by Roy Porter
prison reform 419–21 see also crime and punishment
private property 16, 185, 186–7, 189, 193, 217, 387, 465
native people's attitude to 361–2 see also land reform; wealth
prize fighting 269
production/consumption cycle 391–2 see also consumerism
prostitution 271–2, 372–3
Protestantism 25, 27, 30, 31, 98
anti-Catholicism 26, 49–50, 72
beliefs 50
Calvinism 50, 242, 244, 406–7, 455
nature of 49, 50
Puritanism 98, 125
in Scotland 242 see also dissent/dissenters; religion
provincial cities/centres 12, 38, 40, 41
as centres of astrology 151
public lectures/demonstrations 143–4
see also individual cities
provincial newspapers/journals 77–8, 191–2
provincial publishing 86
Prussia 1–2
psychology 168–71, 181–2, 216, 256, 264, 277–8, 291
associative principle 180, 181–2, 291–2
definition 170
educational 344
English malady 282
of nervous system 281–3
pleasure/pain 180, 181
religion and 182
of religion 226–7
of the supernatural 225–8
public good concept 394–6
public lectures/demonstrations 142–4
Public Ledger 81
public order 18–19
publishers see booksellers
Pufendorf, Samuel 161
punishment see crime and punishment
Puritanism 98, 125 see also Protestantism
The Pursuits of Literature 274
Pye, Henry James:
Progress of Refinement 434
Quakers 125, 146, 147, 217, 378 see also religion
quantification 54, 149, 207
racial issues 356–7
Radcliffe, Mary Anne 227, 369
Radicalism 412–15, 447–55
action against 450
anarchism 455–9
Edmund Burke on xviii, xix, 9, 413, 448–9
criticism of 464–7
French Revolution, influence in England 6, 9–10, 447–50, 465, 474
in Ireland 451
Jacobinism see Jacobinism
Tom Paine on 449, 452–5
Richard Price on 447–8
Joseph Priestley on 413–14, 447
punishment for 450
reactions against 464–74
in Scotland 450
working classes and 449, 451, 452 see also political reform
Radicati di Passerano, Alberto 7
Raleigh, Sir Walter:
History of the World 230
Rambler 81
Ramsay, John, of Ochtertyre 242
Ramsay, Allan 245
The Gentle Shepherd 224
Ramsey, Michael 399
Ranelagh pleasure gardens 19, 269
Ray, Revd John 305–6
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François 10
reading see literacy; literature; printing/ books
Reading Mercury 191–2
reason/rationalism 8, 14, 32, 53, 169
faith and 62
children as rational beings 344
William Hazlitt on xxi
David Hume on 178–9, 264
John Locke on 60–61, 263–4
religion and 96–129, 234–5
women as rational beings 332–4 see also human nature, knowledge/ learning
Redwood, John:
Reason, Ridicule and Religion 5
Rees, Abraham 92
Cyclopaedia… 92
Reeves, John 465
reform see political reform; Radicalism
refugees 27
Reid, Thomas 163, 243, 256, 369
Joseph Priestley on 410
The Reign of George VI, 1900–1925 425
religion: Anglican Church see Anglican Church
Arianism 102, 104, 109–10, 133, 137
Athanasian creed 104
Baptists 360
blasphemy 107, 244
Blasphemy Act (1697) 107
Calvinism 50, 242, 244, 406–7, 455
Catholicism see Catholicism
Christianity see Christianity
Church of Scotland 242, 244–5, 275
church and state 28, 33, 72
deism 10, 97–8, 111–15, 117–22, 125–6, 127, 138, 141, 233–4, 303, 364, 368, 437
dissent see dissent/dissenters
the Divine Order 17
Druids 240–41
ecclesiastical courts 98, 107, 217
established church see Anglican Church
ethics and 21
Evangelicalism 33, 361, 467–70
heresy 107, 244
Huguenots 26, 27
human nature and 156–7
Humanism 20, 52, 158–9
Islam 234, 357
Latitudinarianism 103, 104, 105, 10, 137, 245, 260, 298, 303
Methodism 33, 98, 128, 225, 298
modernizing of xx, 12–13, 62, 96–129
monotheism 112, 119, 125–6, 233, 234
natural order and 104, 114
natural sciences and 130–31
natural theology 104, 105, 112, 119–20, 125–6, 136–8, 140–41, 260–61
nature of 99–100, 106, 107, 110, 120, 126
