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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 28

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  Coming downstairs after putting on their bathing suits, they spy Roger and Ken who must have just arrived. “Hello boys, I see you were able to make the party.” Mel says to them before they reach Deanna.

  Ken is the first one to speak, “Deanna you look incredible, why you’re a vision let me get you a drink.” but he’s too late Roger is at the bar and grabbing one from John.

  “I’ve got one for you right here Deanna, please allow me, and you do look ravishing, is that a new suit? I will propose to you immediately, here and now. Please marry me and I will lay the world at your feet.” Roger exclaims laughingly as he runs up to her with drink in hand.

  “See what I told you, they may both be escorting you next week to the banquet.” Mel whispers to her.


  “A Letter Home”

  “Miz Jenifer, Miz Jenifer, where are you? There is a letter here for you. Miz Jenifer, do you hear me?”

  “Hanna, for god’s sake what is all that yelling for? I’m right here in the setting room where I’m always at in the afternoon. You know that, I swear you are getting worst with every day you get older.”

  “It’s a letter Miz Jenifer, where’s your reading spectacles do you have them with you.”

  “No I don’t, will you get them please and stop hollering, I’m not next door. Who’s it from, you might as well tell me I know you know, or you wouldn’t be making so much noise about it?” Jennifer Quinn answers her long time friend and companion as she turns down the volume on the TV.

  “It’s from Miz Deanna, and it looks like it a spinner too. You want me to open it for you?”

  “I’m capable of opening my own mail thank you just the same. Did you bring me my glasses?”

  “Here they are right where I said they’d be. I already ran it through the letter opener for you.” Deanna’s former nanny answers her, dancing from one foot to the other with excitement.

  Taking the letter from her and setting her glasses in place she begins to open it. Turning to Hanna she says, “Well are you going to sit down or not? I’m not going to read this twice you know.” Hanna sits in the chair opposite her as she begins to read it.

  Dear Mom, and Auntie Hanna,

  Jonah and Katy are well and send their love and regards. Jonah is working very closely with Jamie and true to his word Jamie is trying to convince him that college is the course for him to follow, not the rodeo circuit. He has told me he will attend college commencing in the fall.

  Jonah respects him and they are closer than ever since the day Jonah rode out with him to catch the people on that horrible day. He idolizes Jamie and I believe he is a marvelous influence on him. I don’t think you will recognize your grandson any longer, he’s tall like Tom was and turning into a good and kind man.

  Katy has done a complete three sixty with her problem, she’s happy, content and very dedicated under his tutelage. An accomplished rider, she is completing on a whole different level. Her grades have gone from just passing to Honor’s. I believe it’s because of the friendship and the encouragement of the other girls. Jamie teaches them to support each other, and they are fantastic toward one another. She loves him and is devoted to the way of life that they live by. I asked her the other day how Jamie was doing, and she said he’s well, just a little quiet, and he spends more time riding alone now on Storm, his big black Tennessee Walker. I asked her if he was still playing his music, and she sadly said no.

  Jamie has been very distant with me, and I think he’s not going to change. He loved Mary too greatly and with all that’s happened, Rosa thinks that he’s afraid to get close to anyone again. By the way, Rosa is his friend and housekeeper and his ranch manager’s wife. She’s become a very close friend as has Melody my employer’s wife. They have been very supportive, and I have come to love them dearly.

  I have been dating with the help of Mel, she knows all the eligible bachelors and is making sure that I meet as many as possible, plus the Magazine has me doing interviews with all the top equestrians from around the world. I am not necessarily looking forward to finding a husband right now, but I have some very nice men interested, one is an attorney and friend of John Ellsworth, my boss. He was going to represent me against Steve, but with his legal problems right now I don’t need an attorney. So Ken has become a suitor instead. The other is from England here to complete in the National Horse Show, he’s a Jumper and Trainer, very wealthy as well. I think his family is titled somehow, although he makes light of it.

