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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 12

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Yes of course Irene, I will be ready in just a minute, would you care to stay and celebrate the Mass with us Deanna.” He asks her, with that kindly Bells of Saint Mary’s smile of his.

  “I would love to Father, but I must get going, the children don’t know I’m here, and I wanted to be home for dinner. May I come some other time for the Mass?”

  “You will be more than welcome any time my Dear.” He walks Deanna to her car and bids her goodbye.

  Now she has some real background to work with, but needs some more information to finish her story. He must have had something that he was running away from when he met Father Tom and Mary. What could send a man like him to try and hide from the world and from a life that he was successful at? Deanna decides to put research to work on the music thing Monday morning, unless she can get it from him on Sunday.

  As she turns into the driveway of the house Deanna sees that Jonah is home. She parks the car and opens the door, Angel runs out to greet Jonah as he comes from the barn not looking pleased.

  “What’s wrong with you, your face is dragging on the ground. What’s happened?” Concerned that something may have happened with Katy.

  “I just came from the saddle shop, and they didn’t have my saddle fixed, what will I use tomorrow, bareback?” He says dejectedly she knows that he wanted to impress not only Jamie, but Dyon as well.

  “Well you have your old English saddle you could use that.” She mentions to him trying to be helpful. He looks forlornly at her and slumps his shoulders, she knows how much he hates riding in that saddle.

  “Look I am sure that Jamie will have one that you could borrow, so bring the Corbett in case he doesn’t.” Jonah nods his head, but still looks down.

  Deciding to change the subject she asks, “How did you guys make out at the Mall?”

  “Good, Katy got herself a new outfit that looks great, but says she is going to use one of Tia’s outfits for the barbecue, I got a new shirt. We started dinner for you.” She gives him a kiss while wrapping her arm around his shoulder in a best friend gesture, and they go inside.


  “Sunday Morning”

  The alarm goes off its still dark out, but the birds are singing and Angel is sitting looking at Deanna with a funning kind of expression on her face.

  “Today we are going to leave very early, but you will have to stay home and watch the house and barns. Ok.” She seems to nod and jumps on the bed licking her face than jumps down and goes and barks at Jonah’s door. After three barks, Deanna hears a very sleepy voice.

  “I’m already awake Angel, give me a minute.” He tells her through the door in a very groggy voice. Next she goes to Katy’s room, and sits by the door scratching, but not loud, but enough so that Katy open’s the door and greets her.

  “I was up already, but thank you for being so quiet Angel,” and they both head down the hall toward the stairs.

  Deanna is amazed at how she knows what each of them needs and how much she reacts to her new family. Deanna can’t get over how their lives have changed as has Angel’s in so short a span of time. She heads downstairs to get a cup of coffee.

  “Good morning Mother, are you excited, this is like an adventure or going on vacation for the first time isn’t it?” Katy says as she pours her mother’s coffee.

  “Yes it is in a way, we’ve never done this before, all of us I mean. I’m excited myself, I feel like a kid again. Is Jonah down yet?”

  “Yes he went out already to hook up the trailer to the truck, he said to tell you to enjoy your coffee, and he would see to the tack.” Katy is gulping down her cereal so fast Deanna feels compelled to say something.

  “Slow down or you’ll choke.” Deanna can’t remember her being so enthusiastic about breakfast.

  “I’m going to go get Legion ready; I braided his mane last night, so he’ll look pretty for today. I want him to make a good impression. I think I will have the biggest horse there, unless some of the new riders bring one that’s bigger. How many people do you think will be going on the ride with us Mother?”

  “I don’t know Jamie said some of the neighbors were coming over and their children, maybe you know some from school.” She says to her as she heads for the door.

  Katy opens the back door, “Come on Angel let’s go get ready.” Angel is on her feet in a heartbeat and padding out the door right behind her.

