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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 26

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Mother, is Jonah alright?” Katy asks her.

  “Yes, he’s fine they all are. We’re on our way to the hospital now. I’ll see you in a bit, how’s he doing?” Deanna tells her.

  “Please hurry Mother, Tanner’s not doing well.” Deanna hears her breakdown in tears.

  “I will be right there, hold on honey.” As she heads to the truck, Jonah’s already there, and he’s got the truck running with angel in the back.


  “In Search of the Grail”

  Driving to the hospital Jamie prays he’s not too late, Tanner will understand why he had to go after them. He would not have tried to make it back to warn them otherwise, he’s the closest thing Jamie ever had to a Father as well as being one of his best friends. Now he’s in danger of dying for him too. First there was Wade, then Trinity, Mary and all the others. It seems that everyone he’s close to; die tragically, now Tanner may be next.

  So many have died because of him, is the reason he was saved and sent back, to cause more death? He’s becoming weary, after the many years since his spiritual intervention. Not knowing why, that he’s been driven relentlessly for so long. When will he find the peace he feels was promised, or is he destined to keep searching?

  “Where am I, it looks like some kind of hospital, and they are operating on somebody?”

  “It is a place of healing Kinsman, but it’s not somebody they were trying to save, it’s you.

  You are dead nephew; you died as a result of your own foolishness, as did innocents. I have been sent to send you back once again. Only this time you shall not be reincarnated, it has been decided that you will go back and finish the quest that began over two millennia ago and should you not, then we shall be lost.

  You’re the redeemer, the chosen one, the last of our line. It’s been left to you to set us free; you will complete our penitence as well as your own.”

  “If I’m dead, then who the hell are you and what are you talking about?

  “I’m Dian Cecht[43], your ancestor and son of Dagda[44], and you are the last Celtic Angel. I must send you back, to awaken in your own world; you will know…….you will know…..

  With the thoughts of that evening racing through his mind, he almost misses the turn for the hospital. Driving across three lanes of traffic, Jamie eventually makes into the parking lot.

  Walking toward the main entrance he sees some of the vaqueros standing guard at the entrance. “Hola Patron, have the perro’s that have done this terrible thing been taken yet?” Eli asks respectfully as the vaquero’s greet him with genuine concern on their faces

  “Yes my friend, they have been taken and no one else was injured. Eduardo has you keeping watch I see, Bueno[45], Compadres[46].” He claps them on the back and proceeds into the admitting station; Eduardo is a cautious man, knowing these men will stand their post.

  Jamie approaches the emergency room desk and asks, “Rufus Tanner, he was brought in a few hours ago…. Is he in emergency still, or in the operating room?” The nurse tells him Tanner’s in surgery now, and the rest of the family is in the patient’s lounge. “Thank you, which way is that”

  “Down the hall to the left and then straight ahead, the entrance will be on the left as well Sir.” Nodding he sets off to find the others and get an update on Tanner.

  Walking into the lounge he sees Rosa and the man called Roberto sitting by the window. As Jamie approaches, Roberto stands and greets him “Don Diego my condolences on your misfortune, I came as soon as I got word my friend. I have taken the liberty to have a number of friends go to your Rancho and assist with the security, in case others would attempt to do harm. I hope you are not offended my friend, as there was no way to contact you for your permission.”

  “Not at all Don Roberto,” Jamie returns the title of respect. “The problem will be solved very shortly as Eduardo hunts the men responsible now. He left as soon as we got back to the Ranch, we captured one that killed Miguel, and he convinced the man to talk, before we brought him back and implicated those in the conspiracy. He feels responsible because he is Segundo, I’m sure you understand.”

  “Si Don Diego, I understand, and they are being watched as we speak to make sure they do not bolt, Cerbon is held at his home, and Williams is soon to be taken and left for the Federales. The pig of an attorney has run, but he will not be able to hide for long, I had promised the Senora Rosa and Senora Deanna to lend my influence to your cause.”