  I am doing well with my job and the story went national. I am being offered positions with some very large publishers, but I think I want to stay here, for the time being. The magazine has been great to me, and I feel comfortable even though John is still talking with some of the publishers about my future. By the way, John is my boss and has become my friend as well.

  For me personally it has been rough, dealing with the past and trying to deal with the present. I am not going to say that I don’t have feelings for Jamie; I would be lying if I did. He awoke in me something that I didn’t know that I had, a desire and sense of belonging to someone again, a kinship like none that I’d ever known before.

  Ken, that’s the attorney, kisses me, and it’s nice, but it does not light the passion as Jamie’s did, nor does his touch. If anyone would have said to me that in just six weeks my life would have taken the turns it has, I would never have believed it. For now I am going to take your advice and walk on the safe side, which should make you very happy.

  The National Horsemen’s Banquet is coming on the twenty first, right before the holidays and all the girls have been invited to go. I am going, but not just as a parent, but for the Magazine as well. John has gotten my tickets and Ken may be my escort. I’m not sure how I’ll handle things when I see Jamie. We have been avoiding each other ever since I slapped him at the ranch and told him he was not welcome to my home when we were at the hospital. I told him I hated him that day. I’m not sure if it was because I thought he was using me for his own ends, or because I felt guilty because of not getting the warning to him sooner about Steve. He only looked at me and turned away, never said a word, he just walked away.

  Tanner has made a complete recovery and Jonah say’s everything has returned to normal. Jamie took Miguel’s body home for his family in Argentina, my friend Roberto went with him.

  They have become great friends; Roberto thinks much of him as do all of his people. Roberto is convinced I should try to talk to him and not be so stubborn, but I told him that I don’t want to be second in Jamie’s’ life. You see Jamie has countless people he has to put ahead of me, plus ghost’s from his past. I just hope that we can be friends again, I miss that comfort he gave me, and I miss the Rancho. I had not realized how close I came to all those there.

  I have to go now, I am sorry about not calling, but sometimes it’s easier to put things in writing after an unpleasant experience than to try to talk about it. I love you and hope you will decide to come for the Holidays, as we miss you and the one thing I have learned from this whole thing is the wealth of family. Call me please, and forgive me for my anger and words when last we spoke.

  Your Loving Daughter,

  P.S. Hugs and kisses to you too Hanna, I know you’re sitting next to her as she reads this. I love you too.

  “Well are you gonna put aside all this foolishness and go, or are you gonna be pigheaded and let that girl make the biggest mistake of her life?” Hanna stands up in front of Jenifer, and she is showing her anger for the first time in all the years she has been with her.

  “I’m not sure Hanna; do you think we should go?”

  “Miz Jenifer I love that girl as much as you, and if you don’t go than I will, she needs you now more than she ever has in her whole life. I ain’t met this here man, but she sounds like she is in love with him something awful. From what you told me what Mr. Haskell said about him, she’d better not let him get away. You just remember one thing she was my baby too.”

  “Feliz Navidad”

  Katy calls her mother and asks if she would run out her dress, so she could show the girls. Deanna was heading out that way anyway because Rosa had asked her if she could take her shopping for a dress to wear to the Banquet. Arriving at the house she has butterflies thinking about seeing Jamie for the first time since the Hospital. Dreading a meeting and hoping she would not just fall apart in front of him. Hitching up her pants and courage she walks up to Rosa’s house and knocks on the door.

  “Come in Senora Deanna,” Rosa opens the door for her. “I will be ready in just a minute. I thank you for taking me to the stores; I have never needed such a fancy dress before. I need you to help me get the right thing to wear; I would not want to make all of you ashamed of me. You will know what I should wear, no?”

  “Rosa it will be no problem, we’ll make the day of it having some fun just us girls, I invited my friend Melody to go with us. You’ll like her, she’s my boss’s wife, and she loves to shop.”

