have to ‘take care of” for the rest of his life. I’ve known it all my life, I’m just thankful Mother knew it too, and tried to protect me.”

  He nodded, thoughtful. I looked up, to see the group waiting for us at a corner, and hurried him along.

  We continued to talk, as we picked our way through the rubble again, slower this time but less careful. Ti and the others wandered ahead, Ti and Force checking in if they felt they had pulled too far ahead. The look on Ti’s face as she had taken in parts of our conversation earlier had revealed that she knew we needed to talk, and this may be our only chance. It also helped to keep my mind off of what the hell had happened to Paige, at least for a little while. The conversation turned to more about what Jameson had been doing within Luculentus. Apparently, he had skipped out on the chip insertion day, feigning a fear of needles or something, which was why he had been unaffected. He had had an odd feeling about the chips, and so far no one had chased him up to have it done, a blessing in disguise.

  We managed to get back to Kalvin after a while, stumbling through the rubble. We must have been the farthest out from the base set up as it appeared all of those who still stood upright had come back to the base before us. The team had noticed before I did, and had stopped to wait for us, letting me lead them around the corner, my team members pushing Jameson in his Luculentus uniform into the middle, to prevent anyone harming him if they mistook him for a hostage. I walked around the corner, with the members at my back feeling like a very different version of the Reed Taylor to that who had gone out to the incident. It wasn’t like I’d done anything magical or even amazing. But to know those in my team trusted and respected me, and my leadership, in my first attempt at leading a team made me feel a little less lost and lonely in the world. A few of the milling Ferox at base camp looked up as we rounded the corner and clapped slowly. I frowned, unsure if it was them being cheeky for us being last back, or something else. I glanced around at the team who were grinning and figured it must be a good thing.

  “Reed, stop being so paranoid about people’s intentions,” Ti muttered at me, as she came up behind me when I slowed down, “It’s a good thing.”

  I laughed and turned back to the crowd of Ferox and let them clap us back to Base camp. Kalvin was waiting at the front, surrounded on both sides by people.

  “Welcome back, Taylor and team.” He looked up, and realised there was a Luculentus uniform between all of us, “And I believe - Taylor 2?”

  Jameson grinned, and winked at me - he’d never been second to me in his life, he could have made it weird, but didn’t.

  “Thank you, Sir. Yes, this is Jameson Taylor. The local who helped us out and hacked the chip. Jameson, Team Leader Eric Kalvin of Ferox” I said, handing him back the head set, and stepping out of the way of Jameson and
Kalvin, who reached out to shake hands.

  “Thanks, Taylor. And thank you Jameson, for your work in helping stop the malfunction from overtaking the city. I will report your help so you can receive the commendations you deserve within your Section. It was very much appreciated.”

  “Thank you, sir. It was just fortunate the Ferox I ran into first happened to be my twin sister rather than any of you burly lot who might not have realised I wasn’t affected.” Kalvin laughed. “And that she was willing to trust I knew what I was doing.”

  I grinned.

  Kalvin spoke for a few minutes more, then nodded to the helicopter pilot to get organised.

  “Reed, you are welcome on the first ride.” He looked me in the eye, “I’m aware you’re worried about Paige, and when she left, she was asking for you, so… you might need to say your goodbyes to your brother for the next while.”

  I nodded and turned to Jameson. “Hey. I’ve got to go, you understand why?”

  He nodded.

  “It’s been awesome to see you and talk like we did. We have to keep in touch.”

  “Yeah, I want to. You got a tablet?”

  I shook my head, I’d gone into Ferox with nothing, and it wasn’t like I could get one.

  “I’ll figure out a way to send you one, and we can FaceSpeak via tablet.” He got a sly grin on his face, “And please, let me in on the call when you break your news to Father, I GOTTA see that!”

  I laughed and agreed. He moved forward, almost looking for a hug but then stopped, as though he was asking permission.

  “Come here you!” I said, grabbing him in a huge hug, “You stay out of trouble, all right?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  Kalvin caught my eye and tipped his head to the chopper where the rest of my team were waiting for me.

  “See ya, bro.” And I jogged to the chopper, climbing in and buckling up.

  Take off was much gentler than the landing had been. I settled back into my seat, gazing out the window, lost in my thoughts. As happy as I was that the mission had been successful, as I sat Paige crept into my thoughts. I glanced at Ti, who was gazing out the window, a huge smile on her face. Paige and I weren’t together, we’d barely been together when everything got mixed up, in fact, I hardly knew the girl. So why was I so worried? I rubbed my hand over my face, trembling. They’d choppered her out quickly, and Kalvin had said they had brought in Healers from Pius. I knew it wasn’t just her that was injured, but I’d seen the state of some of the injured on our way out to where we ran into Jameson. If they’d rushed her back to Ferox, she had to be worse than them, which meant she’d have to be pretty badly hurt. I looked towards the pilot, willing him to hurry and get us back to Ferox before I couldn’t stand to sit still anymore. Rubbing my hands on my thighs, I tried to get them to stop shaking, but found if I did, I’d well up with tears of mild panic, which was worse than looking nervous. I refused to cry in front of the team I had just led. Concentrating on looking out the window, I could feel eyes on me. I glanced back, to see two dark brown eyes watching me. Ti, concern crinkling her smooth brown forehead in a way that would end in wrinkles if she kept it up, was watching me, chewing her bottom lip.

  “You okay, boss?” she said as she moved closer.

  “Not your boss, Ti. Just your friend.” I tried to smile, the edge of my mouth trembling as I tried to make it curl upwards.

  “Friend then. You okay?” I shook my head, lifting my hands off my knees, the trembling worse now. “The adrenaline wearing off? Or… Paige?”

