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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 2

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “The short version is I got married, my first husband was killed in the Gulf War, and I had a young son to care for. A few years later I remarried a local attorney and gave birth to a daughter; I moved here to Florida and got divorced. I run a boarding barn, and I am trying to stay current with the mortgage on my horse farm. Right now I need a full time position, or I might lose it.

  I can be a wonderful asset to this organization. I’m dedicated and focused; I know many of the equestrians in the area and those that travel here from the Virginia and the New York training barns. I grew up with many top horse people in the country, plus my father had a great rapport in the Hunter Jumper and Fox Hunting circles. All I’m asking for is a chance to prove to you that I can do the job.” Deanna’s states with confidence, but she has butterflies in her stomach waiting for Collins to speak.

  Collins knits his eye brows together thinking about his conversation with Ellsworth this morning, when suddenly an idea comes to him. He looks over her resume one more time, and he thinks that she could be just what they’re looking for.

  “Ms. Gaynor I think we may have something that you may be able to accomplish for us, and if you do, I will assure you of a permanent position with this Magazine. Would that be of any consideration for you?” He asks, hoping she says yes.

  Leaning forward in her chair Deanna replies with enthusiasm without even asking what it is, “Yes Mr. Collins that would be great, if you think I’m really qualified to handle it, I won’t let you down.”

  He reaches over to the corner of his desk and picks up the folder that he had placed there when he returned from Ellsworth’s office. “Here is all we have on a piece we’re trying to do on a place called Rancho de Los Angeles, it’s located on the edge of the green belt, just west of the show grounds. As you know they have been fighting the development of that area for years trying to keep it for the National Horse Show people. Three years ago a man by the name of James Doyle purchased a three hundred and fifty acre estate there. No one thought too much about it at the time, but now with the rezoning it may well be the most important land acquisition in this entire county. It will hold up the promoter’s of the equestrian development of over two thousand acres west of that ranch.

  We do know that the owner is equitably well off with connections to influential people, one of whom you may be acquainted with, Edward Haskell is his name. I believe he hails from your old area of Virginia, and sat on the board of your college. This Doyle fellow has an Animal Care and Control license for a boarding and training facility as well as a State license to operate a Rehab facility. Ms. Gaynor I cannot stress to you how important this story is to the owner and publisher of this Magazine except, that should you get this story you might be able to write your own ticket with this organization.” He sits back awaiting her response as she reads the sketchy material that he just handed her.

  “Mr. Collins you’ve got a deal, I’ll get on this right away. May I have use of the Magazine’s resources for research? Oh, when is the dead line on this?”

  “You will have everything we can give you; Mr. Ellsworth would like to have this before the Christmas Holiday Issue, which means about a month.” He shakes her hand and welcomes her aboard. With that done, he buzzes Agnes.

  “Yes Mr. Collins,” Agnes professionally answers. He asks her to come in. He tells her to show Deanna to her desk and to get the necessary paper work and ID Badge, also to introduce her around the office.

  “Oh Agnes, assign Tim as her photographer, I want color on this as well.” Collins wishes Deanna well and tells her to keep him up to date on the progress daily.

  Deanna leaves Collins’s office and Agnes is waiting for her, “ Ms. Gaynor, please come with me.” Deanna follows her down the hall to a series of offices until they come to one that says staff writers on it. Opening the door Agnes herds Deanna over to what looks to be an empty desk with a computer and phone on it.

  “This will be yours to use, any work that you do on it must be backed up, and then saved on a rewritable disk they’re in the drawer. Here are forms that you will have to fill out and return to me. I shall forward them on to Human Resources. Please select a password for this computer, and I’ll get you in, please don’t give it to anyone and don’t forget it,” Agnes says. Deanna thinks that she is the perfect assistant as Agnes turns and exits out of the office.

