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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 18

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Honey, I haven’t told him yet, but I will when he gets to the show grounds. I don’t want you to worry about him. I will take care of all the details, and if he has anything to say, I will take the heat for you. Just concentrate on what you have to do, nothing else. He won’t make a scene at the show, too many people around; you know how he is about doing anything in public. It will be alright Mr. Ellsworth’s lawyer said I can do it because I have the right.” She tries to build Katy’s confidence as well as her own.

  “Why don’t you go down and start the coffee and wake your brother, while I take a shower and get dressed.”

  “Alright, I have to take Angel out anyway she is sitting by the back door waiting for me. Are we going to take her with us today?” She almost pleads with Deanna applying that “please” look she has.

  “I don’t think so there are too many people and could be other dogs, and we wouldn’t want to create a scene if she got out of hand, besides she hates your father, remember.”

  “I forgot, ok I will play with her for a while until you come down stairs and Jonah comes out to do the barn chores. Legion looked very comfortable last night at the show grounds didn’t he? I never thought I would be doing this, I still can’t believe it.” And she jumps up off the bed and runs down stairs banging on Jonah’s door as she passes.

  “Wake up sleepy head it’s time to get going.” She yells for him.

  “Ok, Ok, I’m up, any more yells out of you, and I’ll throw you in the manure pile.” Jonah answers good naturedly.

  Katy has waited also an hour and she is getting impatient finally calling up to Deanna from downstairs that the coffee is ready, and they have to hurry, she wants to meet the girls at the breakfast shack before they have to get ready and Pita is showing at eight o’clock in cross rails.

  Deanna is pulling up her jeans when she hears Katy telling her to hurry up. “I’m almost ready, be there in five minutes, she yells down.

  Coming down to the kitchen they are waiting for her by the table, Jonah is dressed in jeans and wearing a pearl button down western shirt with western boots and cowboy hat. Katy looks every bit the equestrian in her riding pants, shirt and jacket. Deanna is proud of both, but she kids him about looking like a country western singer instead of an English gentleman.

  “Mother I am more relaxed dressed like this, besides, I’m sure Jefe will be wearing something just like this, I would be willing to bet on it. Don’t you think Katy?” He queries his sister hoping for support.

  “I don’t know, he said he would be dressed the way he should be, that’s all I know. Can we get going now, please?” she heads out the door to the truck, yelling over her shoulder, “Jonah put my trunk in the truck already Mother.”

  Locking arms Jonah and Deanna stroll out to the truck, and Katy is in it already. “Well what do you think Honey, is she ready or not?” Deanna asks him.

  Smiling at her, he says, “I think we are all ready, how about you, anything happening between you and Jamie, or is it still objective fencing.” Holding up his hands laughingly he ads, “Don’t bother to answer me or tell me that it’s none of my business. You would be right if you did, just asking that’s all.” Before she can answer he jumps behind the wheel of the truck and yells, “Alright, let’s get going, we’re burning daylight.”

  Something Jamie would say, Jonah is beginning to sound like him more and more now that he is working with him, and she’s not sure how to feel about that yet either.

  It all comes down too not knowing all the facts yet about him, Deanna feels she has to be cautious about how close she gets to him. There is something about him that draws her toward him, and she can’t put her finger on it, just when Deanna thinks she knows what it is, it slips away, like trying to hold water in your hands.

  They pull into the show grounds and check in with the guard at the gatehouse, he tells them where to park the truck to unload the trunk and saddles. Jonah pulls off all the tack and puts it outside of Legion’s stall. Deanna notices all the other girls are absent their tack is unloaded and standing by each horses stall, which means they should be at the breakfast shack. Deanna looks at Katy and tells her to go on ahead, and they’ll meet her as soon as they’re finished unloading. She runs off faster than she has ever seen her run.

  Jonah comes up after parking the truck. “Jamie’s truck is here so he must have left for the canteen already, why don’t you go over to breakfast, and I’ll get Legion ready. If Dyon is there please tell her I’m over here taking care of the tack. Maybe she can meet me here, if not call me on my cell phone, ok.” And he goes about unpacking Katy’s trunk and getting her tack ready.