  Jamie thanks him and asks how he knew of Williams and Cerbon.

  “You have many friends among my people Senor, the news did not reach me in time to avert the tragedy at the rancho, but we knew who was behind it and men were sent out. Do not fear they will be taken.”

  “My thanks, Don Roberto, if you would please excuse me I must speak to Rosa.” Turning, Jamie seeks out Rosa to inquire of Tanner.

  Finding her, he asks about Tanner. “He’s very serious Patron, the bullet lies close to his heart, he was asking for you before they took him inside. T.J. has stood by his side the whole time showing great courage, as have all of them. Patron where is the Senora she did not come with you?”

  “No, I’m afraid she’s very angry at me right now, and the less people about around me the better, I have endangered too many that I care about. I don’t want her to be involved more than she is already Rosa. We’re at war now and until it ends, I must keep those I care about from harm’s way. That means you and the children, no argument Little Mama.

  “Si, Patron,” she answers him with her head hung down, “But what of Senorita Dyon, she is to be home this week from the college, no? Where will she go?” She glances up at him with a hopeless look in her eyes.

  Before Jamie can answer her, Deanna speaks from behind him.

  “You all will come to my home and stay there until this calms down and sanity is restored, everyone except you Mr. Doyle. You have been deceitful enough and are not welcome.” She proceeds over to Rosa and places her arms around her. “I won’t hear no for an answer, Mi casa is su casa[47]. Remember when you told me that in your home.” Deanna places her arms around Rosa and comforts her.

  Jamie stands there and watches them as thoughts of the past, cross his mind. She’s so much like Mary, only stronger. How can he tell her that all who seems to love him die? She knows now about his past, she screamed out his name back at the Ranch. If only she knew the truth, if she suspected that he’s manipulated by spirits of his past ancestors, how fast would she run from him if she knew? It’s better to keep the wall that has been thrown up now, and then have her physically or emotional hurt. He should have told her in the beginning, but she wouldn’t have believed it. His side is beginning to hurt once more. Jamie excuses himself and walks off going toward the operating room to wait for word on how Tanner is doing.

  Father Tom arrives and gives his solace to all there, and seeing Deanna alone by the window, he approaches her noticing how distraught she is.

  “Deanna, it’s good to see you. It’s unfortunate that it’s here instead of at the mission as we had planned,” Tom speaks softly.

  Deanna is trying to wrap her mind around the catastrophic events of the day as Tom sits down next to her. “Father Tom you don’t know how much I wish that today never happened, that you and I just had our luncheon later this week. I needed to talk to you as his friend, may I do that?”

  “Of course my child, come with me to the chapel, there’ll be privacy there.” He takes her arm, and they walk down the hall. The old priest calls over his shoulder to the others that if he’s needed, he will be in the chapel with Deanna.

  Arriving at the chapel he opens the door peering inside to see if it’s being used. Seeing that it’s empty he turns to Deanna, and he asks her, “Now what is this that you are so fretful about? Here let’s take a seat by the window, the sun will feel good.”

  “Alright Father, that would do nicely.” They sit by the window next to a non denominational alter.

  The sun’s bright shafts
are reflected from the golden cross, casting luminosity around Tom’s white head as he begins.

  “Jamie’s past is the past, what occurred that day I can only speculate at, as I was not present and neither was any who knows him, except Tanner. He was as you see him now when I first met him, quiet and just trying to be of help.

  When he made a sort of confession the first time, he told me a tale that at first I disbelieved and thought he was suffering from some mental disability. You see Jamie did believe that he did, in fact, die in the crash and saw himself laying on the operating table as the physicians worked on him. He claimed as he watched from above the table, gazing downward at his himself laying there. A light appeared next to him and from it a voice spoke.

  “You mean he thought he perceived the voice of God,” Deanna asks, disbelief and shock in her voice.

  The old man tells her. “No, it was not the voice of God he heard, but a voice from his past.”