  Having now gotten her first assignment, she sits down to see where to begin. Reading the report that Collin’s has given her, Deanna notice’s the name he mentioned, Ed Haskell it’s next to the handwritten scrawl of principle. Wondering did that mean a principle in the Rancho or principle in this story. She decides to contact him and feel her way, hoping it would turn out to be the Haskell who married her mother’s oldest childhood and college friend, Moina McCann back in Virginia.

  Her Mother and Moina worked in the Capital together after college, Moina married her boss. He was a Senator or something if she remembers correctly, that was before Mom married Deanna’s Dad.

  Dialing the number next to Haskell’s name, she can’t help having butterflies and feel her palms sweating.

  “Hello, Haskell here,” the voice on the other end of the phone replies then waits for her response.

  “Hello Mr. Haskell, my name is Deanna Quinn; I’m calling from Pro Horseman’s Magazine. The reason for my call is, I was told you’re a principal owner in Rancho de Los Angeles. I’d like to stop by an interview you for the Magazine, sometime soon.” Deanna asks him in her most professional manner.

  “Well Ms. Quinn, you’re mistaken, I’m not a principle in that operation at all, I do know and am acquainted with the owner James Doyle. Any interviews would have to be given by him,” he states firmly.

  Deanna has to think of something quickly, and she tells him, “I’m so sorry I was apparently misinformed.” Before he can answer her, she asks him was he the same Edward Haskell that sat on the board of Sweetbriar College from the Haskell family in Virginia.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did sit on the board for a number of years with that institution.”

  “Well isn’t that a coincidence I graduated from their nineteen years ago, I was from Lynchburg,” Deanna tries to sound rather excited and surprised.

  “Lynchburg, was your father by any chance Robert Quinn the Fox Hunter from Red Fox Farm?”

  “Yes sir, that was my Dad,” There’s a pause on his end of the phone, and she hopes she hasn’t queered the chance.

  After the momentary pause, he apologizes to her. “I’m sorry I had a senior moment, how is he and your Mother? I knew them well, years ago in my younger days and my daughter was riding. He was my Mary’s riding instructor and my friend.” Deanna notes a touch of sadness in his voice.

  Well, it was wonderful talking with you. I’m sorry about the misunderstanding; I just started with the Magazine and was hoping to do my first interview.”

  “Well hold on, maybe I can help you after all, I knew your people, and us Virginian’s have to stick together you know. Jot down this number, its Jamie’s cell number. I can’t guarantee that you will get an interview, but tell him who gave you the number, and maybe he will. He’s a very private person and protective of what he is doing.

  Call me and we’ll have lunch sometime, we can talk over some of the old times. Deanna you had beautiful red hair if I remember correctly, is it still like a sunset.” Deanna hears him chuckle.

  “Yes sir it is, and I would like to get together sometime very soon and discuss old times. I will tell Mother when I talk to her that we spoke and tell her you said, “Hello, if that’s alright?”

  “Absolutely Deanna, lot’s of luck with the story, look forward to seeing you… Goodbye.”

  How lucky is this, she now has a way of meeting the mysterious James Doyle?


  Roberto Fills In Some Missing Gaps

  Reading over Doyle’s bio sheet Deanna’s getting a feel for this assignment, along with what Collins had told her about the geographic aspect,
Doyle could wind up with the richest piece of property in the country. The property is located in the remote southwestern section of Wellington almost next to Southwest Properties; they’re the developers of Horse Show Acres. That’s the proposed mini equestrian estates consisting of ten or more acres in the green zone of the county. If he’s successful he could block that advancement plus development west of the Village. That alone would get some people upset not to mention if he were to move in undesirables like drunks or addicts, he could wind being the most hated man in all of Palm Beach County.

  She decides to call him tomorrow, but first she must try to find out more about him. The report says he’s not been very social in the right circles nor does he have political affiliations, and he doesn’t play golf. He supposedly trains horses and raises pure blood cattle, but it offers nothing about how he’s earned his substantial wealth.

  Deanna’s has a friend who is high up with the equestrian elite, she wonders if Roberto would know anything about him. Maybe Roberto can shed some light or is at least acquainted with other people that might know him. Dialing him, she listens to it ring; jotting down some more notes on some of the questions she wishes to ask, if Doyle grants her an interview.