  “I’ll help you with that if you want, then we both can go over together.” She says to him, but he gives her a look that says he would rather do it by himself. Puzzled Deanna agrees and sets off for the shack.

  Deanna sees Jamie and Eduardo sitting with the girls and they all seem to be talking, and having fun. She remembers back when she was showing, the morning of the show was the most fun. Before they started to compete, her father would order breakfast for everyone and talk about how they would do, and to remember that it was all about having a good time, enjoying the horses and their friends, just like they seem to be doing now.

  “Good morning everyone, I see you are all set for today, you all look great.” She says to all of them, but she meant it more for Jamie’s sake. He looks so handsome in his riding boots and pants wearing a yellow polo.

  “Hi, good morning, sit over here by me,” Jamie says as he slides over to make room for her to sit next to him.

  “We were just saying how beautiful the day is going to be and the grounds are really first rate. See how they’re getting ready for the National Show. I was just telling the girls that this is one of the most beautiful and expertly done places in the country for an outdoor event. New York is an indoor arena so it is a different type of setting. This must remind you of the show grounds up in Virginia, I have never been there, but they say they are spectacular.” Jamie explains bringing her up to date on their conversation.

  “Yes Virginia has some wonderful arenas, but I think here has the most spacious with all the different rings going on all at once. How’s the coffee?”

  “Not as good as Rosa’s but we will have to make do until she gets here. Eduardo tells me she’s coming with food for us and lots of hot coffee; she’s going to set up back by the stalls, kind of like a party. She had Esteban and Rubin loading chairs and tables and should be here in the next fifteen minutes or so. There was no arguing with her when she sets her mind, right Eduardo.” Jamie remarks to his Segundo.

  “Si Patron, she is very set in her ways, and she says no one shall go hungry today, besides the senoritas need a place to rest and have their friends come. I am only Segundo not the boss,” and they all laugh.

  “Dyon, Jonah is waiting for you over by the stalls, he is unpacking the tack and getting Legion ready, I think he wanted you to go over if you wanted to.” She hints to Dyon, she nods and excuses herself and walks off toward the barns.

  “I think they have more than a passing attraction for each other, she was just asking Katy if he was here.” Jamie tells her quietly.

  The girls excuse themselves to go over to look at Ring One where Pita will compete. Deanna waits until they all leave to ask him if he was alright about Dyon and Jonah.

  “I am fine with it, Jonah is great and Dyon is a good girl, besides, they’re almost eighteen. If I tried, or you to interfere, they would rebel against it. I think they will handle it very well, they have two good examples to follow about controlling one’s passions, wouldn’t you say?” He smiles with that funning smile of his, as if he’s joking, but not joking.

  Changing the subject Deanna asks, “How is Jonah doing at the ranch he talks about nothing else since he started there? It’s about Jefe this and Jefe that, he’s suffering from some hero worship, you know.”

  “I try to pair him up with Eduardo and Esteban, whenever I can. He want
s to learn rodeo, and he is pretty good too. I promised him I would teach him, if it’s alright with you. I know you want him to go to a good college in the fall, but he’s going to do it anyway. Maybe if he has the right instruction, he can get it out of his system this summer and be done with it, so he can concentrate better.”

  “Are you trying to talk me into it for him, it sounds like a set up to me? I want him to go to college, so he can make something out of himself. Have a career and be able to earn a good living, is that so wrong of me to want that for him?” Suddenly Deanna senses she may have insulted him and tries to make up for it. “I mean that some people can’t all be All around Cowboys and be successful.”

  “It’s ok; you’re right most cowboys just wind up broken up and broke. I would want the same thing for him myself, but you have to remember that he is a proud young man, and he will have to try. I’ll work on him to temper his enthusiasm and convince him that education is the most important thing for his future. You didn’t hurt my feelings by the way, I was pretty good, but I didn’t handle it well at all and would never encourage him to follow in my footsteps.” He takes her hand and holds it reassuringly,

  “He’ll go to college you’ll see. I promise you he will.”