  “Did he say how he knew who this spirit was, or how he was related to him?” Deanna asks Tom a little disbelief in her voice,

  “Yes he did, he said the voice was that of Dian Cecht, an ancestor and that Jamie was a direct descendent of old Celtic people known as The Children of Danu.

  “It didn’t matter to me whether I believed him or not, he believed it, so much that he changed his whole life.

  He recovered and was released, except for the wound in his side that never quite heals; he has no other side effects from that terrible crash. He’s worked very hard to bring life to those that would not have made it. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know, but he believes it and feels he must finish the quest given him that day. I guess the best way to explain what I’m saying is, go, seek out the story of the Celtic Angel, and then you may know as much as I, what happened to him.

  As to whether he still loves Mary. Yes, I know he will love her for all of his days, in a place in his heart that brought peace to him for a while. Whether he can ever love somebody again as he did her, I imagine not. I believe he’ll love as intensely once again, but just in a distinctively different way.

  You have to understand Mary was like a child, she needed his strengths and protection as much as his love. Right now he’s wary that anyone he lets in his heart will come to hurt, and he can’t accept that any longer. If you love him than you must be patient, wait for him to show his true feelings. He still has miles to go before he sees the end of his road.” Father Tom explains to her with great patience.

  “Tom, this is all pretty farfetched even for an Irishman. Coming back from the dead, speaking to spirits, supernatural things, you can’t really believe all this? I can’t accept it, I think his ego is so inflated that he believes his lies now.” Deanna fires back at the old man.

  “Deanna, you have seen him do many things, which you yourself can’t explain in the normal sense. Couldn’t it have happened, and he’s one of the Angels that walk among us, as told by the ancients? Could he not be one, who was chosen, because of his own acts to come back and make restitution? Don’t be so quick to judge him, unless you wish to judge yourself, whom has he hurt, what injustices has he done?

  “He hurt me, he hurt me very bad Tom, he made me believe in him, then he shunned me, using me to further in own ends. I’m not able to get past that, I love him, dame his soul! I just can’t get past the fact that he used me, and made a fool of me.”

  “If you believe that, I can’t change your mind. I will say this, I don’t believe either of you are quite done with each other as you would have me believe, but only time will tell. For the present, be at peace and let’s concentrate on Tanner’s plight right now. Unless there’s something else you wished to know. I’ll tell you this; I’ve broken my oath to tell you what I know. Only because I love you both, God be with you child.” Getting up to head back to the others he asks. “Are you coming back with me?”

  Thanking him, she says, “No, Tom, I just want to sit here for a minute to compose myself.”

  He nods and goes back to the others. Sitting in that chapel, thinking about what he’s said to her, she wonders if some of it could be true. Can a person come back from the other side? Does God give us Angels to help and guide us? Can an Angel truly love in a mortal way? Again more questions, all Jamie creates are questions.

  Tom heads back to wait with Rosa and Jamie. When he gets there Rosa tells him that Jamie is with Tanner in the ICU recovery room. Tom reflects back to a time when he and Tanner stood where he’s standing now, as Jamie stood vigil with Mary.

  “Is there a Father Scanlon here?”

  Tom is brought back to the present upon hearing his name and says. “Yes, that’s me self, is there any news of him?”

  The ICU nurse tells him that Tanner is asking for him, and would he follow her. She shows him to a curtain shrouded area containing a gurney with Tanner lying upon it, and Jamie sitting next to it. Approaching, he notices Tanner’s eyes open in recognition and his old friend speaks to him.

  “Ah you’re here Tom, I need you to do something for me. If I don’t make this, I want you to tell this fool that he has to give up the past.___I’ve done told him that I will take his burden with me___so he doesn’t have to tote it no more___he’s paid back for all he’s done___He just sits here a thinking as how I’m gonna be alright___ I told him that I spect he found that Grail, he was searching for, long ago.___Them Kids are all gonna be just fine, and My Missy, she knew that he was forgiven___she know’d for sometime that he won his forgiveness.___ Now. Now he has to live for them babies___and her. If I don’t make it, I want none of your mumbo jumbo over me.___Just plant me with them that I loved,___You hear me.” Tanner is asking Tom for something, the first and only time since they’ve known each other.

