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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx

Page 8

by John O'Riley

“That’s true but your body was given much needed nutrients and a drug was given to temporarily dull your psychic ability. There are several level ten telepathic doctors on site who can step in and extend psionic protection over your mind in emergency situations such as this one,” Teresa said. “I wish it was possible to prescribe a drug to keep your talent low-key for awhile but the only ones that are effective can be used for short-periods of time before the body adapts – no more than eight hours.”

  “When can I get out of here?” Brian asked.

  “You’re in ICU. It’s necessary for you to remain here under observation for another twenty-four hours,” Teresa said.

  Brian made a face but a nurse came in to check on him and the other patient. She efficiently accomplished her tasks and left. Almost immediately, Jason stepped into the room with the Asian woman that Brian had seen in his dream. The woman wore a white, silk suit jacket over a white blouse and dress skirt. She was thin with delicate features and a light frame. A warm smile curved her lips as her gaze swept over Teresa and Brian.

  “This is Lin from Phoenix Enterprises,” Jason said. “I told her about Brian’s condition and she believes they can help.”

  “And how is that?” Teresa asked coolly.

  “We have a wellness center equipped with healers and a couple of connectivity psi that have developed a technique proven to stabilize patients who suffer from psychic burnout. We even had a couple of cases of adults who suffered traumatic incidents that awakened latent multipathic abilities who were also stabilized. We are the only hospital in the United States that has adopted this treatment,” Lin said warmly.

  “How much would this treatment cost and does it involve anything dangerous?” Teresa asked.

  “We don’t subject patients to anything dangerous. It is completely safe. And since you are relatives of a member of our company and possible future candidates, we will treat Brian for no charge,” Lin said smoothly. “We only ask that you listen to what we have to offer and keep an open mind about joining our company.”

  Teresa regarded the woman dispassionately for a long moment before responding. Lin and Jason waited patiently without attempting further negotiating.

  “All right. We’ll do it after the twenty-four hour observation,” Teresa said.

  “When you’re ready, Jason can drive you both to our center. I need to go back,” Lin said. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  She offered her hand and Teresa shook it. Lin gracefully left the room.

  “How did she get in here? I thought they only allowed relatives to visit ICU patients,” Teresa said with puzzlement.

  “She’s an empath – like Jason. She can make herself unnoticeable,” Jason said. “All of the employees at Phoenix Enterprises have developed their talents to amazing skill levels.”

  “Interesting,” Teresa said in a disapproving tone. “And how is it that level ten talents can work for a company instead of the government?”

  “Phoenix Enterprises offers contractual services to the government and operates under a special, not well-known law, that allows individuals to work for it instead of directly for the government. There are other companies like that as well,” Jason said. “You could leave the military and work as a civilian.”

  “What are the advantages to working for them?” Teresa asked curiously but her expression remained guarded.

  “They offer you free lodging in their center which is the size of a small town for all employees. When you apply for work, they interview you then offer you a list of different positions in the company which you can choose. They offer six weeks vacation and of course free use of their wellness center,” Jason said.

  “What if you need to go to a hospital? I’ve heard of wellness centers and they rely on the psychic ability of healers rather than medicine and healthcare diagnosis.”

  “You can always go to a hospital if it proves necessary,” Jason said with a casual shrug.

  “Brian had a dream about this place. What exactly is the Zen Network?” Teresa asked.

  “You dreamed about Phoenix Enterprises?” Jason asked his grandson.

  Brian explained what he’d seen in his dreams.

  “I see. Well, the Zen Network is a separate psychic network from the Network that is for employees only and has over three hundred members. Everyone is given special training as to prevent radiating ‘junk’ psychic energy which is the cause of pain and psychic burnout for level ten talents. I’ve visited their site and it is the best experience I’ve ever had. It’s a sanctuary for level tens,” Jason said passionately.