  As Deanna watches her run out the door, she wonders where that girl is, that was fighting with her just the other day. Katy’s anger toward her mother seems to have totally left her; she is like the little girl she was before the divorce. It is such a coincidence that getting this new job and meeting Jamie has not only changed their lives financially, but on a personal basis also.

  She sits and pours herself another cup of coffee and thoughts of Father Tom’s conversation of yesterday come back to her. What kind of man was Jamie so long ago and what happened in his life for him to go to an obscure place outside of the country.

  Suddenly, she has a flash back to her own childhood. Remembering a young woman with red hair on a white jumper smiling at her and saying she would be alright, that next time she would do much better. It was Ed Haskell’s daughter Mary. She was bright and so beautiful all the boys wanted to be with her.

  Her Mother had been killed in a riding accident while out with her Dad on a Fox Hunt in Virginia. Here they are so many years later, and it seems to have come full circle, how odd and then Jamie marries her. Deanna thinks she will have to rummage through the old albums. She thinks there’s a picture of her and Mary taken that day at the barn when she was so kind to her. Deanna was upset because she didn’t pin and thought her Father would be mad at her. Deanna used to follow Mary around after that.

  Here she is thirty years later doing a story on her husband and possibly, her Dad. Deanna still can’t believe his wife was someone that was like a sister to her when she was not much younger than Katy. Her Father was her riding instructor for many years, she was one of his favorite students, and he genuinely loved her, Deanna wonders did Ed get her that appointment with Jamie remembering that connection.

  She listens and hears Angel barking and Jonah and Katy are laughing, she had better go and get dressed, or they will be getting angry at her for making them late, Deanna can’t recollect the last time she saw the both of them this excited…….

  “Patron, how many shall we anticipate for the ride today?” Eduardo asks Jamie.

  “Set up for thirty about half will be bringing their own horses so have fifteen of our saddle horses ready. Take some hay with you to the pits along with the refreshments when you go to set up. Oh, and take a load of towels just in case someone falls in like the last time.” Eduardo looks at Jamie laughing, remembering Pita, she was the one that fell in the water, last time they were there.

  Jamie’s mind is full of thoughts today; the Delaplane deal is a great thing for the ranch. They will be able to run over a thousand head now and still have room for the horses on his ranch. Mary would have been pleased to see their dream starting to come to fruition.

  “Excuse me Patron; the pretty Senora will be riding today as well?” Esteban asks.

  “Yes I think she’s still coming.” Deanna’s face comes instantly to his mind, what is it about her that he senses are so familiar? It’s not that she just reminds him of Mary….

  “Patron, then shall I make the stalls ready for her, No?”

  “Oh yes, she will be bringing her own horses make room in the main barn. Please do me a favor Esteban, take Storm out and groom him until he shines, I want him to look his very best today.”

  “Si Patron, I will make him shine like the new peso. The one with the fire in her hair will be pleased to see you on such a fine horse.” Esteban winks at him and hurries off before Jamie can correct him. Esteban mentioning Deanna causes him to think of her again.

  She’s quite attractive and he senses a very warm woman, one that would make any man proud to have at his side. He was v
ery impressed with her ever since their first meeting. He must be careful not to think of her too often, she is a woman that could cloud your thoughts, and divert you from your purpose. It can’t seem like he is manipulating the story either, he needs her to be objective in writing it. There will be enough people that will want to see him dead soon enough. They need all the good press they can get or everything will go up in smoke. There is too much at stake to lose now because he could not control his passions.

  “ Eduardo would you have Jake saddled up for me, I’m going to get some coffee from Rosa and ride over to Fiona’s Acre for a little while before our guests arrive?”

  “Si Patron, will you return here or meet us at the quarry?”

  I won’t be that long, I should return before they get here. If I’m not back, please entertain them for me, until I come. I know you will make them comfortable.” Eduardo nods his head and heads for the barn, Jamie strolls to Rosa’s house and knocks on the door.