Nonconformism xix, 26, 97, 346, 405–6, 414
Non-Jurors 33, 98, 122
paganism 232–5, 272–3, 299
Pelagian theology 100, 103, 171
phallus worship 273
philanthropy 14, 15, 17, 19, 145–6, 148–9, 207, 374–6
political reform and 404–15, 453, 454, 465–70
polytheism 125
Presbyterianism 404
Protestantism see Protestantism
psychology and 182
psychology of 226–7
Puritanism 98, 125
Quakers 125, 146, 147, 217, 378
reason and 96–129, 234–5
Remonstrants 29
Sandemaninanism 459
in Scotland see Church of Scotland
sects see individual sects
Trinitarianism 102, 104, 107, 110, 133, 138, 409
Unitarianism 30, 104, 107, 128, 183, 360–61, 405, 413–14, 432, 462 see also atheism
religious apathy 96–7
religious education 74, 346, 347
religious psychology 120–22
religious toleration xx, 6, 12–13, 14, 27, 98, 105–10
Act of Toleration (1689) 31–2, 107
Act of Toleration (1813) 107
lack of, under Charles II 25
John Locke on 106–7
Joseph Priestley on 412
Remonstrants 29 see also religion
Repton, Humphry 313, 317
his ‘Red Book’ 317–18
responsibility see accountability
Restoration (1660) see Charles II
Review 79
Revolutionary Settlement (1688) 27, 453 see also Glorious Revolution
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 37, 319, 361
on aesthetics 279, 281
Discourses 92
Rich, John 39
Richardson, Samuel:
Clarissa 272, 288, 290, 294, 324
Pamela 8–9, 70, 73, 285
Sir Charles Grandison 284, 325
Richmond, Duke of see Lennox, Charles,
3rd Duke of Richmond 403
rights see emancipation, individual liberty; political liberty
Rivington, Francis 81
roads 41, 42
coaching services 19–20, 41
street lighting 44
Robertson, Revd William:
History of America 245
History of Charles V 83, 245
History of Scotland 245
Robin Hood Society 37
Robinson, Bryan:
tation on the Aether… 140
Robinson, Crabb 455
Robinson, Mary (Perdita) 327
A Letter to the Women of England… 335
Robinson, Nicholas 215–16
Robinson, Robert 360–61
Robison, John:
Proofs of a Conspiracy… 465
Rochester, Earl of see Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester
Roland, Marie Jeanne (Madame) 18
Romaine, William 229
Roman civilization 34, 188, 189, 193–4, 199–200, 233, 235, 258
Romanticism 225–7, 295, 316, 319, 474
Rome see Catholicism
Romilly, Sir Samuel 422
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques xviii, 3, 8, 278–9, 290, 470
Confessions 278
Discours 248
on education 342, 343–4
Émile 329, 343
in exile 436
Sophie 329
Mary Wollstonecraft on 329, 424
on women 328–30
Rowning, John 140
Royal Academy 39, 326, 327
Royal College of Physicians 147
Royal Exchange 35
(Royal) Humane Society 146, 207
Royal Institution 427
Royal Irish Academy 241, 427
Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary 146
Royal Society 25, 54, 57, 65, 92, 122, 131, 136, 180, 208, 236, 427
Joseph Banks as President 148
criticism of 131
History (Sprat) 132
Isaac Newton as President 134
official experimenter 142–3
Hans Sloane as President 180
Royal Society of Arts, agricultural committee 308
Royal Society of Edinburgh 427
rural life 147, 148, 259, 267, 269, 298, 310
decline in 451
folk culture 365–6
sentimentalization of 366–7 see also agriculture; working class
Rush, Benjamin 146, 211
Rye House Plot (1682) 29
Sacheverell, Henry 73, 98
St Andrews 242 see also Scotland
St George's Hospital 207
St John, Henry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke 4, 97, 98, 160, 189, 276
on history 232–3
on John Locke 68
on private property 193
on religion 8, 50, 100
Sale, George 357
Salisbury Journal 78
salons 326, 327
Samuel, Richard:
The Nine Living Muses… (picture) 326–7
Sancho, Ignatius 359
Sandemanianism 459 see also religion
Sandwich, Earl of see Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich
