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The Domination of Diana

Page 7

by M. J. Aleese

  Room fifteen was nicer than the average service room. It has an actual bed with clean sheets, not just a mattress on the floor. Of course, the bed was a four poster, perfect for binding a female. Per Troy’s instruction, the room was filled with loud music and his requested slut was tied, naked, and spread eagle on the bed. Her eyes were blindfolded but he decided against the gag, although Clinton offered some interesting designs.

  When he showed Troy the penis gag, even Clinton laughed at Troy’s response. “I think I want my cock to be the one she’s deep throating." Yes, Troy was getting good at this. He tried to keep his thoughts away from his fantasy. Truly, he wished it was Diana tied to the bed. However, entering the room and seeing Nicole, his cock wasn’t displeased with the substitute.

  Savannah made one more offer. “Perhaps Master Troy, you would like two sluts to service you this evening?”

  He contemplated the offer, but he had something special for Nicole. “That is an offer I promise to consider in the future. Goodbye, Savannah.”

  She bowed her head and walked backwards out the door, closing it tight.

  Troy removed his jacket and did a perfunctory scan of the room. The black glass bubble was in the corner near the door. He considered the positions necessary to shield Nicole and himself from the watchful eye of big brother.

  Stripping to his boxers, he found the riding crop he’d requested and approached the bed. Nicole remained still and compliant. Troy wondered if she knew it was him. Did she recognize his voice?

  Bending down to her ear, he spoke as he teased her tits with the tip of the crop. “Tell me, slave, are you happy to see me?”

  The smile that simultaneously appeared as her body wiggled at the menacing touch, made Troy’s heart skip a beat. “Master Troy, I cannot see you.”

  The sound of his name enlarged his already hard shaft and her cheekiness amused him. He playfully whipped her breasts with multiple quick strikes. She winced at the sting. The impact wasn’t hard or angry. The tone of his voice, revealed his playful attitude, “Then tell me, are you happy to hear me?"

  Nicole’s body wreathed against the silk scarves. Troy trailed the tip of the crop along her skin, to her glistening pussy. “That should be obvious, Sir." She was right. The juices leaking from her slit, displayed her arousal. Creating the whistling sound, that resonates a split second before the crack of contact, Troy landed the crop on the delicate skin of her exposed cunt. Nicole cried out, “Oh, Master, please, that hurts.”

  “I don’t believe you answered my question." Again, he taunted her with the crop.

  “Yes, Master Troy, I am very happy to hear you." He removed the blindfold to see her beautiful green eyes. They stared directly into his soul and echoed the smile that lit her face. “And, to see you, Sir."

  Wearing only her collar, Nicole’s body twitched in anticipation of Troy’s next move. He nipped at her deep red nipples. “Beg, slave. Beg for what you want.”

  “Please Master, please fuck this unworthy slut.”

  Troy laughed. “My, you are bold. Do you deserve my cock?”

  “No. But I will do whatever you say to earn it.”

  Walking back to a table with the various items he’d requested, Troy returned to Nicole’s field of vision with nipple clamps. Her eyes displayed a fear that her lips wouldn’t speak. “I believe these will help you remember to show me the proper respect.”

  He watched the emerald green shine as her eyes filled with moisture. “Yes, Master, I am sorry. I deserve to be punished.”

  Troy pinched and stretched each nipple, before inflicting the agony of a clamp on to the hardened nob. Her moans propelled his cock from the opening of his boxers. He climbed onto the bed and mounted her face.

  Nicole sucked and sucked as Troy fucked her mouth. She took him completely, even though his length touched her throat. He contemplated pulling out and spraying her, but he remembered her earlier request for food and allowed her to drink his semen. Later Troy considered his thoughts of spraying her. He would never have even considered that with Diana. Yet, he knew Nicole would take it willingly. His new power left him uninhibited.

  When he finished, he crawled down the firm young body and tasted the sweet aromatic juice of her sex. Nicole bucked as Troy elicited wave after wave of orgasm. Currently, he had control over her entire world. He could take her to the brink of explosion and back away. He could take her to the edge and forbid her enjoyment. And he could send her into a world of fireworks and convulsions. Troy chose to do all of the above. Eventually he untied her wrists and ankles, and allowed his cock the pleasure his tongue enjoyed.