  “Hola Patron,” Rosa opens the door for him.

  “I came over because I smelled your coffee Mamacita.” He kids her good naturedly.

  “You are like the little boy, you are going for a ride early and want something to keep you company, No?” Rosa states as she smiles at him.

  “You know me too well Little Mama, I want to let her know about some of the new changes since last I was there. Just bringing her up to date, I need a little guidance right now. I think better there, we are facing some tough times ahead.” She pours him a cup of coffee and makes one to go.

  “Please wait Patron,” and she walks out to the patio and returns with a bouquet of flowers. “I thought you might be going today so I made them ready for the Senora. You tell her we are all here for you, that you do not fight alone.” Rosa states defiantly.

  He thinks to himself, the person who takes her on would be in for a world of hurt. He thanks God for her; he would have been lost without her and Eduardo. Jamie strolls over and gives her a kiss on the forehead and a big hug.

  “I will be back soon.” And he finishes his coffee and picks up the cup she made for him and the flowers and heads over to the barn.

  Eduardo has Jake ready; the big horse seems to know where they are going and is impatient to be on their way. He starts to prance while Jamie mounts. He doesn’t need to give him direction, he knows the way so Jamie just gives the horse his head. He sets off at his walking trot, eating up ground in that easy way he has that Mary loved so much…..

  Jamie sees the little oasis of oak trees with the big fichus tree coming into view, ducking under the limbs, he gets down and ground ties Jake. The pond is crystal clear and the ducks come out to greet him.

  “Hello Mary, another Sunday, sorry to be late, but we’re having guests over today for a trail ride. We are going out to one of your favorite places, the old quarry. I have a lot to tell you… First you would be very proud of Dyon, she’s doing wonderfully in school, and she met a young man that is quite taken with her. He’s tall, good looking, and college bound. She likes him to, I can tell, His name is Jonah, he looks at her the way I used to look at you. She’s the daughter we never had, and she gets more beautiful each an everyday.

  The girls are all doing well, T.J. still hasn’t spoken yet, but I believe I’m close now to making a break through with her, she is opening up.

  Irene is doing as well as can be expected with Tom out at the Mission. He has a full house, but still won’t let me put in air conditioning, he claims that a little discomfort is good for the soul.

  The land sale went through so our dream is much closer to fulfillment; we will start cutting it up in sections as soon as the new hands arrive… Eduardo has hired the best around, all men who know how to work and fight if necessary. They’ll have no backup in them, like him. I am expecting some trouble over it, but nothing I can’t handle.

  By the way…there is a young woman that’s doing a story about the ranch, and myself, your Dad sent her to me. I think you might have known her in Virginia, her name was Deanna Quinn. She’s been on my mind; nothing serious just wanted you to know. I promised you that I would try after you left… I was planning to ask her and her family over for the holidays if they don’t have other plans. She also has a daughter that’s in crisis; she tried to commit suicide and suffers from panic attacks and rage. Tia told me she was going to ask her mother if she could take lessons with us. She rides but has a problem with control, I gave her a lesson the other day, and she did well, we’ll see.

  Well Mary, its time for me to head back now and see that everything is in readiness for tonight’s big fiesta. Rosa has everything worked out to a T, you and she would have been a great team. I was just sorry you never got a chance to meet her.” Jamie turns toward Jake a tear in his eye and another running down his cheek. Wiping them away he mounts the old horse. “Let’s go home Jake, I know you miss her too, don’t you big fella. This will be your pasture soon, once we divide the land up, you can spend all your time here with her.” Jake turns toward home and to the barn.


  “The Trail Ride”

  “Patron, we have big trouble Patron! Patron!,” Rosa exclaims dashing up to Jamie as he rides in front of the barn. Getting down he throws Jake’s reins to Rubin, and hurriedly goes to his housekeeper to see what could have put her in such a state.

  “What is it that takes you out of your kitchen in such a hurry,” Jamie asks trying to calm her down.