  “Ola Roberto here, who is speaking please,” she hears him ask.

  “Roberto, its Deanna Gaynor, do you have a moment… Yes, I’m excellent, how are you? It has been a long time, How is the family?___ Wonderful, yes Katy is taking lessons, but I’m afraid still not doing well.___ Jonah is doing wonderful thank God; he will be a graduate this year and is looking toward Notre Dame or Harvard.___ The reason for my call is, I’ve been hired by Pro Horseman’s Magazine, and I’ve been given a tough assignment. Would you know anything about James Doyle or Rancho de Los Angeles?___ You do, oh that’s great, can you meet me this afternoon?___ Where?___Ok, Bit Bits and Saddles, yes I know the place.___ One o’clock, perfect, I’ll see you there.___Bye, bye.” Deanna knew she could count on him, then knows everyone from owners to grooms if it has to do with horses in this area.

  “Ms. Gaynor, Tim would like to know when you would need him for photos,” Agnes announces standing once more in the doorway to the office.

  “Not until at least Wednesday, I haven’t gotten the interview set up yet, but I’m hopeful, just got some great leads that may work out. Please tell Mr. Collins that I’m off to meet someone who may shed some more light on our mysterious Mr. Doyle.” She tells Agnes as she grabs her bag and rushes past her to meet Roberto.

  Driving over to meet with Roberto, Deanne feels like she did in college, exciting challenges, and new adventures, confident in her own abilities again. Steve was such a depressant, she could never do anything right, and now he is doing it to her daughter Katy too. Suddenly, she remembers Katy’s appointment with Dr. Winmien, Is it three thirty or four? She must remember to call after meeting with Roberto.

  Pulling into the restaurant’s parking lot, she see’s Roberto standing out front waiting.

  “Hey, how you doing I just got here,” Deanna calls to him.

  “Buenos Diaz my friend, let us go in and get something to drink and have some of their fine food.” Roberto says with a warm smile. He kisses her hand with that old world Spanish style. He is a consummate gentleman always, and of course a ladies man.

  Roberto takes her arm and together they enter the restaurant. The hostess greets them both and guides them to a quiet table overlooking a small man made lake. Roberto holds her chair and then takes his seat across from her smiling.

  “Now tell me all about this wonderful opportunity you have, to work for Pro Horseman. This seems like a great thing for you, no?”

  “It’s wonderful, but I have to prove to them that I can write a good article that’s why I called you. I have been given the assignment to do a story on Rancho De Los Angeles and James Doyle in particular. No one seems to know much about him and if anyone would, I thought it might be you.”

  “You are right Senora, he is a very private man, no one knows much of him at all, but I have heard things from some of my people that might help you. He mostly has Hispanics working for him, and they think he is like a saint; he also sponsors a small Mission out in Loxahatchee run by an old padre. You know free medical for the woman and children, teaching English and providing some housing and finding work for them. He is much thought of by these people. He hosts parties for the little ones and brings them gifts. He is their patron and protector; he sometimes even drives the bus when the old padre is sick. To these people, he is a hero against those that would exploit them, but they will not talk to you because you are an Anglo,” Roberto further explains.

  “Roberto I have heard that he is a trainer of horses as well, horses that are very difficult.” Hoping he can give her some information other than what she already has from the magazine.

  “I have not seen any of the horses he has trained, but the Argentines say that he talks to the horses, and they talk to him. I will make some inquiries around with some of the caballeros[1] and see if I can find out something more for you. I must tell you, they are not very talkative when it comes to him Senora.”

  “Please Roberto, anything that’s true will help me with the article I am doing. I am going to call him today to try and set up an interview. So far, no one from the magazine has been successful. Wish me luck, it’s getting late, and I have to take Katy somewhere. As always, my friend it has been wonderful, we must get together more often.” Deanna apologizes to him as she rises to get up.

  “Si, that is true, if only you would have the eyes for me, I would be a happy man,” he smiles and laughs.