  Lying on top of her, with their faces shielded from the camera, Troy removed the nipple clamps. The release of pressure inflicted more pain than the placing of the clamps. He sucked the nobs in a comforting form of torture. When her cries became giggles, Troy revealed something he’d hidden beneath one of the pillows. He was certain that they were hidden from view, and the loud music continued to conceal their voices.

  Nicole’s eyes widened and filled again with moisture at the sight of a Hershey’s Candy bar. “Oh, Master Troy.”

  “I haven’t figured out how to bring you sunshine. But chocolate wasn’t too difficult.”

  “But I can’t. I am not allowed.”

  “No one can see. I am blocking the camera. Besides, I am ordering you to eat it.”

  Troy’s chest and arms surrounded her petite body. She wiggled her hands free and seized the small brown bar. Quickly she tore the wrapper from the slender piece of milk chocolate. Just as she was about to bite, Troy stopped her, snatching the candy. “First, tell me, have you eaten food today?”

  Nicole nodded, keeping her eyes on the chocolate only inches away. “Yes, Sir, I had toast this morning and part of a sandwich later." Her eyes danced as she added, “And I slept in a bed last night." Troy found the joy in her voice incompatible with her words.

  “As opposed to?”

  “A cage." She answered matter-of-factly, “Master, may I please have the chocolate?”

  He handed her the sweet candy and considered the idea of seducing this young girl with chocolate. Although, she is an adult by definition; she is also ten years his junior. The sudden feeling of pedophilia did not serve as an aphrodisiac. His submissive slut was now an innocent child, relishing in the act of eating candy and sleeping in a bed. She finished the entire bar in seconds. Continuing to shield her, he said, “I thought you might savor it a little longer.”

  Her sparkling eyes looked away, “I’m sorry, Master. I was afraid it would disappear if I hesitated. It tasted so good.”

  He lifted her chin, “It seems to have disappeared." His smile was rewarded with hers. “And it is alright. I am glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Oh, yes, Master. Thank you." She kissed his lips. Immediately she stiffened and looked down. “I am sorry again. Please punish me. I should not have done that.”

  Confused, Troy asked, “Done what?”

  “Kiss you, Sir. Not like that. We are not allowed to respond, or show affection. It is all physical. Sluts don’t have emotions.”

  After all the contact they’d had, a kiss seemed very benign. Troy answered, “Okay, I can punish you. But tell me, am I punishing you because you displayed emotion or because you have emotion?”

  Nicole’s gaze lingered on Troy’s face. Finally, she answered, “I believe both.”

  Well, that answered Troy’s question and nullified her statement. Sluts obviously do have emotions. They have just been trained and indoctrinated to think otherwise. “Nicole, do you want to leave here?”

  “Sir, I am not allowed…”

  His cadence slowed. “You are not allowed to displease me. Answer my question."

  “No, Master, I do not want to leave.”

  Her answer surprised him. “Don’t tell me what you are instructed to say. Tell me the truth.”

  “I’m sorry. I am telling you the truth. There are people here that protect me, some of the other sluts are
my friends, and I have a roof over my head. Besides…”

  Troy was listening, “Besides... what?”

  “Please, Master Troy, let me thank you properly for your kindness. I have spoken too much.”

  “Besides what?”

  “It is said that the only way to leave is through auction. It is my greatest fear, to be auctioned off to another country. I have heard terrible stories about what is done to American women in mid-eastern and Asian countries. I do not want to leave the Creation Inferno." After a prolonged silence, Nicole asked, “Master, may I please you? May I suck you again?”

  Troy nodded.


  Troy sat on the edge of the bed replacing his shoes and socks. Lying on her stomach with her feet crossed in the air and head upon her propped hands, Nicole watched. He had requested her dark hair pinned up. It was one of Diana’s styles, he liked. However, their activity caused it to loosen. It now hung in velvety waves around her pretty round face. Although the music remained loud, they had no difficulty communicating in hushed tones. Instinctively they could differentiate the other’s voice through the clamor.