  “Uncle Jamie it’s seven thirty we have to get Pita ready they are calling for warm up.” Tia runs by and shouts as they all head back to the barn.

  “I have to go and give her some warm-up. Dyon will have her pony ready, by the time she gets there. We might as well head over to the ring now if that’s ok with you.”

  “I told Tim I would meet him here at eight, I want some shots of the girls and the show for the article, I will meet you over there.” She gives him a kiss and wishes him good luck. He turns and starts to walk away then turns to look at her, touching his face where she kissed him with his hand and smiles.

  “Thanks, it’s been awhile since a pretty girl kissed me and wished me that before a show, it sounds and feels kind of nice. Watch out for Tom and Irene, he’s bringing her for the show. T. J. was so excited that she will be here to watch her, maybe you could just stand by just in case… Please, you know another mother for support besides Rosa.” Deanna senses this is something he needs her to do.

  “No problem I will be happy to stay with her, and I hope she won’t mind. She wasn’t too sure of me when I met her at the ranch or at the mission.” She explains to him as he rushes off to Ring One.

  Pita comes walking by on her pony smiling that big smile of hers. “Lots of luck today Pita, I will be rooting for you.” Deanna yells to Rosa’s little girl.

  “Thank you Senora, I just hope I can get through this before I have to pee again.” She laughs and grins at her with that mischievous look she has.

  “You better not Little One, or I will make your seat very hot for you, behave yourself and make us proud.” She hears Rosa from behind her.

  “Hola Senora, we will have a fine day, Si? I have brought much food and cakes for all, you will eat with us today no? Rosa asks Deanna.

  She is beautiful today; she and Eduardo both are dressed to complement each other. Both proud and beaming for the child that everyone seems to share.

  “Senora even old Tanner has come to watch his girls, he will be at the fence pretending how miserable he is, but he is like the old hen.” She laughs with a hearty laugh as does Eduardo.

  They are here as a family all of them, the vaquero’s and their girlfriends to lend their support and love. She feels as though that she too is part of this family, they’re so proud and they bring so much emotion with them. All held together by one man and a dream, he dreams their dreams and helps make them come true. Her thoughts are interrupted by a tap on the shoulder.

  “Hello Deanna, I made it, where are they starting, I want to set up so I get the right light?” Tim asks.

  “I’m sorry; I was spending some time day dreaming I’m afraid, they will be starting at Ring One. Pita is doing cross rails; they’re warming up now, so we’d better get started over there.”

  “I’ll just take lots of pictures, and we can put it together later this week if you like. I like to get as many candid shots and action shots as possible, then I can get posed shots to finish out the layout. Is that’s ok with you?”

  “Tim, I write and you take pictures, I trust your judgment better than mine. I’m here to just be a spectator, I will write about this day later, so have at it and I’ll see you later. Oh, by the way, Rosa has set up at the barn for us to have food and refreshments, don’t go and buy anything, ok.” Deanna sees Father Tom and Irene coming up the path toward the ring.

  “Hello, I see you made it, can I walk with you two up to the stands. Irene you look wonderful, are you excited about T. J. being in her first show? Katy has not been able to sit still for three days.” Oop’s, she realizes that Irene does not live with T. J. and Deanna feels she may have made another blunder with her.

  “Thank you for the compliment. Yes, she has been very excited; Father has taken me over a few times this week, so I could help her with her clothes and things. She uses sign language you know so we can talk. I pray to God that he will restore her speech one day, just so I can hear her voice once more before……”

  “Now you know she is going to speak again, hasn’t Jamie told you that, she will very soon, you believe in him don’t you girl?” Father Tom interjects himself into the conversation cutting Irene off before she could finish whatever, she was about to say.

  “How are you Deanna, you look like a picture, just like you was at the Irish Sweepstakes? Oh, look there, the girls coming over on their horses to watch Pita, sort of fitting, don’t you think. He’s done wonders with them in such a short time too.” Father Tom rattles off in that Irish lilt of his. “I see Rosa had chairs set up for us, that girl is a wonder she thinks of everything.”