  Deanna looks at Rosa’s house, and it’s decorated for Christmas with colorful ribbons and flowers everywhere. “Your home is more beautiful than ever, I wish I could decorate like you, we have not even put up the tree yet.”

  “Thank you Senora, but first we must go to the main house so you can see what they have done there, everyone has helped the Patron decorate for Felice Navidad[48]. The girls had so much fun and the vaqueros all made something to hang. The tree is the biggest I have ever seen, they had to bring the ladder from the barn for the Angel. Katy was so happy, she cried last night from joy, and Jonah put his gifts under the tree for Dyon. Rubin has been working with him to make the saddle for her, it’s beautiful. They put it in a big box, and he wrapped the whole thing himself.” Deanna feels sad and left out, she turns to look out the window.

  “I have made you sad, I am so sorry, you are my friend, and I wanted you to know what makes them happy. Do not be mad at me, but you should have been here also. The finest present you could give is to be with them, and have it is as it was, you know that.”

  “Rosa I’m not angry at of you, I’m raging at him for not being a man and telling me to stay. Instead he told me that he just wanted to be friends and nothing more. Has he called me once, no, he hasn’t? I won’t be a fool again for him nor will I worry about him anymore. You know I love all of you, but this is one thing he can’t fix, it broke in too many pieces.”

  “Senora, as a woman I know what you feel, and I have told him so, but he is a man and men are many times ignorant in the ways of the heart. I just don’t want you to be stupid with your heart.”

  “Is he here because if he is I’ll wait for you in the car?” Deanna says to her emphatically.

  He is not here, he left when I told him you were coming to pick me up, he said to say “Hello” and that he regrets he could not be present to greet you, but he and Eduardo had to see to the bulls.” Rosa offers in a way of an apology.

  “Sounds like bull crap to me, he just can’t face me, he has courage to face killers, but he can’t tell me how he feels. Why don’t we go over and look at the house, so I can give Katy her dress and see what they have done? I really do want to see it.” Deanna’s anger fades knowing she won’t have to face him.

  “Bueno, let’s go now the girls are expecting us.”

  Walking together toward the main house she observes the changes around the Ranch and see’s many new improvements since the last day she was there. The house has evergreen garlands all around it and some of the men are putting up lights. It looks like he bought out a nursery of poinsettias, everywhere you look, and there are many different shades and colors.

  “Rosa the house looks gorgeous.”

  “Si, they are finishing up the outside today with the lights in all the bougainvilleas it will look like stars have come down from the sky. Patron is giving a big fiesta for the little ones from the mission and the neighbor’s children. You are invited as well, you know.”

  Katy and Tia see her and come running, “Hey Mom, I didn’t know you were here.” Katy is ballistic to see her mother and hugs and gives her a kiss as does Tia.

  “Hey how are you two doing, I have missed you guys, the house has been a little lonely since you came back here. I have your dress it’s in the car, why don’t you get it, Honey?”

  “Ok, but don’t go in the house without us, we want to show you what we’ve done. Wait right there.” Rosa and Deanna stand and wait for them to return.

  “They have missed you very much, and they wish to show you what you are missing. Please don’t let them see how upset you are still.” Rosa gently chides her.

  “I won’t, they’re so excited, and I still can’t believe she is the same girl that I brought out here just seven weeks ago.”

  “Tia is a different girl then she was also, only Marianna is the same for her the future is what it is,” Rosa comments.

  Before Deanna can ask her to explain the girls are back and pulling her into the house.

  “Close your eyes, and don’t open them until I tell you to, ok,” Katy orders her mother. “Ok, you can open them now.”

  Deanna gasps not quite believing how beautiful and almost spiritual the whole scene is. “It’s truly magnificent, you all decorated this by yourselves,” Deanna asks?

  “Yes Mother we all did, well kind of, everyone at the Rancho helped, and we saved something for you, look here.”Katy shows her a box with many different ornaments and tells her mother to pick the ones she wishes to put on the tree in a section that’s bare of decoration.