  “Master Troy?”

  He turned to her. On her bare ass he noticed the tattoo. He’d seen it on other waitresses and dancers. It was a diamond with the initials C I inside of it: Creation Inferno. Suddenly he realized the diamond was for Diamond, as in Carmichael Diamond and Liam Diamond. Troy raised his eyebrows.

  “I am sorry she said no,” Nicole offered shyly.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I apologize, it is not my concern.”

  He ran his hand over her firm round ass and traced the diamond. “Let me decide that. Continue, perhaps a spanking is in order." Nicole’s smile and aroused wiggle made Troy want to undress again.

  “Your fiancée, I assume since you are back, she said no to BDSM." Looking up with her emerald eyes she added, “She is a fool.”

  Troy slapped her ass, hard enough to leave a temporary print. They both knew it was intended more playful than as punishment. “It isn’t your business and I don’t believe you should judge her so quickly. I haven’t discussed it with her, yet." His fingers traced the reddened print as his tone became softer. “I haven’t seen her. She won’t return my calls or text messages.”

  Nicole’s eyes closed, as she raised her ass in response to Troy’s touch. “I don’t understand some females." Her exposure was a blatant invitation. Troy had already fucked her twice and she’d sucked him at least as many times. Surprisingly, her slightest movement, as well as his raised print made him hard again. Still, it was her words that caused him to laugh – definitely the understatement of the year. “Sir? Do I need that spanking you mentioned?”

  Slapping her ass once more, with a little more power, he leaned down to her neck and nibbled. “I believe you do, but not for your questions. You deserve punishment because you are making me late for an appointment." He noticed the goose bumps which resulted from his actions. He used to enjoy doing that to Diana. He considered it a form of playful torture. Oh, how things have changed, he had so many new ideas for tormenting.

  “Oh, Master…” Her words faded as his fingers penetrated her well lubricated cunt. He alternated the spanking with masturbation. She obeyed every direction given. Her slender body moved over his legs and her naked ass writhed in both pleasure and pain. Watching her and feeling her, Troy couldn’t help but think: if there is one female who doesn’t deserve punishment, it is Nicole.

  When he finished, they both dressed. He didn’t know if he would see her again. There was a bond forming that Troy knew was detrimental to his future with Diana. He felt the awkward silence. It isn’t like the end of a date when you kiss good-bye.

  Nicole was much more experienced. Perhaps she wanted to alleviate his discomfort. “Thank you, Master Troy. If you are done with me, I must get to my work-station. I am waitressing tonight.”

  Troy sighed with relief. “Yes, Nicole and thank you.” Her smile melted his heart as he opened the door.

  Standing directly outside of room fifteen was a man in black. He was tall and fit and seemed to be waiting for them. Troy saw Nicole’s smile turn to fear as her head bowed and she asked, “Master Derek?”

  Instinctively Troy wanted to protect her. He didn’t know this man or his intentions. Without thinking, Troy’s arm moved to shield Nicole.

  Derek leaned toward them. “Nicole, you are needed in dining room three. I believe Master Clinton is waiting for you. Mr. Palmer, I would like you to come with me." Nicole didn’t hesitate. Keeping her eyes down, she scurried away.

  Troy checked his watch, a little after eight. Extending his hand, “I appear to be at the disadvantage. What is your name, sir?”

  Derek engaged his handshake. “Derek, Derek Terrill. I am in charge of security here at Creation Inferno. Now if you would, please come with me.”

  Chapter Seven

  As long as Diana could remember, she’d had long hair. When she was little, her dad would tug on her ponytail. Throughout those awkward teenage years, it was her crown of glory: silky, naturally golden yellow, and the envy of others. Now, as she is led down the numerous hallways of her new unfamiliar home, it is gone. The reflection she’d last seen, didn’t seem like a reflection at all. It was more of an optical illusion. Someone else mimicked her movements in the large mirror. Perhaps it was hunger that created the deception. Candy and Desiree only allowed her water. Permission for food rested with the man at the end of this journey.