  “The caterers say they cannot do your party tonight.” Tears flowing down her face, “I have failed you Patron, and I am ashamed.”

  He puts his arms around her and tells her. “You never fail me, we will think of something else… I know call the butcher have him deliver a whole steer. We can cook it over a roasting pit turning it slowly. We have Marta and Gila to make salads and beans. You know Esteban’s friend, the one that owns the pork place, call him and have all the pulled pork he can get for us. We will use your barbecue sauce and slow simmer them, south western style. We can order all the liquor from Shanahan’s and tell him I require two bartenders. We will arrange a Grande Fiesta[26], we can string lights all over the veranda in addition to candles everywhere. Don’t worry Little Mama it’s gonna be fine.” Jamie heartens her, actually getting excited over what was a routine formal kind of party that he was dreading, to a happy and comfortable kind, they should have thought of this first.

  “Patron what about the musica who will play for your guests, this is a muy importante[27] fiesta for you.” She’s wringing her hands and staring at him for an answer.

  “Raul, Esteban’s cousin has a small band doesn’t he? I’m sure he wouldn’t want to pass up an opportunity to play before such an audience as this. If need be, I’ll play for them, you worry too much, everything will be fine. We will greet our guests in an old Hidalgo manner. Even I will dress the role and put on my Don’s costume with the gold embroidery and the girls can wear the outfits you bought them for the Spanish cavalcade in Miami. We will all appear like Spanish royalty, and you shall be the queen.” Jamie smiles and walks with her back toward the house his arm around her shoulders.

  As they approach Rosa’s side entrance, she looks up at him radiating with pride and says. “Si Patron we will make a party that will be spoken about for a long time, something these Anglos have never witnessed. I shall make them proud to go to the fiesta at the home of Don Diego.”

  Her tears have changed to smiles; she is catching the exhilaration of the coming event as well. Jamie knows she feels more confident doing things as she would in her country. Poor Eduardo, she will badger him to death today, he’ll wish he was with them on the trail ride. He’d better go and apprise him that she’ll be in frenzy until she sees that everything is going fluidly.

  Jamie sees his Segundo and calls out to him, “Eduardo, you my friend must face Rosa’s wrath today as she makes everything go well, I’m sorry to stick you with this.”

  “Patron, I have already heard. It is not misfortune for me, you know she is L
a Madona[28] for you and the Senorita’s; she would do no less for me or Pita. All will be well you have made her extremely happy, I will take care of everything Don Diego.” He smiles and walks away confident in the knowledge that his Patron and friend relied on him.

  Jamie takes a moment to reflect about the title Eduardo has just used, knowing it means James, It is such a formal title and Eduardo and Rosa use it so seldom, it’s a way of respect he has come to understand. They both are sticklers for utilizing the proper title; still he’s not used to it, even after all these years.

  Jamie looks at his watch and decides he’d better go and get dressed it is almost eight thirty they can expect some of the kids to start arriving soon. The neighbor’s children that live around the ranch enjoy visiting for any occasion.

  “Tanner, keep your eyes peeled for kids coming in on horseback.” Jamie calls to him as he rounds the bunkhouse, eating a donut and drinking his coffee.

  “What you think this is my first fandango; that I don’t know what I’m doing? You go get yourself dandied up, and leave the real cowboy stuff to me. Don’t be telling me my business again, you hear me, and take that smirk off your face too!” He shouts at him and stomps off; Jamie knows his old friend will know what to do.

  It’s funny he really appears to dislike grownups, but the kids adore him. The patience he lacks with adults, he gives to kids, and they love him. He is one of the best friends Jamie has ever had. He and Mary always had a special closeness too, Jamie reflects.

  Jamie goes into the house to take another shower after his morning ride and dress for the trail. He finishes up and feeling refreshed, he proceeds downstairs and bumps into Father Tom, who has just arrived.


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