  “Both. I just wanna get back.” I lifted my head up to look her in the eyes, “I need to know she’s all right.” The realisation I might actually love her suddenly hit me, and must have been clear on my face, as Ti grinned and nodded.

  “Thought you did. You just hadn’t realised it.” She patted my shaking hand, “I’m sure she’ll be okay. We’re almost home, anyway.” I nodded and turned to the window again watching as Ferox’s large buildings came into view, getting closer. A vast difference from the state that Luculentus was in when we left, these buildings sparkled in the evening sun, as though the glass panelling had been made from diamonds. Luculentus was the well-to-do area, and Ferox should have paled in comparison, but today, it was beautiful after the rampant destruction of earlier in the day. For the first time, I noticed that from above, the buildings had been arranged in such a way they actually formed the shape of a phoenix. I smiled, relaxing, as we descended to land.

  An imposing figure in Ferox grey was standing, waiting for us as we disembarked the helicopter, the team whooping and yelling until they saw him. Maddox, his hands held behind his back, an ‘at-ease’ pose held with the rigidity of someone who had had military training, or at least raised by someone who had. I held up my hand, to get the rest of the team to quiet down, and was surprised to see them lining up behind me taking similar stances to Maddox as we approached.


  Maddox nodded, still silent. We stood, waiting for the helicopter to take off again behind us, the noise from its blades making it impossible to be heard over. Maddox watched the helicopter leave, a wistful look on his face, as though he missed the flying in and out now he was Section Leader. He turned his attention back to us with a weird little smile.

  “Taylor, Wilson, Jones, Evans, Thistle, Fagan, Totman,” He addressed each of us. “Well done on a very successful mission. I hear it is you guys we have to thank for finding the local able to hack the chip?”

  “Yes, sir,” they answered in unison as I stayed silent. Maddox let a grin slide over his face as he took that in.

  “Well done, Taylor.”

  “Thank you, sir, but the protection of the local was a team effort.”

  He grinned again, “Yes, thank you team. Well done. You are dismissed, except you Taylor.” I nodded to the team, and they ran off to get on with the evening. I stood, waiting for Maddox to speak again.

  “Well done.” I frowned, but let him continue, “I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do, to put you on the spot like that, no warning, and leading a team of people who’ve been in Ferox longer than you have. But I’m glad I did.” I grinned at him, “They respect you, and will follow your orders it seems without too much question.”

  “Thank you, sir. They’re a great team, thank you for trusting me in leading them.”

  “Thank your brother from me when you talk to him next,” He smiled, “You’re dismissed.”

  “Sir, Paige? Where is she?” He frowned, “How do I get to the hospital?” His brow uncreased as he pointed out a building in the distance, “See that one? There. Go!” I thanked him and left at a run.

  Arriving breathlessly at the doors to the hospital, I paused. Standing off to the side of the automatic doors, I tried to think through what I was doing, whilst catching my breath. What was I expecting? Did I think they would let me in? If they did, what if she was dying? What if she didn’t want to see me? What if? I shook my head, I couldn’t get stuck on all the what-ifs, only the most pressing ones - what made me think they’d even let me in to see her? I looked up and received a few nods from those coming and going from the hospital, and walking the path outside it. When we weren’t on duty, or if we were no longer working for Ferox in a security capacity, we could wear a combination of mufti colours, aside from black, without our uniform designation, these people were off duty or in mufti. I looked down, remembering I was wearing my uniform and had just returned from the ruins of the outer limits of Luculentus, dust coating the legs of my pants, shoes, and one arm where I’d fallen against a damaged wall. They had added my name to my jacket after I had arrived in Ferox, so people knew who I was even if I had no idea who they were. A few smiled at me, one older gentleman walking to the doors of the hospital, patted my arm

  “Well done! Thank you for your service.”

  I nodded, “Thank you, sir.” Polite even if I was confused, they couldn’t have heard it was over already? Maybe they had. I watched him enter the hospital and caught
my reflection in the glass. I took a deep breath, wiped at the front of my jacket, straightened my head and walked through the doors to the hospital, catching the eye of the receptionist.

  “Who are you hoping to see, Miss… Taylor?” she asked, peering at my jacket, “There are no Taylors in this hospital.”

  “Ah, Paige Raeburn, if that's possible.” I murmured.

  “Family?” I shook my head, she frowned as she looked up Paige’s name in the computer system, concern creasing her brow further, “Oh…” She stood up and finally looked at me properly, taking in the dust on my uniform, the strain on my face. “She’s in theatre. But, I can take you to the waiting room.” I followed her down the hallways and up a floor, silent. “You wait here, okay? I’ll let them know it’s okay and to tell you when she’s out.” She wandered off to speak with the staff on that floor.

  Green plastic moulded chairs adorned the waiting room, pictures of random landscapes I didn’t recognise gracing the walls, plants that were that odd texture from a distance which could be plastic, or could be real and you’d look weird trying to touch them to find out. I tried sitting, but the hard seats making that almost impossible after about 20 minutes. I paced the room, stopping to gaze out the windows from time to time, the pacing helping to keep me from panicking. It felt like it had been forever I’d been walking the room when I heard someone come in from behind.

  “Miss Taylor?”

  I turned, at the sound of my name. “Yes?”

  An olive skinned, athletic built young man in what I figured were surgical scrubs, stood behind me, waiting. “Reed?!” he exclaimed, as though he knew me, “It’s me, Thorn. From Pius.”

  I frowned, then grinned, recognising him. “Hi, Thorn.” I looked him over, I couldn’t remember when he’d left, or even if he’d left Pius, “Where are you now?”

  “Still Pius, though they ship us all over to staff the hospitals, or when we’re needed in a disaster - so here when you guys are done getting beaten.” He smiled, “So, you came back then? And Ferox… that’s unexpected, I guess.”


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