  “It sounds like it’s strictly regimented. What if you fail to master the ability to prevent radiating ‘junk’ energy?” Teresa asked.

  “They offer classes and for those with difficulties, one-on-one tutors who have always been successful in every case,” Jason said.

  “This sounds like a great place,” Brian piped up.

  Teresa threw him an annoyed look then frowned at her father.

  “It sounds too good to be true. Have you looked over all the details of this company carefully?” she asked.

  “Of course,” Jason said. “They have a website online. You can find them by searching for their company name.”

  “I just might do that,” Teresa said.

  “I’d better be going home. This place is making me tired,” Jason said. “I don’t know how you can stand it in here with all the crazy energy from everyone.”

  “I have a well developed psionic shield. This place doesn’t bother me,” Teresa said.

  “But what about Brian? I assume they’ve got him drugged but that stuff wears off quickly and the body adapts. By the end of the 24 hour observation, his abilities will be back up to full strength and he’ll feel worse than ever,” Jason said.

  “I will protect him if necessary,” Teresa said coolly. “You may leave if this place bothers you so much.”

  “Thanks for visiting, Grandpa,” Brian said.

  “See you soon,” Jason said.

  After he’d left, Brian turned to address his mother.

  “Why were you so hard on him?” Brian asked curiously.

  “Dad has suffered from psychic burnout his entire life and because of that, he’s been suckered in many false promises that he will never have to feel any of that pain ever again. I’m not buying it,” Teresa said.

  “It sounds good to me,” Brian said.

  “You know nothing about them. I’m going to research this company thoroughly,” Teresa said.

  The day dragged by once she left. Doctors and nurses checked in on him frequently and his father and sister visited him later on but by the following afternoon when he was released, the psychic inhibitors had become ineffective. A discordant jumble of emotions and thoughts drilled at Brian during the last several hours. Teresa extended her psionic shield over his mind when she came to pick him up. She had already packed some clothes and necessities which were already waiting in her black SUV. She brought him directly to Jason’s house so they could head over to Phoenix Enterprises which was about a three hour drive. It was located on the outskirts of Perugia. The center was nestled within a lush forest of evergreen trees. Jason directed Teresa to his dome home which contained three bedrooms. The center was expansive with a myriad of dome homes and larger dome shaped buildings for work offices. A variety of fragrant flowers, lavender bushes, herbs, and fruit trees grew in clusters throughout the area. Brian inhaled appreciatively as he stepped out of the car.

  Tranquility dominated the atmosphere of the entire compound. For the first time in his entire life, Brian felt no trace of disharmonious energy pinging at his empathic senses. Teresa carried her own suitcase and Brian carried his. He wondered what clothes she’d chosen to bring. Normally, it would have annoyed him that she’d done this but such peaceful waves of energy washed over him that he discovered he didn’t care at all. He placed his suitcase down by his bed. The house was only partially furnished as Jason hadn’t moved yet. Everyone’s room w
as well lit with a skylight and the living room boasted the largest window.

  “This is so big. Everyone has a home like this?” Teresa asked.

  “This is the basic model. They also have some four and five bedroom models for families,” Jason said.

  Teresa gazed at the spacious living room with undisguised admiration and longing. The terrazzo floor was beautiful with flecks of sparkling silver. Beige curtains adorned the windows and the skylight offered a breathtaking view of the blue sky and lush evergreens hanging overhead. Jason lived only a couple of blocks from the wellness center so they walked. The wellness center was in a larger dome-shaped building. The lobby offered a dozen empty seats for waiting and a pleasant aroma of lavender mixed with mint permeated the air. The walls were painted a light blue and the receptionist was seated behind a desk at the far end of the room typing at the computer. She wore turquoise scrubs and a gold colored name tag identified her as Rebecca. She had curly blond hair and bright blue eyes.

  “Welcome,” she said. “I’m Rebecca, one of the healers.”

  “Why are you at the front desk?” Teresa asked.