  She waves goodbye and hurries to her truck, looking at the clock and realizes that she has only minutes to get to the school and get Katy. Pulling up on the side of the school she see’s her walking slowly toward the truck her head hanging down in one of her moods again she supposes.

  “Hi, sorry to be late, I got a new job today and was doing an interview. I was hired by Pro Horseman as a writer, and they gave me my first assignment, isn’t that great.” Deanna tries to involve Katy into some dialog with her.

  “Yea Mom that’s wonderful does that mean, we are all going to be happy again, or we just see less of you.” She answers sarcastically.

  “No, it means maybe I can keep the farm and try to help you be happy again,” she answers her, trying to keep from losing her temper.

  “No, it just means that Daddy is going to be asking me more questions and giving me bullshit about how you married him for his money and all you cared about is the farm. I’m so sick of all this. I may go live with him, so I don’t have to hear how you favor only Jonah, and I’m your mistake.”

  Deanna tries to hold her anger in, but she’s sure it shows in her face. How can she explain to her that her father’s anger was in getting caught cheating and the divorce was his fault? It was his ego that was hurt because he didn’t win; he’s trying to turn her against her and screwing her up emotionally as well. She doesn’t realize that having to go to the psychiatrist is a court ordered requirement now because of him. Deanna feels her pain and she doesn’t know how to reach her,

  They are almost at the Doctor’s office. “Do you want me to go up with you?” Deanna hopes that Katy will say yes just once.

  “No, I hate when you do that I’m not a baby just leave me alone,” she opens the door then slams it and stomps up the stairs.

  She has been seeing this guy for six months and is getting worse and still no answers from him, but Deanna had no choice as Steve received a court order and the judge picked this quack. Deanna wishes she could have her doctor look at her, but she knows Katy wouldn’t stand for that.

  Deanna has forty minutes to kill; she might as well call this Doyle person and see if he will see her. Dialing the number, it rings six times without any response or answering machine picking up. She is about to hang up when a man’s voice answers.

  “Hello Jamie here, how can I help you?”

  “Hello Mr. Doyle, My name is Deanna Q
uinn,” using her maiden name just in case Haskell mentioned her to him.

  “Mr. Haskell gave me your cell phone number; I hope I have not caught you at a bad time. I work for Pro Magazine, and we would like to have an interview with you about Rancho de Los Angeles,” Deanna holds her breath waiting for him to respond.

  “Oh yes, Ed called me and mentioned you, I would be happy to speak with you, but for the life of me, I can’t imagine why we would be of interest to such a celebrated magazine as yours. How about tomorrow say around one, we can chat over a light lunch? Do you know how to get out here or do you need directions?”

  “No I don’t; in fact, you are only about a mile from my farm in Loxahatchee.” She answers him.

  “Wonderful that makes us neighbors, just pull up to the gate and tell who ever answer’s the intercom who you are. They’ll know you’re there to see me and buzz you in. Just follow the main drive to the house; I’ll see you out front. Look forward to meeting you Ms. Quinn; goodbye.” Deanna never even got a chance to say thank you, he seems very direct, and she does have the interview.

  Deanna’s next call is to Collins, to let him know that she has the appointment tomorrow and sees if research has turned up anything on the mysterious Mr. Doyle.

  Agnes picks up the phone and tells her to wait one minute while she patches through to Collins.

  “Hey green pea what’s new? Have you gotten anywhere with the interview yet?” He says with a hint of hope.

  “As a matter of fact, I have, tomorrow at one o’clock I will be having lunch at the ranch with Doyle. I was wondering if research as had any luck digging up something for me to study before I go there.” She asks him.

  “Tomorrow,” he stutters, “give me until the morning to come up with something, even if I have to keep them working all night long. You’ve done a great job; I mean that Gaynor, I knew I was right about you. I’ll talk to you in the morning or possibly tonight, talk to you later, unbelievable job Gaynor, incredible job,” he repeats to her and hangs up.


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