Saunders, Richard: ‘A Discourse on the Invalidity of Astrology’ 151
Saussure, César de 36, 44, 78, 98
Sawbridge, John 402
Scargill, Daniel 59
Schama, Simon 297
Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne 437–8
Schmidt, James:
What Is Enlightenment? 4
schools 74, 343, 346, 370
charity schools 343, 347, 370
Dissenting Academies 346–7, 383, 407, 408, 455, 470, 474
public 347
state-run 346
Sunday schools 347, 370 see also education
science/sentiment debate 350
sciences see natural sciences
scientific instruments 144, 149
Scot, Reginald 221
Scotland xvi-xvi
Act of Union (1707) xvi-xvii, 34, 242, 243
cultural life 8, 148, 212–13, 245–6, 366
economic development 247
Edinburgh xvii, 128, 246
folk culture 365
national identity 239, 242–6
as Protestant/ Calvinist 242, 244–5
Radicalism in 450
religion see Church of Scotland
universities 68, 90, 68, 202, 242, 243, 245, 246, 255–6, 307
Scots Magazine 245
Scott, Sarah:
Millenium Hall 334
Scott, Sir Walter 327
Scottish Enlightenment xvii, 12, 242–57, 410–11
English influence 242–4 see also Hume, David; Smith, Adam
Seditious Meetings Act (1795) 451
Select Society (Scotland) 245
senses/sensations 169, 177, 180, 182, 439–40, 442 see also human nature
concept of 281–94
nervous system and 281–3
novels on theme of 283–94;
autobiographical 290–91
rural life and 366–7
science/sentiment debate 350
Seward, Anna 315, 316
sexual behaviour 172, 271–5, 278, 293–4, 441, 472, 473
celibacy 472
condoms 271
erotic publications 271–3
homosexuality xxi, 274, 294
as irrational 457, 472
of native peoples 362
prostitution 271–2, 372–3
in public 271
sex advice 272
sexual icons 272
of women 172, 275, 330–31
of working class 371, 372, 375
Shadwell, Thomas:
The Lancashire-Witches 224
Tegue o Divelly the Irish Priest 224
The Virtuoso 131
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl see Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury
Shakespeare, William 93, 224, 280, 282
Merchant of Venice 353
Shakespeare Gallery 38
Sharpe, William:
A Dissertation upon Genius 280
Shelburne, Earl of see Petty, William, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne
Shelburne, Lord see Petty, William, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 480–81
Frankenstein 227
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 143, 479–80, 481
Necessity of Atheism 127
The Triumph of Life 434
Vindication of Natural Diet 314
Shenstone, William 369
Sheridan Richard Brinsley 37, 192, 239
Sheridan, Thomas 239
British Education… 214–15
Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London 229
Shipley, William 145
shops 35, 40, 268–9 see also consumerism
Shropshire 315–16
Shuckford, Samuel:
Sacred and Profane History of the World… 233
Sidney, Algernon 329
Sidney, Sabrina 329–30
Simon, Richard 113, 119
Simond Louis, 14, 19–20, 42, 217
Simpson, John 244
slavery/slave trade xx–xxi, 40, 145, 249, 357
in ancient world 199, 200
criticism of 358–61, 422, 432, 438
economic importance 358
idealization of 358–9
Sloane, Sir Hans 180, 239
Small, William 435, 436
Smart, Christopher:
The Genuine History of the Good Devil of Woodstock 223–4
Smeaton, John 430
Smiles, Samuel 431, 483
Smith, Adam 4, 6, 37, 84, 87, 88, 91, 201–3, 245, 246, 388–96, 404
on balance of trade 386, 387
on colonialization 355
on commercial societies 252–3, 254, 390–93, 396, 471
on dependency 390–92, 399–400
Dissertation on the Origin of Language 254–5
on the Encyclopédie 246
An Enquiry into… the Wealth of Nations 389
Adam Ferguson and 394
on free markets 303, 389, 419
on history of astronomy 7, 149–50
David Hume and 150, 248, 249, 251
on individual liberty 389–90, 392, 393–4
influence/importance 140, 482, 483
on the intellect 279, 477
invisible hand concept 17, 175, 265, 3