  That other person in the mirror had Diana’s cobalt blue eyes and high cheek-bones. It was the deep, auburn-red, shoulder-length hair that was wrong. Actually, it was quite attractive. Candy required Diana to make the first cut. After that, the two club sluts took over. They cut, colored, and styled. They didn’t only color the hair on her head. Her pussy now flamed with a trimmed auburn halo. Next, they applied nail polish and make-up. Diana had never worn so much eye shadow. The combination of colors intensified the blue in her eyes. Lastly, she was dressed.

  Wearing matching outfits, the three club sluts walked through the long tiled corridors. Diana listened to the click-clack, as the sound of their heels echoed from the walls. The dull roar and ever pounding bass of the music could distinctively be heard, behind the deep hush of people moving from place to place. Occasionally, they would meet others along their journey. Diana didn’t see faces; she’d been told to keep her eyes down and head slightly bowed. This stance was only permitted to change with a direct order.

  Now that the adrenaline of release had left her system, she felt too weak to fight. Obeying seemed her best means of survival. Throughout her transformation session, her new friends offered advice. It was Diana’s choice if she benefited from their experience. Ironically, they kept telling her she had choices. As she approached Master Liam’s office with her heart thumping ever too rapidly, her choices seemed extremely limited.

  Watching Nicole hurry away, Troy bristled with indignation. “What the hell is going on?" The man in black, Derek, had turned to walk away. Troy wasn’t moving until he knew Nicole’s fate. “I am not moving until you answer some questions.”

  Turning back amongst a hallway of equally curious and apathetic listeners, Derek replied, “Mr. Palmer, I will be glad to answer your questions in the privacy of my office. Now if you will?" He gestured forward.

  Recognizing the necessity of discretion, Troy leaned forward and whispered. “Just tell me she will be alright.”

  “That is not up to me. Do you know of a reason she should fear punishment?”

  Troy immediately thought about the candy bar. However, he was certain that he’d shielded her from the camera. “No… I think she should be rewarded.”

  “That is also, not my decision. Follow me." Troy decided he needed to see this through. It was obvious that Mr. Security wasn’t going to discuss anything in the open hallway. Slaves and masters, club sluts, and male employees all moved about the corridor. He didn’t want to cause Nicole more ha
rm than he may already have done.

  The first room they entered seemed strangely out of place, reminding Diana of a normal receptionist’s office. If she were playing the old preschool game, which one of these things doesn’t belong, it would be the woman behind the desk. She seemed better dressed for evening-wear than business. Her perfect hair, makeup, and body made Diana think she could be a model. She also had an aura that silently informed Diana she was distinctly on a different rung of Inferno hierarchy. This beautiful and well-dressed female was not a common Inferno slut.

  “Mistress Melody, we have Master Liam’s newest club slut, as he requested." Candy’s reverent tone and bowed head confirmed Diana’s suspicions.

  The pretty brunette looked up from her fashion magazine and exhaled. Apparently displaying annoyance to three sluts was acceptable. Mistress Melody made no effort to hide her irritation at the interruption of her quality reading. “You may wait. I will notify our Master.”

  Diana turned toward the small grouping of chairs, although she was redirected to an open area. Desiree whispered in Diana’s ear. “Slaves do not use furniture without the permission of a male."

  They moved to the open corner and stood. Diana’s knees wobbled on the tall black heels. Her weakness made her fear fainting. The lack of food was even playing tricks with her mind. While walking through the maze of halls, she’d thought she heard Troy’s voice. Diana knew it was some kind of hallucination. Yet, she almost forgot her orders and looked up to the husky-rich voice. Then she remembered and kept her eyes diverted.

  It didn’t take long to understand; failure to perform exactly as directed results in quick retribution. From Mistress Debbie’s riding crop, to Desiree and Candy’s words and physical redirections, Diana strived to avoid the ever too near discipline.

  Her demeanor: straightened neck, pushed out breasts, and haughty tone, demonstrated Mistress Melody’s not so disguised attitude of superiority. “You may follow me,” she said, after their prolonged wait.


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