  We take our seats and watch eight girls ride in about thirty minutes, each one has done very well and completed the course, all have made it without any refusals. Pita’s name and number are called, and they watch as Jamie walks with her to the gate. She’s smiling and looking everywhere, except where she is supposed to be looking. Rosa is getting angry at her and keeps poking Eduardo in his ribs, telling him it is his fault that she does not pay more attention. He nods and takes the blame on his shoulders with a smile.

  Jamie sternly tells the little girl. “Pita you must pay attention now and stop being the goose. Make your circle and take the right line, do it at the walk than move to the trot after the first jump then let him canter. I will be watching you and just remember all that I have told you, keep going over it in your head, ok?”

  They call out her number, and she enters the Ring. Jamie watches her and she can hear him talking to her even though Katy can’t hear him at all, going over each jump with her, as though she were standing next to him.

  Pita makes a perfect round, smiling at the judges all the time her equitation is wonderful, shoulders back, hands relaxed, her pony performs with precision and poise. She makes her circle and heads for the gate, smiling and starts to talk before she leaves the ring. Hopefully, the judge didn’t hear her as she says, “I aced it Jefe.”

  As she leaves the ring, we wait for the numbers to be read. First Place is awarded to a girl of about nine on a small welsh pony, second is given to the first girl who rode, third is awarded to Pita and the spectators stand erupts with applause. Jamie sweeps her from the saddle and hugs her and kisses her cheeks.

  “You made us very proud of you Little One, now you must repeat for the second ride and try to do as well. You may have a chance at Grand if you can place high enough. Just do what you did the first time only in reverse going the other way.” He tells her.

  Rosa and Eduardo come over to congratulate her and give her more hugs and kisses. “You made your Papa proud, you ride like me” Eduardo says to her.

  “Yes Papa, but I don’t look like you, I’m prettier.” Everyone within hearing of her turns and starts to laugh; she is such a funny little person.<
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  “I will do better the next time I was just a little scared, and I have to pee.” She announces much to Rosa’s embarrassment.

  “Come quickly with me. I told you not to drink so much.” Rosa scolds her as they rush for the Porta Potty. We all laugh so hard there are tears coming down our faces.

  They are calling the numbers again and Pita comes running. Jamie picks her up and puts her in the saddle. She gets in line to take her last ride for the final position of her class. We wait as she enters the Ring and traverses the opposite direction riding perfectly toward the first jump. She makes it but chips on the second one finishing with a frown because she knows that one mistake could cost her a high pin. Jamie greets her as she exits the ring, and she has tears in her eyes.

  “Why are you crying, you did well, many riders chip once or twice going around? There’s no need for you to cry or be upset, I’m proud of you. Remember it’s about having fun. Did you have fun,” he asks as he helps her down?

  “Yes Jefe, more fun than anything, but I wanted to win for you to prove that you are the best trainer and have the best barn.” She sobs in his arms.

  “Baby girl, I won the minute you entered the ring and rode. You just made me the biggest winner of all by wanting it for me instead of yourself. My winning is watching you have fun and doing what you love to do.” He hugs her and she smiles as he tickles her and makes her laugh.

  They are announcing the winners of the Cross Rails Class. Grand is given to the girl who placed second in the first round, Reserve Grand goes to Pita, and she is jumping up and down and hugging everyone including her pony.

  “I did it, look everyone, I did it!” She yells holding up her ribbon.

  Jamie strides up to Deanna and smiles. “That was a close one, now we’re on to the Walk Trot Hunter for T. J. Walking over to the WTH ring. T.J. is so small and looks scared getting upon her pony, Jamie is standing next to her speaking to her quietly, “You will be all right you’ll see. Do you still want to do this?” She nods her head yes. “Good girl now all you have to do is concentrate and remember all the things we’ve gone over, I will be right here by the gate. If you feel funny doing this just head your pony toward the gate and come out, ok.” Jamie has a worried look that Deanna has never seen before, as he turns from her toward the Ring.


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