  “We take turns,” she explained. “You must be Teresa. And you’re Jason and Brian?”

  “Good to meet you,” Brian said.

  Jason smiled and nodded.

  “Excellent. I’ve alerted the others that you’re here,” Rebecca said.

  A dark-haired man in his early thirties dressed in turquoise scrubs identical to Rebecca’s, entered the room. A gold name tag pinned to the upper right-hand portion of his uniform identified him as Adam. His brown eyes swept over them and he offered a friendly smile of greeting.

  “Welcome to the wellness center. I’m Adam, the primary healer assigned for Brian’s treatment,” he said.

  He shook hands with everyone then showed them to one of the treatment rooms which resembled a bedroom. It had a glistening terrazzo floor with a queen-sized bed boasting a faux suede blue comforter, several tasteful paintings on the walls, an oak dresser, a large oval-shaped mirror, two padded rocking chairs, and a closet.

  “The treatment will last for five hours per day and should be completed in five days,” Adam said. “It will consist of a combination of psychic healing methods and self-help, one-on-one sessions with a tutor.”

  “Interesting,” Teresa said.

  “After Brian has completed two sessions, you are welcome to visit him during the rest of the treatments,” Adam said. “Lin would like to speak with you. I’d like to start right away.”

  “I wish to observe the first treatment,” Teresa said.

  “It’s perfectly safe and we will require only trained healers to interact with Brian for the first two sessions,” Adam said firmly.

  “All right,” Teresa said.

  “We’ll go talk to Lin,” Jason said.

  Teresa stood near the doorway gazing at her son with indecision. Jason gently grasped her left arm and she reluctantly left the building.

  “Please have a seat,” Adam said.

  Brian chose the rocking chair closest to the bed and Adam sat down beside him on the other one.

  “I’m going to perform touch healing on you. Let me know if you feel any discomfort,” Adam said conversationally.

  “Okay,” Brian acknowledged.

  Adam reached out and gently grasped Brian’s upper, left arm. Adam closed his eyes and directed a flow of psychic energy into Brian. After several moments, Brian felt a strange sense of motion as if the room shifted slowly around him. He closed his eyes and felt psychic energy tingling throughout his body. Brian lost all sense of time and started when Adam withdrew from him. A middle-aged woman with friendly, green eyes and curly brown hair that flowed down her back stood silently in the doorway. She wore a turquoise blouse with black pants and a large amethyst pendant around her neck.

  “I’m Melissa, your tutor,” she said.

  “I’m Brian.”

  “It’s good to meet you.” She stepped into the room and smiled warmly at him. “I’m a level ten connectivity psi so I’ll also be spending some time on your treatment.”

  “I will return after your tutoring session is over.” Adam smoothly rose to his feet and left the room.

  Melissa seated herself in the rocking chair he’d just vacated.

  “Are you one of the tutors then?” Brian asked.

  “Yes, but my main duties are maintaining the Zen Network and ensuring it remains isolated from other unwanted connections and networks,” Melissa said.

  “I see,” Brian said.

  “You have about a dozen connections to energy transference psi. During our everyday lives, we come into contact with individuals who form connections with us unconsciously and sometimes consciously. Those who possess energy transference psi can tap into your psychic energy and siphon some of it to enhance their own energy. It’s a common secondary ability that many don’t realize they have. Of course, you already know the common name for this type of individual is energy vampire. Normally, it doesn’t pose a danger to our health and its influence is rarely noticed but in your case, it is serving to further destabilize your weakened nervous system. I’m going to sever these connections. It will take me some time to do so. Do you have any questions before I get started?” Melissa said.

  “Can you tell if the connections are intentional?” Brian asked curiously.

  “I can tell that three of them are. You have three energy transference psi who have deliberately tapped into your energy for quite some time. The common culprits for those your age are casual friends and classmates,” she said.

  “You said casual friends,” Brian said slowly as he mulled this over. “What about close friends?”