  “Tanner, I will try my best, but God works through many, and if he accepts your offer than it will be so. I will always stand by his side as you have. He loves you as he would a Father, and it is as a Son that he stands by you now, as I stand as your Brother.”

  Tanner closes his eyes and seems to rest easier now, the charge nurse moves towards them and asks Tom to leave and Jamie to step outside as she checks his monitors. Toms proceeds back to the waiting room, but Jamie just stands to the side not really moving and by the look on his face, she knows better than to try to send him away. When she finishes, he steps closer to the bed and resumes his vigil over Tanner. She looks over at him and observes him kneel and bow his head, as if in prayer. She moves away to give him more privacy….

  Jamie whispers as if speaking to someone or something, “I’ve never asked anything of you, not even when you burdened me with this quest. I accepted it as a responsibility, as an act of contrition for the sins of my past and the past of the ancestors. I never asked you to save Mary, or that gentle woman who wanted nothing more than a good life for her child. I ask now for the life of this man, if I was given a power to heal then let it be now, and I will give you the rest of my days willingly…. Allow my strength to flow into him, heal him as you once healed me; don’t take this man he’s needed here.” He takes hold of Tanner’s hand and his tears flow, he can’t hold them back any longer…..

  The charge nurse glances over and there seems to be a strong light coming from the small cubicle that Tanner is in. It appears to be much brighter than normal, and she walks over to investigate. As she approaches, the area goes back to semi-dark as it was before. Pulling aside the curtain she observes Jamie kneeling as before his forehead pressed against Tanner’s hand.

  “Sir, excuse me sir, are you alright?

  “What, I’m sorry, what did you say, I must have dozed off.” Jamie stammers as if awakening from sleep.

  Jamie drops his hand to feel for the familiar scar that has plagued him for so many years. His fingers tracing over the place that he’s felt for years, but his fingers encounter only smooth flesh.

  The ICU nurse quickly attends to Tanner as his color and breathing seem to have improved.

  “How’s my friend doing nurse, he seems to be resting muc
h easier now?”

  “Yes he does and his vital signs are almost normal I must get the doctor, please excuse me.” And she rushes off and uses the phone on her desk.

  “Doctor Thomas, your gunshot patient, he is showing all normal signs….Yes sir, his heart and pressure are normal…..Yes Sir, I checked it twice….I don’t know, ten minutes ago I had to ask the priest to come in. He was in that bad of shape….No sir I have not been drinking,… Come down here and see for yourself!” She answers the doctor, annoyed that he would make such a remark to her. Hanging the phone up, she comes back over to Tanner, taking his pressure the old fashioned way with cup and gauge.

  “How is he, does this mean he’s going to make it?” Jamie asks.

  “He’s stable, for the moment, but I would say, yes, he’s turned the corner and is stable now and his vital signs are strong, in fact, much stronger than they should be considering the severity of his wounds. I have asked the resident Dr. Thomas to come down and verify, but I think your friend is going to make it, if no other complications set in. It would appear your prayer was answered sir.”

  Jamie puts his head down for a moment and murmurs “Thank you Kinsman.” then turns and takes the nurse’s hand shaking it saying, “Thank you, Thank you.” He leaves to tell those waiting that Tanner seems to have made a recovery.

  With everyone sitting waiting for news of Tanner’s condition, Jamie opens the doors to the I.C.U. recovery room and announces to them. “They think he’ll make it, the nurse said his signs are good, he’s not out of the woods yet, but at least he is on third base and heading for home.” Rosa hurls herself into his arms breaking down, everyone else is jubilant as well. He looks at Deanna and she nods her head at him and then gets up and walks away. He now knows that there’s no future there, her eyes were cold. The girls are swarming all over him, to the point that the staff comes over and tells them to quiet down.


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