  “This is your spot Mother; you must finish it before you can go shopping with Rosa, please Mother for my sake,”

  Her mother reaches in and picks out a shepherd holding a lamb and places it on the tree, getting into it, Deanna rummages through the box until she has filled the space and steps back to admire her work.

  “Now are you happy, I have finished my section, it is the most beautiful Christmas tree I’ve ever seen, in fact, the whole house is perfect, you all should be very proud.”

  “Mother, I want to be here for Christmas and so does Jonah, we want you to be with us as well. We all do, ask Rosa? Uncle Jamie wants you to spend Christmas here also, please think about it will you.”

  “Yes I will be here, how could I miss something like this with all of you.” They both hug and kiss; Katy continues jabbering the whole time about all the presents.

  “Mother look, there are presents here for you as well.”

  She walks over and looks; there is a small mound of gifts with her name on them. Deanna notices a few written in a different style, she wonders are any of them from him, and how can she spend the holiday in the same room with Jamie?

  “We have got to go now, the mall is waiting for us Rosa, and I still have to pick up Mel, bye girls see you later. Katy, I’ll bring back my camera, and you can take pictures of everything to send to your Grandmother, alright?”

  Leaving the house Deanna observes all of the vaquero’s standing along the driveway. Th e vaqueros tip their hats and smile at her and Rosa as they proceed down the driveway waving to them as they pass. Deanna had almost forgotten the warm feeling this place gives her.

  “Mel this place doesn’t sell formal dresses does it?” Deanna asks Mel. The store looks so small without any signage at all.

  “This is the best kept secret in the Palm Beaches; they carry one of a kind dresses right from New York City, wait until you see. They have the latest stuff including shoes. Come on Rosa you’re in for a treat,” Mel states and bounces off happily.

  Following her inside and true to her word the place is amazing. They have all the latest fashions. A smartly dressed sales girl comes over and asks if she can help them. Mel tells her they need three knock out dresses for the Banquet, and she starts by taking our measurements and selecting some of the most beautiful gowns for the three of them. They are all laughing and giggling like high school sophomores, but they’re having fun.

  Deanna along with Mel and
Rosa finally select the ones they want and the sales girl tells them to come back in two days for a final fitting. Walking to the front counter to pay for the gowns, the cashier hands them their bills, it comes to over two thousand dollars, and Rosa almost feints.

  “Senora Deanna, I cannot spend such money on just a dress, it would be a sin, I would be afraid I would damage it. What would Eduardo say? He would think me a foolish woman.”

  “Eduardo will think he is with the most beautiful princess in the world, and Jamie won’t mind the bill, he can afford it.” Deanna tells her thinking it would serve him right, maybe she should charge her purchases to him as well.

  “He did tell me to pick whatever, I wanted, he gave me this card to use, see here it is.”

  “Well Honey, you just pick out whatever you want then, sometimes a man has to pay to have his women look good.” Mel’s laughing, as she looks at three hundred dollar handbags.

  Deanna pulls Mel aside, and tells her she can’t afford to spend this kind of money either.

  “Deanna my friend, the Magazine is picking up your tab as per John, so don’t you feel guilty. The magazine hit the highest circulation in its ten year history. That was all because of you and the best thing we have ever done. You are going to earn a bonus too.”

  “Really, you’re not kidding me are you?”

  “No, John called me just before you came to pick me up, he’s on cloud nine. Collins is taking credit because he hired you, but that’s ok he’s not a bad editor.”

  Ladies shall we go to lunch and make the afternoon memorable.” Mel takes both by they’re arms, and strolls down the promenade toward some very upscale restaurants.

  Coming to the entrance to one called Le Parisian, Rosa whispers to Deanna, “Senora Deanna, thank you for inviting me, I have never had so much fun, your friend, she’s a good person, and she cares for you, I can tell.”


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