  “It’s possible you may have a close friend doing this but usually if they are aware of their ability, we subconsciously avoid becoming too close to those individuals. You’ll find you come up with reasons why you’re too busy to spend too much time with them.” Melissa paused for a moment. “Now, I want you to close your eyes and relax.”

  “Is this going to hurt?” Brian asked.

  “Not at all.”

  Brian closed his eyes and relaxed. He could barely sense her energy as it swept lightly over him. After awhile, his body tingled with energy as though he’d just drank some coffee without any of the jittery side effects.

  “It is done,” Melissa said. “You feel perkier, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  He opened his eyes and saw that she was smiling cheerfully at him.

  “That’s because you no longer have a bunch of energy transference psi draining your energy. Your psionic shield will greatly slow down the pull of energy but it won’t completely cut it off. Your mother has a bunch of them but her protection is so strong that there is barely a trickle being pulled from her and the connections are very weak,” Melissa said. “If she joined Phoenix Enterprises, I could cut those ties completely.”

  “When my treatment is over and I go back home, I’ll have new connections hooking into me from psychic vampires, won’t I?” Brian asked.

  “I’m afraid so. However, I recognize a kindred talent when I see one. You are a connectivity psi like me so you can learn to sever those ties on your own,” Melissa said. “I’m going to teach you to utilize your abilities. How much skill do you have with your connectivity psi talent?”

  “I’ve only experienced it in my dreams that I have about other people. I haven’t used it yet,” Brian said.

  “I see.” Melissa smiled and her eyes twinkled merrily. “We’ll start with the basics. Open your senses and link with me telepathically. I’ll show you.”

  Brian soon lost track of time as he learned how to see the connections which appeared as various colored beams of shimmering light. It was beautiful to watch. Melissa showed him telepathically how to weaken and eliminate connections as well as create and strengthen connections. Unfortunately, it would take a lot of time and practice to master. Brian barely understood the basics but it was still an overw
helming amount of information to process. Adam returned and Melissa left. Before Brian knew it, his session was over and Teresa came to pick him up.

  He and his mother walked toward Jason’s house in the early evening.

  “I can’t believe it’s so late,” Brian said.

  “You seem to be doing a lot better. How do you feel?” Teresa asked.

  “I feel great. I haven’t had this much energy in a long time,” Brian said.

  “That’s good to hear.” Teresa eyed him appraisingly. “Everything seemed completely safe?”

  “Don’t worry, it was,” Brian said definitively.

  When they reached their destination, Brian discovered his grandfather was absent.

  “Where’s Grandpa?” he asked.

  “He’s with Melissa. Apparently, she can sever his ties to the Global Net completely and connect him to the Zen Network within a couple of hours,” Teresa said.

  “It usually takes days to do that,” Brian said.

  “This place has some impressive qualities,” Teresa said but with a note of reservation.

  “Do you think there’s some big dark secret here or something?” Brian asked sardonically.

  “Maybe,” Teresa said. “Haven’t you ever heard of the expression, if something is too good to be true, it probably is?”

  “I’ve heard of it,” Brian said dismissively.

  Chapter 9

  Ashley threw her sweat soaked sheets off her body and tumbled out of bed. Her body burned with an intense fever unlike she had ever experienced. Even though she had known to expect this, it didn’t change the reality of the pain and discomfort. The room spun madly as she weakly trudged into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of specially formulated pain killers that would knock her out for at least another six hours. She swallowed the pills and followed it with a glass of water. It was unfortunate that a retrovirus had to be utilized for altering the DNA as the severe flu that accompanied its work was life threatening. Ashley injected herself with a formula that was comprised of a variety of nutrients as well as a compound that strengthened the body. She leaned against the counter for support as fatigue gripped her body. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and gathered her inner strength. Time to go back to bed. She gazed at her reflection and gasped in shock at her pallid face and the deep, dark circles under her bloodshot eyes.


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